Musclesawaken, Doha Videos

Videos by Musclesawaken in Doha. You can expect to find, healthy recipes, and fitness tips, We aim to provide our readers with the latest research and trends in the fitness industry.

doing cardio is like trying to put out a house fire with a squirting gun.

Doing cardio to improve your recovery &heart health (and your lifting as a consequence)

The myth that cardio "kills your gains" needs to die

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Other Musclesawaken videos

doing cardio is like trying to put out a house fire with a squirting gun. Doing cardio to improve your recovery &heart health (and your lifting as a consequence) The myth that cardio "kills your gains" needs to die

1-Injury Prevention 2-Muscle Recovery 3-Mental Health: 4-Workout Plateau: 5-Overtraining 6-Performance Optimization: 7-Adaptation 8-Active Recovery 9-Nutrition 10-Sleep