Thula Doula

I help parents/families navigate the postnatal period with confidence. Breastfeeding peer supporter.

Carrie Overton's Wellbeing Weekly 17th October 2023 25/10/2023

So lovely to talk all things postnatal and early parenting with Carrie Overton on Meridian FM last week. Here is the link to the recording.

Carrie Overton's Wellbeing Weekly 17th October 2023 Join Carrie as she meets doula Jonell Rolland and has a conversation she wishes she had years ago when her first baby was born. Jonell gives helpful insights and fantastic advice about preparing for the '4th trimester' - the first 3 months after birth. Plus Carrie takes an indepth look into how to g...


I feel so excited… (and honoured and a little nervous), to be interviewed by Carrie Overton on East Grinstead’s very own Meridian Radio! This afternoon at 2pm. We’re going to talk all things postnatal and infant feeding.


Signed, sealed, delivered! Thank you and for such an insightful course on a very complex topic.


The very first Mummy Morning took place at Dunnings Mill pub this morning. Twelve mums came, all socialised and met new mummy friends, plus those who needed it got feeding and general baby support. I’m already looking forward to next week!


I’ve made this printed little info sheet a while ago… every so often I realise that new grandparents may feel at a loss as to how to support their kids with n the postnatal phase/fourth trimester. The main message is: hold them so they can hold their baby. I also see that support for new dads are often overlooked. Yet, statistically 1 in 10 new dads struggle with mental health postnatally.


It’s been such a privilege to work with this lovely family. I know we’ll see each other again, but I’ll really miss seeing them every week.


I have availability from 1 November. I can support families up to one hour away from East Grinstead. Short sessions focussed on breastfeeding support are also available! Get in touch for a chat. 💕🦄🌟

Photos from Thula Doula's post 13/09/2023

‘s cheesy carrot stars ( or any shape your toddler likes) is always a hit, easy to pack for a day out, and easy for little hands to hold.

Photos from Thula Doula's post 12/09/2023

Lots of ongoing research is being done on the function of the microbiome. Until about 12 years ago, we were unaware of this vital organism which is part of our immune system. With allergies on the rise and autoimmune disease becoming the status quo, it is worth learning about the microbiome and how we can make it flourish. Unfortunately we live in a germ obsessed world - especially after covid, and we use antibacterial cleaning products that kill bath good and bad bacteria. Did you know that by washing your surfaces with a little (I repeat a little) dishwashing liquid is adequate to avoid disease? In fact, you can clean your whole house with 3 products: bicarb, vinegar and dishwashing liquid. By “sterilising” our houses we actually make ourselves more prone to disease. Bonus: it’s also better for the environment!


Sometimes going back to school after a long break can be almost as daunting as starting for the first time. I remember that feeling so well, and saw signs of it in my own girls this week. My go to tips for whenever they have to face a change (which has happened often as we lived as expats for many years) are the following:
1. Validate their feelings: it’s easy to say “don’t worry it won’t be that hard”, but that’s minimising their emotions, and they may not want to share with you in future. Rather help them name their emotions and remind them that emotions pass.
2. Make sure they know what is going to happen if it is their first day. Explain that repeatedly as it sometimes takes time for all that info to sink in.
3. Be there when they get home, have snack together and let them unwind.
4. When they are ready to talk, as specific questions - you’ll probably just get a one worded reply if you ask a question like “how was your day?” (I learned this the hard way! 😃)
5. Remind them of their strengths and previous positive experiences in a playful and upbeat way to build their confidence in their own abilities to handle uncertainty.

Okay, enough adulting for one day - now you may go and cry on your bed! 😂🤪


I really enjoyed the course and it’s helped me tremendously in my general understanding and studying of the beautiful art of breastfeeding.


Today 12 years ago, this little girl made her appearance. She arrived 33+5 and weighed 2,39kg. I was terrified giving birth as I wanted her to stay in a bit longer with all my heart. We spent 2 weeks in hospital in a country where I did not speak the language and often did not know what was happening. But we got through it, thank God! She has brought so much joy to our lives over the past 12 years. .louise.rolland


I think mothers are amazing - certainly the ones I meet! You can relax and remember you can trust to your inner voice! Don’t let anyone (expert or lay person) sn**ch that from you.


The theme of World Breastfeeding Week 2023 is supporting mothers to continue breastfeeding when they return to work. Not having enough maternity leave and/or the needed accommodations at work to express or breastfeed, is the biggest reason women never start breastfeeding, or give up in the first weeks or months. The total of the global economic losses of not breastfeeding is $341.3 billion as reported by Unicef. (Dylan D. Walters et al 2019)


Made a fresh batch of lactation cookies for a second time mama who is working hard on her milk supply. Well they weren’t only for mama tbh - the toddler also gobbled some up. These are packed with galactagogues which are ingredients that might help increase milk supply. BUT they are also just generally healthy foods. Examples (and what I included in these cookies) are: cinnamon, flaxseed, oats, almonds and the piéce de resistance… dark chocolate!


So enjoyed reading this! Every week we see several babies at the breastfeeding cafe with possible tongue ties. Waiting lists for divisions are often long, but most of these parents keep trying and persisting to carry on breast feeding to the best of their potential. Today, I salute all of you who are dealing with this issue. You are not alone.

Photos from Thula Doula's post 03/06/2023

Planning your baby moon can make a big difference in how you experience that precious time in your lives. It also enables you to get more rest, eat better and can make it much easier to breastfeed. Sessions are short and affordable, so go on and get in touch.


How many of us are looking back thinking: “what was I thinking?!” 😃I know I do! Here’s the guide!

Photos from Thula Doula's post 15/05/2023

My lovely friend and breastfeeding/attachment parenting companion sent me these gorgeous pics from her recent visit to in her birth town of Milano. I find them not only inspiring, but validating. And as I’ve said before, extended breastfeeding is easier if you are surrounded by people who understand and value it. Michela went on to become a nutritionist who deeply understands the importance of a healthy microbiome and the importance of appropriate nutrition early in life.


Love this book! A great resource for mothers and breastfeeding supporters alike. It’s practical and clear, and covers everything from your start on the breastfeeding journey, introducing solids, to reaching that golden two year mark.


The doors to this wonderful place opened today! There were tears: tears of joy, tears for visions becoming a reality… and tears of frustration, sore b***s and topsy turvy hormones. But above all, there was togetherness, understanding, community and love. Oh yes, and delicious tea and cake!

Photos from Thula Doula's post 25/04/2023

Yes I’m wearing bright red lipstick today to celebrate! I completed my training to work as a infant feeding peer supporter yesterday 🦄🥳🙌🏻 and I’m going to celebrate again on Thursday when the Crowborough cafe opens its doors to all the mamas needing support with infant feeding!

Photos from Thula Doula's post 22/04/2023

I feel there are so many misunderstandings in modern society about breastfeeding. The more we talk about it, the more people will come to understand just how perfect it is. I love the expression: human milk for tiny humans.

Photos from Thula Doula's post 18/04/2023

My first birthday as a doula was made extra special by receiving these beautiful gifts. I feel soo appreciated! 🦄🥳💕🌸


This week it’s back to work after a lovely Easter break with my people in London. It was so nice to explore and discover new places to eat and new things to do from a tween and teen angle. I’m happy to be back though. Can’t wait to see my clients! 💕🌸🦄


We all want our kids to love each other and be each other’s best friends, but bringing home a new baby is often a crisis time for an older sibling. When mum & dad are dealing with their own emotions, it can be hard to deal with big emotions from your toddler too. I’ve been there, and realised that the whole is so much bigger than the sum of the parts in this situation. Looking back I really wish I had an experienced extra pair of hands and a companionate ear to whom I could vent my own confusing emotions. If this is you, you could consider the help of a postnatal doula. We support the whole family on so many levels, for example: sleep support, feeding support, preparation of meals, creating time pockets for one on one time with siblings or baby, help with the household.

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Videos (show all)

Today’s video is a bit longer, please keep watching as you might hear something surprising at the end.😊@thegreenparentma...
Thank you to all the dads/partners supporting the breastfeeding couple!  your role is not often discussed or recognised,...
National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300 100 0212La Leche League 0345 1202 918Lactation Consultants of Great Britain lcgb.o...
In celebration of world breastfeeding week, I’ll do a daily post on the topic to raise awareness and provide the sort of...
The new favourite breakfast in our household is chocolate chia pudding with fresh berries. Why? It’s a great make ahead ...
Time in nature is good for mental wellbeing and our immune system because when we spend time outside the friendly bacter...
Breastfeeding reduces the risks of developing breast and ovarian cancer. The longer you breastfeed for, the more it redu...
How to find a doula in 3 easy steps: 1. Ask google for Doula Uk 2. Click on find a doula 3. Plug in the first half of yo...
#toddlerfood #doula #postnatal #fourthtrimester #baby
#babysleep #postnataldoula #postpartum #birth #doula #haywardsheathmums #eastgrinsteadmums #tunbridgewellsmums
What you wear can make a big difference to your breastfeeding confidence especially when out and about. Let’s discuss ho...




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