Sir Tobermory

I am Sir Tobermory. I am life coach and motivational speaker. I send warnings and signals where life may give you sharp curves and wrong turns.

Follow my page and receive encouraging & triggering messages.


A group of students left a discussion group after not agreeing on answering a certain question paper. They were revising a question paper on Collaboration Skills - Sir Tober was part of this discussion group, so he too left


I want a situation where Government and private companies ONLY hire women and terminate men out of employment. Men must be working in the streets and fields, not in the office


When we are asked to donate R2 to provide for in need Children, we decline this but in the next liquor store we swipe for alcohol. After we are drunk we start giving everyone R2 in the bar- Can someone make me understand this


Tables no longer turn. Carry your chair and demand your space. Don't wait for that promotion. It won't come


If you woke up without proper plans for today, kindly go back to sleep. We don't need your unproductive traffic - Sir Tober is nauseated by you living same patterns which require no planning.


It has been a while since we have spoken. All i can say is we are going to be halfway into the year. Nothing much has happened. Some will make progress reviews while others will make it at the end of the year - Sir Tober's tone was very much calm


A lot of men are single but they won't know until they lose their jobs or hustle.💔Sir Tobermory left cautionary message this morning


Heaven seems nicer than Earth, You will never regret being kind - Sir Tober went to the Synagogue


Our generation has been to more funerals than weddings. As a nation, we need changed behavior - Sir Tober left concerned and cryptic message today.


I see a lot of people repeating same mistake - taking personal loans for private cars or expensive accessories and *NOT* for starting a business. Rectifying these Financial Mistakes after ages of 40 is not gonna be easy - Sir Tober warns


I'm disappointed at you couples. You are arguing a lot over money issues, household duties and other things. That noise you are still making before the kids is not necessary - Sir Tober pulled the trigger this afternoon.


Judging by the look of things people are still taking the back seat. They have not rolled up their sleeves and this year will remain the same. I am not going to post here daily like i mentioned earlier - Sir Tober left severe emphasis.


Parents should teach their daughters that coming home from a failed marriage/ relationship is better than coming home in a coffin - Sir Tober left a menacing statement this morning


Your dream does not have an expiration date, so do not give up - Sir Tobermory encouraged


There are many teachers on social media today and many of them are still scoring 🥅 outside goals. Sir Tober sends his deepest regrets this year he will not be frequent here as he will be playing behind the stage.


Level up. You have been labeling many years your year. You made a lot of promises to your family and friends. We won't take that anymore - Sir Tober utterly frowned


For mums and dads who work in the streets and markets and will be taking their children back to school, be strong in Faith - tiang Moreneng, your payslips are self-made: Sir Tober wishes you well


After a certain age you don't need more friends, you need clients and customers


Sir Tober has a special message for fathers who worked hard in the engine room to ensure their families have food and clothes during this time of the year. Merry Xmas Dads!


To those single parents who worked hard this year to make ends meet for children, your greatest reward is in heaven - Sir Tober penned an emotional message this afternoon


This morning Sir Tobermory was speaking in a marriage seminar, a sensitive issue of showing each other payslips as couples was brought up. He brilliantly brought issue to rest by saying share your financial tasks together but a man's task is still on top.


If you give up, it means you never wanted it - Sir Tobermory hung his leg by the rope to a cliff & worked downwards.


We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created those problems - Sir Tober raised the volume high.


I hate maths, but I love counting money - Sir Tober laughed


What has social media done for you? Choose your teachers wisely!
There are many teachers here with different professions and agendas.


The goal of a good business is to help the community at large - i wish Mr Matekane success to take this country to Canan Land


Sir Tobermory invented a tool to help one to measure if they will be successful in life. The high reading of possible success is that 99% of your time must be concentrated on plans and activities that bring you fruitful results. Opposite of this, will make your success 30cm long.


Sir Tober was seen in 3 countries at the same time - Lesotho, South Africa and Botswana. The reason for this strange behavior is he is behind goals he set at the beginning of the year.


You should have 2 to 3 streams from where you earn money. You will be in better position even if you face some financial crisis if you multiple income streams.

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