Becky A. Gardner Photography, Herndon, VA Videos

Videos by Becky A. Gardner Photography in Herndon. Becky A. Gardner is a photographer in Northern Virginia, specializing in newborn, family, and lifest

Other Becky A. Gardner Photography videos

Hi friends. It’s time. This trip to Spain is all about YOU. We will fly into Seville, spend two nights, then off to Costa del Sol for 4 nights. Let’s talk, I’d love to tell you move about the itinerary, the vibes, the vision, and to see if this is the right experience for YOU!!!! September 9-15, 2025. Payment plans available, amazing memories and curated experiences guaranteed.

I did it! I made a Gif!! Ha! Told you big changes were coming. This feels like a really huge accomplishment. My millennial spirit is at peace now.

Hearing from so many this week! It's not too late! Take a look at these links! For Fall... For Tree Farm... For Santa.... AND for a JUST ADDED Super Mini Studio Date... I've got you friends.

Looking for some expecting mommas, a best friend duo, and a new puppy.

Omg!!! It’s happening!!! 4 Spots left!!! Let’s go to Paris!!!! Just relaunched the trip!!! I listened, and added an extra day!!! Let me be your guide, all you have to do is get your beautiful self there.

Soooo, here’s some Sneak Peeks of Carriage House Studios!!!

The retreat dates have been chosen!!!! And this time, we’re doing a wedding!!! We want to tell all the pieces of a love story, starting with a winery engagement, onto a sassy boudoir session, then a backyard wedding. Finishing the weekend off with a gorgeous lifestyle family session!! Want to capture it all, expand your portfolio, meet other creatives, and stay in a gorgeous Waterford Estate? How about if there’s also editing education and an awesome swag bag. Oooooh, and for the first two to sign up, we throw in an hour of free one-on-one chatting about the topics of your choice??? Let’s go!!! Hit up the DM!!!

You ready??? Who’s coming with me? Announcing my Paris trip tomorrow! There’s room for 6 people, no need to be a pro photographer, all are welcome!

Galleries will start rolling out on Tuesday!!! Happy 2023 (almost) my sweet friends!!

Last minute tree farm opening tomorrow at 2:30!!!! Come see me, who wants it?

Fall Schedule!!! It’s open! Will post dates, who needs details?

Hey there!! I’m out of town through Monday! Trying to put in some office hours tomorrow, so if you’re waiting on me, trying to catch up on all the emails and invoices!