Wellness By Rox

Empowering Womes Lives With Exercise, Mental Wellbeing & Nourishing Food Choices! 💪🏼🦋✨



DAY 1 of my 12 Week Bikini Build Challenge!

If there’s anything I will tell you on your health and fitness journey it’s this:

Your progress won’t be linear. Follow the plan, put in the work, trust the process, be kinder to yourself and never give up on yourself! Discipline is the great form of self love.

Growth happens across many seasons.

In order to become your best self you must be willing to work on your weakness and do better next time.

Always remember; 1% better everyday! 🦋

Xoxo - Rox

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 26/04/2024

You can be STRONG & FEMININE! 🤩

🚨FINAL 48 HOURS! ⏰ Join before Sunday and save 5% off with ‘BUILD’ plus I am opening up another 10 spots!

This is going to be my fave challenge to date!


- Build healthy habits that last a lifetime!?
- Build muscle and learn how to shape your body!?
- Build a solid foundation that pushes you to EVOLVE!?


Link in bio - JOIN NOW!

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 08/04/2024


Are you wanting to build a strong back, shape your glutes and create a beautiful hourglass figure?

Yes? Then this challenge is for you!!

✓ Home or Gym
✓ Exercise Videos
✓ Custom made Workouts
✓ Custom made Meal Plan
✓ Complete shopping list
✓ Allergies/Dislikes Backlist
✓ Warm Up Mobility
✓ Cool Down Stretches
✓ Dine In/Out Option
✓ Track Your Progress
✓ Track Your Weights
✓ Private Facebook Group
✓ Cancel Anytime

Kicks off on Monday April 29th - Link in bio to secure your space!🦋

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 01/03/2024

1st of March! 🤯 Are you on track for achieving your new year goals?

Are you struggling to stay consistent or adhere to your meal plan because it feels too restrictive?

You shouldn’t have to cut out food groups to achieve your goals.

I’m here to help you achieve your goals and still eat the foods you love!

Life is all about balance so that you don’t fall into patterns of binge eating cycles.

Ready to develop a healthy relationship with the food you consume? Click the link in bio to grab your personalized meal plan that gives you the ability to create more variety and freedom with your daily meals!


I know most people give in the long run because they think it’s too hard.

It’s really not that hard it actually comes down to your time management skills to prioritize what’s important.

If you want to get fit and healthy you will find a way to do that.

I know it can get overwhelming and that’s why I created tools for you to master the art of doing the things that will benefit you most.

If you can’t cook fresh food everyday that’s okay! Find a meal prep routine that works for you! Prep for the week days meals on Sunday night and cook your food fresh on the weekends is an example.

As busy individuals I know how hard it can be to get to the gym on a good day for an hour a day especially if you have kids. But you know what … I don’t expect you too!

If all you can do it make it to the gym for 3x 30 minute sessions then great! Do that and then make sure you show up for yourself outside of the gym because the real work that counts is what you consume on a daily basis.

Controlling the controllable. 💯

If you are wanting to create change in your life by developing healthy habits inside and outside of the gym check out the 🔗 in bio for a training and workout program personalized to your lifestyle. 💪🏼

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 27/01/2024

What are your goals? Fat loss? Improved eating habits? Want to build lean muscle? Or get stronger and in the gym?

This client transformation is a favourite of mine and losing fat around her midsection all came down to controlling her eating habits, opting for better food choices and moving her body more.

Having the correct tools to help you implement and improve your current habits takes the guesswork out and allows room for you to put more energy into the follow through of the process.

So often I hear I’ll wait till I get better then I’ll start with you when really a coach is here to guide you and support you no matter where you are in your journey.

Tired of feeling like everything is too hard? Join for health and fitness made easy! 💕

Health, exercise, wellness, female coach, healthy habits, online coaching

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 13/01/2024


Kickstart Your Health and Fitness Goals With WBR!💞

Back in November, I talked about getting started on your New years resolutions.

However, as a Women’s Lifestyle Coach, I understand life can be completely chaos at times, especially over the Christmas Holidays.

Now that we are in the New Year make it your mission to get the ball rolling now by focusing on what you CAN DO instead of what you can’t do.

The early bird sale has been extended for one final day to give you the chance to join and save an extra 15% off your personalized plan!

Welcome to a place where your fitness journey is met with understanding, support, and heartfelt encouragement.

Join us at Wellness By Rox, and let’s make your wellness dreams come alive!



Have you set your goals for the year?

Have you felt stuck on your fitness journey and struggle to achieve the results you desire?

Ladies choose WBR because they learn how healthy sustainable habits fit into their life without missing out on the things they enjoy most and achieve goals they have been chasing for years!

The Healthier You - 8 Week Challenge is designed for you develop a weekly routine, create healthy habits and stay accountable to your new year goals!

This year is your year to say bye bye to excuses and hello to results!

It’s time to create a HEALTHIER YOU!


Follow the link in bio and enter “EARLYBIRD” at the checkout to SAVE 15% off!

Craving balanced lifestyle choices? Let’s conquer unhealthy habits together and let your transformation begin! 💜

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 09/01/2024


The time has come for the first WBR 8 week challenge of the year and SIGN UPS ARE NOW LIVE!

Why join our 8-week fitness challenge?

Because this isn't just a fitness program; it's a transformative experience waiting for you to uncover your happiest and healthiest self!

Find freedom in our flexible approach.
We're here to make wellness fit into your life seamlessly, without stress or guilt.

It's about creating a sustainable, joyful balance.

NOW is the time to ignite your New Year's resolutions and be on track to achieving your health and fitness goals!🔥

Build confidence.
Create healthier habits.
Become a better you.

Join the challenge, welcome in change, and let's conquer 2024 together.

Say goodbye to temporary fixes! Achieve balanced weight loss with a plan designed for YOU.

Click the link in bio and use the promo code “EARLYBIRD” for 15% off!

Act now to transform for a lifetime! 💪🏼


Client Testimony 🤩

“When i think of my journey of the last few years, i think of how fu***ng tough it is. but it’s never not been worth it.
i’ve definitely been one to get on and off the wagon multiple times as i’m still learning to not allow my emotions to get the best of me.
i 100% have the tools provided to me, you just have to want to help yourself. it really is a lot of hard work, determination, and discipline - discipline being the one i’m still learning.
having chels guidance has been beyond invaluable. plus it’s amazing having a trainer who genuinely cares about your health, she’s never once made me feel like she has ulterior motives like ive had from trainers in the past. i’ve learned so much about macros, and prioritising my mind first and foremost, everything else will follow if you have the right mindset.
it’s for sure been quite the ride. but i wouldn’t have it any other way🥰

I can’t wait to see what we achieve together this year angel xx

Want to achieve amazing results like Hannah? 😍

Say goodbye to temporary fixes! Achieve balanced weight loss with a plan designed for YOU. Act now to transform for a lifetime!


“GOALS” for 15% off all monthly subscriptions.

Meal only plans.
Training only plans.
Training and nutrition.

Break free from unhealthy cycles! Let’s create a plan tailored to your lifestyle. Your journey to a healthier you begins NOW!

Link in bio to start your 2024 well-being journey!💪🏼

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 13/12/2023


I started my journey with Rochelle in January and have seen so many improvements in not only my physical health but my mental health too.

As a student studying in the health profession, health and well-being is a major passion for me. Being able to see the mental changes alongside the physical changes has given me so much confidence and motivation in myself to do better. I see how much my energy has improved and how much better my clothes are fitting now too. I have the energy to keep up with my kids, rather than being tired and finding excuses to not play.

I have developed some amazing habits that I implement every single day towards a healthier version of myself and I’m setting a good example for my daughters on how to look after yourself! It’s not just about the physical changes but also how you feel and the mental strength you gain.

I am so thankful to be on this journey and have an amazing coach in my corner, supporting me all the way!



“When I first looked at these photos side by side, my thoughts were;
No that's not right..
Have I lost that much weight?
This was in 4 years!?
I've deffinately changed in more ways than one!

The first photo, taken with my coach 4 years ago and we are still by eachothers sides to this day. Rochelle has helped me gain so much confidence even just within the past 12 months and has been a record player of support for me.

I'm still shocked to see how much progress I have made and these photos remind me how much work, mentally, emotionally and physically has gone on behind the scenes. I have learnt SO much about weight training (favourite part of the journey 😂) yet I still have so much more to learn about nutrition, thankfully I have Rochelle to guide me and educate me. Proud of and thankful for this journey 🙏 💛”

So grateful you chose me to guide you on your journey Angel - keep smashing your goals! 💖

Get started on your goals and build a solid foundation for 2024! Link in bio to join the community! 💪🏼

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 06/11/2023

Empowered women are not only smashing goals and radiating confidence but they're also embracing sustainable lifestyle habits, including balanced eating choices.

They understand that achieving their aspirations is linked to nourishing their bodies with wholesome, satisfying foods, without being overly restrictive.

Striking the right balance, they indulge in wholesome meals that fuel their ambitions while still savoring the occasional treat. 🌱✨

What Can You Expect Inside
Wellness By Rox?

• Engaging Workouts: Access a range of workout plans completely tailored to your fitness level and preferences.

• Nutritional Plan: Balanced recipes to complement your fitness routine.

• Motivational Support: Join the community of women who are all on the same journey to creating healthier lives.

• Exclusive Content: Access to resources to boost your mental health and fitness knowledge.

This is your moment, and together, we're going to make it count.

Let's show the world what we can achieve when we start NOW and commit to our health and fitness journey.

Join us in making November the month of positive change!

Click the link in bio to get started today!🎉

Here's to a healthier, fitter you!

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 29/10/2023

Fuel Your Adventures: Eating Smart Anywhere! 🤤🍔

When traveling or on weekends it's essential to make balanced eating choices to maintain your health and energy.

Focus on these tips:

- Plan Ahead: Plan your food with MFP or pack healthy snacks like nuts, fruit, protein powder and whole-grain crackers.

- Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially when on the move. I aim for minimum 3L.

- Local Flavors: Explore local cuisine, but balance indulgent meals with lighter options.

- Portion Control: Enjoy treats in moderation and opt for smaller portions when trying new foods.

- Stay Active: Incorporate physical activity to counterbalance indulgent meals and keep your energy up.

The meal plan can provide personalized guidance to help you make these choices with confidence!

Start your healthy eating journey today! - Link is always in bio! 💪🏼


So proud of this one for taking away 2nd place in the ICN Angels division at an international level! 🥵

This was Laura’s first international show and I am so grateful she trusted me to get her to where she needed to be.

Laura has only been competing for a few years and has sooo much potential as a natural athlete!

We are straight into a reverse plan getting her ready to smash this off-season for a strong start to the 2024 season!

Have you been thinking about getting on stage?

I have 5 spaces open for bikini fist timers who are wanting to get on stage next year.

If you’re interested in joining Wellness By Rox for competition prep DM ‘COMPETE’ for more info! 🦋

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 18/10/2023

What you put in is what you get out! ✨

Whatever time you do have make the most of it.

Stop giving yourself the excuse to fall back into old habits.

It’s about so what you can even if it’s not much, something is ALWAYS better than nothing! 💯

Feeling stuck on motivation?
Nervous about summer?
Want to build healthy habits that are easy to sustain?

Click the link in bio and let’s get your started on your health and well-being journey today! 💖


SO PROUD OF MY ANGEL for taking away some medal this weekend nationals! 🎉

1st place ANGELZ
2nd Place Open Bikini

And she’s getting ready to step on stage again this weekend 🎉🎉🎉

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 24/08/2023


Just a few of the many amazing results my clients have achieved by CONSISTENTLY showing up and aiming for 1% better each day.

Life is hard as it is but following a plan tailored to your lifestyle, goals and needs can make it easier!

It’s not one size fits all. It’s not 30 day crash diets. It’s not cutting carbs.

I teach my clients that food is fuel and that no food is bad.

It’s all in moderation and your daily choices!

If you’re stuck and having been seeing any progress lately check out the summer shred 12 week challenge link in bio and become your most confident self!

It takes 90 days to build a habit.

Come join the other amazing women in the WBR community today! 💕


Unlock Your Performance Potential with Amino Acids + Electrolytes!

Elevate your workouts, enhance recovery, and replenish vital nutrients for peak results.

You should incorporate them because amino acids support muscle repair and growth, while electrolytes aid hydration and maintain proper nerve and muscle function.

This dynamic duo boosts exercise performance, reduces fatigue, and accelerates recovery, ensuring they make the most of their fitness journey.

Give your body the support it deserves. 💪🔋 "

Use my Discount Code “ROXCHELLE” for $$ off all online orders! 🤩

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 11/08/2023

One year can make a massive difference when you keep showing up and damn I AM SO UNBELIEVABLY PROUD OF YOU!!!!

I am so excited for you to step on stage tomorrow.

The start of the year wasn’t easy for you but you have come out stronger than ever and I am so grateful to have a client like you that continues to show up and stays dedicated to her goals!

No matter tomorrows outcome you’re a champion! 🤩🤪

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 22/06/2023

Super grateful for gifting my ladies some amazing goodies for their prize packs! 🤩

Feeling super spoilt and so excited to see what my girls achieve!

4 weeks almost down …. 4 to go! 🤯

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 31/05/2023

from .private

lil bit fluffy after my last 8wc but ready to put in that work again with my girl 🩷💪🏼✨

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 16/05/2023


Here's what's included over the 8 weeks!


3× Group Trainings.
Suitable for all levels.
2X four week blocks.
Exercise videos.
Exercise swap outs for injuries.
Warm up & stretch library.


Custom calories and macros.
Shopping list.
Meal swap outs.
Allergy / Dislike blacklist.
Dine out feature.


Record your weights.
Track your menstrual cycle.
Track Measurements.
Add your photos.
Log your meals.

+ MORE!!!

10 spots left on this challenge! 👀


Secure you place and get ready to have your life impacted for the better! 😍

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 11/05/2023

🚨🚨🚨 BIG SAVINGS for 48 Hours ONLY!!! 👀

Are you ready to join the challenge of a lifetime?

Fortnightly group calls
Group trainings
Customer meal and training plans

And so much more!

Join the community of women who are already in! 🤩


48 hours only! Use the code “SAVE15’ at the check out!

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 04/05/2023

You have 24 hours to secure the bag! 🙈😎

Early bird sale ends tomorrow night!

Here’s what’s included over the 8 weeks!

3x Group Trainings.
Suitable for all levels.
2X four week blocks.
Exercise videos.
Exercise swap outs for injuries.
Warm up & stretch library.

Custom calories and macros.
Shopping list.
Meal swap outs.
Allergy / Dislike blacklist.
Dine out feature.

Record your weights.
Track your menstrual cycle.
Track Measurements.
Add your photos.
Log your meals.
+ MORE!!!

21 spots left on this challenge👀👀👀


Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 03/05/2023

jayne.lifestyle made insane progress over the last 8 week challenge and actually won the whole thing! 🥳

She showed up the most consistently and her results spoke for them self!

I can’t wait to see what she achieves when we start the WINTER REBOOT 8 week challenge on May 29th!

If you want to join her and achieve the best results of your life all you have to do is show up and put in the work! 💪🏼

This challenge is like no other I have run before… with fortnightly group coaching call and team trainings I will be there to support you the entire way!


Save $22 if you PIF when you sign up + save an extra 20% off with the code “EARLYBIRD” 😜

Photos from Wellness By Rox's post 02/05/2023

The time has come for another 8 Week Challenge!


An 8 week challenge designed to help you stay healthy and happy over the winter season.

Not only do you get your custom training and nutrition training this time I am holding fortnightly group calls that will help elevate your mindset around health and well-being plus I will be hosting 3 optional group trainings for you to attend!

This will be the best challenge yet!

If you're ready to create that work life health balance then head to the link in bio to get started and save 20% off when you sign up with the code: EARLYBIRD

We start on the 29th of May and the early bird sale ends Sunday 7th of May!

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Auckland?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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