Kaizer Makakole

Kaizer Makakole is an author of finance and literary books.


Hello Everyone, I have some good news, which we all need these days.I am new to writing stories, the long novel has dried the juices out of my writing so I decide to write a short story. First of all, I have finished going over many times editing the manuscript, Even with editing help and my going over the manuscript yet again, there always seem to be a few errors that pop up in the book here and there . The next step after copy editing will be to publication. I want to giveaway two free eBook copies to my loyal Facebook fans whom I'll randomly select from the comment section of this post, so that individual could write a very early review.. For me personally a book review from one of you is worth much more than from a professional reviewer because you are the people I am writing for. Now, my second piece of good news is that novel is due for release this December holidays. Leave me a comment and tell me why your the right candidate for a review to be selected. Thanks best wishes


It's been quite a while since my last post, I was however advised to limit my social media posting by my publishing team. Despite that I am hard at work with the novel . The novel will surely hit the shelves of major online book stores before the end of the year.


*** UPDATE ***
Second year and six months, my fourth book and almost a million words later, the Poetrybook is now complete!
I am pleased to announce that late last night, I finally finished writing the . And boy, oh boy, is it a big one! The is now on the process, then on to the eBook conversion company. As you can appreciate, I have no control over either of their schedules, but going on past experience, I would imagine the entire process to be completed in around in a few hours. As soon as I have any further information regarding the link address of the , I will post it on my page and pages. May I also take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued and incredible patience during the creation of this book. And I know that many of you have been desperate for it to arrive for quite a while now.

Financial accounting! 29/04/2021

Financial accounting is the practice of recording financial transactions. This practice has become essential to best business practice procedure and has been the backbone to the possibility of being able to trade stock derivatives in the financial markets. Financial accounting was also necessary for the implementation of the stock exchange whereby each company had price tag for its sold share on the market for wide exchange and liquidity....


Financial accounting! Financial accounting is the practice of recording financial transactions. This practice has become essential to best business practice procedure and has been the backbone to the possibility of bein…

Timeline photos 28/04/2021

Timeline photos 25/04/2021

Here is the of the I'd promised to upload. The book is to be released on the 30th of April 2021. I've co-authored the book with my younger brother.I hope you'll love it....


I am going to my
quotes on novels before they hit the shelves of any ? I am looking for a handful of writing suggestions, i will be considering how you would love the story to be constructed and plotted, " " is a heroic story about a lone slave man with a discord to his self identiny, who ends up finding peace and harmony within himself as a free man. I will post the first part of Chapter 1 of the soon and I am looking forward to your suggestions and any recommendations on how you think things should turn out.


Hi, there everyone. It's been a few days since my last post. Nonetheless, "Apple for the soul" my poetry book is now on the table for publication this month, i had doubts it would be completed before the end of April. I'd promised to upload the coverpage of the book soon, indeed I'll do so. I would also like to know your thoughts on the design of the cover page !


2020 and 2021... such unusual and difficult years for my side, but (perhaps selfishly) I’ll always remember them as the years I finally achieved my dreams and became a self-published author.
Whatever your desire, ambition or dream, big or small, go for it, it’s probably more achievable than you think. Nothing is impossible!
Thank you...

Have you heard of the new trending Dogecoin cryptocurrency? 12/04/2021

Dogecoin was introduced to the financial markets in 2014 and it is expected to grow quite significantly until 2024. The cryptocurrency is now worth $10 billion and has been trending since it begun operations. Dogecoin walks in the footsteps of Bitcoin and Litecoin. Dogecoin is also a decentralized digital peer to peer digital currency. During the first and second quarter of 2021 the Dogecoin price sky rocketed....


Have you heard of the new trending Dogecoin cryptocurrency? Dogecoin was introduced to the financial markets in 2014 and it is expected to grow quite significantly until 2024. The cryptocurrency is now worth $10 billion and has been trending since it begun …

The New York Stock Exchange in the Crisis of 1914, an Ebook by Kaizer Makakole 11/04/2021

Now available on Smashwords for $3.99

The New York Stock Exchange in the Crisis of 1914, an Ebook by Kaizer Makakole Time, however, is quick to dim even acute memories, and Wall Street, of all places is the land of forgetfulness.

Bear market trading strategy 11/04/2021


Bear market trading strategy Financial markets trading book advert

Kaizer Makakole's Blog 10/04/2021

Hi, there . 60 Free copies of my digital e-book giveaway have been distributed. I am looking for folks who have come to read the book "The New York Stock Exchange in the Crisis of 1914" to give me their feedback on the story, characters, pacing, and all of the significant things about the book. What I am simply asking for is a literally critique or reviews of the works left on top of this page. The book is still available free to download on my website. This giveaway ends as soon as 100 copies are downloaded. click the link below to download if you haven't got yourself a copy.



Kaizer Makakole's Blog expert content from Kaizer on topics like personal finance, saving, investing and more!


(The New York Stock Exchange in the Crisis of 1914)


"The year 1914 has no precedent in Stock Exchange history. At
the present time (1915), when the great events that have come
to pass are still close to us, even their details are vivid in our
minds and we need no one to rehearse them. Time, however, is
quick to dim even acute memories, and Wall Street, of all
places, is the land of forgetfulness. The new happenings of all
the World crowd upon each other so fast in the financial district
that even the greatest and most far-reaching of them are soon
driven out of sight. This being the case, it has seemed to the
writer of these pages that some record should be kept among
the brokerage fraternity of what was so great an epoch in their
history, and that this record could best be written down by one
who happened to be very favorably placed to know the story in
its entirety."


Hi there, everything about the future is uncertain, but one thing is for sure that God had already planned all our tomorrows, we just have to trust him today, I heartily wish a beautiful tomorrow for you. Nonetheless the poert book I'd desired to publish this month is short lived. Another date will be scheduled for its publication. Wish you all the best.


Hello everyone, here is a signal, good money to be made on a stock. Astrazeneca is in the dip territory, in terms of its share price, the vaccine is said to have Blood Clot side effects, it is all over every news headline ( the vaccine has allegedly caused a few to end up dying). I'd better get my share at selling the stock. Buy my book "Bear market trading strategy" in paperback format to learn how to sell stocks, have the book delivered to you with shipping costs included, available on Amazon.


Hello everyone, i hope you are all having a splendid day. Today I just opened the manuscript of the Fiction Novel I am writing titled "The Silvery Water" after a very long time because the plot is written in parallel style, a very confusing plotting even for the author but interesting style of writing for readers. A mystery novel, with a combination of mythical and legendary delight in nature, incredible and entertaining to read, a book of deepest human interest to be slowly indulged page by page. A quirky fiction novel that captures the essence of contemporary African life and spirituality. You are going to love it!


It has been three days since my last written post engagement, nonetheless Thank you for joining me on Facebook! I pray that everyone will experience new levels of financial joy and peace this year ahead. Because of your support and generosity, this page has been growing exponentially. Remember to download my free book
on my website, however this Book Giveaway ends as soon as 100 copies are downloaded.

Well, the novel covers a historical
context regarding a catastrophe that befell the global financial markets in the crisis of 1914, the account of this occurrence is recorded on paper by George Henry Stebbins who was encharge of the entire operations of the New York Stock Exchage. I
made a republication of the book because i found it interesting primarily because it is an archived financial work that needs some recognition in this days of unformiddable financial market problems and economic recessions. Covid-19 is an example of the recent financial fall down and including the 2008 housing market bubble. Get the book it's free to download you have nothing to lose.
I am looking forward to discussing the literary context of the book as soon as most of you have read it. Best wishes.

Timeline photos 01/04/2021

Kaizer Makakole's Blog 01/04/2021

Hi everyone, today is April 1st and happy April's fool's day to you all!
A short reminder to you all that my digital e-book is still free and available for download. That’s not an April Fool's day joke. Thank you to all my friends, family, readers and supporters from near and far for your enthusiastic and encouraging upliftment. I know several of you have already tried to order the book from my website. Please go to the website and you’ll be able to download it.
Here’s the link: https://www.kaizermakakole.finance.blog

Kaizer Makakole's Blog expert content from Kaizer on topics like personal finance, saving, investing and more!


Good morning everyone, I have some news that perhaps some will find interesting. I feel that it is important for me to join the 21st century by not only being better about posting here on Facebook, but also joining the Twitter, You Tube , Good Reads, Linkedin community as a way to interact with my readers. My handle is for any of you who care to follow on Twitter. I am not sure how I will manage twitter condensing any thought to 140 characters is going to be difficult for me to put my thought down. However today I am doing a photoshoot. Have a wonderful day and I wish you all the best, Kaizer Makakole.


A quick update on the two projects I am working on. I am currently on page 50 writting a novel titled "The silvery water", on average I intend the book to be at least 300 pages long. My characters are amazing and the Genre is under Mystery fiction novels. This novel will probably require me the endurance of a wild buffalo.The time period I am willing to spare on it will only permit me to publish it sometime after August. The second project I am working on is a co-authored poetry book which I am eager to publish this April. I will upload the cover page of the poetry book as soon as I can, however the cover is already designed. This books I'll be publishing soon, are much more personal and much more aligned to my beliefs, values, motives and aspirations. A writer, a painter, a singer, a sculptur, and all creative individuals always leave a mark of their persona on the work they've created.


Hello everyone and I hope you all heard a wonderful day. Here is a really short post, I thought I’d do a quick post, mainly to thank you all for your support!

Fixed deposit savings accounts? 29/03/2021

I literally cannot use piggy banks and traditional savings accounts as forms of increasing my savings expenditure. However a fixed deposit account came to the rescue to my savings problem.The process of becoming is also called the chain of causation. A fixed deposit savings account is an account intended to save money for the longer-term, long-term savings can be used for financing your children schools fees, buying a house or financing a new car....


Fixed deposit savings accounts? I literally cannot use piggy banks and traditional savings accounts as forms of increasing my savings expenditure. However a fixed deposit account came to the rescue to my savings problem.The proce…


Always remember that understanding, knowledge and education are the light of life, the heritage of no value!

Timeline photos 26/03/2021
The 2008 financial crisis 26/03/2021

Now in this article I will be discussing the "QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2008" a report pursuant to the account of what actually occured during the global financial crisis of 2008. AIG an american company was at the center playing a major role in the collapse of the global economy in domino effect....


The 2008 financial crisis Now in this article I will be discussing the “QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2008” …


Dear valued readers, traders and investors

If anyone intends to open a trading account, you can message me privately so that I my support you through the account registration process. Most primary you will need JPG and .PDF formats of your ID and proof of residential address (e.g a utility bill).


The importance of stock exchanges! 24/03/2021

Stock exchanges are teachers revaluating prices and contracts at the speed of light, sending a teacher into a classroom with no cane is like sending a boxer into the ring with one hand tied behind his back. At the center of every derivative contract is a price. vassalage on the market, this price may be simply, that of the underlying commodity or a flasket of prices commonly referred to as a market index....


The importance of stock exchanges! Stock exchanges are teachers revaluating prices and contracts at the speed of light, sending a teacher into a classroom with no cane is like sending a boxer into the ring with one hand tied behind …


The paradox of investing and the internet lies in the inevitable fact that online security has never been upholded, and with millions of forex scammers on facebook the business of trading the financial markets has been tainted as illegitimate by those who have ill utilized the technology to another humans disadvantage. Nonetheless investing and trading remains risky business although very profitable, don't try it if you have no guards!

What is a digital currency? 23/03/2021

A digital currency or a cryptocurrency is an electronic form of value or credits that circulate on the internet, which are privately issued. Even today, digital currencies are still not considered to be a form of money, basically because banks do not accede private digital currencies as a deposit and the Internet currencies are not legal tender. Customarily the constituents of this electronic currency are under brand names such as Bitcon and Litecoin....


What is a digital currency? A digital currency or a cryptocurrency is an electronic form of value or credits that circulate on the internet, which are privately issued. Even today, digital currencies are still not considered …

Kaizer Makakole's Blog 23/03/2021

Download my free PDF e-book.
The melodrama novela republication 'The New York Stock Exchange in the crisis of 1914' is available in Pdf format exclusively on my website for free to download. Also available on Walmart, Alardin and Amazon. https://

Kaizer Makakole's Blog expert content from Kaizer on topics like personal finance, saving, investing and more!


Dear valued readers

Please support Kaizer Makakole by sharing; liking your favorite posts and articles.


Kaizer Makakole's Blog 21/03/2021

Dear readers

Please support me by following my newsletters to get my freebies promotions delivered to you.
Promotions include free books, price discounts, trading webinars and more.
Sign up here https://kaizermakakole.finance.blog

Kaizer Makakole's Blog expert content from Kaizer on topics like personal finance, saving, investing and more!

Kaizer Makakole's Blog 20/03/2021

The melodrama novela republication 'The New York Stock Exchange in the crisis of 1914' will be available in Pdf format exclusively on my website for free to download. https://www.kaizermakakole.finance.blog

Kaizer Makakole's Blog expert content from Kaizer on topics like personal finance, saving, investing and more!

Commodity storage cost, forward prices, lease rate and the convenience yield 19/03/2021

The price of commodities depends on some factors such as storage costs, lease rates, brokerage Spreads, transportation and the region of exchange. However we shall discuss the unobvious in this article.Commodity forward and futures prices are the result of a present value. The present value of a commodity is not dependent on hedges and storage may be costly. Given the difficulty of pricing commodities our goal is to understand forward and spot prices....


Commodity storage cost, forward prices, lease rate and the convenience yield The price of commodities depends on some factors such as storage costs, lease rates, brokerage Spreads, transportation and the region of exchange. However we shall discuss the unobvious in this art…

Why you should trade the stock market? 19/03/2021

Trading the stock market equities is fun and jaw-breaking. Excitement and energy pushes through my body when stock market exchanges open during trading hours. Stock market equities have a lot of returns to offer to investors compared to investing in bonds and commodities. Stock market returns and earnings depend on the business cycle. Stock markets are risky compared to bonds and commodities, risk compensates for the returns you get for buying equities....


Why you should trade the stock market? Trading the stock market equities is fun and jaw-breaking. Excitement and energy pushes through my body when stock market exchanges open during trading hours. Stock market equities have a lot of re…

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