Equinox Homeopathy

The Aim is to help people achieve their optimum health through Homoeopathy.

My mission is to help people achieve their optimum health and well-being using homeopathic remedies. My commitment is to do the very best work in homeopathy that I can in every instance...and along the way continue to learn from the best in our field.


It’s a very tragic condition that a lady has to undergo.
is the termination of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an or fetus. An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or "spontaneous abortion"; these occur in approximately 30% to 40% of all pregnancies.

1. For abortion during 1st and 3rd month of pregnancy
Apis Mel.
2. Threatened abortion in the second month.Habitual abortion every 2nd or 3rd month. Blood is generally dark red and clotted.
Kali Carb & Sabina
3. For abortion, more especially about the 3rd month with copious flow of black, liquid blood.
Secal cor


Lac Caninum, is the remedy prepared from Bitch's milk.
Lac Caninum is of undoubted value in certain forms of sore throat, diphtheria, and rheumatism.

The keynote symptom is Erratic pains, alternating sides. Feels as if walking on air or not touching the bed when lying down.

Great lassitude. Decided effect in drying milk in women who cannot nurse the baby. Great weakness and prostration. Sinking spells every morning.
Mentals- Very restless; cannot concentrate her thoughts or mind to read; wants to leave everything as soon as it is commenced. When speaking, she substitutes the name of the object seen for that which is thought to remember what she reads but can remember other things.

#ホメオパシー #ホメオパシージャパン
#ホメオパシー講座 #ホメオパシースクール #ホメオパシーのお話会開催 #ホメオパシー勉強会


Wishing you all a very happy Diwali 🪔


Celebrating Dr. Samuel Hahneman 267th birthday, for giving this system of medicine that is homeopathy that has helped millions of lives and is 2nd most practiced system of medicine.

“Aude sapere” means “Have courage to use your own reason”, "Dare to know things", or even more loosely as "Dare to be wise".

Leg us know in a comment about your experience with homeopathy.


Sharing this beautiful rubric from a dysmenorrhoea case of a 14-year-old beautiful girl.

Understanding of the rubric -delusion poor he is.
Let's break down this rubric word by word-

DELUSION- This means a false belief or opinion that is resistant to reason or confrontation with substantial fact.

POOR- This doesn't precisely mean in terms of the financial or unfortunate aspect but here it means of an inferior, inadequate, or unsatisfactory kind: poor health.OR lacking in skill, ability, or training: a poor cook.

Patient presentation during consultation-
After analysis, of the patient’s history the PQRS I.e Predominant, Q***r, Rare, and strange symptoms which is the base of homeopathic prescription. The mental prominent symptom was, I am not good enough, I think I lack something that is why I am not able to achieve what I aim to.
In every aspect of life when we dive in the was the common thread running throughout.
So this reminded me of the tune of “delusion poor he is” and considering other physical generals Belladona was prescribed. As the intensity of the complaints was intense which suggested high potency so 1M was prescribed. Having released the medicine this week will wait for the cycle to come and see the response.

If you have come here after reading the whole post, let me know if you want to learn and know about the prescription of homeopathic medicine for menstrual issues please write it down in the comment, and ill take up another post about this.

Equinox Homeopathy


To all beautiful and caring women who are in “healing” Profession.

On February 3rd, honor the path that female doctors have paved since 1849 as we recognize National Women Physicians Day.

This day marks the birthday of Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States in 1849. Dr. Blackwell initiated the movement that helped women gain entry and equality in the field of medicine.

The day celebrates the courage of Elizabeth Blackwell and the accomplishments of female physicians everywhere. At the same time, the day strives to bring improvements to the workplace for the growing number of women physicians entering the field of medicine.

— Equinox Homeopathy

#日本ホメオパス #ホメオパスの子育て


“Be more aware of “YOURSELF”

With this fast pace life we tend to get so much busy in accomplishing things, our outer world that we fail to attend our “real self” the inner world. Being a human beings we are blessed with such a wonderful creation of our system (mind-body-soul) that it keeps on maintaining the “healthy” status. We think we get only when we have some kind of symptoms that your body presents with, it’s when we the system has failed to maintain equilibrium after trying hard of maintaining it long time.

So, be a little more attentive of your self, keep your self in sync the “inner system” for better quality of life.

Equinox Homeopathy

#日本ホメオパス #ホメオパスの子育て


Case of

Had this case of an young adult troubled with allergies due to seasonal changes with occasional purpura rashes.

As a homeopath considering the person as a whole. His disposition, sensitivity and all other factors contributing to his health as well as disease was taken into consideration.
After details analysis it showed that we are not dealing with just allergies but quite deeper the pathology and it was which he was suffering from quite sometime.
After diagnosing the case we started with homeopathic treatment and within a year his allergies went down tremendously. He was feeling much better. His purpural rashes appeared but the intensity and the extent was less and with every passing episode it got better.
This is the it not merely take care of the symptoms but also helps in slowing down or reversing (depending on the pathology) the underlying process.

For Homeopaths- Don’t take cases of cold and cough lightly it could be a manifestation of . So consider every signs and symptoms that patients have and try to correlate with the knowledge of medicine for better diagnosis and prognosis of the case.


Photos from Equinox Homeopathy's post 01/09/2021

“Homeopathy in Japan”

It's a great initiative taken by The Indian Community Edogawa (ICE) under the guidance of Jagmohan Chandrani-San (President of The Indian Community of Edogawa)) and Mrs.Sonal San the organizer of this event.

The topic was very much relevant considering the present scenario “treating modern disease with Homeopathy”

The guest Speaker was Dr.S.C. Sharma from Delhi,India.He beautifully explained about role of homeopathy from very simple case to the complex ones. How he treated the cases of kidney stones and ovarian cyst with homeopathy where surgery was the only option in the modern medicine. The session was full of information for around 45 mins preceded by Q&A session. He addressed all the questions that were put forwarded by the participants.The awareness about homeopathy and how it can help patients to improve the quality of life was very well explained in the session.

Glad to be part of this event and looking forward for many of these kinds of events regarding Homeopathy in future.

For any queries you can message us on [email protected]






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Gluzextra Gold - O melhor leite para diabéticos do Japão Gluzextra Gold - O melhor leite para diabéticos do Japão
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