Ignite Anew

Stop existing in life. Own your story. Ignite your life. Learn to thrive with Dr. Jasmonae Joyriel.

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 06/13/2024

In our fast-paced world, the ideology of "hustle culture" is often celebrated.

We are taught to run on full throttle to achieve our goals, whether it's career success, finding the perfect relationship, or just fitting into societal definitions of success.

However, in the latest "Ignite Anew" podcast episode, I share more about why slowing down is not about taking a vacation or sleeping in; it's about creating intentionality in our journeys.

Tune into this 20-minute episode on Spotify, Apple and Youtube or click the link in my bio!

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 06/13/2024

If you're feeling the weight of guilt bearing down on you, reframe your perspective. Instead of viewing change as a betrayal of the past, see it as a natural progression — a chance to evolve, to learn, and to grow into the best version of yourself.

Are you navigating a major life change and feeling uncertain? I'm here to support you with practical steps to move forward confidently and with clarity. DM me 'SUPPORT' to start our conversation together!

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 06/08/2024

There's this unspoken demand to always be at the top of our game, whether it's at work, in our relationships, or pursuing personal goals. This relentless pursuit of perfection can really weigh us down, leading to burnout, anxiety, and an endless need for validation. But how do we escape this cycle of feeling guilty and pressured all the time?

The answer is pretty simple: we need to start being kinder to ourselves. By practicing self-compassion and cutting ourselves some slack, we can break free from this exhausting cycle.

What's one way you plan to be kinder to yourself? Let's share below!

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 05/30/2024

Just dropped an incredible new episode of Ignite Anew Podcast🎙️ Join me as I sit down with Stephanie Barchetti, Founder of Innermore. .innermore

Stephanie opens up about her challenging transition from a high-paced career to launching Innermore, an app designed to place you at the center of your healthcare journey.

Tune in to hear about:
- The power of trusting your intuition and pivoting with purpose
- How she overcame societal expectations to find her true path
- The importance of psychological safety and integrating experiences
- Her tips for anchoring yourself during tough times

🎧 Listen now on Spotify, Apple, and YouTube.

Here’s Why the First Year of Marriage Is the Messiest - 21Ninety 05/30/2024

Relationships are hard. No matter how long you’ve been dating, the first year of marriage can still come as shock with new conflict and complexities not experienced whilst court.

Here’s Why the First Year of Marriage Is the Messiest - 21Ninety The first year of marriage is described by many as "messy." Read on to discover the realities and insights from a psychologist.

Here’s Why the First Year of Marriage Is the Messiest - 21Ninety 05/30/2024

Relationships are hard. No matter how long you’ve been dating, the first year of marriage can still come as shock with new conflict and complexities not experienced whilst court. Thanks for allowing me to contribute to this piece on navigating the first year of marriage.

Here’s Why the First Year of Marriage Is the Messiest - 21Ninety The first year of marriage is described by many as "messy." Read on to discover the realities and insights from a psychologist.


The first episode of my NEW podcast is available to listen! Join me, a psychologist and relationships & trauma expert, as we explore how to create a life where we truly thrive.

In the very first episode, I open up about my own personal journey of growth, healing, and the steps I've taken to create a life filled with purpose and joy. Drawing from my experiences, I offer practical insights and strategies for overcoming obstacles, cultivating meaningful relationships, and staying true to yourself amidst life's challenges.

Available to listen now on Spotify, Apple, and YouTube to join the conversation!

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 05/04/2024

Often, what we initially perceive as a simple fear or worry is just the beginning. There's a whole world of underlying emotions and experiences waiting to be uncovered.

So, what can we do? It starts with allowing ourselves to feel. Instead of pushing our emotions aside or dismissing them as irrational, we should embrace them.

Sit with them.

Explore them.

Ask yourself why you feel this way and what might be lurking beneath the surface.

P.S. I'm hosting a LIVE in-person workshop in Austin, TX every other week beginning May 21. Come to one, some or all – I'd love to have you there. Learn more and register in the link in my bio!


Excited to be part of this panel that will discuss grief, its impact on communities of color, and the stories we tell. Join us at  on Sat. 5/25 from 2-4pm. Tickets are available now...register at the link in bio! 🎟️

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 04/29/2024

Do you ever feel like there's a heavy weight on your shoulders that just won't go away? It's like there's something bothering you deep down, but you can't quite put your finger on it.

This feeling often comes from stuff in your past that you haven't dealt with yet. Maybe it's an old argument with a friend or a bad experience at work that still bothers you. These things can mess with your relationships and how you feel about yourself without you even realizing it.

In your personal life, it might make you hold back from getting close to people or trusting them fully. And at work, it can make you doubt yourself or feel like you're not good enough.

The tricky part is, these issues can hang around without you even noticing. They sneak into your thoughts and actions, making life harder than it needs to be.

👉🏾 The good news: Facing up to your unresolved issues is the first step to feeling better. It's not easy, but by acknowledging what's bothering you and working through it, you can free yourself from that heavy weight and start living more fully in the present.

So next time you feel weighed down, take a moment to think about what might be bothering you from the past. And remember, you have the power to shake off that burden and move forward with confidence.

P.S. In the Austin area? I'm hosting weekly LIVE workshops starting Tuesday, May 21. Come to one, some or all – I'd love to see you there. Link in bio to learn more details!

Stop Fearing Change and Start Changing Fear - Ignite Anew 04/26/2024

Stop Fearing Change and Start Changing Fear - Ignite Anew How did we learn to fear change? How do we stop and start changing our relationship to fear?

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 04/22/2024

Addressing past trauma is not merely about revisiting painful memories but about reclaiming our capacity for healing and resilience.

Dealing with trauma isn't easy, but it's worth it. It's a courageous journey towards self-understanding, acceptance, and growth.❤️

Save this post as a gentle reminder for yourself.

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 04/17/2024

You've probably heard about self-care and how important it is for managing stress and staying balanced. It's all about taking time for yourself, doing things you enjoy, and making sure you're looking after your well-being.

But what about when life throws bigger challenges your way, like trauma or deep emotional pain? That's where self-healing steps in, and it's different from self-care in some important ways.

One of the key differences between self-care and self-healing is that self-healing requires you to dive deeper into your emotions and experiences. It's not just about doing things that make you feel good in the moment; it's about doing the hard work to heal from past hurts and traumas so you can move forward in a healthier way.

While self-care is essential, self-healing is necessary for addressing deeper emotional wounds and moving forward in a healthier way.

So, what's one thing you're doing in your life to actively self-heal? Share your thoughts in the comments below and let's inspire each other on our journey to healing and growth!

Understanding As*xuality And As*xual Relationships - 21Ninety 04/13/2024

Too often people think s*x education means encouraging people to have more s*x or forever pushing the boundaries surrounding s*xuality. In reality, s*x education means normalizing conversations that allow you to find yourself and feel empowered in how you experience your own erotic and s*xual identity. For some, it means an absence of s*xual desire. Not everyone wants to engage in s*xual relationships. Not everyone craves the erotic.

When we fail to encourage comprehensive s*x education, we forget EVERYONE who fails to fit the norm.

I really enjoyed participating in this article and shining much needed spotlight on the experience of those who may identify as *xual.

*xeducation *xuality

Understanding As*xuality And As*xual Relationships - 21Ninety As*xuality has been widely misunderstood by the masses. This is what an expert has to say about the spectrum of as*xuality.

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 04/12/2024

Feelings have a sneaky habit of creeping back into our minds, usually when we least expect it.

So, why should we bother confronting our emotions instead of shoving them under the rug? Well, here's the thing: when we ignore how we feel, it's like trying to hold a beach ball underwater – it might stay down for a while, but eventually, it's going to pop back up, often at the most inconvenient times.

So, how can you start confronting your emotions?

❤️Take a Breather: When you notice yourself feeling something, take a moment to pause and breathe. It sounds simple, but trust me, it works wonders.

❤️Check-In With Yourself: Ask yourself, ""How am I feeling right now?"" It's amazing what a little self-reflection can do.

❤️Reach Out: Don't be afraid to reach out to a friend or loved one when you're struggling. Trust me, they'll appreciate your honesty, and you'll feel better for sharing.

❤️Be Kind to Yourself: Confronting your emotions isn't always easy, and that's okay. Be kind to yourself and remember that you're doing the best you can.

Remember, you're not alone in this journey, and confronting your emotions is a brave and powerful step toward living a more authentic and fulfilling life.


To tackle those tough conversations about relationships, desires, and needs, find a quiet moment to sit down with your journal.

Take the time to dig into what you really want and need from your relationship.

Consider how it might feel to share those desires with your partner. Are there fears holding you back? It's normal to have doubts.

By recognizing these potential roadblocks, you're taking a step towards creating a safe space for open dialogue.

This isn't just about you—it's about building a comfortable environment where both you and your partner can express yourselves freely.

So, jot down your thoughts, reflect on them, and get ready for those conversations that can strengthen your bond.

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 03/19/2024

Setting boundaries in a relationship isn't about creating barriers — it's about giving yourself a voice and a say in what you're comfortable with and what you are not.

Boundaries are like bridges connecting you and your partner, leading to deeper understanding and intimacy. So, embrace them, communicate openly, and watch your relationship grow stronger. 💪🏽

But if you're finding it tough to define your boundaries or speak your truth, join me at the Restorative Embers Women's Wellness Retreat from April 25th to 28th in Austin, Texas.

At the retreat, you'll not only learn what your boundaries are and how to set them but also discover how to feel comfortable in your own skin and be unapologetically yourself.

Curious to learn more and see if this retreat is the right fit for you? Click the link in bio to schedule a discovery call with me!

How To Stop Anticipating Toxic Behaviors In A Healthy Relationship 03/17/2024


How To Stop Anticipating Toxic Behaviors In A Healthy Relationship It is common to find yourself waiting for toxic behavior to surface in a healthy relationship. These are expert tips on how to heal and embrace love.

S*x Talk Is Not Dirty Talk - Ignite Anew 03/16/2024


S*x Talk Is Not Dirty Talk - Ignite Anew What do you think about when you hear s*x talk? Perhaps you think telephones and sultry voices? Or maybe you think kinky pet names or demanding expletives and commands. Better yet, maybe you wrap it up in an all-inclusive box called “dirty talk.” While all of those may indeed be part of s*x talk...

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 03/13/2024

What does consent really mean to you? Is it just about not hearing a "no," or does it involve something deeper, something that respects and empowers everyone involved?

Usually, we think of consent in simple terms: you either agree to something or you don't. But in reality, it's much more complex.

It's about recognizing and honoring each person's right to make decisions about their own body and life. It's about understanding that everyone has their own boundaries and respecting them.

Consent is also about respect. It's about paying attention to both verbal and non-verbal signals to understand if someone is comfortable or not.

So, next time you consider consent, see it as more than just a checkbox. It's the foundation of healthy relationships, built on mutual respect and understanding.

If you're having trouble navigating consent boundaries or communicating your needs with your partner, DM me to learn more about my Restorative Embers Women's Retreat. Message me '1-1' to get started! ❤️

Registration ends in just a couple of weeks – get on a call with me to secure your seat!

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 03/10/2024

The best thing you can do for yourself is to communicate your feelings, no matter how uncomfortable it may seem.

In the realm of relationships, avoiding emotions might seem like a quick fix to dodge discomfort. But in reality, it's a recipe for disaster.

Have you ever found yourself tempted to suppress your emotions in a relationship, believing it would make things easier or less complicated?

While it might provide temporary relief, the long-term consequences can be profound and damaging.

For professional and expert guidance on effectively communicating your feelings while minimizing any potential harm, DM me '1-1' to book a discovery call.

Learn how my Restorative Embers Women's Retreat can assist you in fostering healthier, more fulfilling relationships through open and honest communication.

I'd love to help you create your BEST RELATIONSHIP in 2024 ❤️

P.S. Registration for the retreat ends in a few weeks – book a call this week before it's too late!

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 03/08/2024

The Restorative Embers Women's Retreat is a 4-day healing experience with limited spaces available. This transformative journey is crafted for women who:

💔Often lose themselves in relationships, feeling undervalued

💔Struggle to communicate consent and establish boundaries with their partners

💔Feel disempowered in making their own choices

but who also

❤️Refuse to lose sight of their worth and seek guidance on expressing their desires to their partner

❤️Are ready to assert themselves and occupy their rightful space

❤️Yearn for genuine love, recognition, and fulfillment within a secure relationship

We're only a few weeks away from registration closing so DM me RETREAT to see if this experience is the perfect fit for you!

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 03/06/2024

Have you ever felt the weight of shame or fear influencing your actions without even realizing it? These powerful emotions can subtly infiltrate our lives, shaping how we see ourselves and interact with others. Sometimes, their impact is so discreet that we don't recognize their hold on us.

In relationships, this can manifest in various ways:

👎Over-apologizing for minor mistakes or inconveniences
👎Feeling ashamed to discuss financial struggles and avoiding money-related conversations
👎Feeling nervous about suggesting new activities or date ideas to your partner
👎Avoiding intimacy due to fear of rejection or insecurity about your body

These examples highlight how shame and fear affect our interactions with partners. Whether it's avoiding certain topics or holding back from expressing ourselves fully, these emotions profoundly influence relationship dynamics.

Yet, it's important to realize that this doesn't have to hold you back any longer. Once you confront them, you can truly learn to be confident in yourself and your decisions.

If you're currently struggling with shame or fear, message me RETREAT to learn more about The Restorative Embers Women's Retreat dedicated to helping women face their past traumas and start their journey of healing.

Because you don't have to struggle alone ❤️


I'm excited to share a new podcast episode feature, with Just INwords.

Explore the transformative discussion on s*xuality, consent, and societal norms. We dive into topics like s*x education, non-monogamy, and the importance of communication in the bedroom.

Join us for an enlightening journey through the intricacies of eroticism and intimate relationships.



Acknowledging the need for assistance in your relationships isn't a sign of weakness; it's a proactive step towards growth. What makes my retreats truly impactful is the sense of community they offer.

You're not alone in your journey. You'll be surrounded by a supportive group of women facing similar challenges.

Whether you choose to open up and share your experiences or prefer to listen and observe, the environment fosters connection and empathy.

But the true beauty of these retreats lies in what you take away from them.

Equipped with practical resources and a newfound mindset, you'll leave feeling empowered and confident. You'll recognize your own strength and potential to cultivate the fulfilling life and relationships you deserve.

To inquire more about working with me and to learn about the upcoming women's retreat, message me "GROWTH" for more info.

P.S. Just a few weeks left before registration closes for this retreat. Book a free call with me if you're interested!

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 03/01/2024

Prioritizing self-healing isn't a selfish act — it's an act of love, both for ourselves and for those we care about. ❤️

By tending to our own emotional wounds, we create the space for growth, healing, and transformation that can positively impact every aspect of our lives, including the relationships we cherish most.

So, let's commit to prioritizing our own well-being, knowing that in doing so, we're not only nurturing ourselves but also nurturing the bonds that matter most.

If you're ready to begin your journey toward healing and growth, sign up to join our Women's Retreat!

Happening from April 25th to 28th in Austin, Texas, this retreat provides a supportive space to connect with other women facing similar challenges, share experiences, and work on healing past traumas guided by a Licensed Psychologist and S*xuality Empowerment and Authenticity Consultant (aka me 😊)

Secure your spot today by clicking the link in my bio!

Meet Dr. Jasmonae Joyriel 03/01/2024

You don’t always have a chance to share your story. However, it’s your story that reveals your purpose in this lifetime.


Meet Dr. Jasmonae Joyriel We're excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Dr. Jasmonae Joyriel. We hope you'll enjoy our conversation with Dr. Jasmonae below. Dr. Jasmonae, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. It’s always helpful to hear about times when...

Photos from Ignite Anew's post 02/29/2024

The issue with self-care is that it's only a temporary solution.

It may give you a momentary boost, but it WON'T bring about lasting change. That's why I often encourage my clients to focus on self-healing instead of just self-care.

While things like regular exercise and good sleep are important, genuine transformation comes from doing the inner work and gaining insight into how you perceive yourself and your relationships.

That's why I encourage you to join our Restorative Embers Women's Retreat happening from April 25th to 28th in Austin, Texas. It's a great opportunity for women facing similar challenges to come together, connect, and explore their personal growth journey.

If you're looking to find your unique voice and rediscover your erotic identity, this retreat is perfect for you. 🫵🏽 The last day to sign up is March 24, so make sure to book a free discovery call by clicking the link in my bio!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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I truly believe that we have the potential to achieve everything we desire in life. However, many people opt not to purs...
In today's society, there's immense pressure to have everything figured out and to constantly perform at our best. But h...
In my work, I often connect with moms who are grappling with doubts or guilt about their journey through motherhood. It'...
Becoming a business founder might seem glamorous, but there's a lot of unseen hard work involved.It's not just about dre...
Safety often starts as an internal experience.It's about feeling grounded and anchored within oneself. This inner sense ...
Your lifestyle is made up of all the little things you do each day. If you're not happy with how things are going, look ...
To shift from thinking about what we lack to focusing on what we truly want, we need to connect with ourselves. It means...
When I was younger, I realized I needed to make some serious changes to avoid ending up in a bad place. Feeling hurt and...
During one of the toughest times in my life, I realized how important it was to work towards the life I truly wanted. I ...
Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes the downs can feel overwhelming. During these tough times, having a support...
Ask yourself: Do you have the freedom to be yourself, control your time, and meet your needs? Take a moment to explore y...
To tackle those tough conversations about relationships, desires, and needs, find a quiet moment to sit down with your j...




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