Epworthians Past Pupils

Revisit. Reunite. Relive.

The Epworthian Society works hand in hand with Epworth school and the Epworth Foundation to nuture the relationships between the past, present and future.

Photos from Epworthians Past Pupils's post 11/06/2024

“A school is the sustained creation of the people who gather together under one umbrella, one name, one motto, to learn and teach and grow” Elise Chidley (Beattie, class of 1982 - extract from Epworth Our Joyful Light since 1898)

These words resonated last Thursday when Epworthians, spanning the years 1969- 2023, braved the Johannesburg cold for our Epworthian Connect. Stories across the decades were shared, connections made, and networks extended as Epworthians joined “under one umbrella, one name, one motto, to learn and teach and grow”. Thank you for joining us; we hope to be back soon. Stay connected. ❤

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


Hello Epworthians ❤

Our upcoming tea and tour is the perfect opportunity for prospective parents and pupils to visit Epworth and to meet our executive management team. Please spread the word far and wide. We want everyone to know that Epworth is The Place 2B.

Friday, 14 June at 8h00
RSVP by 12 June to [email protected]

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis

Photos from Epworthians Past Pupils's post 04/06/2024

“A night of magical moments” describes our visit to Umhlanga last week. It was a wonderful evening as Epworthians made new connections and reconnected with other members of our community. It was filled with laughter and some tears (as we sang O’Joyful Light and shared our stories), alongside great views, food, and friendship.

If you haven’t RSVP’d for our JHB yet, email [email protected]; we would hate to miss the opportunity to see you.

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis

Photos from Epworthians Past Pupils's post 24/05/2024

The Epworthian Connection ❤💙❤

Georgie Phillips writes “I used to look up to and aspire to be like Caitlin so much when I was a little grade 10 and she was my deputy head girl so you can just imagine my shock and excitement when Caitlin reached out about an exciting collaboration opportunity. Who would have ever thought that after all these years our worlds would collide.

“In 2023, Caitlin Burn (class of 2016) and I (class of 2018) had the privilege of having our worlds collide. Caitlin is the head of marketing at Me&B and I work as a campaign manager for People Have Influence, an influencer marketing agency.
“During our time of working together, People Have Influence conceptualised and helped bring to life two incredible collaborations between Me&B and two amazing brands, Yaga (which is my account that I run and oversee) and Aperol Spritz. These photos were taken at a stunning Me&B event which I was lucky enough to be invited to.

“It always brings me such joy when I see Epworthians coming together and when I see what everyone is getting up to and so I thought I would share this little reunion moment with you.“

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


Help us raise funds to reinforce our chapel stained-glass windows and update our chapel sound system – Goal: R50 000.

Once your Woolworths and MySchool cards are linked with Epworth selected as the beneficiary, Epworth will receive a portion of the proceeds every time you swipe your Woolworths card.

Every swipe counts!

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


Johannesburg, we are coming to your area soon, see the details below! ❤💙

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


Support the Epworth Rose Project today by pledging to buy a rose. 🌹🌹🌹

The Epworth Rose Project is the brainchild of two Grade 12 pupils. Their dream is to see a rose commercially cultivated and designated “the Epworth rose”. For them, an Epworth rose “will represent the beauty of our school and the precious values we treasure.”

For this project to reach fruition, we first need to cover the cost of producing 400 roses at R550 each, hence the need to receive pledges by the end of May. Once we have achieved this goal, we will proceed with the propagation, which takes approximately four to five months. At the end of this period, the roses will be available for purchasers to collect from the school.

Pledge to buy a rose by clicking on the following link:

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


We have some exciting regional events planned for 2024. If you were not able to join us at Epworthian Day, join fellow Epworthians at an event in your area. Umhlanga, we will be there on 30 May. Johannesburg, the details of our visit on 6 June will be shared shortly. Cape Town, you are next.

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


Revisit. Reunite. Relive. ❤💙❤️

To see more pictures from the day, please go to: https://epworth.co.za/about-us/gallery/

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis

Photos from Epworthians Past Pupils's post 06/05/2024

What an incredible Epworthian Day. Laughter echoed through the halls as old friends reunited.

This year held special significance as we welcomed Nadia Bhayat (class of 1983) as our new Epworthian president; a poignant moment as she was among the first pupils of colour to grace our halls. Another touching tradition was the handover of the iconic shell necklaces from Epworthians to our Grade 12s as part of their induction into the Epworthian family.

Exploring the campus was a mix of nostalgia and discovery as Epworthians admired the upgraded facilities and cheered on netball and hockey teams. A vibrant performing arts performance added to the day's excitement. And of course, no reunion would be complete without a delicious lunch shared amongst friends, old and new.

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


One week to go until Epworthian Day ✨

Don't forget to RSVP by Monday, 29 April.
Link to RSVP: https://forms.office.com/r/r6V7C5YGB5

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis

Photos from Epworth School's post 22/04/2024

We warmly welcome Mrs Redfern to our Epworth community. Don't miss your chance to meet her on Epworthian Day!

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


Congratulations to Jessica Freedman (class of 2019) who has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to pursue a Master’s degree in Media and Information at Michigan State University in August.

Jessica, who recently achieved her Bachelor of Journalism degree with distinction from Rhodes University, had the honour of being taught by fellow Epworthian, Thandeka Gqubule-Mbeki (class of 1983). Jessica’s mother, Margot Freedman, proudly echoes the words of Thandeka who assisted Jessica in applying for scholarships: "We’re going to apply for scholarships until they get sick of us!" 👏👏

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


Let's keep the Epworth families growing. Don't forget that the closing date for 2025 applications is Friday, 19 April 2024!

Apply online, by going here: https://epworth.ed-space.net/onlineapplication_v2.cfm


Photos from Epworthians Past Pupils's post 12/04/2024

You still have time to get your donation of up to $50 matched by 50% during campaign.

Don’t miss out – matching ends at 23:59:59 EDT today! Donate by going here: https://tinyurl.com/3tpdyncy

Help us empower young women who will also build future generations for Africa and our world.

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis

Photos from Epworthians Past Pupils's post 10/04/2024

You have until Friday to receive an additional 50% for your donation of up to $50 in support of Epworth School + our GlobalGiving project campaign.

Give and get matched now: https://tinyurl.com/3tpdyncy

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis

Photos from Epworthians Past Pupils's post 08/04/2024

campaign starts today ❤💙

This week only, will match your donations up to $50 with an additional 50% to our project. Help us by donating today: https://tinyurl.com/3tpdyncy

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


Hello Epworthians! Can you believe it? We’re just ONE month away from our long-awaited reunion day!

We can’t wait to catch up, reminisce and create new memories together. RSVP if you haven’t already by going here: https://forms.office.com/r/r6V7C5YGB5

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis

Photos from Epworthians Past Pupils's post 01/04/2024

Mark Your Calendars - donation match alert.

From 8–12 April, we're celebrating the BIG difference little acts of kindness can make! ❤💙❤

When you donate, will match your donations up to $50 with an additional 50% to our project.

Together, we can provide education to empower young women in Africa. Click here to visit the Epworth School project: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/ywow-young-women-of-worth-education/

Help us spread the word: share this post with your classmates, family, and broader community to help us continue to make a difference in the lives of young women in Africa.


A special Easter message from our Chaplin, Rebecca Schultz:

“We shall celebrate Easter! Alleluia! We shall bring love to those who are sad. And share joy with those who are happy. We will live our lives to the glory of God. We will live in Easter joy and Easter hope and bring new life to those we meet. Wishing all our Epworth families a blessed Easter. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!”

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


Wishing our Epworthian community a blessed Good Friday! Let's remember the sacrifice made for us and the profound love that surrounds this day.

"He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed." - 1 Peter 2:24.

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


We can’t wait to welcome you back to campus on Saturday, 4 May 2024.

Don’t delay, book today via this online link: https://forms.office.com/r/r6V7C5YGB5

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis

Photos from Epworthians Past Pupils's post 15/03/2024

The Bean Bag Specialist: From garage start-up to industry trailblazer

Epworthian Busi Msimanga (class of 1993) started her beanbag company in her home garage during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Busi’s notable passion for bringing the beloved but seemingly long-lost beanbag back into the spotlight and people’s homes landed her the “Industry Gamechanger” award in the 2023 EFC Dragons’ Den.

View Busi’s incredible company by going here: https://www.facebook.com/TheBeanbagSpecialist

P.S there’s currently a promotion running!

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


How trot-ally amazing. 🐴🐴🐴

Epworthian, Jessica Vosloo (Harrison, class of 2002) turned her school blazer into a mane-ificent pony complete with all her schooling accolades.

What have you done with your blazer?

P.S: don’t forget to RSVP for Epworthian Day by emailing [email protected]

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis

Photos from Epworthians Past Pupils's post 27/02/2024

Epworthian Dimakatso (Nono) Sekhoto not only sits on our Epworth Foundation Trust but has also been making incredible waves in the agricultural space. She is a remarkable businesswoman who has focused on primary agriculture, particularly in empowering youth, women, and new entrants in the agriculture sector. Leveraging her financial services background together with her astute entrepreneurial skills, she distinguishes herself as an innovative future agriculturist in the development space, both nationally and globally. Most recently, she has been awarded a certificate in Company Direction by the Institute of Directors (IoD). Well done! We can't wait to see what you tackle next!

Connect with her on LinkedIn here: https://za.linkedin.com/in/dimakatso-nono-sekhoto-1a841817?trk=public_post-text

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis

Photos from Epworthians Past Pupils's post 26/02/2024

Hi Epworthians

Let’s share the excitement and grow our school by spreading the word about our upcoming events:

High School Open Day
Saturday, 2 March at 09:00
RSVP here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=cm7o4ihhPk-xaJlHQnCXBsqMmvWz6RNFoTDDzV60NqBUN0wyR0FUWkkwNFFWSzNJOEMyNUxENVVOUS4u

Prep School Information and Tour Morning
Friday, 8 Match at 08:00.
RSVP here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=cm7o4ihhPk-xaJlHQnCXBsqMmvWz6RNFoTDDzV60NqBUNzJLNFk0MVU0MElWTVdMUE9ESjMyMVU1NS4u

The closing date for applications for 2025 is Friday, 19 April 2024.

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


Epworthian Day is around the corner. We can’t wait to see you!

If you haven’t already heard from us, please email us at [email protected].


Photos from Epworth School's post 19/02/2024

What a great honour to be part of the launch of the Beast Foundation’s “Lead Like a Girl” initiative. ❤


Photos from Epworth School's post 17/02/2024

Well done Epworth! We are so proud! ❤💙❤

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis


They are on their way! Goodluck to all Epworth canoeists past and present!

Fida ❤️ Humana 💙 Fortis

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Pietermaritzburg?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Epworthian Day 2024
Marion Villa Retirement Home
School Days
The EPiC Legacy Project
Darren Maule
Prep School Information and Tour Morning ❤💙
1 day to go! 🥳
2 days to go! 🥳
3 days to go!
Good luck for the Duzi Canoe Marathon 2023
Towards 125 in 2023
Oh Joyful Light: the wait is over!




95 Golf Road

Opening Hours

Monday 07:30 - 13:00
Tuesday 07:30 - 13:00
Wednesday 07:30 - 13:00
Thursday 07:30 - 13:00
Friday 07:30 - 13:00

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