CrossFit Burke

CrossFit Burke is different from your typical gym. World class coaching and community. Contact us today to get started!

CrossFit Burke offers a balanced, progressive, and comprehensive strength and conditioning program that will help you reach your greatest potential. Our classes provide individualized coaching in a supportive and motivating group setting, which will help you successfully reach your fitness goals. Whether you want to lose weight, train for a sporting event, build muscle, or just increase overall fitness, this is the place for you.

Photos from CrossFit Burke's post 06/22/2024

Thanks all for joining Coach Todd , Strongman team and friends tonight! Truly a bittersweet celebration and farewell to the end of the CFB Strongman Program, as well as a send off for before she moves. Lots of good laughs, stories and drinks 💪💙


😍 💪👏 Our CFB athletes Steve K and Steve N at the CF-L1 seminar with CrossFit Burke OG Coach and the magnificent Coach ! Love the circle of (CrossFit) life!


📝Reminder — Our monthly Foundations class is this Sunday at 12 pm. This is a great opportunity to work on and refine all the foundational CrossFit movements. There’s no limit on how many times you can attend! This class will benefit both veteran CrossFitters and our newer members. See you on Sunday!

✅ Sign up in Push Press!


Coaching… a form of development in which an experienced person supports a learner or client in achieving a specific goal by providing training and guidance.

THIS is what CF Burke is all about. And unfortunately, the term coaching can be used quite loosely in the industry… But we make sure that our coaching far exceeds just having staff members who run a class or deliver basic information.

Shout out to our entire coaching staff for not only their knowledge and expertise, but the individual connections that are made on a daily basis, all driven by making human beings better!

special shout out to the one featured here… Todd is one of the best in the business!

If you are ready to make a meaningful change and need some guidance, jump on our website and schedule a time to speak with one of our coaches !


Hey you…you there…yes, YOU!!

You need to hear this (we all do). That person next to you is NOT your competition… they should be your INSPIRATION!

We can’t discount that friendly competition with your friends and fellow members is fun and can absolutely be beneficial to your performance… WHEN it inspires you to work harder and do better!

The flipside of that is that if you are constantly chasing someone for the sole purpose of “beating” them, so that you can throw it up on the leaderboard, then chances are that you’ve lost sight of why you probably started CrossFit in the first place. If your primary concern is being the highest performer on SugarWOD, it’s likely that you aren’t approaching each work out with purpose and intentionality on what is best for YOU. And chasing the leaderboard can lead to partial reps, improper, scaling, and making choices that really don’t serve you in the long run. And the only person who suffers in this scenario is YOU!

So, draw INSPIRATION from that person next to you who is crushing the work out! Or even better, draw inspiration from that person who finishes last, but is getting into the gym five days per week, working hard, and committing to making themselves better. That’s where the real magic is and where the real inspiration should come from!! 💪🏼👊🏼👍🏻

Photos from CrossFit Burke's post 06/01/2024

🌟 Presenting our MAY COMMITTED CLUB!!!! We had a TON of members get into the gym 12 times or more last month, which is a great accomplishment. 👏 The folks on this list made it 16 TIMES OR MORE, which means they are getting a workout in more days than not in a given week…the ultimate goal! 💥 Great job!! We love seeing everyone work hard and making those workout GAINZ (big and small)! Keep it up!

🥁🥁🥁 [drumroll]…and now, we are happy to present our May Committed Club Winner —>

!!!!! Congrats on your $100 gift card 🤩


💪Pistols, or the single-leg squat, are one of the more difficult movements to master in CrossFit. But, it DOESNT MATTER what your skill level is at the moment. CrossFit Burke offers a variety of options and strength building skills to ensure you have a good workout and we will help you build your strength to get you where you want to be. Coach Todd worked with each athlete in the class and gave individual instructions on what movement to use in the workout.

✅ Send us a message to schedule your first visit! You don’t need to have any previous experience to start CrossFit. Even if it has been a few weeks/months/years, send us a message. All you need is the desire for change.


🇺🇸Have a grateful Memorial Day!


💪🎉Exercise can be fun! And it can also be the thing you look forward to every day!! At CrossFit Burke, our classes challenge you, but only at the level that is right for YOU! Every class is led by a knowledgeable and dedicated coach, and all the movements are taught, explained and modified as needed. Yes, we use weights and barbells and rings and pull up bars, but we promise…we will encourage you to do the version that is right for you! You’ll have plenty of support along the way, from both the coaches and the athletes.

Come check us out for yourself! CrossFit may be very different than what you expect.


News flash…Fitness is FREE!!

You can find it anywhere around you, in any possible place, at any time. You can run, you can take the stairs at work, you can do push-ups on your floor. It’s literally accessible anywhere and everywhere and you don’t have to pay for it.

But the reality is, 99% of us need a time, a place, a structure, a coach, and other human beings to truly create habits that optimize our fitness.

Can you do it alone? Sure. Can you do it for free? Absolutely. But will that produce any results? 🤔

Investing in a boutique gym/community/coaching provides the who, what, where, and how all in one shot!

There is an alternative though… You can keep spending 200 bucks a month on Starbucks, working out on your own, and making promises to yourself about how much harder you will work on Monday. it is most definitely your life and your choice!

👊🏼 link is in our bio to schedule a time to speak with a coach about how we can change your life!


😎 NEW Gear alert!!🚨 Lot’s of options and new designs! Order forms are in the gym. Last day to order is Wednesday, May 8!


💪👍🏼➡️ It’s baaaack! SHREDZ is here for Spring! The weather is getting warmer. Are you ready for shorts and t-shirts?

✅ Join Coach Chad for a 6-week program designed to shred body fat AND build lean muscle mass. This challenge includes 3 workouts per week and a nutrition protocol. There are frequent check-ins to help keep you on track and Coach Chad will be there for you every step of the way.

🗓️ Shredz starts May 12! This program is $149 for CrossFit Burke members and $219 for non-members.

📝 Sign up in the gym OR email [email protected]!


🙌💥💪Shout out to Coach Chad for renewing as a Certified CrossFit Level 3 Trainer (CF-L3) today! Chad obtained his first L3 in 2015. Today marks his 3rd renewal. (For reference, less than 10% of all CrossFit coaches hold an L3 or higher.)

✅ We value education credentials. They represent a commitment from our coaches to master their craft. The continuous pursuit of knowledge, coupled with experience, elevates our coaches...and our gym as a whole. 💪


📝Reminder — Our monthly Foundations class is this Sunday at 12 pm. This is a great opportunity to work on and refine all the foundational CrossFit movements. There’s no limit on how many times you can attend! This class will benefit both veteran CrossFitters and our newer members. See you on Sunday!

✅ Sign up in Push Press!


💪 Not only is it our 1RM deadlift day, but it’s also !! Rambo has grown up in CrossFit Burke and I know you’ve all probably seen him. We want to see your fur babies! Send pics in the comments!!


😊 Hope we will see you on Saturday!!

🙌 April is Autism Acceptance Month! In partnership with Every 1 Can Work/Cameron’s Coffee and Chocolates, we will run a fundraiser WOD during all of our classes on Saturday, April 13. If you’ve never heard of this wonderful local organization, please check out their website -

🍪 They will have a pop up store on-site!

✅ You will get your sweat on (all reps will represent stats on Autism) AND be able to support Cameron’s by buying yourself out of burpees during the workout!!! 😱

💵 💳 Cash or electronic payment will be accepted and you can even make flat donations. If you’d like to donate but can’t attend the WOD, you can make donations directly on their website.

💪 Come ready to workout, snack and support our neurodiverse family!

Photos from CrossFit Burke's post 04/01/2024

👏 🙏 💪 We are so proud of all of our members who lit up the attendance board this month!

It makes us really happy to see that so many are dedicated to not just increasing their strength, skills and fitness … but also have clearly committed to the long game when it comes to their health and vitality.

✅ Training frequency and consistency cannot be understated. Too many people look for the sexy “hacks”, but nothing beats hard and consistent work!

😘 If you don’t see your name up here, it doesn’t mean that you suck. 😊 Remember that it’s about the long game. It’s not necessarily about any one given month! And there were TONS of people who were in that 12 to 15 class range, which is still very solid!

✨ 16 is that magic number that tells us that you are getting into the gym more days than you are not… A lifetime formula for success!

🙌 Congratulations to everyone and to this month’s winner, !!

👉🏼 We will be running this again in May! 💪👍🏻


🙌 April is Autism Acceptance Month! In partnership with Every 1 Can Work/Cameron’s Coffee and Chocolates, we will run a fundraiser WOD during all of our classes on Saturday, April 13. If you’ve never heard of this wonderful local organization, please check out their website -

🍪 They will have a pop up store on-site!

✅ You will get your sweat on (all reps will represent stats on Autism) AND be able to support Cameron’s by buying yourself out of burpees during the workout!!! 😱

💵 💳 Cash or electronic payment will be accepted and you can even make flat donations.

💪 Come ready to workout, snack and support our neurodiverse family!


The most meaningful thing you can give to your kids and your entire family is a strong and capable version of yourself.

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of being a “martyr“ for your children when it comes to taking them places, meeting their needs, etc.

While this is all important and an undeniable part of parenthood, if you are going to be able to continue to pour into your family, you have to build your own foundation and work on becoming a strong and capable human being yourself!

Instead of saying you don’t have time when it comes to exercising and taking care of yourself, start by saying “ it’s not important enough for me to invest the time.” It may hurt to acknowledge that, but the truth is, if you aren’t taking care of yourself, then you are living that statement.

Once we arrive at the truth, only then can we start to create change and growth. Growth can only occur once we confront how we are actually living.


👏 The Open is over! Did 24.3 inspire you to level up your gymnastics?

👉🏼 Wherever you are on your CrossFit gymnastics journey, sign up for CFB’s 6-week club run by Coach Matt!

🗓️ The classes are held on Saturdays at 11:30 am, and each week will have skill development and practice in one area of CrossFit gymnastics.

✅ These classes are beneficial for EVERYONE! New CrossFitters will gain knowledge and new skills, while seasoned athletes may level up or refine technique on all these skills.

The full 6-week program is recommended, but drop in pricing is available @ $35/class.

Week 1 - Pull Ups/Butterfly PUs
Week 2 - Toes-to-Bar
Week 3 - Handstand Push Ups
Week 4 - Handstand Walks
Week 5 - Bar Muscle Ups
Week 6 - Ring Muscle Ups

Cost: $149/$219 members/non-members for 6-weeks

When: Saturdays @ 11:30 am - 12:45 pm

➡️ Sign up in the gym or email [email protected]!


🗓️ Our monthly Foundations class is this Sunday!! Don’t miss this opportunity to get more individualized and detailed instructions from Coach Todd on all of the foundational CrossFit movement functions…

💪 squating
💪 pulling
💪 pushing/pressing
💪 rowing

✅ While the approach is back to basics, all levels of CrossFit athletes — from beginners to those with years of experience — will benefit from this clinic. You will learn (or review) the “hows” and the “whys” of each movement, and you will be able to improve upon mechanics and possible inefficiencies (which we all have).

✅ Be prepared to do some drills, get more in-depth education, and sweat!

✅ You can expect to walk away with some specific aspects of your game that you can work on. This class is limited to 12 spots, so please sign up for it on PushPress ASAP.


✍️ Mark your calendars! Coach Matt is running a gymnastics club that starts March 30th! This program will run 6 weeks on Saturdays, and each week will have skill development and practice in one area of CrossFit gymnastics.

✅ These classes are beneficial for EVERYONE! New CrossFitters will gain knowledge and new skills, while seasoned athletes may level up or refine technique on all these skills.

👍🏼 The full 6-week program is recommended, but drop in pricing is available @ $35/class.

Cost: $149/$219 members/non-members for 6-weeks

When: Saturdays @ 11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Starts March 30!

💪 Get ready for the GAINZ! Coach Matt has helped so many of us get our first gymnastic milestone!

➡️ Email [email protected] to register or for questions.


🎂🎉🎈Happy Birthday to this CFB OG!! We can’t wait to celebrate you! Every year you have modeled consistency and hard work, and you reinforce for all of us that CrossFit can be done at any age. 👏💪


✨Battle of the Sexes challenge!! Didn’t think this was true until we tried it. Fellas, can you get up?? 😂🤣💪


😊 It’s so hard to leave the gym when your gym bros want to do tricks.

Photos from CrossFit Burke's post 02/21/2024

⏳The 2024 CrossFit Open starts next week! Not sure which workout version to do? Check out this post. Your CFB Coaches can also recommend the right version for you!


This is research-backed TRUTH!!

There is a crazy misconception out there that CrossFit is fundamentally dangerous.

And while any physical activity carries some risk, CrossFit being dangerous simply cannot be proven by any practical measure.

Can it be intimidating? Sure. Can it be intense? Absolutely. But dangerous? Most definitely NOT.

As long as you are learning with the guidance of true professionals, CrossFit is actually one of the best ways to prevent injury, and to become more suited to complete physical tasks of any kind.

When this statement is thrown around, it’s usually coming from the place of either not understanding what CrossFit really is or it’s another way of people saying they are just too intimidated!

In either case, when people can see past this horrible myth and muster up the courage to try, it is life-changing… 100% of the time!!

If this speaks to you, drop us a DM, or check out our website to set up a time to see just how life changing (and safe) it can be!!


📣 Starting this Sunday, we will run a monthly foundations clinic for all of our members to help everyone get more individualized and detailed instructions to improve upon all of the foundational CrossFit movement functions…

💪 squat
💪 pulling
💪 pushing/pressing
💪 rowing

✅ While the approach is back to basics, this is NOT just for beginners. Athletes of all levels will be able to improve upon their mechanics and possible inefficiencies in their movements (which we all have).
Be prepared to do some drills, get more in-depth education, and sweat! (There will be a short workout involved).

✅ You can expect to walk away with some specific aspects of your game that you can work on to improve. This class is limited to 12 spots, so please sign up for it on PushPress ASAP.



➡️Our 6-week Olympic Lifting Class with Coach Andy starts in less than 2 weeks, and it’s your ticket to unlocking your capabilities with some of the most technical movements in CrossFit.

➡️ You’ll get:

🔹Expert instruction under the watchful eye of a seasoned Coach and Olympic Lifter (Andy has achieved certifications from USAW and CF Weightlifting Level 2)
🔹Personalized training, correction, feedback and individualized homework/programming

💥Olympic weightlifting helps build explosive strength, enhance coordination and balance, and is unmatched in its transfer to all athletic endeavors.

🗓️This class starts on February 14th @ 6 pm and is limited to 12 spots!

Don’t miss this opportunity to up your game in the Sn**ch and Clean and Jerk.
$149 for CF Burke members
$209 for non-members

✅Email [email protected] to register or sign up on the whiteboard at the gym!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

✨Battle of the Sexes challenge!! Didn’t think this was true until we tried it.  Fellas, can you get up?? 😂🤣💪#crossfitbur...
😊 It’s so hard to leave the gym when your gym bros want to do tricks. #crossfitburkefamily #tuesdayvibes #afterthewodist...
🥳🎉📣 This month marks our 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY as a CrossFit affiliate!!!!  Thankful for all of the athletes near and far ...
🤔❓It’s FALL(-ish 😬)!   Ready to re-focus on your goals now that summer is over?  Join us for our next BOD SQUAD, launchi...
👏👏👏 Huge props to Courtney Hagemeier💪.  Three months ago, there’s no way she would have put 95# on the barbell for a con...
🧐 Why do we do loaded walks and carries? This article sums it up — …but he...
💪👏☺️ We know you guys will crush it tomorrow!!  #getafterit #crossfitburke #crossfitburkefamily #crossfitburkeunleashed ...
😬😳😱 Who can relate??  Too soon? 🤣👏 to @natmarmox on her 1st open!🎥 credit to @k_black #crossfitburke #crossfitburkeunlea...
👏💪✅ The CFB Gymnastics Seminar wrapped up this past weekend after 6-weeks of studying a variety of gymnastics movements....
🙌🙋🆒🔜 Bring A Friend week starts April 17!!  Email with your  friend(s)’s names and emails.  ✅ They can c...
🌸🌺🌷🌻 It’s SPRING! Ready to shed your winter layers?  Join us for our next BOD SQUAD, launching April 17, and we will wal...



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