Tha Cabin

Tha Cabin


We are a representative of Auckland City Tonganz. We are individuals who made our table when no one


Just finished shooting for an upcoming project with the one and only BRŌWNALFĀ Productions 🙏🏾💯 watch this space 🏁♿️💥


It was an Honour to Attend Tha End of Year Battles 2021. ‼️🙏🏾

Tha Atmosphere was unreal. It was Solid to See Tha Power of Soundz Unite Auckland City for 1 Night. Disturbing Tha Peace Since Agez Ago. 🚨📢💯

🎵: .vili


As 2021 comes to an end, we gon’ leave a Couple Testimonies wit’ yall.

4 Tha Ppl we Lost along the Way.
4 Tha Ppl getting Back on Their Feet.
4 Tha Youngns.

Dropping around Christmas. Let us know if y’all ready to hear the rest 🙏🏾🤍

Photos from Tha Cabin's post 08/12/2021

“Being around family and friends that show me love, respect and loyalty is what motivates me in life. Knowing that if anything happens in life, I got my family and friends to lean on or talk to about the struggles I go through. Not only that, but being able to walk through this thing called life with them is a gift 🎁 . I’m forever blessed to be able to have the love and support that most people don’t have in this world 🌎 I’ve made mistakes in the past but overall, I’ve learnt from those mistakes.
GOD, FAMILI, & HUSOLO are always gon be the motivation till’ I’m 6feet deep wit the loved ones I’ve lost along the way.

Tha Cabin means a lot to me cause not only did I stay at the cabin, but it’s my second home. A place where my mind is set free and where I can be myself. A place where I let my emotions show in my music, cause I’m not a talkative type. Tha Cabin is my happy place where I escape from reality.

Music means everything. It’s something that’s helped me alot in being a much better person, but also in having a better mindset.

Music is my escape place. When I listen or make music, my mind is off topic and I feel more free. If I didn’t pick up on music, honestly I reckon i’d be in jail. Music really helped me along this journey and I’m blessed to have it in my life.

My parents inspire me. Even though they have their ups and downs, they always managed to make us kids smile. No doubt about that. We were poor but we were raised right. They taught me everything there is to know about living in this world 🌎 They are the people I look up to ‘cause they always showed us love - no matter how bad things are. Mum and Dad were always the go to. Everything I’m doing is so that we can all live comfortable.
I ain’t wanna be rich, I just wanna be comfortable to the point where they ain’t gotta work at all. “

When i first met he asked me if I rap, but I ain’t ever rap out loud to anyone - but I wanted to make music cause that was my passion. I said “Yeah” and his eyes started glowing 🤣🤩 He had always told me that his plan was to make this small little cabin become something big. Not only in NZ but everywhere. He wanted the whole world to know the Cabin 💯 I thought to myself that could actually work.

A couple of months go by and we’re still making music, then he tells me that people wanted to come to the cabin and also make music. He started recruiting different people from different areas and things really started to kick off. So we tried thinking of names to call our group and ✨✨ wanted something simple, so he just called it Tha Cabin💯 But in Tha Cabin we all Famili💯💯

‘Ofa Lahi atu to all the fans and supporters that’s been showing love since day dot. Honestly if it wasn’t for yous Tha Cabin wouldn’t be Tha Cabin. Also big thanks to the Lord above for showing me that there is always a way for everything. I am blessed to draw breath in this world 🌎

It’s Your Toko Tilithakidd and i can’t wait to share this journey with you all


Photos from Tha Cabin's post 08/12/2021

Taka He Monu is the church in the first photo. It’s also the church that my nena spent more time at than her own home. The church my nena would try drag us to every Sunday before she passed away from lung cancer.

I just want to make a name out of myself for her aye. She scrubbed too many toilet seats and cleaned too many high schools for me to fumble the bag. In two years time, I’m gonna be the first in my family to cross a Uni graduation stage and it’s all going to be for her and my mum.

Tha Cabin really is home. Not just because it’s in my backyard 😂 but because everything is based on our lived experiences. Everything is raw. And as much as I hope people relate and reminisce when they hear us, I also hope our younger ones don’t feel ashamed of the lifestyles they live. I hope they come to understand that the hood builds you in ways gated communities never will.

“We made our own table when no one would let us sit at theirs” 🎯 I know it’s only a matter of time til’ we’re stable enough for everyone to eat.

- 𝟗❤️‍🩹✨

Photos from Tha Cabin's post 07/12/2021

“I’m a product of my environment. A product of the hood they call Glen Innes. A place where loyalty & respect is heavily valued, taught and expected. A place where you’re bred to be ruthless. Bred to be a solider. Bred to be a hustler.

After losing a close friend of mine in 2020, I realised that this world was more than unfair and cold but at all times you have to solider on. I learnt that the toughest people are not the ones who win wars day to day against enemies, but are the ones who win wars day to day with themselves. Because the only person who can beat you is yourself.

With that, I picked up the cards I was dealt and planned it all out. Stupid decisions were made along the way but that only made the blueprint clearer. Lessons learnt are a man’s greatest weapons.

I took all that and applied it to my music, hoping that at least one person can see the picture I was painting with my lyrics. Hoping that one person can feel the pain and struggle of my parents when they first hopped off the plane from Tonga into Auckland City. Hoping that they can relate to the experiences I’ve been through in this Naybahood I call ‘Api.

This ones for My Family, DAHOMIE, and Da H79D.”


Photos from Tha Cabin's post 07/12/2021

“Seeing my parents work day in day out, both sun and rain, to provide is the reason behind what I do. If you’ve ever picked apples or done thinning then you would know the struggle and how deep it would go, especially when the season is over and both my parents are out of jobs for a while.

When I first heard of Tha Cabin/T Street, SWNG himself messaged me but if you know us, we go way back to them 879 days but we both had no idea we could do music till I saw his stuff and he saw mine. Within that same week, I pulled up to Tha Cabin to meet up with SWNG and talk about the push as well as the wants and needs for Tha Cabin/T Street. Then, since that day I’ve been spending most of my free time on T Street either making music with Tha Cabin crew or just there because its literally like a second home to most of us in the music team. Just imagine being surrounded by a group of 8 people hungry for the same thing… DAMAGEEEEE !!

But above all, this goes right back to my family and those who have been there for me from the get. I ain’t gonna drop names but I have some of my homegirls and a few of my homies to thank for supporting me through it all and for putting me in check when I start to fall out of line or get distracted.

Faka’apa’apa moe ofa lahi atu 🇹🇴🙏🏼”

- 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐋 💯🙏🏾

Photos from Tha Cabin's post 06/12/2021

“It all started from when I met SWNG in 2017 at our Grandpas house in 46th (iykyk). That’s when he introduced me to what he called “THA CABIN” wid tha rest of Tha Cabin Crew.

Music means alot to me in every way. It allows me to express all my feelings and what I go through. Music is everything! I first heard my cousin when he started making songs and he made a big difference in our family. He made me realise what making music is all about. 💯

My motivation and what keeps me going in life is MUSIC and FAMILY. Family will always be there. Also, my biggest motivation is my mum. She was there from the get go and is still the hardest working lady I know. I told her one day we all gonna live BETTER💯

I’m grinding to get my family on a safer and stable path. That’s on TONGANZ 🇹🇴



Photos from Tha Cabin's post 06/12/2021

“Motivation? My nana and my family aye. To be honest knowing the sacrifices that my nana and my mum have made for me to get here and have the chance to make something of myself is unmatched.

I’ll never stop the hustle knowing everything I do, I do for them. To be able to one day repay them for their sacrifice makes the grind easier. Family over everything n’ that, so always for them 💯

If you want me to be brutally honest, I came to know ‘bout the cabin when SWNG himself asked me to do him a goodie delivery. From then, he told me his vision and asked if I wanted to be apart of T Street/Tha Cabin. I just support in anyway I can.

Tha Cabin space… damn you can’t really put a word to it, you just gotta be there ya feel me?

All I can say is stayyy tuned & stay posted!”

- 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐒 💙🏁

Photos from Tha Cabin's post 06/12/2021

“When my nena passed away from Lung Cancer in 2020, my priorities shifted. She had worked so hard for us. I couldn’t just sit around and do nothing with my life.

Tha Cabin has always been a place for broken pieces. We rocked with whatever was put on tha table. I realised the world was cold, so Tha Cabin has always been open to all who needed it fr fr.

Somewhere 4 Love n Loss. A Place To Stand and Fight. It’s a Space to Dream.

To see tha Offaz and Support makes everything we’ve been thru, worth it. All Glory to Tha Man above”

- 𝐒𝐖𝐍𝐆𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟎 🪖🇹🇴


Hey Fam🙏🏾

We just wanted to set up our FB page for all our fāmili that aren’t on IG/Tiktok. Stay tuned for an update of posts🏁💯

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Just finished shooting for an upcoming project with the one and only BRŌWNALFĀ Productions 🙏🏾💯 watch this space 🏁♿️💥 #st...
It was an Honour to Attend Tha End of Year Battles 2021. ‼️🙏🏾 Tha Atmosphere was unreal. It was Solid to See Tha Power o...
TESTIMONIES. - Cartel Katoa, 08, SWNG1970



T Street