3LHD is an architectural practice focused on integrating various disciplines – architecture, urban Osnovali su ga 1994. imenuju novu partnericu Paulu Kukuljicu.
3LHD is an architectural practice focused on integrating various disciplines – architecture, urban planning, design and art. The Studio was founded in Zagreb in 1994 by four partners: Saša Begović, Marko Dabrović, Tatjana Grozdanić Begović and Silvije Novak. In 2016 they appointed a new partner, Paula Kukuljica.
3LHD architects in their work constantly explore new possibilities of interaction betw
The main design element of the Rimac production facility is a continuous cladding made of profiled sheet metal, with a total length of one kilometer. Aluminum was chosen for the cladding because it is lightweight and easy to assemble on the facade, allowing for adaptation to curvature at the corners. At the same time, it ensures the reflection and de-materialization of the massive production volume, introducing the theme of new monumentality and the relationship to space. The materials have been carefully selected to allow for their reuse and recycling. Only renewable energy sources are used for the needs of the production facility.
Glavni oblikovni element zgrade proizvodnog pogona Kampusa Rimac je kontinuirana ovojnica od profiliranog lima ukupne duljine od jednog kilometra. Aluminijski lim je izabran jer je lagan i jednostavan za slaganje na pročelju, te omogućuje prilagođavanje zakrivljenosti na uglovima. Istovremeno osigurava refleksiju i dematerijalizaciju ogromnog volumena proizvodnje otvarajući temu nove monumentalnosti i odnosa spram prostora. Materijali su pažljivo odabrani kako bi se omogućila njihova ponovna upotreba i recikliranje. Za potrebe proizvodnog pogona koriste se isključivo obnovljivi izvore energije.
photo by Jure Živković
Konferencija „Iza fasade, arhitektura i stanovanje: kvaliteta projektiranja kao ključ uspješne realizacije investicija“ održava se 21. listopada 2024. u Vijećnici HGK, s početkom u 10h. Na panelu posvećenom temi standardizacije i digitalizacije projektiranja i gradnje te održivom razvoju struke sudionici su Mima Suhadolc (Zbornica za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije), Branimir Šegotić (Hrvatska komora inženjera strojarstva) i Marko Dabrović (3LHD). Raspravljat će o važnosti digitalizacije i održivosti u projektantskoj praksi i građevini, iskustvu slovenskih kolega koji su uspjeli standardizirati svoje usluge, utjecaju alata poput BIMa na struku i načinima kako osigurati održivu budućnost naših gradova.
Hrvatska gospodarska komora
Phase one of the Rimac Campus - the production facility, with an area of over 75,000 square meters, is completed. The Rimac Campus merges high technology with the natural environment, creating a dynamic space that embraces change and adapts to future development, with a focus on sustainability and the integration of technology, nature, and community. It is conceptually designed as a park, with the production facility and office building fully integrated into the planned surroundings.
The rapid ex*****on was ensured by industrial building technology, which involves a combination of prefabricated reinforced concrete and steel elements. Departments are designed as individual "houses within a house," with a height of 6 meters, and a space in between for installations. At the intersection of the main axes, there is a central atrium and an expanded communication area with a large kitchen and common dining hall, serving as a gathering and social space. The introduction of the atrium allows for natural lighting and fresh air, providing a more pleasant microclimate and atmosphere in the building's interior.
photo by Jure Živković
Završena je prva faza Kampusa Rimac - zgrada proizvodnog pogona ukupne površine preko 75 000 metara kvadratnih. Kampus spaja visoku tehnologiju s prirodnim okolišem, stvarajući dinamičan prostor koji prihvaća promjene i prilagođava se budućem razvoju, s naglaskom na održivost i integraciju tehnologije, prirode i zajednice. Integralno je zamišljen kao park s proizvodnim pogonom i uredskom zgradom maksimalno uklopljenima u planirani okoliš.
Brza realizacija je osigurana tehnologijom izvedbe industrijskih zgrada, odnosno kombinacijom prefabriciranih armiranobetonskih i čeličnih elemenata. Odjeli su projektirani kao svojevrsne kuće u kući, visine 6 metara, s međuprostorom za instalacije. Na križanju glavnih osi nalazi se središnji atrij i proširenje komunikacija s velikom kuhinjom i zajedničkom blagovaonicom kao mjestom okupljanja i druženja. Uvođenjem atrija omogućeno je prirodno osvjetljenje i svježi zrak, te ugodnija mikro klima i atmosfera u dubini zgrade.
The conceptual project for the reconstruction and redesign of Giardini Square and the surrounding area in P**a has been presented. The main idea of the project is the preservation and reaffirmation of the four rows of hackberry trees, their restoration, planting of new ones, and returning to the original layout and number of 108 trees. This is a unique and one of the most valuable green oases in the historic core of P**a, important for the city's identity, which requires restoration in its entirety.
The entire area deserves renovation and reconstruction with the aim of ensuring logical connections with the surrounding zones and creating a pleasant, accessible, and attractive urban environment.
In addition to the square reconstruction, the project includes design of all urban elements, the affirmation of the archaeological finds present in the area, and the design of two new squares.
Predstavljen je idejni projekt rekonstrukcije i uređenja trga Giardini i okolne zone u Puli. Osnovna ideja projekta je čuvanje i ponovna afirmacija četveroreda stabala ladonje, njihova rekonstrukcija, sađenje novih i vraćanje izvornom rasteru i broju od 108 stabala. Radi o jedinstvenoj i jednoj od najvrjednijih zelenih oaza u povijesnoj jezgri P**e važnoj za identitet grada, koja treba obnovu u cijelom svojem obuhvatu. Čitav prostor zaslužuje obnovu i rekonstrukciju s ciljem da se osiguraju logične veze s kontaktnim zonama, te da se stvori ugodan, pristupačan i atraktivan urbani ambijent.
Uz uređenje partera, projekt predviđa oblikovno ujednačavanje svih elemenata urbane opreme, afirmaciju dijela arheoloških nalaza prisutnih u obuhvatu i oblikovanje 2 nova trga.
The project for the primary school in Kastav – a new district school for about 450 students, with classes conducted in one shift – has been presented to the public.
Our concept seeks to respect the existing context, ensuring a harmonious integration of the school buildings into the surroundings. The topography is highly specific, featuring sinkholes characteristic of the area, and the elevation difference in some places is 27 meters. A two-story volume with classrooms, facing south, is connected to the sports hall volume by an underground passage. Above the passage, a public pedestrian path runs east to west. The sports field located on the roof of the hall forms a covered school square/courtyard and defines the main entrance. One of the key elements is the terraced gardens on the southern part of the plot, which will serve as a space for outdoor school activities.
Javnosti je predstavljen projekt osnovne škole u Kastvu – nove područne škole za oko 450 učenika i za odvijanje nastave u jednoj smjeni.
Cjelokupni koncept našeg projekta poštuje zatečeni kontekst, čime se osigurava integracija školskih objekata u okoliš. Topografija je vrlo specifična - vrtače karakteristične za to područje, a visinska razlika na pojedinim mjestima je 27m. Dvoetažni volumen s učionicama orijentiran je na jug i podzemno povezan s volumenom sportske dvorane. Poviše podzemnog dijela prolazi javna pješačka komunikacija istok - zapad. Sportsko igralište smješteno na krovu dvorane formira školski natkriveni trg/trijem te definira glavni ulaz. Jedan od ključnih elemenata su terasasti vrtovi na južnom dijelu parcele koji će služiti kao prostor za vanjske školske aktivnosti.
The 3rd scientific-professional event "ArchiPraxis" is taking place in Sarajevo from October 1st to October 8th, organized by the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Architecture and the Architecture Students' Association. One of the speakers and participants is Saša Begović, his lecture is scheduled for tomorrow, October 4th.
The theme of this year's event is “Vocabulary of Materials: Material vs. Message,” aiming to follow and personify architectural transformations in the 21st century, starting from architectural materials, construction, and the process of architectural realization.
Renowned architectural firms from Croatia, who are also actively involved in the educational process, have been invited: Saša Begović (3LHD), Marin Mikelić (MVA), and Toma Plejić and Lea Pelivan (StudioUP).
U Sarajevu se od 1. do 8. listopada održava 3. znanstveno-stručna manifestacija „ArchiPraxis” u organizaciji Sveučilišta u Sarajevu - Arhitektonskog fakulteta i Asocijacije studenata arhitekture. Jedan od predavača i sudionika je i Saša Begović, a njegovo predavanje je na programu u petak 4. listopada.
Tema ovogodišnje manifestacije je “Vokabular materijala: Materijal vs. Poruka” kojom se nastoje pratiti i personificirati arhitektonske transformacije u 21. stoljeću, polazeći od arhitektonskog materijala, konstrukcije i procesa arhitektonske realizacije.
Iz hrvatske su pozvani renomirani arhitektonski uredi, koji su aktivni i u edukativnom procesu obrazovanja; Sasa Begovic (3LHD), Marin Mikelić (MVA Mikelić Vreš Arhitekti ) i Toma Plejić i Lea Pelivan (StudioUP).
Ovaj smo vikend bili gosti dragih suradnika iz tvrtke Kamen Pazin, koji su u prekrasnom ambijentu jednog od svojih kamenoloma proslavili velikih 70 godina poslovanja!
Želimo im sretan rođendan i veselimo se novim prilikama za suradnju!
This weekend, we had the pleasure of being guests of our esteemed partners from KAMEN d.d. Pazin, who celebrated an impressive 70 years in business in the beautiful setting of one of their quarries! We wish them a happy anniversary and look forward to many more opportunities for collaboration!
The large glass panels of the Infobip Campus façade are protected from the sun by simple construction solutions and not by technology: consoles of mezzanine panels, and a green layer that gradually covers the building and connects the facade with the park on the roof terrace. Greenery is an organic facade that changes its appearance with the change of seasons and makes views of the exterior more layered and interesting. The terrace is articulated in the form of micro-urbanism whose streets and small squares-stands meander around the cultivated nature.
photo by Jure Živković
Velike staklene plohe na pročelju Kampusa Infobip dvostruko su zaštićene od sunca jednostavnim graditeljskim rješenjima a ne tehnologijom: konzolama međukatnih ploča, te zelenim plaštem koji postepeno prekriva kuću i povezuje pročelje s parkom na krovnoj terasi. Zelenilo je organska fasada koja s promjenom godišnjih doba mijenja svoj izgled i poglede prema eksterijeru čini slojevitijim i zanimljivijim. Terasa je artikulirana u vidu mikro-urbanizma čije ulice i mali trgovi-separei meandriraju oko kultivirane prirode.
We are looking forward to participating in the Masters of Building Fair in Rovinj from October 10th to 12th, 2024.
Marko Dabrović is one of the speakers at the conference – with the topic 'Digitalization of the Profession and Sustainable Design and Construction,' scheduled for Thursday, October 10th.
In addition to an interesting conference program, the MBF will bring together everyone connected to the investment-supply chain in any way, as well as those who influence their business.
Veselimo se sudjelovanju na Masters of Building Fair u Rovinju 10. do 12. listopada 2024.
Marko Dabrović jedan je od predavača na konferenciji – s temom Digitalizacija struke i održivo projektiranje i gradnja na programu je u četvrtak 10. listopada.
Osim zanimljivog programa konferencije, MBF će okupiti sve koji su na bilo koji način povezani s investicijsko - dobavljačkim lancem, kao i one koji utječu na njihovo poslovanje.
karte: https://www.entrio.hr/en/event/masters-of-building-fair-17272
Predstavljen je program 2. izdanja festivala Open House Zagreb. Druga je festivalska sezona koncipirana oko nekoliko tematskih cjelina: „Revitalizacija arhitektonskog nasljeđa" „Viktor Kovačić" i „Urbane cjeline“. U sklopu „Urbanih cjelina“ na programu je i obilazak Zelenog Paviljona, restorana na kampusu Agronomskog i Šumarskog fakulteta.
The second edition of the Open House Zagreb festival was presented on September 16th. Festival program is conceived around several thematic units: "Revitalization of architectural heritage", "Viktor Kovačić" and "Urban Entities". A tour of the Green Pavilion, the student restaurant on the campus of the Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Forestry, is a part of the “Urban Entities” theme.
We participated in the competition for the architectural design of the multipurpose exhibition centre Expo in Tirana. Nestled on the dynamic edge of Tirana, Expo embraces both urban convenience and suburban possibilities. The site boasts seamless highway access and the freedom to create a self-contained, innovative environment. By strategically incorporating amenities that resonate with Tirana's citizens, especially its vibrant youth, the expo can transform this emerging landscape into a must-visit destination.
Read more on our web page: https://bit.ly/expo_albania
Sudjelovali smo na natječaju za arhitektonsko oblikovanje višenamjenskog izložbenog centra Expo u Tirani. Parcela smještena na dinamičnom rubu Tirane i odlično povezana s autoputom nudi mogućnost stvaranja inovativnog okruženja. Strateškim uključivanjem sadržaja bitnih građanima Tirane, posebno njezinoj živahnoj omladini, Expo može transformirati ovaj krajobraz u nastajanju u nezaobilazno odredište.
Pročitajte više na našem webu!
Zapošljavamo novog kolegu - HR business specijalista/icu! Predviđeni početak rada je 10/2024.
Više pročitajte na linku: https://bit.ly/3XkOB1F
foto: Jure Živković
Serijal radionica, predavanja i panel diskusija s nazivom Održiva Ura čeka nas ove jeseni u sklopu programa Urania.hr.
Ivana Šajn, projektantica voditeljica u 3LHD-u, tim povodom predstavlja projekt Autobusnog terminala Žabica u Rijeci, koji će biti prvi projekt studija 3LHD certificiran po sustavu DGNB – međunarodno priznatom standardu za održivu gradnju. 🌱🏗️
A series of workshops, lectures and panel discussions entitled Sustainable Hour is waiting for us as part of the Urania program this fall.
On this occasion, Ivana Šajn, architect and project leader at 3LHD, presents the project of Bus Terminal Žabica in Rijeka, which will be the first 3LHD project certified according to the DGNB system - an internationally recognized standard for sustainable construction. 🌱🏗️
Keight Hotel rooftop sun deck is a place for relaxed leisure with a view of the Kvarner archipelago. An infinity pool surrounded with Mediterranean greenery and a playfully designed bar offer an escape into a dreamy world. This vibrant atmosphere is contrasted by muted and intimate tones of the wellness area that features a 25-meter indoor pool located in the hotel underground.
Sunčalište na krovu Keight Hotela mjesto je za opuštenu razonodu s pogledom na kvarnerski arhipelag. Zaigrano uređen bar i infinity bazen okružen mediteranskim zelenilom predstavljaju bijeg u sanjarski svijet. Kontrast ovoj vibrantnoj atmosferi čine zagasiti intimni tonovi wellness prostora s 25-metarskim unutarnjim bazenom smještenog u podrumskoj etaži hotela.
photo by Jure Živković
Keight Hotel Opatija, Curio Collection by Hilton
Curio Collection by Hilton
The accommodation units in Keight Hotel are a modern version of ship's "staterooms", as first-class cabins on ships were traditionally called. With a refined color pallet, the colors of the sky and the sea in a storm, they draw the guest into a safe haven, protected from the forces of nature, with a view of the sea and two Opatija parks.
Smještajne jedinice Keight Hotela suvremena su inačica brodskih „staterooms“, kako su se tradicionalno nazivale kabine prve klase na brodovima. Profinjenim koloritom, bojama neba i mora u oluji, uvlače gosta u sigurno utočište, zaštićeno od sila prirode, s pogledom prema moru i dva opatijska parka.
photo by Jure Živković
Keight Hotel Opatija, Curio Collection by Hilton Curio Collection by Hilton
The Keight Hotel Opatija ground floor with a restaurant and bar is a meeting place for hotel guests and residents of Opatija. The interior design of public spaces is inspired by the tradition of Viennese and Italian coffeehouses and the atmosphere of old maritime kitchens, which encourage communal dining and socializing. The reception and bar are connected with the restaurant by an outdoor garden.
Prizemna etaža Keight Hotela u Opatiji s restoranom i barom mjesto je susreta za goste hotela i stanovnike Opatije. U projektu dizajna interijera inspirirale su nas opatijska tradicija bečkih i talijanskih kavana i atmosfera starih pomorskih kužina, koje potiču na zajednički objed i druženje. Recepcija i bar vanjskim su vrtom povezani s restoranom.
Keight Hotel Opatija, Curio Collection by Hilton
photo by Jure Živković
The reconstruction of Hotel Argentina in Dubrovnik began in October 2023. The existing building of the hotel has been demolished and the damaged parts of the Villa Argentina structure have been partially removed. Concrete works are being carried out at the same time. The project is inspired by Dubrovnik's rich cultural and historical heritage, the architectural values of existing buildings and the natural beauty of the Adriatic coast.
Rekonstrukcija dubrovačkog Hotela Argentina započela je u listopadu 2023. Do sada je srušena postojeća zgrada hotela te su djelomično uklonjeni oštećeni dijelovi konstrukcije Vile Argentine. Paralelno se izvode betonski radovi. Projekt je nadahnut bogatim dubrovačkim kulturnim i povijesnim nasljeđem, arhitektonskim vrijednostima postojećih objekata i prirodnim ljepotama jadranske obale.
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Kancelarija za arhitekturu radi na području arhitekture, dizajna poslovnih i stambenih interijera, apartmana te dizajna proizvoda.
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Željko Golubić Arhitekti je arhitektonski ured smješten u Zagrebu te ima iskustvo razvoja projekata od prve skice do kompletne gradnje.
Ružmarinka 9
Zagreb, 10000
Architecture office and consultancy based in Zagreb providing services in architectural planning and project management.
Zagreb, 10000
Studio Soče nudi usluge projektiranja i dizajna svih vrsta interijera i eksterijera; stambenih i po
Radnička Cesta 47
Zagreb, 10000
Bavimo se arhitektonskim projektiranjem, uređenjem interijera i izvođenjem radova. #DASHAUS
Dizajn interijera Potpune renovacije stanova Djelomične renovacije stanova Prenamjena prostora u apartman/ured/hotel Savjetovanje 3D vizualizacije Projektiranje Ključ u ruke siste...
Prominska 62
Zagreb, 10040
Arhitektonsko projektiranje, etažiranje, analiza prostornih planova, ishođenje građevinskih dozvola.