NZFIT, Auckland Videos

Videos by NZFIT in Auckland. People just like YOU, from all walks of life, building fitness, discipline and purpose, in order to live their lives to the fullest.

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Siamese Getups for today’s March Movement. You gotta cooperate!!

March Movement is still cranking here (we might not stop until April.... 😜)

March Movement day #12 and it’s getting twisted! Curtsy squats, Rotational squats and here’s @freetobestrong demo’ing the next level Hawaiian and Dragon squats. Hold on to a pole for support and safety if trying these for the first time.

Coach @adam.sean showing us today’s March Movement, the water bottle get up. Much harder than he made it look!!

Reid Midanik
Chatting with Reid, our January Athlete!

March Movement Day 2. Coach @adam.sean getting the groove on with some spinal waves.

Morning crew getting it done!! Row, drag, crawl, rest, repeat. Simple = effective.

Kettlebell gauntlet gets those shoulders and abs warmed up pretty good!!

The only non negotiable machine in our gym. #legsbackarms #catchdriverecovery @concept2_nz #nzfit

#Repost @staceycravenyoga (@get_repost) ・・・ The key to success is practice...Recently I started adding CrossFit @crossfitnz to my regular yoga practice. I’ve been learning heaps of new skills, which for someone who practiced solely Ashtanga yoga for the last 7 years doing new movements has been fun. The key to success in anything is practice. Many of the new movements are challenging but no one expects you to succeed in the first attempt. You have to give yourself a chance to succeed. Success comes from repeating steps over and over and over. If you keep at it you reach your goal. #progress #improvement #goals

Scary sisters Gemma and Jess. #halloween #zombiesvshumans #nzfit

Gotta love a mid morning foot race to rev up the rest of your day...!

Look at those long arms! Great breakthrough for Daniel on the early arm bend.

All of that rotational power. #hadouken