Las Manos Magicas Massage & Birth Services

Irasema 'Iris' Reza Bailey, LMT Birth Doula I help ease away tension & stress through massage and energy work.

Incorporating Mexican Traditional Medicine to balance the body for a better way of living. I guide women and their partners through pregnancy, childbirth and beyond, no matter their life situations. I am constantly expanding my knowledge by continuing my education in herbs, nutrition, body & energetic work & native medicine to better serve you.


Español abajo
Re-Indigenizing the birth and postpartum period to us means returning back to following our intuition through reconnecting to la Madre Tierra as a source of guidance and healing.

Monday June 17 6pm
Saturday June 29 11am
Monday July 8 6pm
Saturday July 20 11am

Sliding scale $25-125
No one will be turned away due to funds

✨Decolonizing our food: Rethinking our food and nourishment
✨Comfort measures: Prenatal and postpartum body support: Reconnecting with the Rebozo
✨Community healing: Tapping into generational wisdom;
an opportunity for growth & expansion
✨Family convivio: Celebrating the self & changes in community

Register at

En Español
Para nosotros, reindigenizar el período de nacimiento y posnatal significa volver a seguir nuestra intuición reconectándonos con la Madre Tierra como fuente de guía y curación.

Lunes 17 de junio 6pm
Sábado 29 de junio 11 a.m.
Lunes 8 de julio 6pm
Sábado 20 de julio 11 a.m.

Escala móvil $25-125
Nadie será rechazado por falta de fondos.

✨Descolonizar nuestra alimentación: Repensar nuestra alimentación y nutrición
✨Medidas de confort: Apoyo corporal prenatal y posparto: Reconectando con el Rebozo
✨Sanación comunitaria: aprovechar la sabiduría generacional;
una oportunidad de crecimiento y expansión
✨Convivio familiar: Celebrando uno mismo y los cambios en comunidad

Photos from Giving Austin Labor Support's post 12/08/2022
Season's Greetings! 12/09/2020

There will be some price changes starting Jan 1st.
Take advantage of the old pricing from now until Dec 31st. #/main

Season's Greetings! In deep gratitude for each of you.

Timeline photos 05/28/2020

Por eso es tan valioso el arte popular, por qué cada rebozo está hecha con mucho amor.


Algunos de los tradicionales bordados indígenas ❤️🇲🇽


"Abuela, ¿cómo se afronta el dolor?"
"Con las manos, cariño. Si lo haces con la mente en lugar de aliviar el dolor, este se endurece aún más".
"¿Con las manos abuela?"
"Sí. Nuestras manos son las antenas de nuestra alma. Si las mueves tejiendo, cocinando, pintando, jugando o hundiéndolas en la tierra, envías señales de cuidado a la parte más profunda de ti. Y tu alma se ilumina porque le estás prestando atención. Entonces las señales del dolor ya no serán necesarias".
"¿Las manos son realmente tan importantes?"
"Sí, hija mía. Piensa en los bebés: comienzan a conocer el mundo gracias al toque de sus pequeñas manos. Si miras las manos de los viejos, te cuentan más sobre su vida que cualquier otra parte del cuerpo. Todo lo que se hace a mano se dice que está hecho con el corazón. Porque es realmente así: las manos y el corazón están conectados. Los masajistas lo saben bien: cuando tocan el cuerpo de otra persona con sus manos crean una conexión profunda. Es precisamente a partir de esta conexión que llega la curación. Piensa en los amantes: cuando se tocan las manos, hacen el amor de una manera más sublime".
"Mis manos abuela ... ¡cuánto tiempo no las he usado así!"
"Muévelas, mi amor, comienza a crear con ellas y todo dentro de ti se moverá. El dolor pasará. Y lo que hagas con ellas se convertirá en la obra maestra más hermosa. Y ya no dolerá más. Porque habrás sido capaz de transformar su esencia".

De Elena Bernabè (autora).
Compartido y traducido por Takiruna.

Timeline photos 04/17/2020

Oh hi there colonial mentality.

I often have to remind the courageous, beautiful souls I guide that healing is sacred and that we must honor our journey.

Of course, this makes sense on an intellectual level but then that sense of urgency creeps back up. And I want to educate you all and remind you that this is another way that the colonial capitalist patriarchy shows up in our daily lives.

Interesting isn’t it? That sense of urgency, that need of wanting your spiritual decolonial healing journey to be “perfect” , it’s all a byproduct of the colonial capitalist patriarchy.

I want to remind you my loves, to have compassion for where you are in your journey. You don’t have to feel like your healing has to be “productive.” Because this then becomes a block to the sacred process. Honor where you are dear one.

This is why I no longer work as a psychologist, it just didn’t resonate with me anymore , it felt too forced, it put healing in a colonial box. I believe in therapy and in therapists, my close friends are some of them & I respect them & their work, beautiful healing happens in their work with folx. But for ME, it just didn’t align & for some of you it won’t either and that’s ok, healing comes in many forms.

I also don’t resonate with being a coach anymore. I cringe now when I hear that word & again I have friends that are coaches and do great work with folk & facilitate healing. But for me, it feels forced. Like it’s a rush to do something quickly & meet all these goals. That’s colonial.

I’m saying this not to judge or shame because we’re all different & we have different needs & have different ways to heal & none are better than others. I’m just saying this for us to allow folx to heal on their terms, to bring back the sacred, our Indigenous ways to the healing process. You know ?

Allow your healing to unfold love, it should feel like flow not force. It should feel like a journey not a race. Settle into your sacred spirit dear one.

How does this feel?

If you’re needing healing & connection to the spiritual realm, I invite you to join my distance energy healing in link in bio, portal closes In 2 days & it’s the last one for a while. Love y'all💖

Survival Healing: Traditional Mexican remedies 04/15/2020

Survival Healing: Traditional Mexican remedies Traditional Mexican remedies to treat body aches and symptoms of the common cold.


“Over the course of the millennia, all these multitudes of ancestors, generation upon generation, have come down to this moment in time — to give birth to you. There has never been, nor will ever be, another like you. You have been given a tremendous responsibility. You carry the hopes and dreams of all those who have gone before. Hopes and dreams for a better world. What will you do with your time on this Earth? How will you contribute to the ongoing story of humankind?”
— Laurence Overmire, The One Idea That Saves The World
A Call to Conscience and A Call to Action

"Tras el transcurso de los milenios, todas las multitudes de los ancestros, generación tras generación, han llegado hasta éste momento en el tiempo para dar luz a usted. Nunca ha sido, ni habrá jamás, otro como usted. Le han otorgado una tremenda responsabilidad. Lleva en si las esperanzas y las ilusiones de todos los Antepasados. Las esperanzas y los sueños para un mundo mejor. ¿Qué va a hacer con sú tiempo en esta tierra? ¿Cómo va a contribuir a la historia continua de la humanidad?"

Artist: Rick Ortega,


Holy Fractals!

Via Awakening Women Institute

Photos from Birth Comadres Doula Collective's post 11/06/2019
Meet the Comadres 06/30/2019

So proud to be a part of the 1st all bilingual Latinx Doula Collective in central Austin. And happy to add a new comadre to the collective, Tere-Martinez.

Come meet her and the rest of the comadres Sat July 6th at 11am. We will be sharing birth info and answering all questions related to pregnancy, birth and postpartum. See y'all there!

Meet the Comadres Find out what we're all about! Vengan a conocernos!


Our bodies are amazing!

"Just a glimpse of how your organs accommodate another human.😊

MSVW presents Birth Justice Training Series: Embodied Herstories + POC Birth Skills Training 04/04/2019

This is such a great training. If you are interested in supporting poc during the perinatal period this training is a must.

MSVW presents Birth Justice Training Series: Embodied Herstories + POC Birth Skills Training Mama Sana Vibrant Woman Presents Birth Justice Training Series: Part 1 April 26th & April 27th Embodied Herstories: Race and Reproduction in the United States This two-day training critically examines the US history of women's reproduction and women's relationship to their reproductive autonomy usin...

05/28/2018 #

“To unfold our lives as if they were a rebozo...
revealing its inner colors,
the richness of its texture,
the strength of its weave,
the history of its making."
—Sandra Cisneros: Mujeres del Rebozo Rojo (Women of the Red Shawl)

"Our rebozos (Indigenous shawls) are woven with prayers, dreams, tears, and hopes... every thread preserving ancestral cosmology and ageless maternal nurturance and protection. Pressed against our heart, our babies are wrapped in love and sleep within the symbols of the sacred womb of the universe. The feathers of the hummingbird and the quetzal have been replaced by swaying fringe, yet we can still feel their medicine as the rebozo wraps around our shoulders. They are the arms of the Grandmothers' embrace that hold and shield us."—Grace Alvarez Sesma

Art by Pedro Arnoldo Cruz Sunu (Maya, Guatemala)

Binding when Pregnant: Using Culture and Tradition To Support Your Belly 03/08/2018

Binding when Pregnant: Using Culture and Tradition To Support Your Belly I can’t believe we are in March. This is the month my baby Kabil was born and I am sooo reminiscing on this time last year. It was that time of year when I could barley go anywhere anymore, I was s…

Untitled album 02/10/2018

Rebozo Therapy

Todofresh Texas on Instagram: “Buenos días! We would like you to meet Familia Juarez from Mitla, Oaxaca. Familia Juárez has been weaving using foot loom for 48 years.…” 02/10/2018

I always make sure my rebozos are fair trade. Here is familia Juarez from Mitla, Oaxaca who have been weaving using foot loom for 48 years.

Todofresh Texas on Instagram: “Buenos días! We would like you to meet Familia Juarez from Mitla, Oaxaca. Familia Juárez has been weaving using foot loom for 48 years.…” 68 Likes, 3 Comments - Todofresh Texas () on Instagram: “Buenos días! We would like you to meet Familia Juarez from Mitla, Oaxaca. Familia Juárez has been…”

Timeline photos 12/04/2017

On Tues 12/5/17 at 4pm Anita Gonzalez-Nez, Texas State University student of Health Communication studies, and Irasema Reza Bailey promotor of traditional medicine and longtime doula talk about the effects of postpartum blues and depression in Latino communities.
Tune in!

Timeline photos 12/04/2017

On Tues 12/5/17 at 4pm Anita Gonzalez-Nez, Texas State University student of Health Communication studies, and Irasema Reza Bailey promotor of traditional medicine and longtime doula talk about the effects of postpartum blues and depression in Latino communities.
Tune in!

How Cultures Protect the New Mother 11/27/2017

Another reason why culture and traditions are so important.

How Cultures Protect the New Mother What can we learn from the cultural postpartum rituals of low-income, developing countries?


Get a chance to listen to me and other awesome speakers in this mama care summit. We will be talking about self care during the prenatal period.

A Latina Mama Wonders if She Belongs in the Warrior Mom Community | Postpartum Progress 11/09/2017

"Research studies have determined that Latinas are 37% more likely to suffer from Postpartum Depression than other groups"

In most Latinx traditions you have a family member stay with you for at least a month if not the whole cuarentena after baby. As some of our traditions are lost so are the ways we care and heal ourselves. Which is why it's so important for me to promote Mexican traditional medicine.

A Latina Mama Wonders if She Belongs in the Warrior Mom Community | Postpartum Progress As she didn't receive an official diagnosis, this mama isn't sure she belongs in the Warrior Mom Community. But she does.

Why We All Need to Touch and Be Touched 01/21/2016

I often have clients say "you always know exactly where the knots are" or "how did you know I was feeling that way". No, I'm not magic (Although my business name/clients might say different). The mind body connection is a lot closer than you think. Receiving regular bodywork can be like a mental download or clearing. Massage can help with the release of hormones that helps make that emotional shift.

"Body-oriented approaches (like massage) are based on a principle that is becoming more obvious to researchers. Ken Wilbur wrote in The Spectrum of Consciousness , "For every mental 'problem' or 'knot', there is a corresponding bodily 'knot', and vice versa since, in fact, the body and the mind are not two. That is, psychic conflict, guilt, shame, unresolved grief all can be lodged in the body as body memories, and when the site of the psychic difficulty is deeply touched through massage or other manipulation, it can not only release the physical pain but may make the psychic pain accessible."

Why We All Need to Touch and Be Touched Our mind, brain, and body are not separate from each other.


This is a wonderful event on Rebozo Therapy that one of the elders from Mexico will be offering here in Austin. The cost is $125. The event will be on Dec 5 & 6 from 1-5 at Casa de Luz. Please email Iris at ireza37@yahoo to register.

Hope to see you there!


Reiki sessions also offered.

What is Reiki?

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.

Timeline photos 05/07/2015

It's the little things....

Show her your appreciation this Mother's Day with a massage gift certificate!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



6700 Manchaca Road
Austin, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm

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