Resolute Partners

Resolute Partners provides advanced network solutions. Video Security, Cybersecurity, Wi-Fi, IoT. products to meet the needs of our clients.

RESOLUTE PARTNERS engineers, installs and operates secure networks that meet critical business needs, improve operating efficiencies, and help clients capitalize on new opportunities. WE SPECIALIZE in Managed Video Surveillance, High Capacity High Security Networks, and Multi-location Network Infrastructure For Multifamily, Education, Government, Healthcare, Hospitality, Industrial, and Commercial

Maximize Operational Efficiency And Cut Costs With AI-Powered Video Surveillance For Commercial Manufacturing 04/09/2024

In today's competitive landscape, commercial manufacturers face a myriad of challenges, from optimizing operational efficiency to cutting costs without compromising security. In this environment, the integration of AI-powered video surveillance systems has emerged as a transformative solution.

By harnessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and leveraging cloud-based Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS), manufacturers can not only bolster their security protocols but also unlock a range of operational benefits.

Click below to learn more about how this innovative approach transcends traditional surveillance methods, offering real-time insights, proactive threat detection, and streamlined resource allocation

Maximize Operational Efficiency And Cut Costs With AI-Powered Video Surveillance For Commercial Manufacturing In today's competitive landscape, commercial manufacturers face a myriad of challenges, from optimizing operational efficiency to cutting costs without

Leverage VSaaS As A Strategic Tool For Effective Compliance With Regulatory Standards And Requirements In Housing Security 03/26/2024

In the dynamic landscape of housing security, adherence to regulatory standards is paramount. Housing authorities and property managers face a range of complexities as they navigate local ordinances, state laws, and federal mandates governing surveillance practices, data handling, and privacy protection.

These regulations underscore the multifaceted nature of compliance, encompassing not only the physical security of properties but also the safeguarding of individuals' privacy rights and the equitable access to housing. Failure to comply with these standards can also result in legal liabilities, reputational damage, and compromised trust among residents.

That’s why Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) has emerged as a transformative solution, offering cloud-based technology and advanced security features to bolster compliance efforts.

Click below to learn more about how VSaaS provides housing entities with the necessary infrastructure to meet regulatory requirements effectively, from robust encryption protocols to comprehensive audit trails.

Leverage VSaaS As A Strategic Tool For Effective Compliance With Regulatory Standards And Requirements In Housing Security In the dynamic landscape of housing security, adherence to regulatory standards is paramount. Housing authorities and property managers face a range of

How AI-Driven Monitoring Prevents Crime And Enhances Resident Safety Via Proactive Surveillance 03/12/2024

Both public housing authorities and privately managed multi-dwelling units face unique challenges in ensuring the safety and security of their residents. Still, from densely populated public housing complexes to upscale private condominiums, the need for effective surveillance measures is widespread and undeniable.

This is where AI-driven monitoring emerges as a pivotal solution, promising not just surveillance but proactive crime prevention and enhanced resident safety.

Click below to learn more about how AI-powered surveillance systems are revolutionizing security measures by deterring criminals and paving the way for safer living environments– regardless of whether they’re implemented in public or private housing settings.

How AI-Driven Monitoring Prevents Crime And Enhances Resident Safety Via Proactive Surveillance Both public housing authorities and privately managed multi-dwelling units face unique challenges in ensuring the safety and security of their residents.

The Evolution Of Video Surveillance In Public Transit: Embracing VSaaS For Cost-Efficiency And Scalability 02/27/2024

In the bustling landscape of urban infrastructure, public transit systems stand as lifelines, ferrying millions of passengers daily to their desired destinations.

But, security within these networks is paramount, with video surveillance playing a pivotal role in safeguarding passengers, staff, and assets.

So, as technological advancements reshape the surveillance landscape, the evolution towards Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) promises enhanced efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness for transit operators.

Click below to learn more about the countless advantages VSaaS offers over traditional systems, changing the future of public transit security.

The Evolution Of Video Surveillance In Public Transit: Embracing VSaaS For Cost-Efficiency And Scalability In the bustling landscape of urban infrastructure, public transit systems stand as lifelines, ferrying millions of passengers daily to their desired

The Pros And Cons Of Smart Video Surveillance In The Public Transit Industry: Protecting Passenger And Worker Safety 02/13/2024

Video surveillance has become an integral part of ensuring safety throughout various sectors in recent years, and the public transit industry is no exception. The deployment of video surveillance systems in buses, trains, and transit stations has been a key strategy for enhancing both passenger and worker safety.

However, like any technology, video surveillance comes with its own set of advantages and drawbacks. The roll out of surveillance of any form in public spaces also inevitably prompts concerns about ethics and privacy.

But, click below to learn more about the pros and cons of using AI-powered video surveillance in the public transit industry. It will become clear that the deployment of smart monitoring in any public area – from parking garages to airports and apartment complexes – serves to protect the innocent and implicate only the guilty.

The Pros And Cons Of Smart Video Surveillance In The Public Transit Industry: Protecting Passenger And Worker Safety Video surveillance has become an integral part of ensuring safety throughout various sectors in recent years, and the public transit industry is no

Securing Utility Properties Is Critical For Preventing Petty Theft 01/30/2024

Utility properties, including substations, solar farms, and cell towers, serve as the vital nerve centers of our modern infrastructure. These facilities, while often inconspicuous in their function, play an indispensable role in ensuring the seamless delivery of essential services that power our daily lives.

Disruptions caused by theft or vandalism not only jeopardize the reliability of these services but can have a cascading effect on businesses, households, and emergency response systems.

That’s why the robust protection of utility properties from petty theft is crucial for both securing physical assets and safeguarding the essential services they provide.

Click below to learn more about the threats facing utility properties and how a multifaceted security strategy is necessary to safeguard critical infrastructure– combining physical barriers, advanced surveillance technologies, and smart analytics.

Securing Utility Properties Is Critical For Preventing Petty Theft Utility properties, including substations, solar farms, and cell towers, serve as the vital nerve centers of our modern infrastructure. These facilities,

All Retail Security Cameras Should Be Equipped With These Eight Features 01/16/2024

In the fast-paced world of retail, the hustle and bustle of consumer activity is constantly intertwined with the risk of criminal activity. That’s why securing your establishment is not just a precautionary measure, it’s a necessity.

Retailers grapple with a range of challenges, from shoplifting and vandalism to fraudulent claims. In this environment, a robust security camera system becomes the first line of defense.

Click below to learn more about the eight indispensable features that must be at the core of every retail security camera strategy in order for your business to be as secure as possible.

All Retail Security Cameras Should Be Equipped With These Eight Features In the fast-paced world of retail, the hustle and bustle of consumer activity is constantly intertwined with the risk of criminal activity. That’s why

Video Surveillance As A Service (VSaaS): What It Is And How It Benefits Scaling Organizations 01/03/2024

Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) has revolutionized security strategies, representing a transformative approach to recording, storing, accessing, and maintaining critical video information and systems for scaling organizations.

This shift is driven by the escalating reliance on advanced video security systems and solutions, network security concerns, and cost management– compelling organizations to reevaluate their surveillance process and procedures.

VSaaS addresses this need by allowing businesses to outsource network security updates and maintenance requirements and standardize fixed monthly costs regardless of whether systems are located in the cloud or the more traditional on-premises hardware solutions.

Click below to learn more about how VSaaS offers a dynamic security solution as businesses increasingly prioritize scalability, flexibility, streamlined operations, lower costs of upkeep, and advanced features.

Video Surveillance As A Service (VSaaS): What It Is And How It Benefits Scaling Organizations Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) has revolutionized security strategies, representing a transformative approach to recording, storing, accessing,

How Often Businesses Should Be Reviewing Their Security Camera Footage 12/19/2023

Security camera systems can play a pivotal role in fortifying your defenses, offering not just a record of events but a proactive shield against potential criminals. However, businesses often overlook a critical aspect: the frequency at which they should review their security camera footage.

Simply installing security cameras without putting a review process in place is like installing a new lock on your front door but never bothering to turn the latch. Businesses must remain diligent and use security cameras as tools on a regular basis.

Click below to learn more about the benefits of regularly reviewing security camera footage and how to tailor your review frequency to your business needs.

How Often Businesses Should Be Reviewing Their Security Camera Footage Business security measures are always rapidly evolving since threats can emerge on various fronts. That’s why maintaining a robust security stance is

The Holidays Herald Crime Surges: How To Protect Your Business This Season 12/05/2023

The holiday season may be a time of joy and celebration. But unfortunately, it also represents an increase in criminal activity.

As businesses in all industries gear up for the festive rush, criminals see a window of opportunity to exploit the chaos.

Click below to learn more about common seasonal crimes and their underlying causes, as well as how to stay one step ahead and deploy effective strategies to protect your business.

The Holidays Herald Crime Surges: How To Protect Your Business This Season The holiday season may be a time of joy and celebration. But unfortunately, it also represents an increase in criminal activity. As businesses in all

How AI-Powered Video Surveillance Can Improve Warehouse Safety And Efficiency 11/21/2023

When it comes to managing warehouses, the top two concerns are often safety and efficiency. But while traditional surveillance systems have been a staple in this sector, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way warehouses operate.

AI-powered video surveillance is emerging as a game-changer, offering advanced capabilities that go beyond basic monitoring to better aid threat detection, workflow, safety monitoring, and productivity.

Click below to learn more about how AI-powered video surveillance can make warehouse management easier and safer while protecting your bottom line.

How AI-Powered Video Surveillance Can Improve Warehouse Safety And Efficiency When it comes to managing warehouses, the top two concerns are often safety and efficiency. But while traditional surveillance systems have been a staple

Securing Your Property: A Pathway To Lower Insurance Premiums 11/07/2023

Security is a top concern for property owners, but the benefits of advanced security systems extend beyond just peace of mind.

One often overlooked advantage is the potential to significantly lower insurance premiums since many insurance providers recognize the value of robust security measures in reducing risk. In turn, enticing discounts are offered to property owners who invest in advanced security systems.

Click below to learn more about the connection between video surveillance and lower insurance premiums, the types of security systems and specific parameters that matter when it comes to landing discounts, and the beneficial financial impact that a surveillance system can have on your bottom line.

Securing Your Property: A Pathway To Lower Insurance Premiums Security is a top concern for property owners, but the benefits of advanced security systems extend beyond just peace of mind. One often overlooked

How To Tell If Your Security System Has Been Compromised 10/24/2023

Maintaining the security of our homes and businesses is a paramount concern in today’s world. But, as technological advancements have introduced sophisticated security systems, they have also brought new challenges.

One of the most concerning threats is security cameras being compromised, which can lead to unauthorized access and privacy breaches. To better protect yourself against these attacks, it is crucial to understand the various ways hackers can gain control of your security system and how to identify if your security cameras have fallen victim to hacking.

Click below to learn more about the tactics that cyber attackers use to infiltrate and gain control of your security system, as well as the subtle clues and blatant red flags that your security cameras have been compromised.

How To Tell If Your Security System Has Been Compromised Maintaining the security of our homes and businesses is a paramount concern in today’s world. But, as technological advancements have introduced

Leveraging Advanced Video Security Solutions For Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU) Management 09/26/2023

As ensuring security in MDUs becomes more complex, property managers are increasingly turning to advanced video security solutions. These technologies don’t just provide peace of mind, but also consolidate operations, optimize resource allocation, and reduce overhead costs.

Embracing advanced video security is a proactive step toward ensuring the safety and satisfaction of residents. With these cutting-edge technologies at their disposal, MDU managers have better equipment than ever to navigate the challenges of modern property management.

Click below to learn more about how key features of advanced video security solutions empower property managers to save both time and money while still prioritizing safety.

Leveraging Advanced Video Security Solutions For Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU) Management Managing multi-dwelling units (MDUs) has become more complex today than ever before. Property managers and landlords are constantly faced with a myriad of

Property Managers Must Consider These Key Factors When Choosing An Advanced Video Security System 09/12/2023

Property managers must balance two critical tasks: safeguarding their properties and protecting the individuals within them.

Thankfully, advanced video security systems have emerged as indispensable tools for achieving safety everywhere– from apartment complexes to condominiums and other multi-dwelling units (MDUs).

But, choosing the ideal system for your property and residents’ needs is crucial.

Click below to learn more about the variety of factors that property managers must take into account– from property vulnerabilities and accessibility to integration, storage, and compliance– when selecting the right advanced video security system for the job.

Property Managers Must Consider These Key Factors When Choosing An Advanced Video Security System Property managers must balance two critical tasks: safeguarding their properties and protecting the individuals within them. Thankfully, advanced video

How Video Analytics Can Identify Suspicious Behavior In Schools 08/29/2023

Ensuring the safety of students and staff in schools has taken center stage over the past decade, becoming a main focal point following rising numbers of crimes occurring on campus grounds.

But while traditional security measures have been effective to some extent, technological advancements are allowing administrators to leverage the power of tech to reshape the school safety landscape.

Video analytics, a branch of artificial intelligence (AI), has emerged as a powerful tool for identifying and preventing suspicious behavior in schools. The potential that this video surveillance capability has to heighten school security is unmatched.

Click below to learn more about how video analytics allows administrators to accurately detect and respond to hard-to-catch abnormalities that may be missed by on-site security guards.

How Video Analytics Can Identify Suspicious Behavior In Schools Ensuring the safety of students and staff in schools has taken center stage over the past decade, becoming a main focal point following rising numbers of

How AI Technology Is Revolutionizing School Security 08/15/2023

With the rise of crime, bullying, and mental health concerns, ensuring the safety and security of educational institutions has become a top priority across the country. However, increasing threats and incidents in schools have proven that traditional security measures alone are no longer sufficient.

So, to address these challenges more effectively, schools are now turning to cutting-edge technologies that can be integrated alongside on-site security guards and existing security infrastructure. One of the most powerful advancements in this sector has been the emergence of Smart Video Security powered by artificial intelligence (AI).

With the advent of AI-powered video analytics, the landscape of school security has undergone a profound transformation.

Click below to learn more about how Smart Video Security solutions leverage the power of AI algorithms to enhance surveillance, threat detection, and response capabilities– ensuring the safety of students and staff members alike.

How AI Technology Is Revolutionizing School Security With the rise of crime, bullying, and mental health concerns, ensuring the safety and security of educational institutions has become a top priority

Building A Secure Learning Environment: How Video Security Enhances Campus Safety 08/01/2023

According to the latest federal data on school crime and safety compiled by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the National Center for Education Statistics, schools throughout the country have witnessed a rise in school shootings and student behavioral issues over the past 10 years.

During the 2019 to 2020 school year, the latest year on record, 77% of U.S. public schools reported one or more incidents of crime. A total of 93 school shootings took place in the 2019-2020 school year, the most since the 2000-2001 school year. A higher percentage of public schools also reported instances of student disciplinary problems and cyberbullying as opposed to the 2009-2010 school year.

That’s why schools across the country have begun implementing more robust preventive and response measures to promote discipline, order, and safety. Most notably, the use of security cameras rose from 61% to 91% between 2009-2010 and 2019-2020.

This stark increase reflects the effectiveness of video security as a campus safety tool.

Click below to learn more about how implementing a comprehensive video security system can significantly enhance campus safety via real-time monitoring, threat deterrence, heightened emergency response, and more.

Building A Secure Learning Environment: How Video Security Enhances Campus Safety According to the latest federal data on school crime and safety compiled by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the National Center for Education

The Role Of Video Security In Mitigating Fraudulent Claims At Auto Dealerships 07/18/2023

Fraudulent claims at auto dealerships have become a growing concern in recent years– costing business owners significant financial losses and tarnished reputations.

Some examples of fraudulent claims have ranged from staged accidents and vandalism to fraudulent warranty claims and false damage reports.

To combat this rising threat, auto dealerships are increasingly turning to video security systems to both mitigate fraudulent claims and protect their bottom line.

Click below to learn more about how video security deters crime, quickens response times, provides evidentiary support for investigations, and enhances customer service and dispute resolution.

The Role Of Video Security In Mitigating Fraudulent Claims At Auto Dealerships Fraudulent claims at auto dealerships have become a growing concern in recent years– costing business owners significant financial losses and tarnished

Enhancing Auto Dealership Security With AI-Powered Video Surveillance 07/06/2023

Known for consistently carrying high-value inventory and attracting frequent foot traffic, auto dealerships are prime crime targets. And since these businesses are particularly vulnerable to theft, vandalism, and other security threats, many auto dealerships have already leaned on on-site security teams and video security networks to help safeguard assets and protect employees.

But, to most effectively safeguard such valuable property, auto dealerships are increasingly turning to cutting-edge technologies– such as AI-powered video surveillance systems.

Click below to learn more about how this security solution can be easily integrated alongside existing security infrastructure– allowing for real-time threat detection, intelligent object and facial recognition, behavioral analytics, proactive crime prevention, and remote monitoring and management.

Enhancing Auto Dealership Security With AI-Powered Video Surveillance Known for consistently carrying high-value inventory and attracting frequent foot traffic, auto dealerships are prime crime targets. And since these

How Live Video Monitoring Can Help Keep Your Parking Garage Covered 06/21/2023

Parking garages are often bustling centers of activity among both patrons and employees. Yet, these structures present unique challenges when it comes to preserving the safety of your organization, staff, and customers.

That’s why video surveillance with Live Video Monitoring (LVM) in parking garages has become an essential security strategy component. A robust video monitoring system can help improve security for guests and their belongings, as well as monitor the activities of your employees.

And in the event that an illegal act is committed, any perpetrators will be caught on camera, and live video monitors can alert in-person security teams, contact authorities, and lockdown critical areas.

Click below to learn more about how this rapid response can help secure your property promptly, inform post-incident reports, aid legal proceedings, and decrease the odds that you are held liable for accidents or damage.

How Live Video Monitoring Can Help Keep Your Parking Garage Covered Parking garages are often bustling centers of activity among both patrons and employees. Yet, these structures present unique challenges when it comes to

The Value Of High-Capacity Security Networks For Manufacturing IoT 06/06/2023

As technology continues to evolve rapidly, the Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the manufacturing industry, welcoming a new era of connectivity, automation, and data-driven decision-making. And during this evolution, high-capacity security networks have emerged as the backbone for efficient and secure manufacturing.

These advanced networks are specially designed to handle immense data volumes generated by IoT devices while simultaneously safeguarding sensitive information from potential cyber threats.

Click below to learn more about how integrating a robust network infrastructure can allow manufacturers to unlock the full potential of their IoT devices– paving the way for real-time data analysis, improved efficiency, and increased security.

The Value Of High-Capacity Security Networks For Manufacturing IoT As technology continues to evolve rapidly, the Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the manufacturing industry, welcoming a new era of connectivity,

How Video Surveillance Networks Can Enhance On-Site Security Guards' Effectiveness 05/17/2023

On-site security guards play a critical role in ensuring the safety and security of institutions. They are responsible for monitoring your property, identifying any potential threats, and responding appropriately when security is breached.

However, the effectiveness of security guards can be limited by their physical presence and their ability to monitor the entire property at once. This is precisely where video surveillance networks come in.

Video surveillance can be a stellar complement to a team of on-site security guards.

Click below to learn more about how this dual security approach can help safeguard your property via increased coverage, enhanced situational awareness, real-time monitoring, and evidence collection.

How Video Surveillance Networks Can Enhance On-Site Security Guards' Effectiveness On-site security guards play a critical role in ensuring the safety and security of institutions. They are responsible for monitoring your property,

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Cheshire, CT

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