Olé Santé

Offering a Heart-Based Healing Practice in
which joy and authenticity illuminate your path. ✨Reiki✨


Water is gentle yet powerful, adaptable yet steadfast. It moves with grace, embraces change, and shapes its path with resilience. This natural element teaches us the art of flow and strength, a lesson we can deepen through the practice of Reiki.

Reiki helps us tap into this river of joy, aligning us with our soul’s purpose. The energy of Reiki guides us to be present, to listen, and to move with the natural flow of life.

With each Reiki session, we learn to harmonize with this energy, allowing it to guide us like a river carving its way through the landscape. As we immerse ourselves in Reiki, we begin to mirror the qualities of water—fluidity, adaptability, and quiet strength.

“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.” —Lao Tzu

Just as water can wear away the hardest rock, our consistent practice of Reiki can dissolve the barriers within us, bringing clarity and peace. It encourages us to let go of resistance, to flow with the currents of life rather than against them. In this state, we find our true strength—not in rigidity, but in our ability to adapt, to heal, and to fully engage with the NOW moment. Nature has a way of drawing us into this state of presence, reminding us of the beauty and wonder that exist in each instant. By incorporating the elements into our presence practice, we can deepen our connection to ourselves and the world around us.

Allow yourself to be fluid in your thoughts, adaptable in your actions, and strong in your spirit. Let Reiki be your guide, helping you navigate life’s challenges with grace and serenity.

May your Reiki experiences bring you the clarity of a mountain stream, the strength of a mighty river, and the peace of a tranquil lake.

In Harmony & Light, 

Amber 🤍🌊

Flow: Be Like Water 07/23/2024

The five elements of nature—Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal—each hold their own unique wisdom and energy, offering us profound insights and inspiration for our daily lives. Today, we start with the element of Water.

This summer, my travels took me through some of the most breathtaking landscapes. As I wandered through jungles, watched ocean sunrises and sunsets, sat by tranquil lakes, and gazed at green mountains, I felt a profound connection to the essence of the five elements of nature. I have been inspired to share the healing benefits of the five elements of nature and how these connect deeply with Reiki, bringing us into the heart of presence and the Now moment.

The element of Water, in particular, has been a powerful teacher. Water is gentle yet powerful, adaptable yet steadfast. It moves with grace, embraces change, and shapes its path with resilience. This natural element teaches us the art of flow and strength, a lesson we can deepen through the practice of Reiki.

With each Reiki session, we learn to harmonize with this energy, allowing it to guide us like a river carving its way through the landscape. As we immerse ourselves in Reiki, we begin to mirror the qualities of water—fluidity, adaptability, and quiet strength.

“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.” —Lao Tzu

Just as water can wear away the hardest rock, our consistent practice of Reiki can dissolve the barriers within us, bringing clarity and peace. It encourages us to let go of resistance, to flow with the currents of life rather than against them. In this state, we find our true strength—not in rigidity, but in our ability to adapt, to heal, and to fully engage with the NOW moment. Nature has a way of drawing us into this state of presence, reminding us of the beauty and wonder that exist in each instant. By incorporating the elements into our presence practice, we can deepen our connection to ourselves and the world around us.

Water, with its flowing and transformative nature, helps us release past hurts and future anxieties, bringing us into the present moment. As you practice Reiki, allow the energy of water to wash over you, cleansing your mind and spirit, and bringing you into a state of harmony and peace.

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” —Rumi

Reiki helps us tap into this river of joy, aligning us with our soul’s purpose. The energy of Reiki guides us to be present, to listen, and to move with the natural flow of life.

Allow yourself to be fluid in your thoughts, adaptable in your actions, and strong in your spirit. Let Reiki be your guide, helping you navigate life’s challenges with grace and serenity.

May your Reiki experiences bring you the clarity of a mountain stream, the strength of a mighty river, and the peace of a tranquil lake.

In Harmony & Light,

Amber 🤍

Flow: Be Like Water Click here for an update from Olé Santé Holistic Arts !


The Benefits of Reiki for Seniors and the Elderly

Benefits of Reiki for Seniors and Elder Care
Reiki helps loosen muscle tension, stimulates circulation, and soothes the nervous system. Seniors respond to Reiki because of the way it relieves pain from tight muscles, increases range of motion in arthritic or stiff joints, and even improves coordination to reduce the risk for falls and fall-related injuries. Reiki can speed healing from injuries and surgery, ease breathing, boost vitality, and rejuvenate energy and mental alertness.
This complementary therapy can provide benefits in ways seniors may not expect but certainly appreciate, including relief from itchy and dry skin, a more restful sleep, increased vitality, and mental alertness. Reiki can even foster a sense of contentment that can seem out of reach for seniors, especially those who struggle with serious health issues, chronic illnesses, depression, and mental health problems.
Patients with dementia can often benefit from touch when more traditional approaches cannot reach them. UCLA says there is one study that showed Reiki reduces stress, anxiety, and depression responses – three conditions that affect many seniors, especially those with dementia. Your well-being is my priority, and I can’t wait to be part of your path to a happier, healthier life. 🤍🌸

The Benefits of Reiki for Seniors 07/10/2024

The Benefits of Reiki for Seniors

Many seniors struggle with age-related discomforts that can significantly reduce their quality of life. Arthritis brings pain and stiffness to joints, injuries and surgeries can be slow to heal, and everyday life as a senior can be incredibly stressful.

Fortunately, Reiki may help alleviate many of these discomforts associated with senior life.
Millions of people of all ages have enjoyed the benefits of Reiki, finding relief from pain, anxiety, indigestion, and insomnia that can lessen the quality of life. Sadly, many seniors have missed out on the therapeutic benefits of Reiki. Some have not heard of the approach while others shy away because they do not fully understand or appreciate the complementary healing potential of this gentle approach.

The Healing Power of Touch

The growing numbers of seniors who have tried Reiki respond quickly to it – most seniors become enthusiastic about the treatment after only one session. Reiki helps chemotherapy patients relax, for example, or feel more comfortable after a surgical procedure. The healing power of touch brings the warmth of Reiki energy into stiff shoulders or sore feet, even for seniors who are normally sensitive to touch.
Most seniors enjoy Reiki and look forward to sessions – the soft lights, soothing music, and comfortable atmosphere are appealing. Some seniors say they feel the benefits of Reiki immediately after a session while others say it takes a few days for the therapeutic effects to appear. A handful of seniors say they feel no benefit, but their family members and caretakers can notice improvements in the individual’s physical appearance or mood.
Depending on the individual’s mindset and physical condition, seniors may benefit from short Reiki sessions at first then move into full 60-minute sessions as their body learns how to open itself and accept treatment.

Benefits of Reiki for Seniors and Elder Care

Reiki helps loosen muscle tension, stimulates circulation, and soothes the nervous system. Seniors respond to Reiki because of the way it relieves pain from tight muscles, increases range of motion in arthritic or stiff joints, and even improves coordination to reduce the risk for falls and fall-related injuries. Reiki can speed healing from injuries and surgery, ease breathing, boost vitality, and rejuvenate energy and mental alertness.
This complementary therapy can provide benefits in ways seniors may not expect but certainly appreciate, including relief from itchy and dry skin, a more restful sleep, increased vitality, and mental alertness. Reiki can even foster a sense of contentment that can seem out of reach for seniors, especially those who struggle with serious health issues, chronic illnesses, depression, and mental health problems.
Patients with dementia can often benefit from touch when more traditional approaches cannot reach them. UCLA says there is one study that showed Reiki reduces stress, anxiety, and depression responses – three conditions that affect many seniors, especially those with dementia.

Reiki Brings Peace and Calm

Reiki helps to bring peace and calm to an advanced senior’s or elder’s world, sometimes filled with pain, disability, foggy memory, never-ending doctor appointments, and other problems that make even the smallest activity of daily living seem like a monumental challenge. These challenges have a profoundly disruptive effect on the flow of the older adult’s life force energy and, left unaddressed, can even exacerbate illness and dysfunction. The Reiki technique helps to reestablish proper energy flow to improve the health and wellbeing of older adults.
Reiki Helps Ease Pain

Reiki may even help ease pain and reduce the need for painkillers. One study showed that Reiki could reduce patients’ need for the analgesic, meperidine, during colonoscopy. Researchers in that study reviewed the charts of 300 colonoscopy patients and determined that each patient received more than 50 mg of meperidine. The scientists then recruited 30 patients to participate in a new study. Twenty-five subjects participated in Reiki while five engaged in placebo Reiki before undergoing the colonoscopy procedure. The scientists found that 16 percent of those who received Reiki required less than 50 mg of meperidine.

Reiki is a Complementary Therapy

Fortunately, it is not an “either-or” relationship between Reiki and medical treatments – Reiki works in harmony with other treatments for age-related conditions. Reiki is a complementary therapy that enhances the therapeutic properties of medicines and medical techniques while optimizing the natural healing process that has slowed for many adults. In some cases, Reiki can even act as a catalyst for healing when the therapeutic benefits of standard medical approaches seem to come to a standstill.

Your well-being is my priority, and I can’t wait to be part of your path to a happier, healthier life.

The Benefits of Reiki for Seniors Click here for an update from Olé Santé Holistic Arts !

Happy Independence Day From Olé Santé! 07/04/2024

Happy Independence Day! As we celebrate our nation’s freedom, it’s a wonderful time to reflect on our personal journeys and embrace the energy of renewal and growth.

After the festivities, why not take some time for yourself to recharge and realign? A Reiki session is the perfect way to release any lingering stress and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.

Enjoy your holiday celebrations, and when you’re ready, book your session to continue your journey toward well-being and balance.
Step into the rest of the summer with refreshed and balanced energy.

Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Independence Day! I look forward to seeing you soon!

Happy Independence Day From Olé Santé! Click here for an update from Olé Santé Holistic Arts !


Unlocking the Power of the Vagus Nerve through Reiki

In the realm of holistic healing, the vagus nerve has gained significant attention for its role in regulating our parasympathetic nervous system, which governs rest, digestion, and relaxation. By understanding and nurturing this vital nerve, we can unlock numerous health benefits, with Reiki being one of the most effective methods.

Understanding the Vagus Nerve
The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve, extending from the brainstem through the neck to the abdomen. It influences heart rate, digestion, and respiratory rate, acting as a mediator between the brain and major organs to maintain bodily balance. When functioning optimally, the vagus nerve promotes calm, reduces inflammation, and supports overall well-being. Dysfunction can lead to anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, and chronic stress.

The Healing Touch of Reiki
Reiki, a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation, involves transferring universal life energy through a practitioner's hands to the recipient. This non-invasive practice induces deep relaxation, reduces stress, and promotes health, benefiting the vagus nerve.

How Reiki Benefits the Vagus Nerve
Enhancing Relaxation and Reducing Stress: Reiki stimulates the vagus nerve, lowering heart rate and blood pressure, and shifting the body from fight-or-flight to rest-and-digest.

Improving Heart Rate Variability (HRV): Higher HRV indicates better vagus nerve health and resilience to stress. Reiki improves HRV, suggesting enhanced vagal tone and autonomic function.

Promoting Digestive Health: Reiki's calming effects stimulate the vagus nerve, improving digestion and alleviating issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Boosting Immune Function: Reiki reduces stress and enhances relaxation, indirectly supporting the immune system and regulating inflammation.

Alleviating Anxiety and Depression: Reiki induces calm and balance, helping alleviate anxiety and depression, and supporting emotional regulation linked to vagal tone.

Incorporating Reiki into your wellness routine can transform the health and functionality of your vagus nerve. By promoting deep relaxation and tapping into the body's natural healing processes, Reiki enhances overall physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Nurturing the vagus nerve through Reiki offers a powerful path to greater health, resilience, and harmony in life.

REIKI: UNLOCK THE POWER OF YOUR VEGUS NERVE Click here for an update from Olé Santé Holistic Arts !

How Stress Affects the Immune System & Reiki To The Rescue 05/23/2024

Mind over matter” is not simply a catchphrase. It is a truth based on what we know to be fact: that the brain, given the right set of directions, the right environment, and the proper stimuli, will always choose healing over disease.

The ability to fend off illness and disease depends on several factors, some of which are beyond our control, but the way we react to stress and the general health of our immune system are things we can influence. The brain and the immune system constantly communicate in this delicate balance that physical or emotional stress can disrupt. If we cannot change our response to stressors, we’ll be in a constant hormonal battle leading to serious health issues like hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

Ongoing stress makes us susceptible to illness and disease because the brain sends defense signals to the endocrine system, which then releases an array of hormones that not only gets us ready for emergencies but severely depresses our immunity at the same time.
Some experts claim that stress is responsible for 90% of all illnesses and diseases, including cancer and heart disease. It does this by triggering chemical reactions and flooding the body with cortisol, which decreases inflammation, decreases white blood cells and NK cells (special cells that kill cancer), increases tumor development and growth, and increases the infection rate and tissue damage.

Because the effects of stress are cumulative, even ordinary, day-to-day activities can eventually lead to more severe health issues. So it’s essential to be aware of the simple daily stress in our lives.

Reiki to the Rescue!!

Whenever light is infused into one’s being, it illuminates what has been kept in the dark. This includes outdated patterns, emotional pain that has been quietly suppressed, or even energies that don’t belong to the client but have made a home in their energy body.

The beauty of Reiki is that although the Reiki practitioner facilitates the healing, the true healer is the client.

Everyone embodies innate wisdom (even if they may not be in touch with it or aren’t paying attention); therefore, their body takes as little or as much as is needed during a session for optimal healing.

We spend so much of our daily lives in fight-or-flight mode; Reiki stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and transports us to rest and relax mode, allowing time for our mind and body to reset and heal.

As Reiki helps us release what no longer serves us and heals the chakras and energy fields that we cannot see, we can significantly OWN OUR POWER, align with our higher purpose, raise our vibrations, and in turn, RELIEVE STRESS & BOOST OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM.

I look forward to assisting you during your next Reiki Refresh Sesh!

How Stress Affects the Immune System & Reiki To The Rescue Click here for an update from Olé Santé Holistic Arts !

Treat Mama! Reiki gift certificates available 05/08/2024

Give the gift of stress relief, relaxation, rejuvenation, & LOVE with a Reiki session for all the mommas out there!

Reiki Changes Your Life with Love

Reiki profoundly changes your life. Not only have I experienced the beautiful events brought on by the unconditional love of the universe in myself, but I have witnessed it in others too. No one will deny the humbling power of the universal energy that celebrates our connection to everything around us; however, too often, we impose crippling restrictions and limitations onto ourselves due to our fears of failure, abandonment, pain, or even success. Reiki can diminish and destroy these fears. It can highlight our connection and love for ourselves, our planet, and our universe.

Reiki can come to the rescue for its ability to:

Reduce stress and increase relaxation
Boost your mood, thereby decreasing anxiety as well as depression, confusion, and anger
Help heal emotional and mental wounds from past relationships
Create inner harmony, peace, and a balanced state of body and mind
When you’re graced with inner peace, harmony, and balance, you can extend the same to your relationships more easily. Combine this with your reduced stress and anxiety, healing, and an increased capacity for empathy and love!

Treat Mama! Reiki gift certificates available Click here for an update from Olé Santé Holistic Arts !

Reiki Soothes Anxiety 05/07/2024

Gentle yet powerful anxiety relief

Studies have shown that Reiki offers several potential benefits for people with generalized anxiety disorder. Some of these benefits include:

Lower stress level

People with generalized anxiety disorder have higher stress levels than the normal population. Both research studies and anecdotal reports indicate that Reiki may assist in alleviating some of this stress.


Having generalized anxiety disorder makes it difficult to relax even when no significant stressor is present. Many people who participate in Reiki sessions report feeling relaxed both during the session and after it is complete, which may be beneficial to someone who struggles with anxiety.

Improved mood

�Not every person who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder will experience depression. However, for many people, these two issues go hand-in-hand. Research indicates that people who participate in Reiki sessions on a regular basis feel less depressed than they did prior to therapy.

Better sleep

People with generalized anxiety disorder may find that they have trouble falling asleep, are unable to stay asleep, or don’t feel rested even after sleeping all night. Reiki sessions may alleviate some of these issues and improve the quality of sleep.
Reiki is non-invasive and doesn’t pose any risk to the client. It also causes no side effects. Thus, Reiki can be used in conjunction with virtually any other treatment prescribed by a physician, including medication and other types of therapy.

Relevant Research

Multiple research studies have been conducted to explore the relationship between Reiki and anxiety disorders. Some of these studies are detailed below.

Reiki reduces anxiety among women

A study was published that sought to determine whether Reiki could reduce anxiety among women undergoing hysterectomies. The researchers found that women in the treatment group experienced less anxiety than those in the control group. Although this study was conducted only on women undergoing surgery, the results may apply to other individuals as well.

Reiki helps with anxiety and fatigue in cancer patients

Another study conducted in Turkey focused on the ability of Reiki treatment to reduce anxiety, pain and fatigue among cancer patients. The researchers found that all of these variables improved among subjects in the group treated with Reiki. Because both anxiety and fatigue are symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder, it stands to reason that Reiki could potentially be helpful for people with this condition as well.

Reiki reduces depression and anxiety among older adults

During this study, researchers sought to determine whether treating older adults with Reiki would improve depression, anxiety, and other issues. The researchers found that individuals in the treatment group experienced less anxiety and depression than those in the control group. Participants in the study also reported feelings of relaxation following Reiki sessions.
These are just a few of the research studies that demonstrate the ability of Reiki to benefit individuals who are struggling with anxiety.

Ready to experience the stress-relieving benefits of Reiki? Book your session now and begin your journey to a calmer, more balanced life.

Reiki Soothes Anxiety Click here for an update from Olé Santé Holistic Arts !

April Delights Await: Pink Full Moon Bliss and Uplift and Upcycle Fun at Shuniya Yoga Collective! 04/12/2024



Dive into the enchanting energy of the Full Moon as we ride the sound waves of crystal bowls, dance with the gentle touch of Reiki energy, take a breath of fresh, revitalizing air with guided breathwork, and embark on a cosmic voyage through our special full moon meditation, all under the guidance of Reiki Master Practitioner, Amber Soberón.

This Pink Full Moon, named after the blooming of pink wildflowers, symbolizes growth, renewal, and the blossoming of new possibilities. It's a time to embrace change, release what no longer serves us, and set intentions for the future.
Join us IN PERSON at Shuniya Yoga Collective or ONLINE from the comfort of your home for this unforgettable Pink Moon Glow Gathering!

Please bring a journal or paper and a pen and any props you need for your practice (yoga mat, blanket, bolster, water).
IN PERSON - $30 (early bird until 4/14)
$35 (regular)
LIVE-STREAM - $25 per person
✨ 10% off for Shuniya Members! ✨

Time & Location

Apr 21, 2024, 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Shuniya Yoga Collective, 1708 Houston St, Austin, TX 78756, USA
About the Event

Join Lindsay of Shuniya Yoga Collective and Amber of Olé Santé for an afternoon of cleansing, clearing & community!
This process is about releasing old energy that no longer serves. Clearing this outdated energy gives the new, relevant energy space to come in. A great way to start this process is with our physical space - think about cleaning out your closet. When you get rid of items that you no longer wear, you release old energy that has attached to these items. It leaves room for a refreshing reset, both physically and energetically and allows new energy to flow.
Let's face it - letting go can be challenging. Allow the collective energy cultivated by this gathering to support you in this effort! Rest assured, each of your released items will take on a new life and be treasured again! We can trade items, if we find something that matches our current energetic vibration, and all remaining items will be donated to a wonderful local non-profit!
Here's how to participate:
Select some gently worn items from your closet that no longer serve you and are ready to be shared with others.
Maybe something else is calling to you now? Bring home something new! All items remaining will be donated.
Pamper and reward yourself with a cleansing breathwork (pranayama) meditation followed by a soothing reiki-infused sound bath, led by Amber - our gift to you!

April Delights Await: Pink Full Moon Bliss and Uplift and Upcycle Fun at Shuniya Yoga Collective! Click here for an update from Olé Santé Holistic Arts !

Maintaining Chakra Balance Between Reiki Sessions 04/03/2024

Maintaining balance in our chakras, or energy centers, is essential for overall well-being and inner harmony. These energetic hubs regulate various aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual health, and when they are in harmony, we experience a sense of vitality and equilibrium. While Reiki sessions offer significant support in aligning and balancing the chakras, it's equally important to foster this balance between appointments. Let's explore effective practices to sustain the vitality and equilibrium of your chakras, ensuring a continuous journey towards inner well-being.

Mindful Practices:
Engage in daily mindfulness activities such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness walks. These practices calm the mind, reduce stress, and encourage the free flow of energy throughout the chakras.

Yoga and Movement:
Incorporate yoga poses and movement exercises that target specific chakras. From grounding poses for the root chakra to heart-opening postures for the heart chakra, regular practice keeps the energy centers aligned and vibrant.
CHECK OUT - shuniyayogacollective.com (https://www.shuniyayogacollective.com)

Self-Healing Techniques:
Explore self-healing techniques such as Reiki self-treatment, crystal therapy, or energy-clearing rituals. By tuning into your energy field, you can identify and address imbalances before they escalate, promoting ongoing chakra harmony.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices:
Nourish your body with whole foods, stay hydrated, and prioritize restful sleep. A balanced lifestyle supports overall energy wellness, ensuring your chakras remain balanced and vital between Reiki sessions.

Emotional Awareness:
Cultivate emotional awareness and expression to prevent the accumulation of negative energy in the chakras. Journaling, therapy, or creative outlets can help process emotions and maintain energetic equilibrium.

Nature Connection:
Spending time in nature connects you with the Earth's grounding energy, facilitating chakra balance and renewal. Take walks in nature, practice earthing, or sit and soak in the natural beauty around you.

By incorporating mindful habits, self-care rituals, and healthy lifestyle choices into your daily routine, you can support the harmonious flow of energy throughout your chakras. However, remember the importance of regular Reiki sessions to optimize your energy body's health, and well-being. Whether bi-weekly or monthly, these appointments provide the deeper alignment and rejuvenation your energy system needs. So, as you nurture your chakras between sessions, keep in mind the ultimate commitment to keeping your energy body fit with consistent Reiki visits.

Maintaining Chakra Balance Between Reiki Sessions Click here for an update from Olé Santé Holistic Arts !

Spring Showers Bring Reiki Bliss: Book Your Session Thursday-Saturday 03/13/2024


Now Open!

🌸🌧️ Spring showers have altered my vacation plans, but they've also opened up my schedule to provide you with rejuvenating Reiki sessions from Thursday to Saturday. Let’s welcome the season’s rhythm and revitalize your spirit together!

Spring Showers Bring Reiki Bliss: Book Your Session Thursday-Saturday Click here for an update from Olé Santé Holistic Arts !

Nurturing Love and Growth with Amber Soberón 03/05/2024

Thank you for the interview!

Nurturing Love and Growth with Amber Soberón Meet Amber Soberón, the holistic force behind Olé Santé. Based in Austin, Texas, she’s a Reiki Master, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, and sound therapy facilitator, of

Spring Clean Your Body, Mind, and Spirit with Reiki 03/04/2024

Spring Clean Your Body, Mind, and Spirit with Reiki

As the flowers bloom and the birds sing, springtime invites us to shed the old and embrace the new. It's not just our homes that could use a little spring cleaning—our bodies, minds, and spirits could benefit from a refreshing reset too.

Reiki, a gentle yet powerful healing practice, offers a holistic approach to wellness that goes beyond just physical cleansing. By channeling universal life force energy, Reiki helps to clear away energetic blockages, release stagnant energy, and promote balance and harmony within the body.

Here are just a few ways that Reiki can help you refresh and rejuvenate from the inside out:

Clearing Out the Clutter:
Just as we declutter our homes to create space for new beginnings, Reiki can help us clear out mental and emotional clutter. Through Reiki sessions, you can release stress, anxiety, and negative emotions that may have accumulated over the winter months, leaving you feeling lighter and more at peace.

Energizing Your Body:
Spring is a time of renewal and vitality, and Reiki can help you tap into that energy. By balancing your body's energy centers, or chakras, Reiki promotes optimal health and wellness, leaving you feeling revitalized and ready to embrace life's opportunities.

Nurturing Your Spirit:
Spring is also a time of spiritual growth and expansion, and Reiki can help you connect with your innermost self. Through Reiki, you can access your intuition, deepen your spiritual practice, and cultivate a greater sense of purpose and meaning in your life.

Embracing New Beginnings:
Perhaps most importantly, Reiki can help you embrace spring's fresh possibilities. Whether pursuing a new project, fostering a new relationship, or simply seeking a fresh perspective, Reiki can provide the support and guidance you need to step confidently into the future.

Whether you're looking to clear out the cobwebs of your mind, revitalize your body, nurture your spirit, or embrace new opportunities, Reiki offers a gentle yet profound way to refresh and renew from the inside out.

Spring Clean Your Body, Mind, and Spirit with Reiki Click here for an update from Olé Santé Holistic Arts !

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1908 W Koenig Lane
Austin, TX

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 7pm
Sunday 9am - 7pm

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