TAAT Consulting

TAAT consulting Ltd is a banking and information technology consultancy company dedicated to providing both technical and functional consulting and support

At Taat we are dedicated to providing both technical and functional
consulting and support services to financial institutions running the Temenos T24 core
banking system and TAAT's own WESE core banking system.


We're dedicated to transforming financial institutions with our specialized expertise in Temenos Transact (T24). Our team of Temenos Certified consultants brings a wealth of experience across Functional, IT, and Sales consulting, ensuring your banking operations are optimized to the highest standards.

🌟 What We Offer:

- Functional Consulting: Streamline your banking processes with our in-depth knowledge of Temenos T24 functionalities.

- IT Consulting: Seamlessly integrate and enhance your IT infrastructure for superior performance and reliability.

- Sales Consulting: Drive growth with tailored strategies and innovative solutions that boost your competitive edge.

🤝 Let's collaborate to automate and elevate your financial services. At TAAT Consulting, we’re committed to delivering seamless and efficient solutions that meet your unique needs.

Ready to revolutionize your banking operations? Connect with us today and discover the TAAT difference! Visit www.taatconsulting.com for more info


Financial institutions, here's how WESE empowers you:

Seamless Integrations: Our open APIs allow WESE to connect effortlessly with any third-party system you use. No more data silos, just smooth information flow.

Mobile Magic: Integrate your WESE mobile app with any other system you need. Streamline operations and provide a frictionless experience for your customers. ✨

WESE = Flexibility + Efficiency. Let's unlock your banking potential!

Have questions? We're here to help! Contact TAAT Consulting today or visit www.taatconsulting.com for more info.


"Starting off the week with some ! 💪

Embrace the power of perspective and make the most out of every situation. Remember, success comes to those who adapt and thrive, not just survive.

Let's conquer this week together!



Embrace the Journey, Not Just the Destination 🚀

This week, let's shake off the fear of failure and see it as a stepping stone to success. Every setback holds valuable lessons, pushing us to adapt, innovate, and ultimately achieve our goals.

As TAAT Consulting, we believe in the power of resilience. We are here to support you on your banking IT journey, helping you learn from challenges and emerge stronger. 💪


Are you ready to revolutionize your banking experience? Look no further! TAAT Consulting is here to turn your banking ideas into reality with our cutting-edge IT software services. 🚀

At TAAT, we don't just offer services – we form strategic partnerships with our clients, taking the digital journey alongside them. Your success is our priority, and we're committed to helping you expand your banking business beyond expectations. 📈

Our comprehensive services include:

🔍 Consultation

🛠️ Implementation

🔧 Support

🎓 T24 Training

Ready to take your banking operations to the next level? Let TAAT Consulting be your trusted partner on this journey.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can transform your vision into reality! Visit www.taatconsulting.com 💡🏦


It's !

Let's kick off the week with a powerful quote by Lou Holtz:

"Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it."

At TAAT Consulting, we believe in unlocking your full potential.

Here's how to make this quote your mantra for the week:

- Identify your talents: What are you naturally good at? What skills set you apart?

- Fuel your motivation: Set clear goals and visualize your success. Find your "why" and what drives you.

- Maintain a positive attitude: Challenges are inevitable, but a positive mindset can help you overcome them and achieve excellence.

Remember, talent + motivation + attitude = unstoppable success!

Let's make this a productive and positive week!


Exciting News from TAAT Consulting! 📱The Wese Loan Management System Mobile App, revolutionizing client onboarding for field officers! 🌍✨

With the Wese App, your field officers can now onboard clients from ANYWHERE 🌐, whether in urban centers or remote areas! 🌿 No more limitations due to poor network coverage - thanks to its store and forward capabilities, the app works seamlessly OFFLINE too! 📶💪

Plus, the app lets you easily attach necessary documents 📄, perfect for situations requiring collaterals. 🤝💼

Empowering your team to do more, serve better, and reach farther! 🚀 Stay tuned for more updates on how TAAT Consulting is leveraging technology for impactful client relationships! 💼✨ Visit www.taatconsulting.com to learn more.


Happy hashtag from TAAT Consulting!

This week, remember: the only limits you have are the limits you believe in. It's a brand new week with endless possibilities. Stay positive, challenge yourself, and achieve amazing things!

What are your goals this week? Share them in the comments and let's motivate each other!
hashtag hashtag hashtag


Looking to enhance your core banking operations? Here's a pro tip from TAAT Consulting:

Focus on implementing real-time transaction monitoring to optimize efficiency and security. Real-time monitoring allows for immediate detection of anomalies, ensuring swift action and enhancing customer trust.

Stay tuned for more expert insights from TAAT Consulting!


Don't get stuck with T24 roadblocks!

TAAT Consulting is your trusted advisor for all things T24. We help financial institutions unlock the full potential of their system and overcome any obstacles they encounter.

Get in touch and let's optimize your experience. Visit our website for more info www.taatconsulting.com


It's Monday! But before you hit the ground running, remember: Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ✨

A positive mindset can transform your day, your business, your relationship, and your entire career.

Let's approach this week with enthusiasm, optimism, and a willingness to learn.


Happy April, TAAT Consulting Clients!

We hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend filled with joy and relaxation. As we head into a fresh new month, we at TAAT Consulting wish you a productive and successful April.

Here's to achieving great things together!


Starting a new week can feel like staring down a mountain of challenges. But at TAAT Consulting, we believe in the power of perseverance!

Just like core banking systems form the foundation of a bank's success, a determined spirit paves the way for achieving your goals.

This week, don't let setbacks discourage you. Instead, channel your energy into finding solutions and keep climbing!

We're here to help you navigate the complexities of core banking. Together, we can turn your vision into reality.

Visit www.taatconsulting.com for more information


Make managing your financial institution easier and more affordable than ever. Wese Core is preconfigured and ready to use, so you can:

- Get started quickly: Out-of-the-box system with a chart of accounts, 3 products, and 3 user roles.

- Save on upfront costs: Forget about licensing fees and implementation.

- Enjoy predictable budgeting: Simple monthly subscription keeps your finances organized.

- Get rewarded for prepayment: Pay annually and receive a massive discount!

Don't miss this opportunity to take your financial institution to the next level.

Contact TAAT Consulting today to get started!


Those giant leaps we dream of? They all start with a single step forward. Every workout, every page read, and every obstacle tackled brings you closer to your final goal. ✨ Remember, even the impossible seems attainable when you break it down into achievable steps.

What small step will you take today to move closer to your dreams? Let's crush this week together!


Are you a passionate and results-oriented individual with a drive to succeed? Do you possess a strong understanding of marketing principles and a desire to contribute to a dynamic and growing consulting firm? Then TAAT Consulting wants to hear from you!

We are seeking a motivated and talented Sales & Marketing Associate to join our team.


TAAT Consulting is inviting applications from suitably qualified and experienced individuals to fill the position of Graduate Trainee – BA and Techy. The candidate should have the following:

- Ability to work collaboratively in a team and create an inclusive environment with people at all levels of an organization

- Capability to drive an independent workstream in the context of a broader team project.

- Comfort with ambiguous, ever-changing situations.

- Ability to break down and solve problems through quantitative thinking and analysis

- Ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, in English and local office language(s)


Hello, March!

Let's welcome the new month with open arms and a positive spirit! ☀️ This month is a clean slate, a chance to set new goals and chase after our dreams with renewed energy.

Here's to:

- Sparking joy: Take time for activities that bring you happiness, big or small.

- Embracing gratitude: Reflect on all the good things in your life, no matter how ordinary they may seem.

- Spreading kindness: Let's make the world a brighter place by offering a helping hand or a word of encouragement.

What are YOU looking forward to this month? Share your hopes and dreams in the comments below!


Tired of rigid loan management systems? ‍

TAAT Consulting's Wese Core Banking System (CBS) is here to revolutionize your financial institution!

Wese offers:

- Modular Subscription: Pay only for the features you need, making it pocket-friendly for startups and budget-conscious institutions.

- Scalability: Grow seamlessly as your needs evolve by adding modules as you go.

- Faster Time-to-Market: Get up and running quickly with our user-friendly interface and minimal implementation time. ⏱️

- Open API Integration: Connect effortlessly with other essential tools and services for a streamlined workflow.

Wese caters to all, offering:

- Pocket-friendly options for budget-conscious institutions.

- Premium features for advanced needs.

Ready to unlock agility, efficiency, and affordability? Contact TAAT Consulting today to learn more about Wese!


This week, let's challenge the limitations we set for ourselves. ‍♀️‍♂️

That little voice in your head whispering "I can't" or "I'm not good enough"? Time to silence it.

Remember, your potential is limitless. Don't let self-doubt hold you back from achieving your dreams. ✨

Here are some ways to break free from limiting beliefs:

- Identify them: What negative thoughts hold you back? Acknowledge them, but don't believe them.

- Challenge them: Ask yourself if there's any evidence to support these beliefs.

- Replace negativity with positivity: Focus on your strengths and past accomplishments.

- Take action!: Start small, step outside your comfort zone, and prove to yourself what you're capable of.

This week, choose to believe in yourself. You are capable of amazing things!


In the dynamic world of finance, staying ahead requires a strategic shift towards a customer-centric banking approach! 🚀🏦 Embrace the evolution and propel your institution towards long-term success by prioritizing personalized services. Here's a tip to lead the change:

🔍 Tip: Understand, Adapt, Thrive!

In the ever-evolving financial landscape, customers crave more than just transactions—they seek personalized experiences. 🌐✨ Tailor your banking services to meet individual needs, preferences, and aspirations. Leverage data analytics to gain insights into customer behavior, and use these insights to create bespoke solutions that resonate with each client.

💡 Why Go Customer-Centric?

1️⃣ Build Lasting Relationships: Forge deep connections by offering personalized services that go beyond conventional banking. Understand your customers' financial journeys and stand by them every step of the way.

2️⃣ Boost Customer Loyalty: A customer-centric approach fosters loyalty, making clients feel valued and understood. Happy customers are more likely to stay, refer, and expand their engagement with your bank.

3️⃣ Stay Competitive: In the competitive banking landscape, differentiation is key. By offering unique, customer-tailored solutions, your institution stands out and attracts a diverse customer base.

4️⃣ Future-Proof Your Institution: The financial industry is evolving rapidly. Embracing a customer-centric model positions your bank as a forward-thinking institution ready to adapt to emerging trends.

🚀 Take the Leap: Steps to Implementation

1️⃣ Invest in Technology: Leverage cutting-edge technology, such as AI and machine learning, to analyze customer data and provide personalized recommendations.

2️⃣ Train Your Team: Equip your staff with the skills needed to understand and anticipate customer needs. Foster a culture that values customer satisfaction.

3️⃣ Listen to Feedback: Actively seek and listen to customer feedback. Use it as a tool for continuous improvement and to refine your personalized services.

Remember, the future of banking is customer-centric. By prioritizing personalized experiences, your core banking consulting firm will not only meet but exceed the expectations of today's discerning clients. 🌐💼


It's Monday, friends, but don't let that bring you down! Remember, attitude is the 'little' thing that makes a BIG difference. ✨
Here's your :

➡️ Start your day with a smile (even if it feels forced ). It sets the tone for a more positive outlook.

➡️ Choose gratitude! List 3 things you're thankful for, big or small. It shifts your focus to the good.

➡️ Help someone else! A kind gesture can boost your mood and theirs. Pay for the coffee behind you, compliment a stranger, or simply hold the door open.

➡️ Believe in yourself! You've got this! Remind yourself of your strengths and capabilities.

➡️ Embrace challenges! See them as opportunities to learn and grow. Every "failure" is a stepping stone to success.

Remember, it's all about perspective! Change your attitude, change your week!

What are your tips for staying positive on Mondays? Share in the comments!


In today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, open banking has emerged as a powerful force for driving innovation and customer-centricity. But leveraging its full potential requires a robust foundation, and your core banking system plays a crucial role. Here's how you can optimize your core to serve as the powerhouse for a successful open banking strategy:

1. Embrace APIs: Ensure your core banking system provides robust and secure APIs that can seamlessly integrate with external applications and third-party providers. This allows for faster and more innovative financial products and services to reach your customers.

2. Prioritize Data Accessibility: Open banking thrives on data sharing. Make sure your core system can efficiently and securely manage, aggregate, and access customer data in a way that complies with regulations and adheres to customer consent.

3. Strengthen Security: Openness doesn't equate to vulnerability. Invest in robust security measures within your core system to protect sensitive customer data and mitigate potential fraud risks associated with open banking APIs.

4. Focus on Microservices Architecture: A modular architecture allows for flexibility and agility—key factors in adapting to the dynamic nature of open banking. Consider migrating to a microservices architecture to facilitate easier integration and faster innovation.

5. Foster Collaboration: Break down internal silos and establish a collaborative culture that embraces open banking initiatives. Ensure your core banking team actively works with product developers, compliance specialists, and other stakeholders to ensure a smooth and secure open banking experience.

Additional Tips:

- Utilize Cloud Technology: Leverage cloud-based core banking solutions for enhanced scalability, security, and disaster recovery capabilities, crucial for supporting open banking's demands.

- Invest in Data Analytics: Gain valuable insights from customer data within your core system to personalize offerings, identify new opportunities, and make informed decisions about open banking partnerships.

- Stay Compliant: Continuously monitor and adapt to evolving regulatory requirements surrounding open banking to ensure your operations remain compliant and secure.

By optimizing your core banking system in line with these key principles, you can unlock the full potential of open banking, empowering your institution to deliver innovative solutions, enhance customer experiences, and thrive in the ever-evolving financial ecosystem.


Today, we're not just celebrating love, but also the incredible partnerships that make our hearts beat at TAAT Consulting. To our valued clients, you're more than just business connections – you're our financial sweethearts.

Just like a strong relationship takes trust, communication, and a shared vision, so too does a successful core banking transformation. We appreciate the trust you place in us to navigate the complexities of your systems and help you achieve your financial goals.

This Valentine's Day, we want to say:

- Thank you for choosing TAAT Consulting as your core banking partner.

- We love the collaborative spirit and open communication that make our projects thrive.

- We're passionate about helping you achieve your banking dreams, just like Cupid helps hearts connect.

Here's to many more successful partnerships, filled with growth, innovation, and a touch of financial magic! ✨


It's a brand new week, brimming with possibilities. Is there a goal you've been putting off? A skill you're itching to learn? Today's the day to take that first step!


- Small progress is still progress. Celebrate every win, no matter how big or small.

- Challenges are stepping stones. Embrace them as opportunities to grow.

- Believe in yourself. You've got the power to achieve anything you set your mind to. ✨

What's your motivation for this week? Share it in the comments below and let's inspire each other!


Are you a bank leveraging the powerful capabilities of Temenos T24 Transact? Do you want to maximize its potential and empower your team with in-depth knowledge?

Look no further than TAAT Consulting, your trusted partner for specialized T24 training solutions!

We offer a comprehensive range of training programs tailored to all levels and roles, including:

- T24 Fundamentals: Gain a solid understanding of core banking processes and T24 functionalities.

- Product-Specific Training: Deep dive into specific modules like loans, deposits, trade finance, etc.

- Advanced Functionality Workshops: Master complex features and configurations to optimize your operations.

- Customized Training Programs: Meet your specific needs with personalized courses designed for your unique challenges.

Benefits of Choosing TAAT Consulting:

- Experienced instructors: Our team comprises T24-certified experts with real-world banking experience.

- Flexible delivery: Choose from onsite, online, or blended learning formats to suit your preferences.

- Practical approach: Gain hands-on experience through interactive exercises and real-life scenarios.

- Measurable results: Track your team's progress and ensure they acquire the necessary skills.

Invest in your team's expertise and unlock the full potential of T24 Transact with TAAT Consulting.

Contact us today to discuss your training needs!


As we flip the calendar to a new month, we at TAAT Consulting want to take a moment to wish you all a happy and prosperous February.

February is a month of love, hope, and new beginnings. It's the perfect time to set new goals, embrace new challenges, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way.

This month, we want to challenge you to think outside the box and explore new ways to improve your business. Whether you're looking to streamline your operations, boost your efficiency, or enter new markets, we can help you get there.

We wish you all a happy and successful February!


Is your core banking system trapped in isolation? Feeling limited by its native features? You're not alone!

In today's dynamic financial landscape, maximizing efficiency and agility requires breaking down silos. That's where TAAT Consulting comes in, your expert guide to seamless integrations.

We help you connect your core banking system with:

- Third-party applications: Boost functionality with market-leading solutions for payments, customer onboarding, fraud detection, and more.

- Specialized modules: Expand your capabilities with targeted modules for lending, wealth management, trade finance, and other areas.

- Emerging technologies: Embrace the future by integrating AI, blockchain, and other innovative tools.

Benefits of integrated banking:

- Enhanced customer experience: Deliver personalized, omnichannel services with real-time data flow.

- Streamlined operations: Automate manual processes and improve efficiency across departments.

- Reduced costs: Minimize redundancy and leverage existing investments.

- Increased revenue: Unlock new business opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.

Ready to break free from siloed systems and unleash the full potential of your core banking platform?

Reach out to TAAT Consulting today for a consultation and unlock a world of possibilities!


It's a new week, a fresh start, and the perfect time to remember the wise words of Mark Twain: "The secret of getting ahead is getting started." ‍♀️

The hardest part is just taking that first step. The blank page, the daunting to-do list, and the fear of the unknown can all feel like insurmountable walls.

But here's the thing: those walls are often much thinner than they seem. All it takes is one small action, one tiny step, to break through and start that momentum rolling.

Let's make this a Monday of momentum, a week of progress, and a year of achieving our wildest dreams!


Are you a bank or microfinance institution ready to switch its core banking system or add serious muscle to your operations? Look no further than TAAT Consulting and Temenos Transact T24!

We're not just consultants, we're registered Temenos partners. That means we know T24 inside and out, from its powerful workflows to its customizable modules.

We'll help you unlock its full potential to:

- Boost efficiency and streamline operations: Say goodbye to paper trails and manual processes. T24 automates everything, saving you time and resources.

- Enhance customer experience: Offer faster, more personalized service with T24's cutting-edge digital capabilities. Happy customers mean happy profits!

- Scale with confidence: T24 adapts to your growth, whether you're a small microfinance or a regional banking giant. There is no need to switch systems as you expand.

- Increase profitability: T24 helps you optimize costs, manage risk, and make data-driven decisions for smarter growth.

Ready to get a taste of T24 magic? Contact TAAT Consulting today and:

- Get a consultation: Our experts will assess your needs and show you how T24 can transform your business.

- Book a virtual demo: See T24 in action and ask all your questions.

Don't get stuck with your core banking system. Partner with TAAT Consulting. and let's unlock your financial potential together!

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Are you ready to revolutionize your banking experience? Look no further! TAAT Consulting is here to turn your banking id...
TAAT Consulting Services
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5 Premium Close Mt Pleasant Business Park

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00

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