
💫 Reiki Master Teacher | Crystal Energy Therapist | Mental Health Nurse | Sound Healing | Womb Rites

♡ Reiki Healing & Crystal Energy Therapy
♡ Sound Healing, Tarot / Oracle Card Readings
♡ Womb Rites & Reiki Teaching Courses

Photos from rosereikihealing_'s post 19/07/2024

A very wholesome & well-needed (belated) bday trip away to Howgills Hideaway & a beautiful walk around Ingelton Falls 👌🏻🤍✨


My little reiki assistant ✨

Ruby’s favourite spot 🥹 whilst I have been
practising on friends & family this month in my new space, Ruby has been soaking up all the energy & ends up asleep on this chair. 💕

Did you know that animals can respond to & receive energy in the same way as humans? Ruby has always been a sucker for some reiki & crystals! 🥲


June availability 🩷


All clients receive a free crystal gift intuitively chosen by me following their first treatment 💫

I like to offer a crystal that I think will benefit you in regards to what you may have released in your session or what may help you with your upcoming journey. 🥰



Quick reminder; there are only 4 apps left for June - weekday & evening slots remaining. I work every other weekend in my full time job & I am away for the first week on holiday then I have some time off at the end of the month for my birthday.

Please click the link in bio to book or if you would like an app outside of this availability, please message me as I will always try to accommodate you where/when I can. ✨


Happy nurses week to all my fellow nurses out there; the most challenging but rewarding job! 👩🏻‍⚕️💙 I’ve had the best week - with a promotion at work & a party to celebrate our acute ward being open for 1 year. 🥳

Throwback pic from when I worked full-time in the NHS & hosted a reiki well-being day for my team. 🥰 I just love being able to combine my holistic healing treatments with my passion for mental health. 🫶🏻


Welcome to my new space… 🥹🥹🥹

I wanted to post this tomorrow as it will be 1 whole year since we got the keys to our first home but unfortunately I’m working! I always knew from day one that this little extra room off our dining room would make the perfect space for treatments and/or teaching.

1 year later & here it is! 🤩 Being able to design this room as my own little healing space to suit my style, treatments & business has been a dream come true & I feel like I need to pinch myself to make sure it’s real.

I still have a few bits & bobs to completely finish off before I open up & I have only released some dates/times for June so far - which have all gone! So be sure to keep on the look out for some more availability.

Now that I will be working from home, I will be able to offer weekday, evening & weekend appointments (Sat or Sun). If my availability is ever full please feel free to message me & ask; I most probably will be able to arrange a date for you as I now have a lot more flexibility. 🫶🏻

This is just a sneak peak of one section of the room, more pending…

Photos from rosereikihealing_'s post 21/04/2024

My last day at … 😢

The end of an era & a bittersweet day but onto the next chapter I go 💫 over the next month I will be finishing setting up my little space ready to welcome you all back for some beautiful healing treatments.

I haven’t released any availability for May as I want to make sure the space is perfect without rushing to meet a deadline/date. I also have another event at the end of May, this time with & then I am (finally) going on holiday! 😅

I will be updating Booksy accordingly over the next few days but since treatments will now be from my home, I will not be advertising my address - this will get sent to you individually 24hrs before your treatment. 🥰

I can’t wait to see you all again soon for RRH Vol 2. ✨


Who else wants to be buried in crystals? 🤩✨

I use crystals in all of my treatments by placing them on and around the body (usually correlating with the chakra points) to aid healing 🥰 clients often report that they can feel energy / vibrations from the crystals during their treatment, especially on their forehead (third eye chakra) & heart. 💓


A message for you today…

“You are being called to get grounded. To ensure that your luminous field is clear and your inner well is full. If you’re not grounded, it is all too easy to get swept up in other people’s energy and mistake it for your own. Your boundaries will become blurred, as you are absorbing the energies around you and struggling to define what is their stuff and what is yours.

If you pulled this card, you are very likely an empath or a highly sensitive person, and need time alone to fill up your well, balance your energy, and get grounded. There are two types of people: those who draw their energy from others and those who draw their energy from within. Reflect on which one you are and carve out time each day to ensure your well is being replenished. Being sensitive is a superpower, but like all powers, it needs to be nurtured in order to be fulfilled.

It is easy to get swept up in the high-frequency energies that are swirling around the planet. The quickest and most effective way of clearing all of this from your field is to ground yourself by connecting with Mother Earth.

There are many ways to get grounded; one of the most powerful ones is to practice Earthing by connecting to the power of Mother Earth. Spend time in nature, put your hands on a tree (your palms are extensions of your heart chakra) or walk barefoot on the earth.” 👣🌳🩷

Rebecca Campbell - Work Your Light Oracle Deck


APRIL availability & only 3 apps left 🩷

Photos from rosereikihealing_'s post 01/04/2024

Easter dump… 🐣🐰🩷 enjoying a little bit of time off work with family, chocolate & sunshine 🥰

Photos from rosereikihealing_'s post 17/03/2024

Another difficult month this month celebrating our second Mother’s Day 💐& St Patrick’s Day ☘️ without my beautiful Grandma. My thoughts & love go out to all of those going through their own grieving journey. 🩷

Below are two of my favourite quotes that for me, sum it up perfectly:

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves, ebbing & flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” - Vicki Harrison 🌊

“The reality is, you will grieve forever. You will not ‘get over’ the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal & you will rebuild your life around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole, but you will never be the same again. Nor should you be the same, nor should you want to. “ - Elizabeth Kubler-Ross 🌹


Stress is something that we all experience in one way or another & daily life is stressful enough, even without the added challenges, turbulences, & experiences we also go through. 😅

Stress is such a massive factor in how we feel within ourselves, and we often don’t realise how much stress we hold in the body & how this manifests into mental & physical ailments. This is something I have experienced myself & it is a recurring theme for most of my clients who come to me for treatments.

Luckily for us, reiki & crystal therapy are the perfect treatments for gently releasing any stress or tension within the body & restoring our natural balance whilst enhancing wellbeing. These are treatments that I have had myself over the years & continue to have even as a practitioner. 🥰

February is now fully booked but as always, please get in touch for any distance or home treatments.

I will be figuring out my date for March soon as I am also taking part in another holistic fayre with .yoga.holly - check out her page for more info & details on how to book. 🩷


Happy Sunday from me & Ruby 💋


Hey everyone & welcome to Rose Reiki Healing! 💫

I’ve had a few new followers & clients already this year so I thought I’d take a moment to re-introduce myself & the work that I do:

🩷 My name is Sara; spelt Sara, pronounced Sarah (I was named after a Fleetwood Mac song).

🙏🏻 I am a Reiki Master Teacher attuned in Usui Reiki with over 2 years experience of working with & treating clients with reiki.

💎 I am obsessed with crystals & I use these in all of my treatments. I am also a Level 2 Crystal Energy Therapist & I hope to complete my final Level 3 qualification this year!

✨ I offer reiki, crystal therapy & combined treatments including sound healing & optional card readings. I also have a range of products to shop in store or online.

🐶 I have a 2 (nearly 3) year old pup called Ruby who is my little bestie & has even been for reiki with me!

👩🏻‍⚕️ I work full-time as a Mental Health Nurse in both private healthcare & the NHS on an acute psychiatric ward supporting individuals in crisis.

👩🏻‍🎓 I graduated with my MSc in Mental Health Nursing last year & I have a BSc in Psychology. My future plans are to hopefully complete a course in Counselling & Psychotherapy.

🧠 I am extremely passionate about mental health & I have suffered with my own mental health over the years - I initially found reiki through seeking help for this.

⭐️ I have hosted multiple well-being days for staff/colleagues in my work supporting the reduction of burnout & stress.

🥰 I have worked with a large variety of clients who have sought out reiki for many different reasons from relaxation & self-care, to anxiety & depression.

❤️‍🩹 I have also worked with 2 x beautiful clients to aid them with their fertility / pregnancy journeys & I had the honour of supporting a client receiving palliative care at the end of her life.

💆🏻‍♀️ I offer in-person treatments as well as distance & home treatments - all info is saved in highlights on my Instagram page.

🫶🏻 I hope to continue spreading this beautiful energy & healing with you all. Thank you to every single person who likes, shares & books in with me - it never goes unnoticed or unappreciated.

Rose Reiki Healing - Warrington - Book Online - Prices, Reviews, Photos 24/01/2024

Leave a review on Booksy for 20% off your next treatment! ✨

Rose Reiki Healing - Warrington - Book Online - Prices, Reviews, Photos Check out Rose Reiki Healing in Warrington - explore pricing, reviews, and open appointments online 24/7!


Happy Sunday ✨ it felt so good to be back in clinic today! A full day of clients for reiki, oracle readings & a combined treatment. 🥰

Don’t forget I have some amazing products in stock including:

⭐️ treatment vouchers
⭐️ crystal bracelets
⭐️ aura sprays
⭐️ crystal candles
⭐️ rose anointing oils
⭐️ white sage & palo santo

Photos from rosereikihealing_'s post 15/01/2024

** UPDATE: NOW GONE! Only ONE appointment remaining for January - 21st @ 15.00. Your last chance to book & get a FREE card reading with your appointment 🤩💜



Throughout January I will be offering FREE card readings for anyone who books a treatment with me. You will be able to intuitively choose from either an oracle or tarot deck.

I only have 2 x remaining spaces left for Sunday 21st so be quick to book via the link in my bio! 🤭


I’m BAAAAAACK ✨ now taking bookings for January 2024 - I am only doing 1 x Sunday a month as I now work alternate weekends in my full-time job so availability is super limited!

To book please click the link in bio; this will redirect you to my Booksy booking page to browse my treatments & availability. All info on the treatments I offer, what’s included & benefits are saved in the highlights on my page.

I look forward to seeing which beautiful souls book in this month. 🥰

Photos from rosereikihealing_'s post 22/12/2023

My final post before Christmas/New Year just had to be dedicated to this beautiful testimonial by one of my lovely colleagues about her pregnancy. Testimonials like these just reiterate the power of reiki/energy healing & they never fail to amaze me! 💫

I first reached out to Ashleigh following her loss & offered her a mini treatment in our staff room in work. I focused on sending healing to her heart & mostly her sacral chakra. I intentionally worked on rebalancing her emotions & relationship centre, releasing any traumas, negativity or conflict.

Ash absolutely loved the treatment & came to me a further 2 times during the reiki well-being days I offered in work; once before falling pregnant & another whilst pregnant. When speaking about her journey, Ash always speaks to me about that first initial treatment which she feels really helped her have a successful pregnancy.

I can’t wait to see this little bundle of joy enter the world early next year & I am so unbelievably happy for Ash to begin her family. 💙

Photos from rosereikihealing_'s post 19/12/2023

Looking back on the ‘Metamorphosis Retreat’ & thinking about how much my life has changed in the last year. The sudden loss of my beautiful grandma, qualifying as a mental health nurse, my first house & renovation as well as my first full-time nursing job. Now coming out the other side, I definitely think I underestimated the impact that the above would have on me & have had on me; emotionally, mentally and also financially.

You may have noticed I have been quiet again on this account, unfortunately, I have found a lot more of my energy going into my full-time job since qualifying. It will definitely be one of my New Year’s resolutions to get back into the swing of posting & start drafting up some new content. However, I will also continue to listen to my body & slow down / step away when I feel required to. This year more than ever I have felt the burden & stress that life can bring & even when not present on here, please know that my inboxes remain open as a safe space for anyone struggling.

These are just a few random pics, but some of my favourites from this amazing retreat, finished with a poem written by Helen Tottem Healing which I just adore. Sending lots of love & light to everyone ahead of this Christmas period. 💫 Sara x

Ft my faves: 🐑


December apps are now gone & fully booked. Next available date will be Sunday 7th January 💫

Photos from rosereikihealing_'s post 02/11/2023

to this beautiful Munay-Ki Rites course with .dragonguy 💞 the most beautiful & sacred 2 days spent with some wonderful souls. 💫

I can’t wait to be able to offer this amazing course next year - unfortunately the release of my courses have been put on the back burner due to my time being consumed by my full-time job & house renovation…

These will be prioritised in the new year when I have my space at home set up & will include Reiki level 1, 2 and master/teacher training courses, Womb Rites & Munay-Ki rites. 🥰


Back in my fave place after a few weeks off due to switching jobs ✨ I love this clinic & my reiki days sooooo much! 😍

I am only going to be doing 1 x clinic day a month for the rest of the year & availability is going very quickly!

Please book via booksy or drop me a message if you’d like to get yourself booked in for one of my gorgeous, relaxing treatments. 🤍

(ft new hair by the amazing 🤩)

Photos from rosereikihealing_'s post 27/10/2023

⭐️ Important info & updated availability - please see below:

** EDIT Sunday 26th November 10.00 & 11.45 and Sunday 10th December 13.30 & 15.00 now GONE.

Photos from rosereikihealing_'s post 11/10/2023

In looooove with my little set-up at .yoga.holly holistic fayre last month! 💓

Big shoutout to Holly for inviting me to be a part of this amazing event. I had the BEST time meeting new people, selling products & facilitating mini treatments. ✨

I was also able to take part & relax in the most beauuuutiful breath work & sound bath with . It is so important to take time for ourselves & come back into our bodies. 🥰

Holly is going to be hosting another event next month so keep your eyes peeled... 👀 I can’t wait!


🌻 Today is a special day as it marks 1 year since my beautiful Grandma suddenly & unexpectedly passed away. My Grandma’s death has been my first real experience of grief & definitely one of (if not) the hardest thing I’ve ever been through.

This last year has been the most overwhelming & crazy year to navigate, with the trauma/shock of my Grandma’s sudden death, my whole life completely changing & also suffering with my mental health due to stress, anxiety & depression.

I still find it hard to believe that you’re gone & 1 year sounds way too long... I will remember you always, but especially today. Love & miss you forever - our real life angel. 💛🌟


Have you tried Crystal Energy Therapy yet? ✨

Crystal Energy Therapy is a beautiful & relaxing healing treatment that uses crystals to shift & diffuse energy in the body to create a more balanced & positive flow…

I offer Crystal Energy Therapy as both single & combined treatments:

🌟 Crystal Energy Therapy (75 minutes) £35

🌟 Combined Crystal Energy Therapy with mini Reiki Healing (75 minutes) £50

🌟 Combined Reiki Healing Treatment with mini Crystal Therapy (75 minutes) £50

🌟 Full Combined Treatment - Crystal Energy Therapy & Reiki Healing (90 minutes) £55

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Videos (show all)

💖 NEW PRODUCTS 💖• @rosereikihealing_ reiki gift vouchers• @theroseof_life cleanse & protect aura spray• @theroseof_life ...
Welcome to my new space! 🤍 Turning an aesthetics clinic into a relaxing reiki treatment room & consultation area… 🤩Reiki...
Self-reiki treatment
Reiki Session


99 Knutsford Road, Grappenhall

Opening Hours

10am - 5:30pm

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