Juniper Clinic

Fertility specialists offering a range of treatments for many common female health issues.

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 12/02/2024

Improve your chances of IVF success with our new exclusive IVF transfer package!! 🀍

Including pre and post Acupuncture transfer sessions and a healing and restorative womb massage to enhance embryo receptivity πŸ‘ΆπŸΌβœ¨

Comment the word "IVF" for more info and will shall send you a DM explaining more 🫢🏼


The Juniper Team x

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 23/01/2024

RAINBOW BABIES are real!! πŸ‘ΆπŸŒˆβœ¨

Working with Paige was full of dedication, hope, and courage! ✨

Paige did the work. She was consistent, even asking if we were open on boxing day πŸ˜‚

Expressing the depth of our services goes beyond the swipe of an Instagram post. Juniper encompasses more than just acupuncture; our dedicated team, working behind the scenes, views you as an individual. We're committed to guiding you on your journey to parenthood through various modalities, including acupuncture, reflexology, nutrition, mineral testing, womb massage, herbal prescriptions, trauma therapy, and more. At Juniper, there's always a supportive approach, reflecting our pride in the intimate clinic environment, skilled practitioners, and core values. 🀍

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 17/01/2024

We set up our confident conception package after we wanted our patients to have a more well rounded treatment plan, Including acupuncture, herbs, reflexology, nutrition, mineral support and more 🀩

We've found that this approach is the best way to successful live birth rates within the clinic. When one of our patients fully commit, they notice the benefits. As our post says , consistency is key πŸ”

We've also had a fair few babies born under this package which for us and for the mamas is just so heart warming to see.

Sometimes there is a mental block to fertility and this is where our fabulous practitioner Gaynor also steps in with her root cause therapy work, or with EMDR to help those who may have suffered trauma.

Whatever your worry, we can pretty much cover you, and if we really feel we can't, we will refer you on for further support 🀍

If you need to talk to us, we offer a free 15 minute discovery call where we can advise more about our treatments and what may be right for you.


What a start to the year it's been, we've already had our first pregnancy announcement, and we are excited to help more of you concoeve in 2024 🀰

We really are so proud of what we do, so I thought it would be good to highlight all areas that we support:

- TTC (whatever the amount of time it doesn't matter)
- Male infertility
- Donor eggs/ S***m
- TTC naturally
- TTC preparation

Now, when people come to see us for fertility support, often they have been trying for a little while. Therefore, we also help optimise their health and dig deeper into what could be contributing to their struggles.

Quite often, fertility clinics and GPs overlook bloodwork, symptoms, and health concerns that we would NEVER dream of overlooking. That is the recipe for our success. You are not a number, and seeing you succeed is our main goal.

Other areas of health we help to optimise to support fertility:

- Bloodwork
- Gut health
- Liver health
- Mental health
- Reproductive health
- Immune health and more

If you would like to enquire and ask us any questions reach out to us via DM or email [email protected] πŸ“§

We recommend if you're looking for TTC support to give yourself 3 months prior to concieveing to help us optimise your health as much as possible 🀍

Lots of love,

Juniper x


Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 07/01/2024

We are often asked how exactly does acupuncture help when going through IVF! 🀍

Let us show you how 😍

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 18/12/2023

Sometimes it can be hard to pick people you resonate with off the internet when it comes to supporting your fertility.

So this is a little bit about who we are, what we do, and how we can support you 🀍✨

Our inbox is always open to you for any questions

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 15/12/2023

Meet Lisa 😍

Your dedicated acupuncturist!

Not only that, but Lisa is also a yoga teacher and a holistic therapist πŸ”₯

She brings a unique blend of understanding and passion to her practice, offering a range of treatments that cater to diverse needs.

With a heart-driven approach, she empowers and supports individuals on their transformative journey to health.

Discover the healing power of Lisa's expertise as she helps countless people achieve balance and vitality whether you're looking to support your fertility or general wellbeing 🀍

Lisa treats many conditions such as:

✨ Migraines & headaches
✨ Back neck & shoulder problems
✨ Digestive issues (IBS, Chrons, etc)
✨ Fertility
✨ Skin conditions
✨ Menopause symtoms
✨ & more

Our customers rave about Lisa's ability to provide personaliaes care, tailored to each individual's needs, making her an invaluable asset to our team! πŸ₯°

# massage #

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 15/12/2023

Meet Lisa 😍

Your dedicated Acupuncturist!

Not only that, but Lisa is also a yoga teacher, and holistic therapist πŸ”₯

She brings a unique blend of understanding and passion to her practice, offering a range of treatments that cater to diverse needs.

With a heart-driven approach, she empowers and supports individuals on their transformative journey to health.

Discover the healing power of Lisa's expertise as she helps countless people achieve balance and vitality whether you're looking to support your fertility or general wellbeing 🀍

Lisa treats many conditions such as:

✨ Migraines & headaches
✨ Back neck & shoulder problems
✨ Digestive issues (IBS, Chrons etc)
✨ Fertility
✨ Skin conditions
✨ Menopause symtoms
✨ & more

Our customers rave about Lisa's ability to provide personaliaes care, tailored to each individual's needs, making her an invaluable asset to our team! πŸ₯°

# massage #


❌Avoid endocrine disruptors: Minimize exposure to chemicals that can disrupt hormone production, such as BPA (found in plastic containers) and certain pesticides. Use glass or BPA-free containers and opt for organic produce when possible.

🩷 Connecting with people we love and enjoy spending time around bring she joy which in turn has a positive impact on our mental health, wellbeing and therefore hormones. Say goodbye to those energy vampires! πŸ§›

πŸͺ‘πŸ‘£: Acupuncture and reflexology work on the bodies internal organ systems which help in the regulation of hormones, especially progesterone!

πŸ’€ Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Sleep is essential for hormonal regulation, and inadequate sleep can disrupt hormone production and balance. It is important to get enough REM sleep per night as this is where true healing takes place!

🍣 A Mediterranean diet has been associated with various health benefits, including promoting overall hormone balance and reproductive health. The Mediterranean diet is rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods and healthy fats, which may indirectly support hormonal function. Here's how a Mediterranean diet can positively impact overall health, potentially contributing to hormonal balance:

✨ Minerals are the precursor to how our hormones function! If our minerals are out of whack then quite often our hormones are out of whack. Making sure calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium are all optimal is essential!


We've added some new slots for tomorrow, please let us know if you would like to take one. First come first served ☺️

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 17/10/2023

Can I still have acupuncture throughout pregnancy? Absolutely! Swipe to read β†’

Have you been curious about how can acupuncture can support you during pregnancy? Hopefully this helps, it’s been broken it down by trimester 🩡



The TTC journey can truly feel like a rollercoaster of emotions. Speaking as a fertility acupuncturist, I can't help but cringe when I hear someone casually ask, ''So, when are you having babies?''. I've even found myself gently educating my own family about these things. They mean well, but sometimes these conversations catch us off guard 🫣

Believe me, I understand how those seemingly innocent remarks can hit like a bombshell, especially for those facing difficulties conceiving. It's like your entire day gets flipped upside down, and the struggle to gather yourself once again is very real πŸ˜₯

Now, here's the silver lining – for those grappling with the mental and emotional aspects, I have a wonderful ally named Gaynor she's my trusty sidekick at . Together, we delve into identifying those mental roadblocks and pesky limiting beliefs that might be quietly holding you back on your TTC journey.

You might wonder just how much power the mind holds in all of this. Let me tell you, from years of being in the clinic, it's substantial. It can affect your self-esteem, your ability to enjoy life, and even lead to behaviours that aren't in your best interest. It's like a chain reaction 😫

So, if you're feeling like you could use a bit of support, don't hesitate to drop me a πŸ‘‹ emoji below. We'd be happy to have a friendly chat with you in my DMs and explore how Gaynor's expertise could be a game changer for you on this difficult road.

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 08/10/2023

We're often asked if we treat conditions other than fertility, and the answer is YES! πŸ™

We support ALL women's (and men's πŸ˜‰) health.

Maybe you're wanting to get your periods in check as you have noticed they are painful, or you have PCOS or endometriosis and want to manage your condition better and gain further advice to live a healthy life, or maybe you're going through menopause and you're finding it difficult and would like to find relief from your symptoms.

Whatever it may be, you don't need to feel stuck. We have helped many women and will continue to do so because this is our absolute passion! 🫢

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 07/10/2023


We cover these points during your consultation and tailor each recommendation according to what you need and your diagnosis from a TCM perspective ✨

For questions on hormone testing, s***m analysis, appropriate treatment etc, please feel free to DM us with any of your burning questions , we love to help!


It's here, our HALLOWEEN SPECIALS πŸŽƒπŸ‘»

Take your pick from:

- Pumpkin spice facial 😍
- Haunted head πŸ‘»
- Blood orange massage
- Massage with a toffee apple treat
- Spirit special πŸ‘€

ONLY available throughout October πŸ‘» πŸ§™


Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 21/09/2023

The two week wait πŸ—“οΈ swipe to read some key tips from our fertility acupuncturist ➑️

The two week wait can feel like the longest time and it really can increase our anxiety. These are some simple yet truly helpful tips you can implement during that time 🩡

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 06/09/2023

Your chance to win 50% off a treatment with us! πŸ₯³βœ¨

All you have to do is make sure you're following us, snap a pic πŸ“Έ and tag us on your next visit 🫢 and you will be automatically entered!

There will be a winner every month 😱 so keep tagging us for your chance to win!

- Massage
- Acupuncture
- Reflexology
- Reiki
- Facials
- & more ✌️

Good luck!

Must be following . Excludes packages. For single treatments only. 18 or over.

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 27/08/2023

Meet Andrea 🀍

Our fantastic acupuncturist and holistic therapist. With her remarkable expertise and compassionate approach, Andrea has been transforming lives through the art of acupuncture and holistic healing.

Andrea treats many conditions such as:

✨ Migraines & headaches
✨ Back neck & shoulder problems
✨ Digestive issues (IBS, Chrons etc)
✨ Fertility
✨ Menopause symtoms
✨ & more

Her understanding of the body's energy systems and her skillful placement of needles create a harmonious balance that fosters both physical and emotional well-being to you! πŸ’–

Our Clients rave about Andrea's ability to provide personalized care, tailored to each individual's needs, making her an invaluable asset to our team!

Her dedication to enhancing overall health and vitality is just what everyone needs and we're honored to have her guide our clients on their journeys to wellness from wherever they may be ✨

# massage #

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 26/08/2023

Bank holiday weekend offer! πŸ’― Save yoursekf nearly Β£100 😱

Get 6 treatments for the price of 3 and a half treatments when booked this weekend only

Bookings can be made via the link in our bio 🀍


It never gets old for us here at the clinic ✨ watching women overcome their fertility struggles with the help of our practitioners.

Will you be having the next Juniper baby? πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 05/08/2023

Today we say goodbye to our beautiful Beth ❀️ not forever, but for a short while, so she can go give birth to her amazing little boy! πŸ‘ΆπŸ½

We are waiting in anticipation, anytime now! πŸ‘€

Comment with a πŸ’™ to give Beth some love and good vibes for labour, and spread the baby dust to all those who are on their fertility journey ✨

Another bit of hope for you all is that Beth has endometriosis. So please don't fear not being able to concieve with this condition. With the right tools. Anything is possible!

Interesting fact - We are mostly boy mum's at Juniper clinic minus one of us with a young girl! ☺️

Beth will be back at the end of the year! (We know, she cray! πŸ˜›πŸ€£)

Thank you for all the lovely feedback for Beth so far! There have been lots of happy fertility clients. She is our newest addition to the team but by no means new to Acupuncture. She has absolutely smashed it!

Here is to forever with her baby boy πŸ’™

# # #

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 25/07/2023

"Love, Science, and a Whole Lot of Faith! 🧬❀️

# treatment


❌Avoid endocrine disruptors: Minimize exposure to chemicals that can disrupt hormone production, such as BPA (found in plastic containers) and certain pesticides. Use glass or BPA-free containers and opt for organic produce when possible.

🩷 Connecting with people we love and enjoy spending time around bring she joy which in turn has a positive impact on our mental health, wellbeing and therefore hormones. Say goodbye to those energy vampires! πŸ§›

πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈExercise: Engage in regular moderate exercise, such as walking, swimming, or cycling. Exercise can help regulate hormones and promote overall well-being.

πŸ’€ Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Sleep is essential for hormonal regulation, and inadequate sleep can disrupt hormone production and balance. It is important to get enough REM sleep per night as this is where true healing takes place!

🍣This diet has been associated with various health benefits, including promoting overall hormone balance and reproductive health. The Mediterranean diet is rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods and healthy fats, which may indirectly support hormonal function. Here's how a Mediterranean diet can positively impact overall health, potentially contributing to hormonal balance:

✨ Minerals are the precursor to how our hormones function! If our minerals are out of whack then quite often our hormones are out of whack. Making sure calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium are all optimal is essential!

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 17/07/2023

This story is close to our heart at the clinic πŸ’™

An incredible story from impossible to possible, with a helping hand from acupuncture and lifestyle changes. He got to give his girlfriend her dream after all 🌟

These are the stories that make it all worth while πŸͺ„

I cannot begin to explain the joy in my heart when Michael sent me that message. I remember going back to his very first appointment in my mind, thinking about his openness, courage and strength to do all he could when in reality the weight of the world was on his shoulders πŸ₯Ή

I wanted to share this story for the men out there who may feel ashamed by their fertility status, and who may feel less of a man because of it.

This is certainly not the case, if anything it makes him more of a man for facing these hurdles head on and having the courage to do everything he could 😭

For those men struggling out there. There is an amazing team behind the account Ian, Toby and Michael are just regular men out there bringing awareness and courage to those men struggling with their fertility. They have a podcast where Toby shares his story on his own hurdles and how it impacted his mental health.

Follow them, share them, spread the word, and spread my story to help raise awareness for those men that feel they can't speak up πŸ’™

***mia ***mhealth

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 12/07/2023


Have you struggled to concieve and now you're finally pregnant, in your second or third trimester and and still anxious if everything is ok?! 😒

We here you because so many of the women we have helped concieve here have been through all the emotions and horrible experiences! πŸ₯Ή

Or maybe you're just a mama to be wanting to try something new πŸ˜„

This is why we have created this limited one time package To help you ease your anxiety, feel calm, relaxed and connect with your unborn baby πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ helping you to know everything is working out as it should ✨

Here for a good time not a long time!

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 11/07/2023

Seeing so many ladies walk through our doors with this condition 😒πŸ₯Ή

However it is not a lost cause!

If you're trying for a baby 🍼 and you have been officially diagnosed then
Acupuncture can help improve blood flow to the uterus and has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve egg quality! (Something that you may struggle with if blood is not flowing properly to the ovaries) 🩸

Not only can acupuncture help but we also have two other therpaies which can help support you along the way ✨

Hormone and nutrition balancing with 🍏

And reflexology with πŸ‘£

Endometriosis is not a death sentence for your fertility πŸ‘Ά

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 10/07/2023

There are so many reasons acupuncture can be used as part of your journey when you're whether you're trying naturally or going through IVF! πŸ‘Ά

There are so many studies now showing the positive effect it has on fertility outcomes and the menstrual cycle 🩸

If you have any questions about our fertility treatments which also include reflexology, mind coaching, reiki and more alongside acupuncture.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch or send us a DM ☺️

Team Juniper x

Photos from Juniper Clinic's post 07/06/2023


Shiatsu massage helps to improve overall well-being and balance in the body by addressing imbalances in the flow of energy, known as "ki" or "qi." By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, shiatsu massage supports fertility by creating a more favorable environment for conception! πŸ‘Ά Whether for IVF or trying naturally.

Additionally, shiatsu massage can help improve blood circulation, which is important for reproductive health , improving egg quality and the uterine lining πŸ₯šπŸ©Έ it also helps to enhance the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the ovaries!

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You can now BOOK ONLINE! πŸ’™πŸ€ŒIf you have a busy schedule you can now book on your phone either through the website www.jun...
Appointment available tomorrow ☺Dm to book before it goes! 🌟




30A London Road

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 8pm
Tuesday 10am - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 8pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 7pm
Sunday 10am - 7pm

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Warrington, WA46HN

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