5 Wits

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from 5 Wits, Amusement and theme park, 4238 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA.

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Our Story

5 Wits is a live-action, highly interactive, and completely immersive adventure experience unlike anything else that exists. Each adventure spans several thousand square feet of real, physical environments, with multiple rooms, theme park-style special effects, and unique puzzles to discover and solve. Adventures feature multiple endings that respond and adapt to your group’s performance – failure IS an option!

Our adventures include Tomb, Espionage, 20,000 Leagues, Drago’s Castle and Deep Space.

5 Wits currently operates in Foxboro, MA; Syracuse, NY; West Nyack, NY; Albany, NY; Buffalo, NY; Plymouth Meeting, PA; and Arlington, VA. New adventures and new locations are under development now!

Our page invites you to enter our world so you can learn more about us -- and we can learn about you! Thanks for visiting!



4238 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA

Other Amusement Park Rides in Arlington (show all)
5708 11th Street N. Arlington
Arlington, 22205

Working very hard and serving the community of Arlington with integrity.