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"The Mystical Challenge"

Timeline photos 24/10/2016

MORNING UPDATE: 24th October 2016


This year has so far been full of excitements in mountain gorilla conservation, with Uganda having births of baby mountain gorillas in her Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, and now another birth in her sister National Park called Mgahinga.

News has met the AUTO office of another birth of mountain gorillas, and in the communication we are informed that one of the females in Mgahinga's Nyakagezi family brought forth two adorable innocently looking twin gorillas. Yes mountain gorillas do give birth to twins, and this is one other confirmation.

A more detailed account of this birth is still being compiled and more information with more accurate photography will be shared at an appropriate time. This is a plus for conservation, a bonus for mountain gorilla lovers, and great news for tourism in Uganda.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is part of a larger ecosystem, the Virunga Conservation Area which includes two adjacent parks in Rwanda and Congo. Together with Bwindi, Mgahinga makes Uganda the prime destination for gorilla tracking safaris; giving Uganda a count of over half of the world's remaining population of mountain gorillas. Just another factor to confirm the name Pearl of Africa.

Book your gorilla safari to Uganda with one of our members and perhaps you could get an opportunity to see these newly born twins. See our members list here


AUTO (Association of Uganda Tour Operators)
Tel: +256 414 542 599 | +256 702 542 599
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: auto_ug
Skype: AUTO (Association of Uganda Tour Operators)

Uganda ranked 2nd amongst world’s friendliest countries – survey – 17/10/2016

Uganda ranked 2nd amongst world’s friendliest countries – survey – We might not be as friendly to expat families as we’d think. In a ranking of 67 countries around the world for ‘Ease of settling in’, the UK ranked 42nd for Friendliness, and 43rd for ‘Finding Friends’. This is according to the Expat Insider 2016 index by InterNations, which surveyed more than 14,00...

Discover Thainess campaign launched to great fanfare Thailand Tourism... 21/01/2015

Thailand Tourism Festival 2015 attracted over 600,000 visitors:

The Tourism Authority of Thailand’s (TAT) new “2015 Discover Thainess” campaign’s grand opening celebrations recently coincided with the 35th Thailand Tourism Festival were held with great fanfare and were attended by thousands of locals and tourists. The TAT’s Thainess parades brought crowds onto the streets while the five-day tourism fair attracted over 600,000 Thai and foreign visitors and generated some 230 million Baht in revenue.

Discover Thainess campaign launched to great fanfare Thailand Tourism... The Tourism Authority of Thailand’s (TAT) new “2015 Discover Thainess” campaign’s grand opening celebrations recently coincided with the 35th ... 23/10/2014

Poachers in Zimbabwe poison 87 elephants for ivory, official says

Harare, Zimbabwe (CNN) -- More than 80 elephants in Zimbabwe have been poisoned with cyanide -- the latest victims of poachers keen to feed soaring global demand for illegally trafficked ivory.

Since May, the carcasses of 87 elephants have been discovered in Hwange National Park, said Caroline Washaya-Moyo, public relations manager for Zimbabwe's Parks and Wildlife Management Authority.

The poachers poisoned natural salt licks to bring down the mighty beasts, she said Wednesday.

The parks authority has so far recovered 51 tusks, she said -- leaving 123 in the hands of the poachers.

Timeline photos 12/10/2014

Nile: a river of mysteries

They say all great mysteries begin at the end and end at the very beginning; River Nile is a perfect picture to accompany that phrase.
We all know where it ends, pouring northward through the sudans, where it meets its biggest tributary, the Blue Nile before heading to Egypt and finally into the Mediterranean Sea. But locating, let alone, agreeing on the origins of this magnificent river, has befuddled the world since time immemorial. The Bible and the Quran both hint on this mystery and both ancient and present day voyagers have waded in with their own suggestions.

Timeline photos 07/09/2014

Revamped Martyrs shrine to spur Uganda’s faith-based tourism;

Every June 3, thousands of pilgrims from Uganda and beyond throng the Uganda Martyrs Shrine at Namugongo, Wakiso District to honour St Charles Lwanga and his 21 companions who were killed for refusing to denounce Christianity between 1885 and 1887.
While the most well-known of the Namugongo Martyrs are the 22 Catholic and 23 Anglican faithful who were killed on the orders of Kabaka Mwanga, 76 Muslims were also killed alongside them.
The Catholic Martyrs were on June 6, 1920, beatified by Pope Benedict XV, and canonised on October 18, 1964, in the presence of bishops from all over the world who had gathered in Rome for the Second Vatican Council by Pope Paul VI.
June 3 has become central to the Uganda Christian calendar and is usually marked with prayers and thanksgiving. Last year, the Catholic Church unveiled plans to extend the significance of the Martyrs Day to more than the June 3 and its traditional values to a land mark tourism site.

Timeline photos 15/06/2014

Africa surpasses Asia in ivory seizures: CITES:

GENEVA - Several African countries have made great strides in clamping down on ivory smuggling, with large seizures for the first time exceeding those made in prime destination Asia, UN wildlife regulator CITES said Friday.

Until recently, seizures of half a tonne or more of ivory were rarely if ever made before the illegal, precious material left Africa. That changed just over a year ago, according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Two thirds of the 76 such seizures made since 2009 have been in Asia, where demand for tusks for decorative purposes and use in traditional medicines, has fuelled a multi-billion-dollar illicit trade.

But since March, 2013, for the first time, "more large-scale seizures were made in Africa than in Asia," CITES said in a report on elephant poaching and the illegal ivory trade.

Timeline photos 12/06/2014

Tangi one the three Rothschild’s giraffes brought to the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre (UWEC) in 2009 for conservation education purposes and breeding has died.

By the time she died, she was responding to her name and would turn round when summoned by animal keepers to be fed.

“She was the most bold and reliable for the new feeding program at UWEC. She will be dearly missed by the entire UWEC family and visitors,” said UWEC spokesperson Belinda Atim in a somber tone.

According to Atim, “Tangi was the first giraffe to respond favorably to training for the newly introduced ‘giraffe feeding program’ and was the most popular. She was fed by the World Tourism Organisation president, minister of tourism Maria Mutagamba and several prominent people during their visits here.”

On June 8, Tangi was found lying lifeless in her exhibit by her care-givers. It was earlier observed that not to be passing stool and showed signs stomach ache. There was a rapid response by the UWEC veterinary team and she was not considered to be in mortal danger. Following some recovery Tangi’s improved feeding habits was evidence of health improvement and increased energy level.

“Finding her dead is perplexing,” wondered Atim.

The findings of a post-mortem have it that the carcass was in normal state except for an abnormal mass found in the wall of the small intestine, which oozed out pus upon incision. Except the lining of the small intestine which an abnormal large amount of blood and had wounds.

Consequently, the large intestine was bloated with gas, heavily distended and torn. There was evident disturbance of intestinal contents to the point of obstruction.

The mass growth led to gradual intestinal obstruction, sudden a high level of bacterial growth due to retention of excreta that led to sudden death. Biological samples have been collected and submitted to the Central Diagnostic Laboratory at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Makerere University to ascertain the origin of the...

Timeline photos 10/06/2014

Oil activities threaten lion population

Kampala- Uganda’s lion population is under threat due to human activities such as oil exploration, infrastructure developments, swamp reclamation, cattle grazing and tree cutting.
According to the National State of the Environment Report 2012.

Uganda’s tourism is likely to be affected if exploration activities in areas where oil has been discovered are not sustainably managed. The total lion population has reduced up from 600 between 1999 and 2003, to 416 in the period between 2007 and 2010.

However, the Uganda Wildlife Authority spokesperson, Mr Jossy Muhangi, said the cause of decline in the numbers of the wildlife species like lions has not been due to the activities of oil exploration.

“We jointly monitor the activities of the oil and gas sector with the Water ministry and Nema to mitigate the risks of environmental degradation, water and air pollution and devastating effects on wildlife species,” Mr Muhangi added.

He also noted that some part of the Ugandan population poison the lions, like the Basogola tribe in western Uganda did in Queen Elizabeth National Park after the lions were a threat to their cattle. The report also cites rapid population growth as a major threat to the environment if not controlled.

The international community today marks the World Environment Day, an annual event aimed at drawing the biggest attention to mother earth. During the World Environment Day – a day commemorated since 1972 – the United Nations Environment Programme is able to personalise environmental issues to realise not only their responsibility, but also their power to become agents of change in support of sustainable equitable development.

According to Nema, this year’s national celebrations, that will take place in Kaliro District, have been postponed to Friday, June 6, following the date coinciding with the State-of-the-Nation-Address. This year’s national theme is “Raise Your Voice, Save Uganda’s...

Timeline photos 09/06/2014

The Kenyan tourism sector is going through a horrible time.

Hotel occupancy rates show no indication of rising despite the fact that the high season is about to start. In fact, bookings are turning into cancellations as previously expected foreign visitors reconsider coming.

Now, several thousand workers face being laid off, because the hotels have no business to speak of. The knock-on effect will also hit the suppliers, meaning a depressed local economy, especially along the Coast.

The cause of this dismal situation is terrorism and in particular the al Shabaab extremists. They believe indiscriminately killing people is the best way to get their point of view across to the outside world. In doing so, they have caused the governments from where large segments of Kenya's tourists come from, to issue travel advisories. This is as good as saying 'don't dare go there!'

Timeline photos 08/06/2014

Kenya: Wildlife Drone Launch Delayed:

The government has banned the launch of a private wildlife surveillance drone citing security concerns.

The launch was expected to take place next week.

"One of the things that has now arisen is that the Kenya government has put a ban in place on private sector drones for the time being. We will be working closely with the Kenya Wildlife Service to identify the way forward for our conservation drone but in the meantime we ask you to continue your incredible patience as we work to bring this project to fruition," said Ol Pejeta Conservancy chief commercial officer Robert Breare and public relations manager Elodie Sampere in a joint statement to the press.

Timeline photos 06/06/2014

New tax may hike airline fares:

A proposal to levy 0.70 taxes on air tickets purchased from all airlines in the five partner states of the East African Community has raised fears across the region that the move will keep air transport expensive.The proposal was initiated by Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (Cassoa), a regional aviation body geared at increasing the resource envelop for the aviation industry.

Timeline photos 05/06/2014

The East African Business Council is moving base to Kigali:

The East African Business Council (EABC) confirmed it was pulling out of Arusha in favour of Kigali.
The organisation’s executive director, Mr Andrew Luzze, told The Citizen that the decision was dictated by economics rather than any deliberate move to weaken Arusha as the regional seat.

East Africa: EAC States Unveil New Initiatives Aimed At Attracting More... 05/06/2014

East Africa: EAC States Unveil New Initiatives Aimed At Attracting More Tourists:

Efforts aimed at attracting more visitors into the region have gained momentum, with officials pledging to jointly market Rwanda, Kenya and Uganda as a single tourist destination at upcoming expos and major events in the East African Community (EAC) and globally.

Among the major upcoming events coming up that the region intends to promote jointly include Martyrs Day in Uganda that falls on June 3, Rwanda's Kwita Izina scheduled for June 21, Magical Kenya Expo slated for October and the World Travel Market in London in November.

This was revealed last week by Monique Mukaruliza, the national co-ordinator of the tripartite initiative, while reporting on the progress of the marketing initiative at the ministerial meeting to discuss modalities of the implementation directives of the Northern Corridor integration projects.

East Africa: EAC States Unveil New Initiatives Aimed At Attracting More... Efforts aimed at attracting more visitors into the region have gained momentum, with officials pledging to jointly market Rwanda, Kenya and Uganda...


Tanzania: China Volcano Geopark in Partnership With Tanzania's East Usambara:

Wudalianchi, Heilongjiang — Wudalianchi World Geopark in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province on Monday closed a deal to partner Tanzania's East Usambara.

Qu Shuguang, head of the scenic management committee at Wudalianchi, China's "Natural Volcano Museum", said the two sides will exchange volcanic specimens, biological research, tourist development ideas and ways to popularize science.


Kenya: Interesting Tourist Sites for Tembea Kenya:

Crisis is currently the true Nairobi experience. Those who read newspapers, watch TV news or listen to radio in this part of the world are schooled in the art of being at a perpetual panic mode.

If it isn't their leaders shooting at or slapping one another or getting themselves kidnapped, it is SMSes going around warning them wherever of impending attacks, should they be in cars, malls or other public places. In days gone by, the options to deal with a stressful life were twofold; religion and alcohol.

Timeline photos 04/06/2014

Beyond Namugongo: Tracing the other martyrs in history:

From the day Jesus was crucified, Christian after Christian have been killed, some in the most brutal of ways. Their only crime being their faith and believing in it to the point of death. We trace a few Christians across historical time and geographical space whose death remains revered just like that of our own Uganda Martyrs.

Timeline photos 04/06/2014

Air Uganda is IATA’s newest member
The Director General and CEO of IATA, Mr. Antony Tyler, has yesterday formally welcomed Air Uganda as their newest member, when he wrote to them in response of the membership application filed by Uganda’s quasi national airline a few weeks ago.
After joining AFRAA, the African Airline Association, just two weeks ago has Air Uganda now taken its place among over 240 airlines from about 115 countries around the world, signaling to Ugandans that they have an airline to be proud of and which flies the national colours to 6 countries in the wider region, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan and Somalia. Operating a fleet of presently 3 CRJ200 jets does U7 serve 8 regional destinations from their Entebbe base, Nairobi, Mombasa, Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro, Bujumbura, Kigali, Juba and Mogadishu.
It is understood that the airline, now in its 6th year of operation, is actively working on a fleet upgrade and eying more destinations in the wider region, a sign that Air Uganda has truly arrived on the East African aviation scene.

Timeline photos 03/06/2014

Story of Namugongo fire survivors:

For refusing to renounce their faith even when faced with imminent death, the group of martyrs that arrived at Namugongo knew theirs was a journey of no return. But four of the condemned, made it back from that journey, after they were spared at the very last minute. Although they had to witness the horrific torture of their colleagues, fellow believers and friends, they lived to see another day.

Timeline photos 03/06/2014

Idi Amin actor succumbs to high blood pressure:

The man who acted as former Ugandan dictator president, Idi Amin Dada in the popular film Rise and Fall of Idi Amin has died at the age of 70.
Joseph Olita died suddenly at his rural home in South East Alego at Kogelo on Sunday morning hours after the funeral of his mother.

Timeline photos 03/06/2014


Karim Gisagara, one of the main brains behind the launch of the Congo Nile Trail three years ago, yesterday reported that some 60 kilometres of the new road, which will eventually connect the entire 227 kilometres of the trail between Kamembe (Rusizi) via Kibuye (Karongi) to Gisenyi (Rubavu) have been completed while work on the other sections is ongoing.

In late November last year did the Rwandan Senate take issue with the slow pace of progress on this crucial road, which not only connects the two ends of Lake Kivu with each other for the ease of local transport and improved trade but is thought to be a crucial tourism road. Rwanda Tourism is keen to diversify the offerings and attractions for tourists and opening up the shores and islands of Lake Kivu and connecting them with forests like Gishwati and Nyungwe, key attractions for foreign tourists, is the key to bringing more visitors to this part of Rwanda, beyond the main activity being gorilla tracking in the Volcanoes National Park.

Following the Senate’s intervention has the Ministry of Infrastructure clearly heeded the demands and pushed the completion of the first section through at a faster pace.

Kamembe is connected with Kigali by double daily RwandAir flights and seen as the springboard to Nyungwe Forest National Park but also the starting point from where hikers and mountain bikers begin their journey along the shores of Lake Kivu towards Kibuye and Gisenyi. Mountain bikes are available for hire once prior arrangements have been made as are qualified guides and accommodation along the trail ranges from simple but clean base camps to small hotels and lake side resorts. Three subtrails are now also open, besides 6 main trails into and through Nyungwe Forest National Park, namely the Pfunda, Gisovu and Shangi trails which add between 30 and more than 50 kilometres each to the trail distance. They are however worth exploring as they open up some of the most...

Timeline photos 02/06/2014


The brutal murder of 45 Christians, Catholics and Anglicans alike, set the stage for the canonization in 1964 of the 22 Catholic victims of Kabaka Mwanga II who had them killed between November 1885 and January 1887 in the most cruel ways, including burning several of them to death in open fire pits.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the canonization and record crowds are expected in the country, even though the much hoped for visit by the Pope is not taking place on this occasion.
Many pilgrims are walking from across Eastern Africa towards the Martyrs Shrine in Namugongo, located on the outskirts of the capital Kampala while Christians from around the world are flying into Uganda to commemorate the canonization and be part of a very special service which is organized on the 03rd of June, a national holiday in Uganda for that matter and a major event too in the global Catholic calendar.

The Uganda Tourism Board has been promoting religious ‘pilgrimage’ tourism to Uganda as a niche activity and the launch of the Martyrs Trail in 2007 has allowed the faithful to also see other sites, including where Bishop Hannington was murdered on Mwanga’s orders and where his body was kept before finding a permanent resting place at the Namirembe Cathedral, the seat of the Anglican Church in Uganda.
Meanwhile was it also learned that both Catholic and Anglican Church leaders in Uganda have announced plans to build a Uganda Martyrs Museum in Namugongo on the land of the Martyrs Shrine, when they visited Namugongo ahead of the celebrations next Tuesday to inspect the final stages of preparations.

Timeline photos 02/06/2014

The migration is back in Kenya’s Masai Mara

Posted June 1, 2014 by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Thome in Uncategorized. Leave a Comment


(Posted 01st June 2014)

‘The migration is back’ came the shout yesterday from the Kenyan side of the transboundary Serengeti – Masai Mara ecosystem as the advance ‘troops’ of the million and a half strong herds of wildebeest and zebras have reached the rivers and are piling up numbers before the first major crossings will provide visitors once again with sights often equated with one of nature’s greatest spectacles.

Unusually early, the migration normally arrives by mid to late June and at times as late as July, is the return of the great herds a boost for Kenya’s struggling tourism sector as the annual migration is one of the country’s major selling points for safaris.




Adjoining the Masai Mara are a number of conservancies which provide a crucial buffer between the main reserve and the land used for grazing cattle or farming. These large tracts of land have regenerated over the space of a few years, have become real wilderness areas again and are now home to a large number of game including the big cats like lion, cheetah, leopard, hyenas but also of a number of smaller predators like foxes, jackals, Civet and Genet cats and even wild dogs, aka hunting or painted dogs.

Tourists seeking that special added touch of greater privacy therefore often opt to stay at the tented safari camps, there are no lodges on the conservancies, all of them small, intimate, offering great personalized service and are at times outrageously luxurious. There guests can take guided walks, do night game drives, enjoy sundowners and when the migration is on enter the main Masai Mara Game Reserve on full day game drives to see the great herds at the river crossings.





Timeline photos 09/05/2014


At least four people were killed according to reliable information received from Mombasa, when an explosive device, thought to be a gr***de, was thrown at a bus while passengers boarded the vehicle.

The explosion on the bus occurred at Mwembe Tayari in Mombasa and those injured were taken to local hospitals in Mombasa for treatment. It could not at this stage be confirmed if the gr***de thrower was among those killed in the blast.

A second device did reportedly go off near a beach resort north of the city but with no injuries reported at this time.

Though information is sketchy it was reported that a suspicious looking bag was left near the main gate of the resort and when spotted did security personnel and employees take cover as it exploded.

For visitors to the hotel it was a close shave and happy escape. Tourism stakeholders have attributed the lack of casualties in the second blast to security measures taken be beach resorts, something witnessed during a just concluded visit to the Kenya coast, where every vehicle and pedestrian is now screened as a deterrent before being allowed to enter a resort complex.

‘This could not have come at a worse time’ said one of the regular coast based sources before adding ‘Business is bad as it is and this will not help us when we mention that Kenya is safe. We know that these are isolated incidents but the fact that these terrorists tried a resort hotel as a target has all our alarm bells ringing. We just hope that our new marketing drive will not find it hard to explain the real situation on the ground but everyone who pays a lot of money wants to be in safe hands. Telling something when the situation is really different, is just bad practice’.

Other sources laid into the social media scene as shortly after the blasts took place Tweets went out telling as a matter of fact that one of the devices went off inside the resort and it took senior...

Timeline photos 08/05/2014

Future Tourism destined to Eastern Uganda

Talk about tourism in Uganda triggers thoughts about gorilla tracking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Kidepo Valley National Park in North Eastern Uganda and the snowcapped Rwenzori Mountains.

But the ministry of tourism is determined to change this perception by identifying and promoting a variety of products in Eastern Uganda.

“We have accommodation facilities of different classes to cater for the tourists,” said the traditional leader Omukuka Wamimbi.
“The good weather, a variety of organic foods, mountain climbing, birds and most of all, our culture can make any one have something of interest.”

Adding that, “The alternating imbalu (circumcision ceremony) if marketed can become a crowd puller.”
This triggered support of his idea to the effect that it ought to be branded the Bugishu carnival.

“What with the seductive kadodi gyrations, jogging and dancing from village to village,” argued a tour operator John Kiddu. “If Kadodi is coupled with drinks and snacks it has the potential to beat either the annual goat’s race or the MTN marathon.”

Dr. Bintora K Adonia focused on the business aspects of tourism on a wider perspective saying its contribution to the GDP growth was three percent in 2013.

“On a sad note,” stressed Dr. Bintora. “After contributing $6.6 trillion and creating several jobs, the infrastructure to most destinations is still wanting. Guests with busy schedules waste a lot of time in transit. A trip to Kidepo Valley National Park takes not less than eight hours one way.”

Time and again Uganda Tour Operators Association have urged government to drop taxes on aviation services if the air travel facilities are to be exploited to capacity.

“Entebbe International Airport services are considered the most expensive in the great lakes region,” says Uganda Tourist Association president Herbert Byaruhanga.

“If dropped we would ably compete with our counterparts in the time it takes a guest to see a mountain...

Timeline photos 06/05/2014

Tanzania’s share of Chinese tourists has grown steadily to reach 13,000 last year, thanks to vigorous campaign to sell tourism to the world’s second biggest economy.

The number of tourist arrivals from Beijing in 2012 was put at around 5,000, but effort to market attractive tourists area paid off and the number rose sharply.

Tanzania’s Ambassador to China, Lt Gen (rtd) Abdulrahaman Shimbo told the ‘Daily News’ that the number of Chinese tourists to Tanzania is increasing and was likely to rise further this year.

He, however, said “our (Tanzania) policy in tourism industry is not based on mass tourism, it focuses deliberately on quality tourism paying more attention to developing the industry carefully and responsibly….without squandering our country’s abundant natural tourist attractions.”

Last year a Tanzania tourism delegation was in Beijing in a mission to encourage Chinese investors to invest in Dar es Salaam, as there are many opportunities in the tourism industry which have not been well explored.

The ambassador said the challenge that is facing tourism between China and Tanzania is lack of direct transport link between the two countries and low hospitality infrastructure to accommodate more Chinese tourists. “Efforts are under-way to encourage Chinese Airlines to open direct routes to Tanzania.

This will in turn open up and shorten the route to Tanzania,” Amb. Shimbo said. “Many Chinese want to go to Africa as tourists, but tourism facilities are holding them back,” Mr Lv Fengding, Vice-President of China Public Diplomacy Association, said recently.

The vice-president, a former ambassador to Nigeria and Sweden, said the number of tourists from China would increase in the near future rapidly if hospitality facilities are improved.

“Most of the tourists are going to South Africa, Kenya, Namibia and Egypt because of improved facilities ranging from hotels to transport, Mr Fv said when meeting a group of journalists under the sponsorship of CPDA....

Timeline photos 05/05/2014

Zanzibar Association of Tourists Investors (ZATI) has observed that the number of tourists visiting the Isles last year was relatively low although no statistics have been provided so far!!!!.

At a press conference held in Zanzibar aimed at revealing the review of legal and policy framework on safety and security in Zanzibar.

ZATI chairperson Mr Abdulsamad Said informed journalists that insecurity is to blame for the low number of tourists.

“Attacks on tourists, and irresponsible media coverage scares tourists. We kindly ask the media to be more responsible when reporting on Zanzibar,” said Abdulsamad.

He said, “It is a fact that some tourists have been beaten and robbed and there were explosions in Zanzibar.

But the way the incidents were reported hurt Zanzibar.” He said current laws are not friendly to tourism, for example, “When a tourists is attacked, normally suspects are arrested and charged in Court without the victims being present.

Normally the victims are rushed back to their respective homes, making it difficult to provide sufficient evidence.

Abdulsamad emphasised a review of the laws including allowing witnesses through video conference. Tourism is the leading foreign earner accounting for more than 80 per cent.

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