Rx Movement University

Through empathy, education and movement we provide world class support to reclaim physical freedom.

Rx Movement University is an online platform that allows your members to engage in practices that will prevent many needless injuries and allow you to have more quality contact with your community on their journey to sustainable long term fitness. Here at Rx Movement University we supply our gyms with the information to empower them to provide a quality service that stands them apart. As the athle


One hour is about 4% of your day and that’s usually about as long as people will spend in the gym.

If that’s everything you’re doing to maintain or improve you’re physical health, you’re not setting yourself up for success.

The habits and practices during the remaining 96% of your day will absolutely overwhelm your efforts in the gym if they’re not in alignment with the work you’re doing while you’re there.

-Budget 7-9 hours of sleep every single day.
-Get sufficient protein in your diet to sustain muscle mass.
-Move your body daily, get outside, walk, you were meant to move.

A healthy lifestyle isn’t built on massive action, it’s built upon the accumulation of small daily decisions that consistently push you in the right direction.


These are two sides of the same coin.

Opposites, at either end of the same spectrum.

Let’s break them down: You injured your back and we’re given the advice of never lifting anything heavier than 10kg.

Sounds ridiculous and completely impractical right?
That’s because it is.

Many daily activities require lifting more than 10kg, are you going to hire a maid?
What about…
Carrying groceries?
Getting a bag of dog food or cat litter?
Lugging your baggage through the airport?
Doing even minimal yard work?

There’s no practical way to live while abiding by the 10kg rule.

How about the opposite end of the spectrum?
What does a 65 year old, or anyone who isn’t specifically a strength athlete, have to gain from testing a 1 rep max deadlift?

Absolutely nothing that can’t be gained by testing a 5 rep max.
The question here is whether or not the risk is worth the reward?

For those without significant training experience it’s not worth it.
Does this mean you can’t lift heavy when you get older?

Absolutely not.
Our intention is simply to encourage you to think about why you do the things you do in the gym and make intentional decisions based upon your goals.

Photos from Rx Movement University's post 30/03/2023

No one wakes up in the morning hoping they’ll have less opportunities and less capacity to live their lives in the way they see fit.

Yet that’s the status quo we’re trained to accept.

“After you hit 30 it’s all downhill.”

The only reason that’s the status quo is because it’s the path of least resistance.
It was either that or live the life of a competitive athlete until you die.

Neither of those options are appealing to most people.

We’re here to tell you there’s a third option.

You can get out of pain, you can reclaim your active lifestyle, you can remodel your life and yourself.

Photos from Rx Movement University's post 29/03/2023

Getting your health back is hard, anyone who’s ever had their health in jeopardy knows it’s a long hard journey to get it back.

It can cost a lot in time, energy, attention, and money but getting well is far cheaper than the price of inaction.

You won’t transform your health overnight and that’s why you need to start working on it today.

Start small and go for a walk or trade a soda for some water.

Cook a meal instead of ordering take out.

Go to bed 20 minutes earlier than usual.

Small health changes can make a big difference.

Photos from Rx Movement University's post 28/03/2023

Does your wrist hurt?

Is it affecting your life?

Your wrists are small joints that take a ton of abuse and rehabbing them can be finicky.

So what’s your plan?

Medication might be ok for now but do you think that will cut it long-term?

Not if you’re living an active lifestyle.

We have a better option; an Rx Fitness Professional.

When you work with an Rx Fitness Professional you get a movement and strength assessment.

For the wrist, that means testing your wrist extension and categorising your symptoms and sensations.

Categorisation is especially important for the wrist because if a coach fails to do that the program they build could be a complete waste of time.

We take that information, your goals, and everything you shared with your 1 on 1 coach and create a fully personalised program to get you out of pain.

If you’re ready to get out of pain leave a comment here or shoot us a DM and we’ll get the ball rolling ASAP.


What is “physical freedom?”

Physical freedom is the ability to choose to participate or not participate in any activity without fear that your body will fail you.

It’s the ability to jump into a pick up basketball game anytime you feel like it without having to worry about the consequences later on.

We believe physical freedom is vital for a life well lived and we help people reclaim it every day.

Photos from Rx Movement University's post 25/03/2023

Do you have hip pain?

Hip pain can feel mysterious because the hip is notorious for having inconsistent symptoms, sometimes it’s angry sometimes it’s totally fine.

That’s because the hip is sandwiched between the low back and the knee, both of which can influence symptoms in the hip.

If you work with an Rx Fitness professional we don’t “wonder” what’s going on, we assess it. You get a movement and strength assessment. We take that information along with your goals, lifestyle, and the expertise of your professional coach and build you a personalised program to get you out of pain for good.

During the movement screen, one of the movements we test is hip flexion.

Contrary to popular belief not everyone’s hips are shaped the same so we test everyone.

If you’re not taking the inherent structure of your hips into consideration and you have hip pain you’re missing a vital piece of the puzzle.

When we screen for mobility and gather information about symptoms that’s exactly what we do.

We determine what’s within our control and use that information to make changes.

The things that aren’t in our control, like hip socket angle, we don’t fight.

Instead, we use that information to inform the way we build your program AND teach you how to work along with your anatomy rather than trying to fight against it.

If you’re ready to get out of pain the first step is to start the conversation.

Shoot us a DM and we’ll get the ball rolling.
We’ve helped hundreds of people get out of pain and reclaim their active lifestyles without going to the doctor or stopping the things they love. We can do it for you too.


Feeling “tight” and getting older often go hand in hand.

The impulse is to stretch out the things that feel tight.

If you’ve recently exercised and you’re sore, that can provide some relief.

If you have a relative weakness though, stretching isn’t going to help.

How do you know if it’s weakness or something else?

There are some tests you could perform but the easy answer is to just ask yourself if you spend lots of time in the same position and the muscles that feel tight are involved.

If they are, there’s a good chance you need to build some strength rather than stretching it out.

Use the right tool for the right job and if you need help figuring it out, we’d love to hear from you.


Lots of people have bulged discs and have zero problems.

Others have bulged discs and they have lots of problems.

Oftentimes this depends on the severity of the bulge.

Unfortunately, that concept is poorly communicated when you get a diagnosis.

We often see people with a diagnosed disc bulge who feel like their lives are over and they’re filled with fear.

Then we’ll dig a little deeper and find out that while their symptoms suck and are very real, they’re quite local and the disc bulge itself isn’t causing any issues because like the nerve isn’t being compressed.

When they find out there’s hope, let me tell you they’re pumped!

Want to know something else empowering?

Disc injuries can heal.

So even if you are experiencing symptoms from the nerve being compressed, it doesn’t have to be a life sentence.

If you have a disc injury and you’re ready to get out of pain we’re ready to help you.

Send us a DM to get started.


Getting a cortisone shot can feel like a modern-day miracle if you’re in pain.

You walk in with a throbbing shoulder and by the time you get back home you feel good as new.

If it feels better then it must be fixed right?


Cortisone injections can reduce inflammation but they don’t actually cause any healing.

In fact, cortisone shots are catabolic, which means they cause tissue to BREAK DOWN.

I don’t know about you but tissue break down doesn’t sound all that great to me.

So we end up with a conundrum, the thing feels better but the tissue is now weaker than it was before the injection.

Do you see where this is going?

The primary value of cortisone as we see it is that it creates a window of reduced pain so that you can actually fix the problem that caused it!

Without this approach, you’re heading straight for another, possibly WORSE injury and that’s something we’ve seen at Rx Fitness more times than we can count.

We want you to get back to doing the things you love without the fear of something else going terribly wrong.

That’s why every person who works with us gets a professional coach that creates a personalised program just for them that specifically meets their needs and goals.

If you’re ready to do away with the quick fixes and get out of pain for good, shoot us a DM and we’ll get started.


The long-term outcomes for most surgeries that address musculoskeletal pain are no better than conservative care (aka PT, exercise, and lifestyle changes).

Yet there are risks and hidden costs every single time you go under the knife.

Missed time at work
Missed opportunities to do things with family
Travel time for PT, which is also during work
Risk of infection
Risk of medical mistakes

The list goes on and on.

The crazy part is that we usually assume that because the surgery was even an option and because it costs too much that it HAS TO BE more valuable than zooming out and taking the "long way."

Spoiler alert, the long way is almost always just as short as the short way.

Does this mean surgery is never warranted?


Sometimes it IS the best option, but only after you've legitimately exhausted every other possibility.

If you're looking to avoid surgery and ready to get out of pain shoot us a DM.
We’ve helped hundreds of people get out of pain and reclaim their active lifestyles without going to the doctor or quitting the things they love. We can do it for you too.

Photos from Rx Movement University's post 20/03/2023

So your shoulder hurts?

How are you going to make it feel better?

Do you have a plan?

If you’re out there living an active lifestyle covering up the pain with medication isn’t gonna cut it and you’re sure as hell not quitting the activities you love.

When you work with an Rx Fitness Professional you get a movement and strength assessment.

For the shoulder that means testing if you’re able to go overhead (straight in front and out to the side), checking how well your shoulder blades move, and collecting any symptoms data.

Depending on how sensitive your shoulder is we’ll do appropriate strength testing with movements like shoulder pressing, high pulls, and rows.

We take that information, your goals, and everything you shared with your 1 on 1 coach and create a fully personalised program to get you out of pain.

If you’re ready to get out of pain drop a comment here or shoot us a DM
We’ve helped hundreds of people get out of pain and reclaim their active lifestyles without going to the doctor or stopping the things they love. We can do it for you too.


Modifying movement is a band-aid, not a solution.

Modifying movements in class ISN’T fun.
It’s a reminder of what you CAN’T do.

And the longer it lasts, the more frustrating it is.

We get it.

While modifying when needed is important, it doesn’t fix the problems.

Quality modifications keep you from aches and pains now, but you may still need to modify in a year from now unless we make changes.

This is why at Rx Fitness we offer individual design and can switch to hybrid to create a solution.

We know it’s frustrating to go into the gym day after day and have to cherry pick workouts or change movements. This is why we’re focused on not just modifying, but finding permanent solutions for whatever’s holding you back.

If you want help getting away from modifications, that’s what we’re here for.

It starts with assessments and programming that’s specifically written to get you past your limitations.

If you’re sick of modifying, we might be able to help.


We assess, we don’t guess.
If you are new to us, that means there’s a lot of information about you that we don’t yet know.
One of the pieces of that puzzle is how you move.
Some coaches might ask you to squat or hinge or press to see how you move and then correct it afterwards based on what it “should” look like.
We are not those coaches, and we take a proactive approach to help you squat, hinge, or press based on what your joints will allow you to do.
Through our movement screen, in which we asses you joint by joint, we can predict the way in which you might squat, hinge, or press most comfortably.
We can identify what ranges of motion will be safest for you based on the range of motion you currently have.
We can inform you of movements that might put you at risk for injury, and teach you how to modify accordingly.
If you don’t want to keep modifying, we can even help you solve those range of motion issues or areas of pain.
We didn’t make this movement screen up (we are smart, but not that smart 😂).
The movement screen we use was created by and had been used by tens of thousands of athletes all over the world.
Not only that, we have been extensively trained on how to use this screen to: assess, identify, and correct movement limitations and pain, and have been successfully doing so with current members!
If you’re looking for a plan that prioritises your joint health (and actually takes steps in doing so), can identify limitations, and can solve those problems, comment below, send us a message or click the link in bio to set up a free consultation!


Do you understand the implications of the surgery you’re considering?

Do you understand how invasive the procedure will be?

Do you understand how long you’ll be unable to do certain things?

Do you know what the rehab process will look like and how long it will take? (Not how long it took a genetic phenom, how long it will take you.)

Do you know the success rate for the surgery performed on ppl who have a similar injury and are of similar age and health status?

Do you know if there are any other low risk/high reward options that haven’t been considered?

If you can’t answer all of those questions you’re not prepared to have surgery.

Most people go into surgery thinking it’s the end of the process, when in reality it’s the beginning of a new journey and it’s just a different version of the same journey they were already on.


If you’re considering surgery ask your doctor all of the questions outlined above.

A good doctor will take the time to help you understand each of them, in depth.

They’ll help you understand that surgery isn’t the last step on your journey to get out of pain, it’s the final step after you’ve exhausted every practical conservative approach.


Soreness isn’t good or bad

It means you worked yourself to the point that you’re still in a deficit, aka worse than you were before the workout.

Something better to ask yourself than, “am I sore enough” would be whether or not the workout accomplished its intended goal?

Was the goal to get sore or improve endurance?
Or strength
Or flexibility
Or even mental health

Sometimes soreness is part of that equation, sometimes it’s not.

Soreness however, is never a good measuring stick on its own for whether or not it was a good workout.

Photos from Rx Movement University's post 14/03/2023

Before we did anything we’d sit down and discuss your symptoms. This is something we always do so that we make sure there’s nothing going on that needs a medical referral.

Next, we would talk about your goals and why it’s important for you to get back to running pain-free. This is as much for you as it is for us because we know that when both coach and client are crystal clear about what matters and what’s at stake the entire process gets easier.

That’s where we start testing mobility.

First, we would test your ankle plantar flexion, pointing your toes down using the kneeling heel to butt test.

If you're limited here that makes it harder to push off when you’re running AND more difficult to absorb force while running. If that’s the case the result is a very jarring experience for the low back.

This test also tells us whether or not you have full range of motion in your knees.

Next, we would test your prone heel to butt. This test tells us two important things, first whether or not you have enough flexibility in your quads (muscles in the front of your thighs) and if bracing is an issue. Yes, low back pain can be caused by poor bracing during running just like it can during squats.

Last we would check your standing lumbopelvic flexion. For this test, you simply fold forward and reach towards the floor.

This test is the opposite of the prone heel to butt test because now we’re looking at flexion instead of extension. It also gives us insight into whether or not there is any nerve tension that needs to be addressed.

What we often see is a combination of limitations in these tests when someone has low back pain while running.

Based upon what we find in this portion of the mobility screen we would then move on to appropriate strength testing.

Finally with your goals in mind and all of the data we collected we would build out your personalized program that is tailored not only to your needs but also the amount of time and equipment you have available.

If you have low back pain while running (or any other time) and this process sounds like something that could improve your life shoot us a DM.


How you age is a choice.

No, we cannot choose if we want to age, it’s going to happen. Aging is a gift, that is promised to no one, and we should embrace it, instead of hate it.

How you age, however, is your choice. If you believe that you can no longer do anything, because you are old, you are right!

If you decide you are going to continue to move, eat quality foods, and take care of yourself as you age, you will notice that you are unlike anyone else your age.

Meet two of our favorite people, Alan and Diana. Both of them love being here, both of them want to work hard, and both of them are achieving things that people half their age cannot do.

Alan deadlifts 80kg for 5 reps and Diana squats 40kg

Both of them are 80 years young.

Both of them have chosen to age as strong as they can.

Our facility and facilities like ours are the healthcare clinic of the future.

Alan and Diana will tell you.

Photos from Rx Movement University's post 11/03/2023

Before we did anything we’d sit down and discuss your symptoms. This is something we always do so that we make sure there’s nothing going on that needs a medical referral.

Next, we would talk about your goals and why it’s important for you to get back to running pain-free. This is as much for you as it is for us because we know that when both coach and client are crystal clear about what matters and what’s at stake the entire process gets easier.

That’s where we start testing mobility.

First, we would test your ankle plantar flexion, pointing your toes down using the kneeling heel to butt test.

If you're limited here that makes it harder to push off when you’re running AND more difficult to absorb force while running. If that’s the case the result is a very jarring experience for the low back.

This test also tells us whether or not you have full range of motion in your knees.

Next, we would test your prone heel to butt. This test tells us two important things, first whether or not you have enough flexibility in your quads (muscles in the front of your thighs) and if bracing is an issue. Yes, low back pain can be caused by poor bracing during running just like it can during squats.

Last we would check your standing lumbopelvic flexion. For this test, you simply fold forward and reach towards the floor.

This test is the opposite of the prone heel to butt test because now we’re looking at flexion instead of extension. It also gives us insight into whether or not there is any nerve tension that needs to be addressed.

What we often see is a combination of limitations in these tests when someone has low back pain while running.

Based upon what we find in this portion of the mobility screen we would then move on to appropriate strength testing.

Finally with your goals in mind and all of the data we collected we would build out your personalised program that is tailored not only to your needs but also the amount of time and equipment you have available.

If you have low back pain while running (or any other time) and this process sounds like something that could improve your life send us a DM.


When we talk about bridging the gap between fitness and healthcare, we mean being able to serve those that the health industry doesn’t have the time, or resources, to be able to help.

Your chronic back issue, your nagging knee pain, the 20lbs of weight loss, the confidence of being strong enough to do all the things you want to do, adjusting nutrition and exercise to fix lipid panels, and the list goes on.

We aren’t going to lie, these aren’t miracle cures or overnight fixes. Your problems did not show up overnight, therefore, they are going to take some work, time, and patience, to address.

What we do know is that this works. People's lives are changed for the better. The weight is lost, the pain is gone, the movements are better, and the confidence is amazing. Our testimonials say so.

Our facility and others like us are the healthcare clinics of the future.



We’ve helped tens of hundreds of people get out of pain and reclaim their active lifestyles without going to the doctor or quitting the things they love. We can do it for you too.


It tells you that you CAN’T.

It whispers in your ear that you’re broken.

It screams that nothing is going to be ok and that you’ll be stuck this way forever, and the longer the pain lasts the more you believe what it tells you.

It gives you tunnel vision, keeping you focused 100% on the discomfort and what you’re missing out on.

Pain has a way of consuming your attention and warping your thinking with fear and doubt.

That’s nothing unique to you though, it’s something we all struggle with.

Back pain at work can make anyone unbearable to be around.

Shoulder pain while playing catch with your kid can make you dread what should be a time of fun and bonding.

If you’re in pain and any of this is resonating with you, we want to help.

Your pain doesn’t have to be a life sentence.

You can get out of it.

It will require time, energy, and effort but you CAN get out of pain.

You CAN reclaim your active lifestyle.

We can help.

Shoot us a DM to get started.


Two days of high-intensity training per week is plenty for general fitness.

Let’s define high intensity as any workout done with the intent being: as fast as possible, as many reps as possible, as much weight as possible.

If you are going “all-out” you are training at high intensity.

A great way to regulate your intensity and intentionally leave some in the tank is by nasal breathing.
Nasal breathing will reduce the likelihood that you bury yourself neurologically from high-intensity training.

Go ahead, give it your all 2x/week, the rest of the week, focus on your quality of movement, build new skills, play, have fun.

Photos from Rx Movement University's post 06/03/2023

I can’t…

I was told…

I have…

I can’t squat anymore.

I was told I have the spine of an 80-year-old.

I have bad knees just like my Dad.

When you have limiting beliefs like this it makes it VERY hard to get out of pain.


Because they keep you out of the driver’s seat.

When you believe getting out of pain is OUT of your control how consistent are you going to be putting in the reps?

How much more likely are you to give up when there’s a flare-up?

How quickly will you throw in the towel when you learn the process itself may take months?

Our professionals know, and that’s why they get to the bottom of what their clients believe from day one.

We won’t just put you through a movement and strength assessment, we also take the time to get to know you.

You’re not taking a number and waiting for a pat on the head from someone in a white coat.

Your professional will take 45 minutes to an hour (maybe longer if you need it) with you to get to know YOU, your goals, and your beliefs.

And because your professional will do that they'll be able to help you through setbacks, hard times, and moments of doubt/fear.

If you’re in pain and any of this talk about beliefs around pain resonates with you we want to help get you OUT of that pain for good.

Send us a DM we would love to talk to you.


Working out in class is great for general fitness. If you have a more specific goal in mind, there are better ways to get there.

For example:
You can get as strong as you want in the gym, lift as much weight as you want, and go for a run for the first time in a long time and feel like you have zero fitness.

You are fit, you just haven’t trained specifically for running. Specificity in training is the idea of training the specific movements and components of movement that pertain to your desired goal. If you want to get faster at running, you need to run. Yep, working on explosive power and lower extremity strength will help, but you can’t fine-tune a skill without working on the skill.

If you have specific goals: doing non-specific programming, class workouts, templates plans, and hoping to achieve goals that only YOU have probably won’t work.

Instead, have your professional coach take your assessment results, your capacity, and your goals into mind to create a VERY specific program for YOU.

We’ve helped tens of hundreds of people get out of pain and reclaim their active lifestyles without going to the doctor or stopping the things they love. We can do it for you too.


You probably read that and thought “That’s definitely not true”, but hear us out...

We don’t believe anybody joins the gym to just get fit. People join because of what they think being fit will do for them and how they will feel. It’s not fitness for the sake of fitness.

It’s fitness for the things they believe they will be able to do with their fitness and the way it will make them feel.

Here are some things that people think fit people can do:

Be happy
Live a long time
Live well while alive
Get s*x
Fight off others
Have confidence
Make a better living
Play with their kids
Look good naked
Stay off medications

This is not an exhaustive list, and it took 40 seconds to come up with the ten examples. The point is that no one joins for the fitness, they join for the benefits of being fit.

None of the above are guaranteed to someone who is fit, and none of them are out of the realm of possibility for someone who is not.

We realise that your fitness is MORE than just fitness. It’s about what you can do and how you feel because of it.

This begs the question, why do you work out?

What are you looking for?

Tell us in the comments.


You wouldn’t jump off a boat into the ocean before you learned how to swim in a pool...

Your health and fitness journey is no different.

When you come to us, we want to make sure you know what you’re doing before you are introduced to intensity.

And we want to see you demonstrate competencies with CONSISTENCY before hitting it hard.

We know you’re ready to get after it.

We want to make sure you’re set up for long-term success.

This starts with consistency.

Respect your journey.


We realise that when someone comes to work with us they are either moving towards something they want or away from something they don’t want. That’s what goals are, right?

Maybe you want to be able to go hiking with your children without getting so tired. Or maybe you don’t want to feel like you need to wear a t-shirt when you go to the beach.

We’re not placing any judgment on what you do or don’t want. We just understand it’s important to you, so it’s important to us.

Let’s call the thing you want to change your “prison state”. That doesn’t mean your life is terrible. It just means there’s somewhere you’d rather be, something you’d rather have, be able to do, or some way you’d rather FEEL than you do now. That place is your “dream state”.

Whether your prison state has to do with your health and fitness goals or not, here are 7 questions to ask yourself often:

1. What is your “prison state” that would have the largest positive ripple effect into other parts of your life?
2. Why is your prison state difficult to change?
3. Why do you keep finding yourself in the position you are in?
4. What would it take to make #3 untrue?
5. Why hasn’t #4 happened yet?
6. What would it take to make #5 untrue?
7. How can you start doing this by tomorrow?

Working towards what you want or don’t want can be frustrating. It can also leave you feeling uncertain of if you’ll ever reach the finish line.

We get it. Using these 7 questions often can help give some clarity around the most important steps to start taking to get where you want to go.

Just so you know, we’re very accessible. If you want to chat about this you can always shoot us a DM.
We’d love to hear what you’re struggling with and if there’s any way we can help.


We don’t believe that your age should limit you, and neither should you.

At Rx Fitness, one of our goals is to help increase your capacity to take on life outside of the gym.

To be able to live the life you WANT to live.

To not feel limited by the way your body looks, feels, or performs.

To be the person who knows age is just merely a number of years.

We want you to be able to say “yes” to living the way you picture it.

If you’re tired of feeling held back because of the way your body feels, and you’re ready to reclaim your active life, we’d love to see if we are a good fit to help you like we’ve helped so many others.

Shoot us a message to schedule a free consult.

We’ve helped hundreds of people get out of pain and reclaim their active lifestyles without going to the doctor or stopping the things they love. We can do it for you too. Everyone starts with a free consultation - send us a message to schedule yours.

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Videos (show all)

You know that pinch at the front of your hips when you squat?Maybe, just maybe it’s not tight muscles.Maybe it’s your ne...
How low should I go?I’m glad you asked…#strengthworkout #itsgymtime #trainfortomorrow #lifeworthliving #functionalbodybu...
1 RMs.In this clip Daz and I discus that while shifting a lot of weight is cool, it may be worth looking for different t...
Too many lazy opinions out there that say you need to stop everything you’re doing.Keep working…use injury as a gift to ...
Walking is great for cardiovascular health….but it has some limitations when it comes to longevity and length of life…St...
Focus on not focussing your focus.
Instead of being part of the “ugly but I’ll take it” brigade try being part of the accumulate quality crew…#strengthwork...
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Training is a continuum.Anyone can give you a session that will leave you gasping for air…The gold lies in making that e...
Did you know I did a podcast.  Just me, in my car, yarning about stuff.  This is a bit removed from physio stuff...more ...
Athletes do this stuff for a living.The rest of us do this for a life.There’s a difference.#strengthworkout #itsgymtime ...
Athletes do this for a living.The rest of us do this for a life.There’s a difference.





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Get results NOW. Personal fitness & nutrition TRANSFORMATIONS for BUSY PROFESSIONALS to finally achieve BODY CONFIDENCE

Mezfit Personal training Mezfit Personal training
41 Johnston Street
Melbourne, 3065

In person and online training services designed to get you results.

Soccernews Soccernews
Melbourne, 3058

All News about Soccer from All around the world. Photos videos and stories

This is Remi Gordon This is Remi Gordon

Remi Gordon is an intuitive life coach and sacred space holder. Weaving spirituality and practicalit

elib_personal_trainer elib_personal_trainer
85 South Warfh Drive
Melbourne, 3800

"Ci sono sempre aspetti che si possono migliorare, nella vita come nello sport e questa è la vera bellezza" Passione, dedizione, creatività, curiosità e tantissima energia. Un cock...

Thefun_damental Thefun_damental
Melbourne, 3931

Private Basketball training - small group and one on one sessions.Located on the Mornington peninsula

Kylie Brewer - Sales and Leadership Coach Kylie Brewer - Sales and Leadership Coach

I work with my clients to determine their personal and professional goals and help them overcome challenges and to become independently successful.

TP Performance TP Performance
Bell Street
Melbourne, 3058

Registered Personal Trainer Specialising in Muscle Gain, Strength & Fat Loss Face to Face & Online C