Faith Tabernacle Here you will find information concerning our church and its ministries. We hope you find your time spent here a blessing.

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Father we give you praise for a wonderful new day. We thank you for a month of healing, peace, restoration, increase and blessings. Lord thank you for grace and mercies, and thank you for watching over your people. Father we humbly ask for forgiveness, we ask for protection, and we ask that you protect those going to school, work and other places where they should be. Father please block the plans of the wicked and turn it around on them. Father please be merciful to us and our loved ones this and every day, amen and amen!


Thank you for joining us for awesome praise and worship, and a relevant word from God that promises to bless your life. Be sure to like, share, and engage with us. If you'd like to partner with us today, you can give via: CashApp to $Myfaithtab • Mail: 3846 N University Dr. • Sunrise, FL • 33351 ***Please make all checks payable to “Faith Tabernacle Inc.” Thank you for your consideration. We are so excited you joined us for this online worship experience! It is our prayer that this broadcast will be a blessing to you and your family.
••••••••••••••• Faith Tabernacle - South FL Pastor G. Oliver Barnes •••••••••••••••
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Lord we thank you for the beginning of a new month, a new day in the land of the living. Father you are magnificent, and we are grateful for all you continue to do. Lord we thank you for grace and mercies, and as you’ve granted us a new day, a new month, we humbly ask that you continue to have mercy on your people, amen and amen!


We need thee, O we need thee
Every hour, we need thee
O bless us now our savior
We come to thee

Father we are here again, thankful to be in your presence, in the land of the living. Father we thank you for this new day, and we thank you for grace. Lord please forgive us our sins, and we thank you for providing us our daily bread. We thank you for your goodness towards men, and your kindness especially when we fail to realize how kind you’re being. Thank you that your banner over us is love and your mercies continue to provide and protect. Thank you for all things this and all our days, amen and amen!


Father we thank you for another Friday morning, coming close to the end of another month, if you so graciously allow. Lord thank you for telling death no, and telling life yes. Thank you father that no matter what’s going on, no matter the season or the reason, you’ve kept us and you keep on keeping us. Thank you father that all things are working for our good each and every single day, amen and amen!


Lord, how excellent is thy name; how marvelous are thine handiworks. Father we give you thanks from the rising of the sun to the setting of same. Lord we praise your holy name. Lord you are all knowing, all seeing, and your mercies endure forever. Father we continue to humble ourselves before you, and we continue to honor you. Father we thank you for blessings on top of blessings on top of blessings, and still more blessings. Lord we remain grateful for your gifts that we see each and every new day. Father we thank you for it all, amen and amen!


Great is thine faithfulness
Great is thine faithfulness
Morning by morning
New mercies I see
All I have needed, thine hands have provided
Great is thine faithfulness
Lord unto me

Father, we are so thankful for your faithfulness, we are so humbled by your grace. Lord you know the needs of your children, need for healing, restoration, security, peace, deliverance, increase, love, favor, mercies, and so much more. Yet, when we complain about the very things we were begging you for, you still remain kind to your people. Thank you father for miracles, divine alignment and divine appointments. Thank you father for delivering just one word that not only changes the trajectory of your children’s lives, but allow and affords us the opportunity to declare: BUT GOD! Thank you father for your love over your people this and all our days, amen and amen!


Lord, we thank you for this magnificent new day of health, mercies, and grace. Father we humble ourselves before you and continue to seek your face. Lord, we are grateful that your will takes precedence over our desires, and we are grateful that as long as we lean not to our own understanding, you continue to bless your people all the days of our lives. Thank you father that your grace is sufficient this and all our days, amen and amen!


Lord we are thankful for grace and mercy, we are thankful for your kindness towards your people. Father, no matter what you’re doing this day, please don’t do it without your people, amen and amen!


Thank you for joining us for awesome praise and worship, and a relevant word from God that promises to bless your life. Be sure to like, share, and engage with us. If you'd like to partner with us today, you can give via: CashApp to $Myfaithtab • Mail: 3846 N University Dr. • Sunrise, FL • 33351 ***Please make all checks payable to “Faith Tabernacle Inc.” Thank you for your consideration. We are so excited you joined us for this online worship experience! It is our prayer that this broadcast will be a blessing to you and your family.
••••••••••••••• Faith Tabernacle - South FL Pastor G. Oliver Barnes •••••••••••••••
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Father you are magnificent, you are mighty, you are amazing God. Lord please continue to watch over our shoulders, please continue to keep us safe, please continue to heal and deliver your people this and all our days, amen and amen!


Father we thank you for ushering us into this wonderful new day. Lord we thank you for this day filled with grace and marvelous miracles. Thank you Lord that the biggest and best miracle we’ve received so far is the gift of life. This gift O Lord, is truly amazing. Thank you that all is well from now until forevermore, amen and amen!


Thank you father for the blessings you’ve already ordained for you. Thank you for life and the strength to deal with those toils out of our control. Lord, we are firm believers that whatever you remove you will replace. We are firm believers that even in times such as this, you're still uplifting positioning, pulling down, and setting up. Jehovah, we're still here, we're still standing, and we are pleading with you that even within seventy two hours, we're about to receive supernatural, miraculous breakthroughs.
Lord, please remember and deliver the children still in cages that we no longer hear anything about, please comfort and strengthen them. Lord, as we call on you for our needs, we humbly call on you for the needs of others. Please protect your people from harm and danger. Please deliver where there seems to be no delivery.
Father for those dealing with situations that seem like it's going to break them, we call on you to let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Lord, we're so grateful for all you do, we're thankful that you have us, you've protected and continue to protect us from things seen and unseen this and all our days, amen and amen!


Father we thank you for your blessings, your kindness, your divine assistance as we go about our days. Lord, we thank you for life and even when the world seems as if it’s pressing down, we know without a doubt that your plans for your people remain steadfast to an expected end. Jesus, we call on you this moment for healing, for restoration, for deliverance, for protection, guidance, physical and mental health and strength. We call on you for jobs, for miraculous health, financial, and mental breakthroughs. We call on you to please fix it Jesus!
Fix the marriages that you've put together, the friendships, and relationships you've ordained, and grant your people wisdom to understand that simply because someone left, does not mean there is a loss. Every thing is but for a season, for a time; and nothing last forever. We give you praise for being in full control and for covering us from the crown to the soles, amen and amen!


Mighty God as we look to you, we count ourselves BLESSED. As we call on you, we come together believing that you still work miracles. You still change seasons, and whatever you've said, you must do.
You told the prophet to write the message and make it plain, for though it tarries, it MUST come. While there are moments when we feel overwhelmed, despondent, and on the verge of letting go, Mighty God you've kept us, you've delivered us, and we have gotten through things that we never thought we would get through because of your grace. Please continue to keep, heal, comfort and protect your people this and all our days, amen and amen!


Lord, thank you for this new day of grace, please send forth your angels and deliver your people. Whatever it is that your children are going through, please cover each and every household that comes in agreement with this prayer Jehovah; and please continue to bless your people, amen and amen!
The Lord is my shepherd
I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in
Green pastures
He leadeth me beside still waters
He restoreth my soul
He leadeth me in the paths of
Righteousness for his name's sake
Yea, though I walk through the valley
Of the shadow of death, I will fear
No evil; for thou art with me
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me
Thou preparest a table before me
In the PRESENCE of mine enemies
Thou anointest my head with oil
My cup runneth over
Surely goodness and mercies shall
Follow me all the days of my life
And I WILL dwell in the house of the
Lord, for ever and ever, amen and amen!
(Psalm 23)


Lord we thank you for grace and mercies this and all our days. Father, today we’re asking for help to work on ourselves. Please keep us grounded, help us to remain grateful for all you’ve done and continue to do for us. Please help us to stay grounded, stay appreciative, and stay focused. Lord, please surround your people, continue to be a way maker, a peacekeeper, a miracle worker, a doctor, lawyer, minister, and provider. Lord we thank you for all you continue to do for your people this and all our days, amen and amen!


Father we thank you for miracles upon miracles upon miracles upon miracles. Lord we thank you for the gift of this new day. Father we thank you that no matter what is going on around us, you’ve already worked it out. We thank you more than anything that you are the calm in the storm. We thank you that you are our peace, our joy, our grace. Lord we thank you that no matter where we are, you are always right there. Father we thank you for protecting your people, and covering us from the crown to the soles. Thank you father that all things continue to work for our good because of your mercies, and we thank you that today is a good day, amen and amen!


Jehovah we give you thanks for a new day, we give you praise. Lord we thank you that things continue to work in our favor even when we don’t see it completely. Father, please help us to be more grateful than ungrateful. Please help us to give thanks for the small gifts because those small gifts often end up being those very big gifts. Thank you for protection each and every day, and thank you for keeping us even we failed to see your hands at work. Thank you for each and every single day, amen and amen!


Father we give you thanks for this magnificent new day of blessings, grace, and mercies. Thank you for each breath we take without the assistance of machines. For those dependent on machines, we humbly ask for a miraculous recovery. Father we continue to seek your face, ask for your forgiveness, and give thanks for all you continue to do. Please continue to shelter, protect, heal, and cover your people, for without your mercies, we are helpless. Thank you father for your continued blessings this and all our days, amen and amen!


Mighty God of Daniel please continue to stand by your people. Father, please continue to grant grace and extend mercies. Father, please keep us covered under the blood and have mercy on our souls. Lord, we can’t make it without you, we need you desperately. Lord, please block the plans of the wicked and bring them to naught. Please protect your children going out and coming in. Father, for those desperately seeking a breakthrough, please come through. For those saddled with debt, please eliminate, cancel, forgive, and allow a clean start. Father, we cannot make it without you, and for all this and more, we humble ourselves at your throne. Thank you father for hearing our humble cries this and all our days, amen and amen!


Father, you alone are God! Lord you are King of kings and Lord of all. You are magnificent, omnipotent, omniscient, all present, all knowing God. Father, please continue to have mercy on your people, and please remember that they’re more than five, amen and amen!


Lord, you are good and your mercies endures forever. Father, great is your faithfulness towards your people and that, our souls, know quite well. Father, we thank you for those moments when we almost let go, and your mercies brought us through. Lord, we thank you for those valley walks and the mountain breakthroughs. Thank you for those times when people tried to block our blessings, slander our names, tell lies and ruin our reputation, and just when they thought they won, you showed up and showed out on our behalf. Lord, we thank you again for your faithfulness this and all our days, amen and amen!


Thank you for joining us for awesome praise and worship, and a relevant word from God that promises to bless your life. Be sure to like, share, and engage with us. If you'd like to partner with us today, you can give via: CashApp to $Myfaithtab • Mail: 3846 N University Dr. • Sunrise, FL • 33351 ***Please make all checks payable to “Faith Tabernacle Inc.” Thank you for your consideration. We are so excited you joined us for this online worship experience! It is our prayer that this broadcast will be a blessing to you and your family.
••••••••••••••• Faith Tabernacle - South FL Pastor G. Oliver Barnes •••••••••••••••
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Father, we are here, we are thankful, and we give you praise. Lord it seems sometimes like things simply aren’t going our way, and it seems as if all hope is gone: we know father, that this is the time you’re working things out for your people; but often, because it seems like forever, we lose hope. This is the time mighty God Jehovah that we humbly ask that you bless our beliefs, and forgive our unbelief. Please father, have mercy on your people, because without your grace, we won’t make it. Please continue to cover, guide, shield, shelter and protect us this and all our days, amen and amen!


Father we thank you for blessing, keeping, healing, covering, sheltering and delivering your people. Thank you for forgiving your children. Father for every single day that you grant us, we’re grateful. Thank you father that all things continue to work for our good this and all our days, amen and amen!


Father we come to you giving thanks for this new day. Lord, we thank you for the gift of overflow: overflow of life, health, mercies, grace, blessings and favor. Father we thank you for healing, elevation, restoration, and the gift of being able to forgive ourselves. Thank you father for keeping your people grounded despite everything that we come up against, and thank you for protecting us even when we’re not aware of the protection. Thank you father for all great and wonderful things, amen and amen!


Lord we give you thanks for today; we honor you for you alone are God. Lord you see the wickedness of men, and we humbly ask you to intercede. You see the hurt, pain, anxiety, confusion of your people, and we ask you to be our strength. Lord for those empty pantries, empty pockets, empty feelings, please provide. Father be merciful to your people, keep us safely in your arms this and all our days, amen and amen!


Lord we thank you for this magnificent new day of blessings and mercies. Father we thank you for grace and healing. Father, whatever you’re doing this day, this week, this month, please don’t do it without your people, amen and amen!


Lord, we magnify your name and give you praise. Thank you father for the wins, the losses, and the bounce back. Thank you for the yes, the no’s and even the maybes. Thank you for the closed windows, opened doors, and the lessons in between. Thank you father that all things continue to work for the good of your people, and that the wickedness of man is but for a little while. Thank you father that all is well this and all our days, amen and amen!

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Videos (show all)

Faith Tabernacle • August 11, 2024 LIVE
Faith Tabernacle • August 4, 2024 LIVE
Faith Tabernacle • July 28, 2024 LIVE
Faith Tabernacle • July 21, 2024 LIVE
Faith Tabernacle • July 14, 2024 LIVE
Faith Tabernacle • July 7, 2024 LIVE
Faith Tabernacle • June 30, 2024 LIVE
Faith Tabernacle • June 23, 2024 LIVE
Faith Tabernacle Father's Day 2024 • June 16, 2024
Faith Tabernacle • June 9, 2024 LIVE



3846 N. University Drive
Sunrise, FL

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 3pm
Wednesday 10am - 2pm
Thursday 10am - 3pm
Friday 10am - 3pm
Sunday 11:15am - 1pm

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