Lux Healthstyle

Lux Healthstyle™ provides you with individualized transformative health protocols.


Minimal effort. Nutrient dense.
Turn oven on broil (550 F)
Wash and chop potatoes- add salt and garlic powder and some avocado oil spray…air fryer at 400 F for 25 minutes. Marinated flank steak is cooking meanwhile- 6-7 minutes each side under 550 F broil- top rack. The last 6-8 minutes of air fry (depends on thickness of asparagus- this was 6 minutes)- add asparagus to air fryer. Asparagus had coarse salt and sprayed with avocado oil.


Want to host a STELLAR party this weekend and include your sober friends? Make it less awkward for them- check my resources for Mocktail Recipes and even Step It Up a Notch with some adaptogens and nootropics so they can flow with the vibe of the party, too! (link in bio, too!)

I’m coming up on 2 years sober, and I still get my good vibes- only now it comes from herbs, mostly. And not probably the kind you are thinking of! Mine are adaptogens and nootropics. If you are at all sober-curious or just want some alternatives, check out the brand new Lux Healthstyle Edition. This is the first one! Also- check out what adaptogens and nootropics to pick to set the right mood.

Photos from Lux Healthstyle's post 05/10/2024

The most beautiful part of a natural swimming pool is the reason it thrives: water filtration by the roots, water flowing and aerating (plus some beneficial bacteria that we add).
This is similar to what I do with my clients and their digestion- getting things moving and getting the bacteria back in balance so they can thrive. A sort of leitmotif of my life. 😊


Synthetic progestin- found in birth control and hormonal IUDs- is only protecting a women from giving birth and actually does help maintain the uterine lining thickness, but wreaks all kinds of havoc on all of the other cells with progesterone (what our body produces) receptors. Bioidentical progesterone has all of these benefits- see photo.

Photos from Lux Healthstyle's post 04/27/2024

Founder’s Day is not my jam this year. It’s a dirty chai protein latte, hormone studying, chill music listening kind of day. And does this air plant and hand holder give you as much joy as it gives me?

Here’s the Spotify list:


Hormones, Gut Health, Skin… ask me what I know.
For years, you have been asking and now for years, I have been learning. Over 15 years of studying and all of the things that hang out in my nerdy 🧠 are available to you on a condensed summary- all in a sweet process with you on mind. Safe space to be vulnerable, get questions answered and stop with the nonsense gaslighting you may be getting from others.
P**p is good.
Hormones are beneficial.
Skin can be clear and itch-free.

I have openings in May!


A little kick and a little calm on a hot and humid day.


Ladies (and gents, too). It seems that there is a lot of miseducation and lack of education around perimenopause and menopause. Here around 1 of people you can follow on IG to get some education:

Perimenopause and Menopause


Your body, your hormones. Friends, if you are feeling worse, hips are widening, joint and headache pain is more pronounced, have hot flashes, getting itching, libido is gone, etc.- your natural hormones are declining- let’s talk.
Your doctor will need to prescribe them (and make sure-no synthetics) and I can partner with you to make sure you are detoxifying them through the proper channels.


Spring is here at our natural swimming pool!
Should I wax on poetic about spring and transformation and the new moon and soon to be eclipse also signaling a time of renewal and rebirth?
Nah- every day, regardless of the moon and time of the year is your chance for renewal. I’m glad you woke up with breath in your lungs today. Now go get it- the day is all yours!

Gut Harmony: The Secrets to Beauty, Brainpower and Whole-Body Wellness 01/22/2024

This has “mature” content- the gut’s role in org@sm and erectile function is part of the talk (also talking about how it affects skin and brain- all in less than 8 minutes- this is a broad view). This is a prerecorded practice video, but you’ll get all of the goods and discounted offer* for my services!

*The discount mentioned is availble at Must be purchased by Feb 14th and expires May 20, 2024

Gut Harmony: The Secrets to Beauty, Brainpower and Whole-Body Wellness In this video, I discuss the importance of gut health and its impact on various aspects of our well-being, including skin health, hormonal balance, and brain function. I share my personal journey with gut issues and how it led me to explore the world of gut health. I also highlight the connection be...


Wishing you all a 2024 filled with Health, Gratitiude and Prosperity!


It’s the most wonderful time of a practitioner’s year! I love being a practitioner partner with Siete Family Foods. Sending the “Siete” family of creators of allergy free, non-GMO, delicious food lots of love!!


When you are a Holistic Health Practitioner and buy real foods, you get memes from your teenager daughter like this. Sorry, not sorry for loving you and your health. 😊


Are you a woman with adult acne, hair growing in weird places and not growing on your head? You may want to keep reading.

Let’s talk about green tea today. Don’t you love my matcha maker, btw?

Green tea can help calm symptoms of PCOS and is said to have anti-androgenic effects. What does that mean? Well, the things I described above and some technical terms- idiopathic hirsutism, androgenic alopecia, and acne.

When I analyze the results of my favorite hormone lab, I can see how your body is metabolizing testosterone and estrogen. Are you metabolizing estrogen down a cancerous pathway? I see that. Is testosterone metabolizing down this unfavorable pathway? How are your cortisol levels?

I work with clients on diet, stress reduction, rest, movement (exercise or other), and supplements based on their lab work.

Show me the data and I will show you results!

There is a supplement that is my favorite for up regulating this pathway. You can find it here, and will be eligible for discounts in the future. (You will need to activate an account to see and to receive future discounts, but I will give you a 10% discount on all supplements you order!)

If you are ready to discuss working with me, click here-

Do you want to read a published medical article?

Excerpt- “It is now clear that a specific green tea catechin, (-)epigallocatechin-3-gallate, can modulate the production and biological actions of androgens and other hormones. Modulation of androgenic activity and administration of (-)epigallocatechin-3-gallate may be useful for the treatment of various hormone-related abnormalities, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, baldness, and acne, as well as androgen-dependent and -independent prostate cancers.”

(Even though this is a food product, This is not medical advise and should be discussed with you doctor)


Embark on an adventure to nourish your soul and rejuvenate your mind. 🌄 Sometimes, the best form of healthcare is the one that takes you on a journey of self-discovery, rest, and exploration. ✨ Right now is the best time to invest in your health.
Work with me, your friend/family member that you trust.
I am holistic health practitioner, health coach and FDN-P and can work with anyone, because of my virtual practice to optimize your health and get rid of those bothersome “symptoms”- you know, the one you just thought of. I can help!


After reading all of the books and watching to so many webinars- there still is something so satisfying about a course and certification that I can’t resist!
Starting class on Wednesday! 🎉
The nerd in me can’t wait!!


Big Bold Health Himalayan Tartary is winning in my kitchen!
Why, you may wonder…
(Scroll down)

Going in the oven now!!
Ruth’s Buckwheat Cookies revised:

⅔ cup coconut sugar

¾ cup coconut oil, softened

1 egg replacer

1 cup Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat Flour

1/2 cup gluten free flour

1 tsp gluten-free, corn-free baking powder

Pinch of salt

Optional but recommended: ½ cup Enjoy brand chocolate chips and a handful of Enjoy brand chocolate chunks. A handful of pecan pieces.

Benefits: Immuno rejuvenation, polyphenols, microbiome health, autophagy (a fancy word for cell rejuvenation), energy, immune health, mental clarity, omega-3’s- good for cardiovascular, vision, mood, health and more.

And- Cookies make me happy!! 🍪 😊So there’s that.


Photos from Lux Healthstyle's post 08/21/2023

If you see me all frizzed out and smiling, you know you caught me after a good workout. Someday I will be up to 33 lbs like her. Someday…


Snap, fizz and feeling good. We tried a new -alcoholic sip tonight by the pool. Reminiscent of a wine spritzer, perhaps?
I found this at my local grocery store (H‑E‑B for the win!). But, you know I started searching around and subscribed to the variety pack- save $10 on my link OR get the Paloma, Mule, Mojito and Margarita.


What I do when my gut feels full and inflamed-
As a holistic health coach, I have a few non-negotiable habits I lean on…

1. Prioritizing rest- reading a book, spending downtime with people I love, hanging out watching birds sip from the natural swimming pool, etc.

2. Deep belly breaths, focused on healing my gut- easy, free and often overlooked

3. Staying hydrated and focused on minerals. My favorite is .minerals and my filtered water.

4. Sipping slowly on this homemade bone broth (this recipe is from my Cancer-Fighting Kitchen cookbook). I make a huge pot and freeze in mason jars so it is always on hand. To this, I heated and added fresh ginger and fresh garlic, juice of 1/2 lime, Celtic sea salt and curry powder. I just told my husband that I could live off of this! So delicious!!

5. Gentle movements like Pilates, yoga, or just stretching.

6. Definitely planning on getting in front of my red light, too.

7. session to calm my central nervous system.

What are your go-to habits?

You can also find discounts on


I pride myself in staying up to date on information that may benefit my clients. I am checking boxes as I continue to learn and study the body. This time is was a quick refresher course on the thyroid.


Say you are sober without saying you’re sober.

1 year being alcohol-free.


Ready for some inner work? Do you feel stuck and ready to overcome health hurdles? Do you have a desire to help others? This is a quote from my recent podcast interview on the Health Detective. I was at a place where I was called to do the work required to get well. What about you, friend?
Use the link in my IG bio- there's less than two weeks left to take advantage of some exciting offerings.

Summer Open House is going on and you can get a sneak peek into what is all about! And the impressive $1k discount on the course (which includes lab work and results for you) only happens once a year!!


The new Pilates room is my daughter’s former room. She moved to a bigger bedroom and we got a workout haven, thanks to my husband’s great idea! And my daughter is back on her room working out!


Super simple and satisfying! Protein- sardines and lentil pasta. Fat- olive oil and olives. Yummy carbs- artichoke, peppers and mint leaves. Add some garlic, juice of 1 fresh lemon and some salt. Soooo amazing for my post workout meal.


When you are moderately reactive to “healthy foods.” This is why every client gets a food sensitivity lab done. You don’t even have to be eating the food to be reactive. When you’re eating health, but your health seems to be declining- it isn’t because you are getting older. There is a reason. This is the 1st step to healing.


Today was about getting enough protein, post workout, and preventing disease.
Quinoa, h**p seeds, mushrooms, olives, broccoli sprouts, beet greens, roasted garlic cloves, and sweet potatoes!

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Videos (show all)

I have been waiting for this!!#perimenopause #BHRT #HRT #hormonehealth #menopause
Legit!  Let’s gab.The childhood trauma triggers always popping up!#trauma #health #innerchild #healtrauma #shakeyourbody...
#holistichealth #whyholistic
While I figure out how to reconnect my FB with my appt calendar, here is a link if you want to set up a consultation. ht...




Austin, TX

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11am - 3:30pm
Wednesday 11am - 3:30pm
Thursday 11am - 3:30pm
Friday 11am - 3:15pm

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