Lifeboat Camera
Professional Digital Camera Rental We provide a unique lens selection and the latest cameras on the market, keeping up with evolving technology.
Welcome to Lifeboat, a camera and lenses rental service founded by 2 directors of photography who share a common background as American Film Institute alumni (AFI 1998 and AFI 2000). Our commitment is to offer a curated and distinctive range of lenses. We understand the need of filmmakers. That's why we strive to create an exceptional rental experience, providing access to premium camera gear that enhances your creative projects. We 're humbled by the opportunity to be part of your journey.
Anora' - 🔎 LOMO Round Front 75mm T2.4 - 📹 ARRI Arricam LT - YouTube Found on Google from
Our flagship lenses the S8/i FF were motivated by feedback from cinematographers wanting to create more realistic, film-like images on digital sensors. An evolution of 'The Cooke Look', S8/i produces breathtakingly beautiful images with an organic feel. This is accomplished by optimising contrast performance to align with the real resolution capabilities of both current and future digital cameras.
Most recently used on productions such at Netflix’s “Emily in Paris” and “Teacup” on Peacock. The cinematographer on Teacup, Issac Bauman stated:
“That’s what the S8s represent to me. They represent all of the best things about vintage lenses and all of the best things about modern lenses. It’s the closest out of all lenses that exist to bring everything into one package.”
We are always keen to hear about productions shot on our lenses, if you have used S8/i FF on a recent project you would like to share with us please contact [email protected].
Read more about S8 here:

We were honored to be part of the production.
Thank you, Indochina Production, for the opportunity🙏🏻
The Pirate Bay | Officiell Trailer | SVT Tre unga killar skapar världens största fildelningssajt – The Pirate Bay. När Hollywood inser att deras gamla affärsmodell är förstörd slår de tillbaka. Ny s...

New focal length added to our Cooke FF zooms, completing the set: 19-40mm, 30-90mm, and 85-215mm.
Dir : Jon Watts
Dp : Matias Boucard AFC
A huge thank you to Indochina production and everyone who contributed to the new DIABLO trailer. It was a privilege to collaborate with such a talented crew.

Thank you to the GMM Studio for having us on the project “Previously Saved Version”(Futsugo Na Kioku)
Dir : Kei Ishikawa
DP : Piotrek Niemyjski
映画『不都合な記憶』予告映像|プライムビデオ 9月27日(金) 世界独占配信開始映画『不都合な記憶』~予告映像解禁~あらすじ:2200年、宇宙に浮かぶスペースコロニーで、理想的な結婚生活を送っている夫婦。しかし、実際は妻はすでに亡くなっており、夫は保存してお.....

Thank you to the GMM Studio for having us on the project “Futsugo Na Kioku”
Dir : Kei Ishikawa
DP : Piotrek Niemyjski

Very happy to add the newly launched Blackwing7 Binary II and Blackwing T-Tuned lenses to our collection.
Exclusively available from our rental, the Binary II lenses come in T1.9 with focal lengths of 20.7mm, 23.7mm, 27mm, 37mm, 47mm, 57mm, 77mm, 107mm, and 137mm.

Thank you, Taprodgroup, for the amazing opportunity.
Dir : Henry Scholfield
Dp : Mauro Chiarello
Shot on Alexa35 and Canon K35
The vintage charm of Super Baltar is truly one of a kind❤️

Grateful for the opportunity and deeply inspired by the dedication and collaboration within the team. It’s an immense honor to be part of this challenging project 🙏🏻
Dir: Romain Chassaing
Dp: Matias Boucard
Shot on Alexa35 with Hawk Anamorphic and Xelmus Apollo Anamorphic

Cooke Speed Panchro lenses rehoused by TLS are now available. The set includes 18mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 75mm.

Grateful for the opportunity to work on challenging projects and for the incredible team that made it all possible. Thank you
Dir: Dorian & Daniel
Dp :
Shot on Sony Venice 2 with Arri Signature Prime and Blackwing T- Tuned
We feel fortunate to have work on this creative piece.🙏🏻
Dir: Michael Maxxis
Prod : Morgan Gold
Dp :
Shot on SuperBaltar + Alexa35 and Alexa mini

🙏🏻Indochina Productions
Find Your Courage | Chapter 2 | Wu JinYan | COACH | #CourageToBeReal On to a brave new (blue) world. 🌐 imma takes the leap with encouragement from actress Wu JinYan, risks and all.Find your courage. This season, travel throu...
Our Story
Lifeboat is high-end digital camera and lense rental house. We rent out Phantom Flex 4K, Arri Alexa LF, Arri Alexa XT Plus, Arri Alexa Plus 4:3,ARRI Alexa M XT, Arri Alexa Mini, Red Weapon 8K Monstro, Red Weapon 8K Helium, Red Dragon 6K, Sony FS5, Sony A7S Mk2. Our lenses include Arri Master Anamorphic, Cooke Anamorphic Special FLare, Cooke Anamorphic, Lomo Anamorphic,Kowa Anamorphic, Cooke S7/i, Cooke S5i, Cooke S4i, Leica Summilux C, Arri Zeiss Master prime, Zeiss Hi Speed Mk3. We also provide vintage lenses like Canon K35,Bausch and Lomb Super Baltar,Zeiss B Speed. Our DITs are highly trained with Assimilate Scratch and Davinci Resolve for Color Management .
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404/82 Soi Ladprow 94, Ladprow Road