
I just write


An immortal phrase

We die,though our
mortal flesh walk.
Ail burries merry and
a heart remains hefty.
From dread our mouths
Murmur but souls could
Utter. Bullets paint the
ground & made home for
RIP on our tongue tips. For,
our souls were left empty.
Our peace abduction has our
Hearts like gravy,chopped &
Motley. A tear shed educing
a stern grief, cries became
ta**ry cutting short my breathe.
As if grudges were palatine i
Kept on grasping. From the crowns
of arsenal a few were left in vain
& a few made it out the strains &
not all us is platonic.


Greet greed & bleed

I didn't tell a body And
soul i was on A rough
patch. It Scratched my
Flesh and left it open. My

Past was vivid like it is now.
My heart racing like a prey
On the run and my knees frail
to carry my idle body. Inside

Retention i kept sinking and i
Was an alibi citadel of retentivity
to float,on. As fright whispered
From my shoulders my bones

rattled from a fierce viscosity of
blood which illumed a body, halting
a mere crawl of it. I only had mute
blatant cries that neither one nor two

Could hear. I adored us but the walls
Have fallen that neither the romans
Could amend, the deep dongers that
Infinite rocks could fill, deep at heart

Had began growth. Bygones reside
beside me bi-going everywhere my foot
Sets, they lead me to a steep memory
Lane. The cross roads i had crossed, in

Long time before today but the ship of
ail, i couldn't jump off, perhaps if i i do
What's temporary will perish and the
eternal Remains.


Her,moon and i.

The night is like
a lake, calm and thrills.
Driving my mind to when
had her favourite poem

From me and i, loving
The little well of bliss on
Her cheek as she grinned.
The moon was out and

bright that even my shadow
Seemed lonely. I talked my
Pain to the moon and said
What really broke me. Her

Absence in the cold to hold
Me, my fragile self indegent
Of her beautiful aura in times
Of the starry night. Oodle times

I sold my pain to rain in times
My emotions incommoded.
But he who sold quilt for a
Claimant through the waters

Kept on reminding me of the
Sublime flower that survived
The heavy floods of infliction.
A tornado of botheration that

Held apart her loverly self and
Deformed it to a mangled self
That loved hating a heart that
Broke hers. As the night got

Colder, i lit the last cigarette
While my face dipped in a stream
Of tears.


Meditation helps you find you.


Remorse Ballad

An apology ballad,Written
with a sweaty Palm and a
hand in trembles, thoughts
Vivid but the vision blurred.

I see you but us was yesterday
And no more. Stars that use
to Light up my mood on every
thought of you are dull, my ink
oozes but the

Words are dead. I was a florist,
lost and careless, driven by the
insecurities to a silent hollow house
filled with fear, Darkness. The voices
of every wrong

Of i presumably whispered in my mind,
When my heart commenced it's solo
race all i heard was a gush of blood in
my body weakening my knees. From
my eyes tears

Oozed out intrigued by the thought that
us Is buried & would barely breath if
digged out.When us died, our pictures
were erased from Phase of love and my
heart seemed forgetful Of us but as now
in my mind, you still linger.


Pretty ugly

The beautiful sun rays
Of the morning kissed
The mountains and peeked
Through my window onto my
Forehead, a blissful beginning.

Waking up from a dream that
Aroused my emotions and
Dunked me deep into lake love. No,
fear never made it's way past my mind
Until i saw it in my eyes from a fresh bath.

The fragrances on my garments turned
Odourless, black was white and the frown;
Was pretty ugly on my face and like a soldier's
Blazer, fear, love, pain were badged on my heart.
The smile i dragged on my face had the saddest

That if i pulled tears would shed from a musical
Tone cantebiling in an agonizing Melody. The symphonies, without wit pe*****te into thine's
Soul and tagged a bold LOST. Invisible and invincible,
I couldn't and neither one nor two could send it to a
Halt. It was pretty ugly, my weaknesses turned into

My enemies, neighbors were distant but beside my
Yard. A luggage of blame was on my shoulders, i was
Alone. Felt the needles of love break into every artery
And my heart began it's race as a lion's prey. My hands

Stucked on my skull, my eyes wide open and breaths
Cutting like of a slaughtered goat. Down, my mind
Preaching it's yesterday because tomorrow might
Have just left today. All in the name of love.


1st unsent ballad

He wanted to write
About what broke him,
but he lost it. When an ink
approached the paper in a
Squall, the pen escaped the

fingers and the paper was
Left without a kiss, when the
tear sac broke and the sobs
Were in bulks as he weeped.
She was hugged by a torrent

that had her in pieces. Many
times he died, from what he
betrayed which his heart was.
Many times he was saved by
Love even though his mind

fought it's jeopardy. In a tear
filled drum, his face swirled
In the waves of lake sorrow.
He was thirsty, in a big bad
Fortune the water was salty.

He could neither drink nor if he
Did, could not quench his severe
quest. The glass house he lived in
Broke down because he played with
Stones, and his flaws were thrown out
To arsenal to come back and break him

Down but he escaped the claws and ,


The same killer

I miss home, where
My heart finds life but
home, where my Sisters
drowned and Brothers

sunk. Where the dry
Ground only gets damp
From a glut of tears from
a sad heart. Lovelorn, in their

eyes lingered, a coerce epitome.
From their scowl faces, danced
Infliction when sorrow sung. It
Was never home, a manslayer.

They were deceased, buried before
Our eyes and so we grieved. But the
Same killer, drew in a different form
For my legs' amputation, he was

Mentholated with petulance. The
Same killer, had my brothers & i
Ibidem. Him, whose hands i felt rip my
Arteries evacuating blood from

It's streams. Home, whom a soul
drowns in his oasis, whose hands are
Long enough to cut wings that hover
Delightfully. A meteorite that stood a

Tributary to a heavy heart break. Why not
He be a home?, Where warmth and peace
Dwells, where harmony recites and lovers
With comfort? A bed that carries verity

Eduring love and care. Maybe if he
Nourished the taste of our future, desolated
Hatred and envy from the true emotions. Maybe, and maybe if sorrow compromised

In his heart alters to lightness, our emotions
Wouldn't be this empty, our hearts would warm up and our lost minds would find track.
Alienó Mars


Dear readers, unannounced vanished did i but here i am again. I will be giving you two poems every evening 20:00 & 21:00. I apologize for the disappearance🙏🏾


Torn scribbles

She didn't love the boy
but the tag, love all slipped
while the hands let go.

All the vows on the floor
Unidentifiable,all the odds
said to be against was i. In

the name of love i flattered
and shattered,crawled, limped,
& walked but miles from peace's

destiny. Envy came, from it's infancy
to standing tall in an adult room.
Hate was heavy, but enough for her to

She deviated when the tag
had it's value depreciating but it's
holder having all the tag could not

offer. He never blamed her though,
she was blind & so was he. The
they drowned in shook each a bottle

of remorse not to turn back the time but
for sapience.


Mars titled it

Memories vivid
in my head, my
pen scarcely ever

writes love, as your
deviance bonked my
feelings and my finger

tips turned a habitat
of ail when it's syllables
were scribbled at heart.

Pictures on my wall stood
requisite and a souvenir

my thoughts in combat
with my emotions, weak
as a nipper. The war within

seems to never halt. I'm a
villain in the love scenes.



She used to
be the subject of
every poem i write,

but no more. The sky,
steady grey. No more bright
days. Where are you?

Beautiful songs i sung
lost logic, rhythm and tone
My ink dried up and papers

tattered. A soul's flatter was
left shattered with the pieces
in garble. If had not sorrow lured

serenity to departing, a soul of i
and thee's heart would not have
fared well.


The finest art

From a glance to stare,
at what my eyes see. An
art from a thousand artists,

the finest. Let me swim in
your fragrance. Leave the
world to another with the

scents of a goddess all on
thine's flesh and carresses painted
on such portrait actuating a heart's

race of i with sweaty palms. In it's
hie, sighs i heard-felt whispered "i
want more". Neither a single idiom
nor metaphor could convey how

my blood rushed when the ten fingers
of a Mona Lisa grasped as to dig out the
flesh in her thener. You, that i in my closed eyes
see, in my thoughts i feel so in my hands i hold

& a museum i, shall stay from dusk to when the
dawn never picks the call.


Broken dreams

Walked my emotions
to the cemetery in search
of serenity. My vision gets

blur when my dreams shatter.
What's life when my fantasies
are six feet deep? Burried and

Covered with swarth, dark days
inducing a soul glam. Stammerings
from cold heart shiverings done

Killed my voice and brought silence's
breaths inside my world. My mind is
paralyzed for thine mentations only

live when my eyes are closed & and my
sight abducted. But as ink is emitted to
the paper Worry not, it's just winter, soon

shall summer reign, life to dead desires
shall prosper.


A florist's sonnet

In the mountains i grew
and from plants joy brewed.
In the autumn flowers flew,

as their sweet scents blew
in bright colors they imbued
to a phenomenal view.

The only source of amuse;
With eyes closed h**p, i choose
Like a shot, in me merry on infuse

Forth i stood, from emotional abuse
miles from reality, my world was new.
Petals blazed, i joined the cue.

The sky's grey dies and lives the blue.
A valentine of an unlax bearing no feuds.


But no remorse

The night embarked,
i closed my eyes & darkness
covered, i saw it approach. But

my thoughts of regress begun
swimming in inutility, for no
choice myself had. I was drained

from running while my hands ached
from from holding candles in their
darkness when in my excruciating days

i stand solely sweating for warmth
from my own cold hands. I ran, fell,
crawled and stood to an abrupt lap

taking to finding myself but, it got
more closer. My heart pounded it's
way out of the rib cage when my eyes

witnessed a vivid elephantine paradigm
standing gargantuanly ready to swallow.
Mentations of whom my existence meant

much triggered efussion of tears over my
chicks & my hopes peaked, praying they
don't go run the marathon of of depression

and anxietic paths when i swim down the



Her loss

Se played marimba
to soothe her soul, to
free her mind, to find
logic and dry the

tears inside her eyes. Her
ears still, to sound digestion
and a gentle dance to the soft

of the melodious sounds
She created. Singing a
beautiful song to mend a
bleeding heart.

And the poem, sobbing ,
Garnering the heart's
scattered pieces while the soul,
only sheds unbearable tears &

Her arms weakened her lost
soul as thy sticks fell off. The
great silence gathered yet another
break down.


Her loss

Se played marimba
to soothe her soul, to
free her mind, to find
loginc and dry the

tears inside her eyes. Her
ears still, to sound digestion
and a gentle dance to the soft

of the melodious sounds
She created. Singing a
beautiful song to mend a
bleeding heart.

And the poem, sobbing ,
Garnering the heart's
scattered pieces while the soul,
only sheds unbearable tears &

Her arms weakened her lost
soul as thy sticks fell off. The
great silence gathered yet another
break down.


Broken dreams

I thought, back
and forth my mind

I only feel the love in
the night, your eternal stay
Myself is needy for.

Instead of my trope, it's you
and i inside those beautiful
brown yes i see

But that night, i couldn't find
the route to a place yourself
conceals at,

Where are you? My path to
your warm arms is crooked.
As if I'd ran miles my heart beat,
watching my lips

reach for your soft chicks, feeling
your soft fingers play on my skin
as elation reads boldly on my face.

My skin and ears heard, felt the angelic
sighs to have me tossing and turning when
all i felt faded.

My eyes wide open, "welcome back" the
earth said. Instead of you that i hoped
to find, it was a letter;

" i never thought forever would be this soon"


A love

Only one in a miilion,
to mend a broken heart
back to it's whole.

The one to dance with me
at sweet and bitter,hold my
hand in darkness and light.

A great girl to kiss my lips in
the sun and rain,uh! Can i not
get over your beautiful smile?!

Why does it have to be only your
grin that saves me a thousand aches
at heart?



Adead ballad

I wanna love
you like love never had,
Payed your heart a visit.

Mayhap,take your queenly
self into thine's arms to feel
your heart's rhythms and warmth.

Take your dainty heart into
my sweaty palms & do it
king like as i cherish your

delicacy. Alas, a vast heart i carry
& the aura is that only your smile
could melt it so as you sip in to
your hair ends.




One day,
I will cross the
sky and sea and
you'll no longer hear
I love you in my poetry
but from me,
Darling soon when we
finally see each other, I will
hold your hands,
f o r e v e r .
– Stell


The thorns in your way hurt my foot also, never have I left.


A man's intelligence is defined by his imaginations~ Albert Einstein



I felt a volcanic
eruption in my mind,
a heavy

gush of my own
thoughts,as real

as real as it seemed
not,my blood was
burning, burning

from running
Myself running
down the memory

lane. To thinking
of I could have
ended in

durance of an
era of my sorrows.




i thought, back
& forth my mind

My love is only
for night. To forever
recite in me, can you?

instead of me, it's you
and i inside your beautiful
brown eyes i see.

In the middle of
the night i needed you
but couldn't find even a
shadow of you.

Where did you go? I lost
my route to your warm
arms? The only place

i had a dream on, kissing
your balmy chicks right when
your soft palms carassed my

to elation of my heart. Flabby
sighs making my body convulse
but, i could not hold you.

Raced & rose from the never-never
world with hopes of finding you, but
it was a letter.

"My promise was of my love to forever,
it's here"



The heart 'stammerings

I heard them yell,
shout in fear,only
faces could tell

how they felt. Pain within
excruciatingly severe. Hearts
broken and minds out of

sanity. Freedom of their minds
held hostage for thee breaks pieces
of freedom.

They are running out of voices,
but thy unfortunately finds felo-de-se
a solution.

Shalt thy find aid, serenity at heart?
Freedom of their minds, thee souls

If my cries are not so loud enough not
when shalt my soul depart thou body?
If thy can't find where the serenity lies,

of heart and mind recites inside "khomo-ea-
fat'se" art as the world and all us is



Space quotes:

"In between the
fingers of a writer
a pen appeases.

Through a sword
of a samurai serenity
stays to thyself,

sweet as a scent of a
rose. Inhalation transpires
past a blaze of a flower.

A flush that ever not dropped
a tear, rather joybring with vast
grins!" All hail Mary Jane.




When the day calls
the night, my soul in
search of a knight.

A knight to fight battles
of i, mostly of things i can't
define. My heart cold as ice

that only conversions with
the moon melts a dear heart.
Phases a solitudinarian faces

are riotical for thy soul freedom,
but how? How can i agitate when
the monsters i fight of darkness

race to kill my spirits & hope of
tomorrow? A mess, myself is.
Because an ail stays glued

on my heart to causation of fear.
Of die never will i , senerity never
shalt i find.


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