Jess G Yoga

Alignment-based, contemplative, and therapeutic yoga. She thoroughly enjoys bringing the rich healing methods of yoga to all challenging aspects of life.

Yoga Therapist and Yoga Teacher Jessica Goulding (C-IAYT, E-RYT 500) has been teaching alignment-based contemplative and therapeutic yoga since 2004. She has taught yoga and stress management in a myriad of settings, including churches, colleges, corporate events, corporate retreats, football fields, yoga studios, yoga festivals, client's homes, and most recently, online. Jess’s teaching style is


"How does the quality of delight, that rises from the pleasure principle in the second chakra, make its way to the heart so we know that we are loved, are worthy of love, and can love others well?"

Delight in Love ❤️

Hint: "We can love others only as much as we love ourselves." --Brené Brown

🔗 in comments 👇

Brené Brown


Question: Why is gossip toxic?
(doing a little research, and I'd love your input!)


There is nothing like yoga to turn you around and upside down. I started today SO GRUMPY (anyone else have restless sleep on the full moon?) but by the time I finished teaching this morning, I was a new woman. 😃

And now it’s time for a nap 😴 ❤️


I’m so happy to be back! In this week's episode I share why I’ve been away (which is very heart chakra related) I share a quote from Brené Brown that explores the theme of love, and an affirmation practice for you to try that helps foster self compassion–a delightful heart quality 🙂

Click the 🔗 in comments, and listen to 16 minutes that will make you shift towards the power of self love as a vehicle for love of all.

We could all use more ❤️ these days.

Jess on the Mountain is available on Spotify, Apple, Amazon Music, and wherever you get your podcasts!

Brené Brown


"Think about how fast you walk. THAT is human speed. That is human scale...

Are you living “within human scale?” This phrase has been dancing around in my head since I first heard it on Brené Brown’s podcast, Unlocking Us.

It seems to me that we are indeed living beyond human scale right now. Between our social media feeds, the 24 hour news cycle, podcasts, and online news outlets, we are bombarded with world events and everyone’s opinion of them.

But we’re not meant to take all that in.

And if we try, we’re living beyond our capacities to consume, digest, assimilate, and release. We can only overwhelm our systems for so long before anxiety, sleeplessness, agitation, digestive distress, and depression creep in and make us feel less than our vibrant selves.

So if you’re finding yourself needing a nap, or snacking more, or checking out in habitual ways, give yourself a break. YOU are not meant to solve the world’s problems. You’re not even meant to know about all of them all at once..."

New blog post is up!
🥰 Living Within Human Scale
Grab the link in the comments!
Read this and all past blogs from Elevate, Align, Inspire on the blog page of my website. There's years of yoga wisdom waiting for you!

Brené Brown


Om namo ya namaha.

"The best translation I've come across is that it is a mantra of respect, used as a means of offering humility to any force greater than ourselves. I've practiced this for chant for years in preparation for meditation, and I see it now as another effective tool to prepare ourselves to tune in, listen, and create.

We open to inspiration when we call on a power greater than ourselves.

This also means that when we step into the creative act, there is humility to it. Think of your idea like a child. They were given to you, but they are really not yours. They belong to the world. Recognizing this, there’s a sense of humility in saying, "Ah, this idea has come to me."

👀 Read the full blog post "Life is a Creative Art" on my website and linked in comments


You are a creative creator! Use this mantra to humbly tap into the divine creative flow within you and around you:

Om Namo Ya Namaha


I'm late to the game, but have you been to Parker Jazz Club? We are LOVING this place! It's downtown on 4th street. Last week we saw Hailey Tuck and the Parker Jazz Club musicians give a fantastic show of standards and originals. Get tickets online and treat yourself to a beautiful evening of jazz the way it was meant to be experienced.

What does this have to do with yoga? Jazz is tapping into the same creative flow we do in asana, pranayama, and meditation. The way these musicians jam together is true Union of mind, body, and soul, both with each other and with their instruments and the music. It is Ananda 🥰


"May you find your way to clarity and calm by following the bubbles of your relaxing breath."

New blog post is up with a helpful pranayama for clarity 😮‍💨

link in comments 👇


🤸 Free Day of Yoga planning continues! Mark your calendar for Monday, September 2, Labor Day, and see how much yoga you can do in a day! Not in Austin? No problem! Join me online 💻

I might even have some amazing guests…


When you want to do or create something, how does it go for you? Sometimes great, sometimes not? Can you tell what is driving your desire to do and create? At any given moment, do you know what you want, why you want it, and where it's coming from?

This is a path of discernment I've been on for a very long time. I'm constantly asking myself if what I'm doing is to satisfy my ego desire and a drive for success as our culture defines it, or if it is for the highest good and comes from my inner divine spark.

Does my ego want this, or does my spirit call me to it?

Curious? Keep reading on this week's blog post,
"Go Where Your Spirit Calls You"

Link in comments 👇

PHOTO CREDIT One Yoga Global


"You can't check a box for the ending of an era."
Maternity Leave for Graduation

For all of you who are releasing a human out into the world, I see you, I feel you, and I hear you feel like I do. I hope this blog post helps. 💔❤️‍🩹❤️

Link in comments and on the blog page of my website.


Save the date!🗓️ FREE DAY OF YOGA plans are underway, and these are some of the bright faces behind the scenes making it happen for YOU! This Labor Day tradition continues, and now there will even be classes ONLINE! 🎉 9/2/24

I'm so happy to collaborate again with
Castle Hill Fitness My Vinyasa Practice Charles MacInerney Shuniya Yoga Pure Yoga Texas and so many more!


I’m taking a maternity leave. I need time and space to process this transition called graduation. 😢 🤩

This maternity leave means being fully invested in mothering the last month of this era. Not only my family, but myself! You can catch me at a Maroons game, planning and attending graduation parties, pulling out photo albums and keepsake boxes, and generally trying to hold it together. And hold Nate tighter.

You might not catch me in a new podcast episode or on the blog. And that’s ok for now. 💜

You will catch me in my yoga classes, as they and the students ground and support me as much as I do them. We ROCK at transitions together. And there’s lots of wise women there who have gone before me.

To all of you who’ve had your babies graduate, I see there’s really no way to prepare. We just have to walk it. Thanks for leading the way.



"Something is always blooming, but it's not always joyful.

When I was planning our intention for the retreat, I had thought to focus on what's blooming, as in what's good and going well. And we did do that. But it turns out we were more confronted by things that occupy our mind and need our attention. The things that are making us stop and inhale for a moment. For some of us, change and transition was in bloom, for others it was recognition of sadness, or that it's time to move on from something. These experiences lend their own bouquet to life, and they are as a part of life as the joy and celebrations are...."

"Something's Blooming"

Dr. Deb Kern

Photos from Jess G Yoga's post 04/14/2024

Blossom & Bliss is absolutely blissful! We are soaking up nature, calming down with horse rides, creating mala bead bracelets, nourishing our bodies with delicious food, and opening our hearts with yoga. I couldn’t be happier 🌸


Join me in this inspiring conversation with Dr. Deb Kern!

Dr. Deb Kern is a health scientist, visionary teacher and guide who is dedicated to helping women live divinely embodied lives. Her years of practice as a nurse, health educator, personal trainer, yoga teacher, Nia teacher and yoga therapist, combined with her life experiences, have given her insights not found in books. She has observed, time and time again, that when we take actions in our own healing and become aware of the patterns that disconnect body and mind, miracles can occur in every area of our lives—and she adores inspiring others to experience these miracles.

She’s the the author of Everyday Wellness for Women and Create the Body Your Soul Desires, the creatrix of a healing movement practice called PranaShakti™ Dance, and the mom of an amazing young man.

Listen through the end for a delightful treat!

Listen on Spotify, Apple, and on the podcast page of my website (link in comments)

Dr. Deb Kern


What is eclipsing your self esteem?

"Your “inner sun,” the energy center surrounding your solar plexus, is your own fire of transformation and will. Just like the sun in the heavens affects the Earth, the energy of your inner sun gets you up and going, helping you make things happen that you feel good about doing. It’s your “master manifester” super power chakra!

But sometimes, it’s covered in a shadow…

Sometimes, it’s eclipsed…

The bright light of chakra three is a healthy self-esteem. When your inner sun is vibrant and shining, your world appears lit up and you feel it from the inside. But every chakra has a shadow side, and the shadow that envelopes the light of Manipura is shame. Shame takes us in a downward spiral that lowers our self-esteem, bit by bit, until our get up and go is lying on the floor, and the person in the mirror looks like a failure.

It’s like a shadow creeps across our light and we grow dimmer and dimmer…"

Read the whole post (including the number one thing you can do to improve self esteem) at the link in comments or the blog page of my website.

Much love


Answer a mandate to Love All, and embody the practice of expansive love in this heart-openers class.

Today is Maundy Thursday, which is the day of the Last Supper. In today's Hatha class, we used the mandate to Love, that came from Jesus to his disciples, and opened our hearts, explored the dark times, and the way Love helped us through.

Please enjoy this Dharma Talk, and I have uploaded the full practice to YouTube if you want to continue.

Link to YouTube in the comments, or search Jess Goulding.

Much love



Scout Chavers (Scout Wild Awake) is a community birth worker, student midwife, and yoga teacher who is passionate about the cycles of life, death, and pleasure.

She is joining us on Jess on the Mountain today to talk about how the chakras and her journey as a birthing professional have taught her important lessons in letting go, holding space, and the power of pleasure.

Scout says that chakra work changed everything for her when she took her first chakra training with Anodea Judith a decade ago (I was in that training too!).

"It was the first thing that gave me language to things that I felt like I understood for a long time but didn't have language for."

My conversation with Scout is rich and deep as we explore a variety of topics that ultimately lead us to the theme of delight and how she views pleasure and joy as not only a birthright but a form of activism.




awareness, mindfulness, self study, svadyaya, self awareness, chakras, yoga, yoga therapy, self improvement

The Nap Ministry


The intentional part of retreat planning is my favorite. At 🌸Blossom and Bliss 🌸 we’ll create a field of pinwheel wildflowers that are our dreams catching the winds of manifestation. Nestled under 🌳 Georgia’s protective canopy I have planted a pinwheel for every soul preparing to come on this journey with me…

Shall I plant one for you? 🌸

Women’s Retreat for Springtime Renewal
April 12-14

Link in bio and


I love the support that comes from my monthly membership in Own Your Profit Story! We do group bookkeeping, monthly trainings, and "ask me anything" sessions that help us solopreneurs stay on track financially and mentally. I highly recommend!

Delight in Letting Go 03/20/2024

🤔 What was tough for you to release, but, once you did, made life more delightful in the end?

✍️ New blog post is up!
"Happy Equinox and first day of Spring! Is it just me, or did this come up quickly this year? I am enjoying the longer days and Varsity Baseball games that end with the sun still up.

This season, this year, for me is so much about letting go. And although the process can be tough, the results are quite delightful. In this week's podcast episode 35, Delight in Letting Go, we continue with our seasonal theme of delight, and this one is spot on, as it's the Chakra Two episode.

We hold so much within us, and letting go is a practice that leads to openness, freedom and space for delight.

In this episode, I explore a few types of attachments, or ragas, that keep us from experiencing ease and flow...

Just as the seasons show us, change is a constant. Finding delight in letting go of what does not serve us is a freeing practice!"

Delight in Letting Go
🎧 Jess on the Mountain, Episode 35
👀 Elevate, Align, Inspire Blog post at

"May your inner guru help you see what needs letting go, may you do the work to release it, and may that lead to a life of delight and ease, as you walk up and around this mountain we call life."

Delight in Letting Go Letting go is hard, but delightful once it's done. Here are three attachments that keep us from feeling full delight in life.


Trade in your weekend To Do list for a weekend To Be. 🧘🏻‍♀️

Tune out life’s distractions and tune in deeply to the delights life. ✨

🌸Blossom & Bliss Retreat🌸 April 12-14 in Marble Falls.

Reserve your spot now!

Link in bio or

Photos from Jess G Yoga's post 03/07/2024

Day three was a boat ride to see Friggats, blue footed bo***es, sea lions, and iguanas. Yoga included tortoise pose (not shown). Had to do it!

Photos from Jess G Yoga's post 03/05/2024

Galapagos day two was full of tortoises, finches, and learning (relearning) the way evolution works. Mind blown!

Photos from Jess G Yoga's post 03/04/2024

Day one!! After an exciting journey here, we were greeted by these beauties. Our group has decided we are winding down to “tortoise time.” And yes—that means after a day of travel and walking the property of enchanting we were ready for Thank you for creating this once in a lifetime experience!!


Today is day one of travel for my Galapagos Islands retreat! It’s already off to an exciting start. Long story, but ended up having to drive to Houston and fly through Panama in order to not miss our opening night. Thanks for the exceedingly timely post!

so whoever needs to hear this today, you’re hearing it from me too! I’m on board 💯

stay tuned for pictures of me and our merry band of yogis with turtles 🐢


A meditation for feeling support from this week's blog post:

The yantra, or drawing, of Muladhara, has within it a square, representing a stable base or foundation. You can use this as an image for grounding and meditation, whether seated, standing, or reclining. The color associated with Muladhara is red, so when you visualize the square, color it red! Put this together with boxed breathing, and you will find yourself settling into a deeper calm in no time:

🟥 Call to mind the shape of a red square beneath you.
🟥 Imagine this square connects you directly to the earth as you deepen and elongate your breath.
🟥 In your mind’s eye, travel along each side of the square to a slow count of four:

➡️ Inhale 4
⬇️ Suspend the breath in for 4
⬅️ Exhale for 4
⬆️ Suspend the breath out for 4.

😊 Once you feel settled and your mind is more present, call to mind all the people and communities that support you in your life.
😊 Notice how you feel.
😊 When that feels complete, inhale thinking “thank,” and exhale thinking “you.”

Hopefully this feeling of support will carry with you into your day. The more you do this, the more you will have access to this feeling, which can reduce anxiety, loneliness, sadness, and exhaustion, and can help you feel more empowered, grateful, and strong.

💪 That's the power of a stable root chakra!

May you remember the ways you are supported, may you feel stronger with that support, and may you take it with you everywhere you go.

Much love ❤️

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Videos (show all)

Yoga for the Eclipse is up on YouTube!🌑 This class is inspired by the upcoming solar eclipse, and the Vedic Astrology id...
Love Through the Dark Times (Yoga for Maundy Thursday)
It's less than a month away! Now that we've officially entered the celebratory season of Spring, it's time to tune into ...
Women's Retreat in Texas Hill Country, April 12-14.
Now through Thursday with coupon code FLASH get 50% off my signature online yoga and lifestyle course, Chakra Savvy: Res...
January 15 is the return of Monday Morning Yoga at Circle C Community Center! 9-10am. Drop in yoga class with wonderful ...
Every time I see these fish it takes my breath away. Join me in March! Only 3 rooms left for this intimate, adventurous,...
Join me for Zoom hatha!
Rather listen than read? Here's the lowdown on Online Yoga Membership. Open enrollment ends April 8! Get details and sig...
At the beautiful Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center!    This women’s yoga day retreat is your perfect antidote to the h...
Resetting life is like a rainbow Jenga game. From root (red) to crown (purple) our chakras are a beautiful rainbow of bu...
I am getting so many great questions and curiosity about Chakra Savvy that I decided to open the doors so you can see fo...



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