
A base for sharing all things nutrition & health

nourish & flourish with nutribase

Photos from nutribase's post 01/11/2023

Roasted winter vegetables . Ten minutes prep, twenty minutes in the air fryer. Delicious 😍


Science alert!
For anyone interested in looking a little deeper into the function of B vitamins as cofactors for energy production - have a look at this.

You may remember the Krebs's Cycle or Citric Acid Cycle from school but we were never shown the role of B vitamins. You can see on this infographic where B's are utilised.

Photos from nutribase's post 08/05/2023

Two Bee's today! And again enforcing the role of B vitamins for energy.
Vitamin B5 - Pantothenic Acid
From the Greek word pantos meaning 'everywhere' reflecting it's wide distribution in foods. Found in beef, wholegrains, potatoes, broccoli, mushrooms and avocado to name a few. You will have adequate intake by eating a varied diet.
It's primary function is to support red cell production, energy production and adrenal hormone production.
Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxine
Widely distributed in a variety of foods, including potatoes, banana, prunes and avocado. B6 often used therapeutically alongside Magnesium for female health, and is a coenzyme for numerous metabolic processes in the body.


Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin
Supports metabolism helping digest and extract energy from food, converting carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy in the form of β€œATP.” That’s why Riboflavin deficiency contributes fatigue, poor cognition, and a sluggish metabolism.
It also helps in metabolism of other vitamins such as B3, B6, K and Folic acid (Vitamin B9), again demonstrating why the B vitamins are often found together in nature and whole foods.
Good sources in spinach, almonds, mushrooms & eggs
PS - This is the one that makes your wee go yellow! - any excess from supplements is excreted.


Nutrient rich purple sprouting broccoli in my veg box this week πŸ˜€


Vitamin B1 or Thiamine has a key role in energy production and the health of our nervous system.
Good sources include whole grains, brown rice, pork, avocado, nuts and seeds.
Due to modern milling processes and the use of refined flours, the B1 content of foods is greatly reduced - in fact white or 'polished' rice is depleted of thiamine.
Oats, beans and lentils also have modest amounts.
Top tips:
Switch to brown rice
Snack on unsalted nuts and seeds


B is for... Vitamin B complex
All vitamins in this group are water soluble and are not stored very well in the body, hence they are needed daily in our diet or via supplements. They are grouped together as they have similar functions but often need each other to perform best, which is why they are commonly found together in food sources.
These are your vitamins for vitality, energy, mental clarity, relaxation, hormone function, skin health and more..
I think these vitamins deserve an individual mention, so further posts to follow with some tips on optimising your B vitamin intake πŸ˜ƒ

How to eat seasonally in February 26/02/2023

Some ideas for February

How to eat seasonally in February


A is for...Vitamin A
Vitamin A is the first named official vitamin and was discovered in 1913. It is fat soluble and can be stored by our bodies. Supplementation for therapeutic reasons should be done under the care of a health care professional to avoid toxicity. Since it's discovery research has shifted from preformed vitamin A, or retinol, to include a broader group of substances known as provitamin A. These substances are members of the carotenoids and are visible to us as the yellow and orange pigments of fruits and vegetables. The most studied carotenoid is beta-carotene. Beta-carotene converts to vitamin A in our bodies.

Vitamin A is responsible for healthy eyesight, tissue healing, healthy skin, and supporting the immune system.
Preformed vitamin A is found in egg yolks, milk products, liver and fish liver oil.
Provitamin A in the form of beta-carotene is found in carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, mango, peaches - in fact any yellow/orange fruits and vegetables. It's also present in leafy greens such as kale, lettuce, broccoli and asparagus.
Have a go at eating something orange/yellow to get your beta-carotene today!


My challenge is to post an A-Z of nutrition. I'll keep it simple as our aim here is to encourage healthy food choices.

Our challenge is to eat something connected to each post!
karen_nutribase on Instagram


Vitamin L ❣️
Universal vitalising 'vitamin', easily digested and absorbed. Rarely any serious issues from excess, may have side effects of swooning, goosebumps, and grinning! Found in a variety of sources, and can be added to a home cooked meal for free ☺️


Heart healthy foods for Valentine's Day πŸ’Ÿ


Whilst I am slowly taking steps to use my nutritional therapy diploma I'd love to engage with anyone who is interested in nutrition and natural health. Come on a journey with me!

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