People just like YOU, from all walks of life, building fitness, discipline and purpose, in order to live their lives to the fullest. We are CrossFit NZ.

The very first CrossFit gym in New Zealand. We help regular people become fitter than they've ever been before! We don’t believe in fads, or quick fixes, just functional and fun fitness training that works. Our services include: group and private coaching, weightlifting, strongman and gymnastics specialty coaching, corporate and rehabilitation. Get in touch for a FREE consultation to find out how training here can change your life!


You may have heard of Hero workouts, a CrossFit tradition. Here at NZ Fit, we like to recognise our local heroes, men and women who are legends in sport, innovation and adventure.
Today, we're paying tribute to Burt Munro, the worlds fastest Indian, who on this day, in 1967, set a landspeed record that remains unbroken.

If you have a stationary bike of some sort, or a safe piece of road you can hoon out and back on a real bicycle, give this one a go!
"You live more in 5mins flat out on a bike like this, than most people do in a lifetime" - Burt Munro


Gimme five.
Making change in your life is easier, longer lasting and just flat out more doable with a team around you.
A team to hold you accountable to showing up.
A team that motivates and supports you when you need it most.
A team that inspires you to get outside of your comfort zone and become the person you want to be.
Join the team at NZ FIT.
A community of coaches and clients, here to help you stay the course with accountability, education, positive influence and purpose.
Join us now:


During the majority of 2020 our community worked out from home with the support of the NZFit coaching team. Once restrictions eased, those who had kept up a consistent training routine, were able to come back to the gym and pick up right where they left off!

Nothing wrong with the odd day in your 'jammies, binge watching Netflix, but just remember that any activity is better than nothing.
A long walk, a few squats, a few pushups, see how long you can hold a plank; it all adds up.

We're here to help you every step of the way whether at home or here at the gym!
Click below to book a time to chat with us about your goals and how we can help you.


The common belief that your metabolism declines throughout your 20s, 30s, and 40s may be incorrect!

Recent research has presented us with an amazing piece of info - suggesting that our metabolisms don't "slow down" until we hit age ~60 !!

It's important for you to realise that while the aging process does introduce its fair share of challenges, you aren't broken because of your age.

You can get fit and improve your health at ANY age.

The average age of our membership is ~40 and it ranges all the way up to 75!

Want to find out more about our exercise, nutrition and coaching services?


Oh hey 👀
Remember what it was like when you had a ton of energy, enjoyed testing your body physically and had plenty of support from your team mates?

We want you to feel like that again.
We know you may be thinking to yourself: "I'm not ready" or "I've tried everything and it doesn't work" or "it's not a good time".

But, there's never a good time is there....? Life will do it's best to distract you with deadlines and school drop-offs and commuting and kids sport and social engagements, but at some stage, you've got to take some time for you, so that you are better able to give time to everyone else.

Start by spending time at a place where the behaviours you desire are normal, encouraged and celebrated.
If you’re wanting to make some changes to improve your health and happiness, we’d love the opportunity to help you.
Click below to set up a time to chat more about your goals and how we can help you.


We help busy adults improve their health and fitness in an efficient, engaging and fun way.
We focus on moving well in the gym and eating well out of the gym, so that you can live an active and adventurous life.
All it takes is less than an hour a day.
Click below to book your free consult, to see if we're a good fit for your health and fitness goals.

NZFit | DO WHAT YOU LOVE, FOREVER We believe that fitness not only allows us to better navigate the challenges and uncertainties of life, but to create a life of adventure, discipline and purpose.


"I want to get back into shape, get leaner, get stronger but I don’t want to hurt myself.”
This is such a common thought process, and we totally get it!
A lot of our members have come to us with similar goals and concerns, sharing some hairy stories of previous fitness experiences, or the frustration of trying one thing after another in vain, in an effort to get over an injury.

Everyone wants to improve their strength, fitness and athleticism but no one is interested in crazy, unsustainable workouts, intimidating environments and unsupportive coaches and peers.

Lucky for you, teaching people how to train safely and move their body effectively is our specialty!
You'll always be under the watchful eye of our supportive and professional coaches at all times to be certain we're delivering a workout experience that is fun, challenging and safe.

Get started with us in a one on one setting, where the foundation is teaching and coaching in order to build confidence in your movement and comfort in understanding how to move your body safely and effectively NOW in order to finally build towards the fitness you want FOR LIFE.

We know your needs are unique and we know one size does not fit all. Get in touch for a chat about it.
Schedule a FREE


We start every new NZ Fit member off with a conversation.

We learn about you, your goals, and your "why."
Sure, everyone wants to get stronger, get leaner, get 'fitter' but what do you want to do with those results? How will that affect the way you live your life? Can you see what that looks like if we pointed to it...? 😉

Once we know those things, we can then set the best plan of action for you to reach the healthy, active and adventurous life you've been wanting.
Click below to book your free intro at NZ Fit.


We understand what it feels like to do the same thing over and over and over again without getting the results you want... it's boring, frustrating, annoying, potentially devastating, humiliating, disappointing.

At NZ Fit, we focus on you and your goals, but just as importantly, we focus on the reality of long term consistent progress.
Once we know where you want to go, we can set a plan on how to get there. Our ongoing effort lies in constantly communicating, educating, inspiring and coaching you.

That doesn't happen at many gyms..... but it happens here.
Click below to book your free intro to what it is we do here at NZ Fit.


How do we make exercise fun, but also fulfilling? Because if you can't create strategies to engage in fitness long term, all the fun in the world today doesn't matter.

If you're bored, burnt out or just plain uninspired to move your body, then you've GOT TO do something different!
- You need a program that is fun sure, but also challenging and progressive that excites you to take part in even though you know doing so will take you out of your comfort zone.
- You need coaches around you that care about your journey and hold you accountable to what you say you'll do.
- You need an environment full of positive, like minded people that you look forward to hanging out and training with. Ones that support and motivate you and expect you to do the same for them.

Each of our coach-led group classes are the perfect combination of skill, strength and conditioning workouts with plenty of high energy and positive influence to make certain that you leave our gym feeling BETTER than when you entered it and CONFIDENT you’re on the right track to a healthier, happier you.

We'll help you make working out not only enjoyable again, but a purposeful part of your life.
Start by reaching out to book a gym tour and a chat about your goals.


The CrossFit Games is a war of attrition for the fittest on Earth. Not only do the athletes have to survive multiple workouts and multiple days. But the workouts are often purposely designed to excessively overload movement patterns.
For example this year at the games, we had ring muscle ups followed by bar muscle ups (pull and more pulling), wallwalks and thrusters (push and more pushing), rope climbs and deadlifts (grip and more gripping).Doubling up on movements turns the workouts into a gruelling, grind. Survival of the most determined and resilient.

Which makes for a heck of a TEST, but very poor TRAINING.And that's fine, it's two different goals. Just make sure your gym is aligned with your goal.

Things we focus on at NZ Fit are:
- reps that suit the movement, eg. the majority of the time, something like burpees are programmed with low/moderate reps to keep your pace, movement quality & intensity high.

- non competing supersets, push and hinge, pull and squat etc. to allow more work to be performed, with less fatigue and faster recovery, ie. more bang for your buck each workout.

- non competing stimulus, eg. we don't do a ton of squats and then box jumps, we don't perform a lot of deadlifts, then make you hang on a bar for pullups. Again, a great test, but if your grip is so fried you can't do anymore work, then you're prevented from getting fitter!

Remember, no one would try to get smarter by just doing exams over and over, a lot of plain ol study is needed, with occasional exams to see where you're at. Your fitness should take the same approach.

Photos from NZFIT's post 28/07/2021

Continuing on from our previous post, although we prescribe many variation of the sn**ch, we don't SQUAT sn**ch as a rule. This is the most technical variation, the best in the world (currently on stage at the Olympics) have been training from a very young age; most of us 'mature' athletes do not have the shoulder mobility required to perform this safely.

We don't want to miss out on all the other benefits though! Here's Shane performing an Overhead Lunge, so we've got a full depth squat, plus overhead stabilisation, so ticking all the boxes, BUT what's really cool, is the single limb variation actually INCREASES the demands of those positions, while also increasing the safety of the movement.


The sn**ch is a highly technical and dynamic movement that is difficult to learn, especially if new to exercise or lacking mobility.
However, at its most basic, it’s a hip extension and an overhead press. This means we can train those qualities a dozen different ways for a dozen different kinds of people and abilities.
What’s great (and fun) is the learning and progression as we work through them and achieve more each time.

Momentum Project — NZFit 18/07/2021

The Momentum Project starts August 1. You, your best gym bud, daily lifestyle habit setting, and weekly challenges to test but ultimately strengthen your resolve.

Momentum Project — NZFit Want some more incentive to keep training consistently and well during winter?  Sign up for the winter version of our MMNTM Project.  What we KNOW works, when it comes to health and fitness, is the development and reinforcement of positive habits, the motivation from pee


This is Matt.
Matt loves bikes.
Matt knows that keeping his legs strong, balanced, and mobile will make for better performance on the bike, AND prevent overuse injuries from a repetitive sport like cycling.
Be like Matt.


Best way to keep yourself moving? When someone you respect, is hot on your tail!
Peer accountability will crush detox teas, keto vegan fasts and HIIT kettlebell yogilates bootcamps every damn day and twice on Sunday.

Get on board with our Winter Momentum Project starting August 1, and experience what can happen when you build up a head of steam across 30 days of habit building, weekly resilience challenges, real world nutritional strategies and that partner of yours hot on your tail.


That feeling when your training has been consistent as, and you know you're crushing it.


Lifting heavy is important for building strength, lifting well is important for building strength forever.


That face when you're just so proud of your workout buddy for crushing it, but you realise it's your turn next....

Our Winter Momentum Project kicks off August 1. One month of you, your gym bestie (don't worry we can find you one if you're shy), daily habits to dial in, weekly mental toughness challenges and all the tools & knowledge you need to crush.
This winter, kick Netflix and Timtams to the curb and come hang with us instead.


Feel like you've got a lot on your lap for the week ahead? Exercise & nutrition likely to suffer?
What can you do to give yourself the best chance of success?
- lay out your workout gear the night before.
- make a big dinner and take leftovers for lunch.
- schedule walking meetings.
- and if you can schedule your workouts like they are meetings too, it can really help.
- order ready made meals for the week.
- text a buddy and hold each other accountable to seeing each other at the gym/field/track etc.

Our world famous (in NZ Fit) Momentum Project kicks off August 1st, 30 days of partner based accountability, resilience building and lifestyle behaviour strengthening.
Don't be that guy/gal who waits till summer.
DM for details.


Getting stronger takes practice.
If your gym is only prescribing you max lifts, you’re not getting as strong (or as fit) as you could be.

Moderate reps (5-10) not only improve the mind muscle connection of less experienced lifters (0-2 years) but it’s simply more practice at doing it right

And with a higher metabolic cost (more puff, higher heart rate), it means more bang for your fitness buck.


Chillier mornings mean more layers for the pre-workout catch ups!! 😉


Walking lunges, there's got to be some kind of life parallel here, as you finish one step, the discomfort eases, but the knowledge that you've just got to take another step does not. And so you take that step, and again, and again.


Wrapping up our latest 12 week training cycle with a reset week of interesting and unusual movements and workouts to deload the mind as well as the body.
Next cycle will complement the colder weather with more in depth warmups, strength circuits and sweaty conditioning.
Want in?


Benchmark testing this week!
It’s detrimental to spend too much time concerned with progress, but periodically checking in ensures you’re on the right track, as well as boosting morale.


Increasing strength is an important part of fitness, but increasing range of motion is an important part of health. Strive to move weight FURTHER vs just moving more weight.


If you think lifting weights is intimidating, then what do you think about NOT being able to lift things...? Losing your independence and confidence to perform daily tasks sounds much more intimidating.

Timeline photos 10/06/2021

Big, bar bending squats and deadlifts are impressive, no doubt. But most of sport and life is performed on 1 leg at a time. Hence we train that way a lot!
Interestingly, even if you really prefer the two legged strength stuff, some single leg work will improve that for you too.

Timeline photos 09/06/2021

When was the last time you got upside down? If it's been a while, is it a confidence, strength or balance thing?
Good news, we can help with all of that!

Timeline photos 08/06/2021

Talking about cardio yesterday, many people have fat burning in mind when they do it. But did you ever think about the origin of the name?
Cardio-vascular exercise. Heart and lung exercise. We're making those organs stronger and healthier when we do cardio. Yes, some fat might be burned during this process, but it's not the main occurrence, nor our main aim.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

The first functional fitness gym in New Zealand.

Our mission is to help you become fitter than you’ve ever been and to maintain it for your entire life!

Forget about fads, or quick fixes, you need functional, effective training, coaching, accountability and a supportive social environment.

Services include: group and private coaching, nutrition counselling, rehabilitation, youth and corporate fitness programs.

Get in touch for a FREE consultation to find out how training here can change your life!

Videos (show all)

Siamese Getups for today’s March Movement. You gotta cooperate!!
March Movement is still cranking here (we might not stop until April.... 😜)
March Movement day #12 and it’s getting twisted!  Curtsy squats, Rotational squats and here’s @freetobestrong  demo’ing ...
Coach @adam.sean showing us today’s March Movement, the water bottle get up. Much harder than he made it look!!
Reid Midanik
March Movement Day 2. Coach @adam.sean getting the groove on with some spinal waves.
Morning crew getting it done!! Row, drag, crawl, rest, repeat. Simple = effective.
Kettlebell gauntlet gets those shoulders and abs warmed up pretty good!!



19 Thomas Peacock Place, St Johns

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 5:30am - 8pm
Wednesday 5:30am - 8pm
Thursday 5:30am - 8pm
Friday 5:30am - 8pm
Saturday 7:30am - 11am
Sunday 8:30am - 10am

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