Node.js, React JS & Saas Development

Node.js, React JS & Saas Development

We have expertise Redux, React Native, Node.js, ReactJS, React Libraries, Flux, ES6, Bootstrap, HTML Welcome to Node.js Web Development!

We share the latest news about developing applications using Node.js, React js and saas development
Node.js brings JavaScript to the server-side of web applications, making it so that JavaScript is no longer just for browsers. It's for web application development, it's for developing any internet protocol, it's for the real-time web, it's for command-line scripts, and much more. The book, Node.js,


Hire web developers on an hourly or full-time basis to construct an extremely scalable and prolific web Application for your business.

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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 24/06/2021

How to call API's in react. How to fetch data from an API in react.
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We are a Creative IT Agency. We provide all types of IT Services for Web and Mobile devices and more.
We have more than 10 years of experience in Reactjs, Saas Node/Aws, Android-iOS application design and development, website design and development, IoT application development, and Live Streaming application development. Contact on whatsapp or call me: +91 9736775466

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 23/06/2021

Is emmet not working for reactjs in your vscode.
Here is the solution for you.
1)Just press cntrl + shift + p which will open command pallet.
2)Now type in settings.json and open that file by click on it.
3)Make sure that you have the code snippet shown in the post in your settings.json.
That's it guys ????.
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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 22/06/2021

In the last post, we saw what is useRef and how to access DOM elements with the help of useRef hook.
In this post we will see how to make scroll to top button with material ui in reactjs.
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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 18/06/2021

Skeleton loading effect in react with material ui. How is it guys let me know in the comments.
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Hire Reactjs developers on an hourly or full-time basis to construct an extremely scalable and prolific web Application for your business.
Call/WhatsApp: +44 7452263178, +91 9736775466
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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 17/06/2021

Handling multiple inputs with a single Onchange handler in React.JS

When creating a form with React components, it is common to use an onChange handler to listen for changes to input elements and record their values in state. Besides handling just one input, a single onChange handler can be set up to handle many different inputs in the form. visit us:
#программист .

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 16/06/2021

One of the best solution to hide all logs in production.
For production, we would just set the debug variable to false. We define a log() function that will call console. log if debug is set to true. And we replace our logging statement with a call to the log() function. visit us:

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 11/06/2021

Why redux in react??
Redux is a predictable state container designed to help you write JavaScript apps that behave consistently across client, server, and native environments and are easy to test. While it's mostly used as a state management tool with React, you can use it with any other JavaScript framework or library. visit us:

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 10/06/2021

What is useRef hook in react and how to use it. 👉

The useRef is a hook that allows to directly create a reference to the DOM element in the functional component. Syntax: const refContainer = useRef(initialValue); The useRef returns a mutable ref object. This object has a property called visit us:


Hire Certified React.js Developer
Our expertise as React, React.JS Developer. We are used with Redux, React Libraries, saas, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, TypeScript.
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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 09/06/2021

Best database to work with React JS:-


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Pure Components in React are the components which do not re-renders when the value of state and props has been updated with the same values. If the value of the previous state or props and the new state or props is the same, the component is not re-rendered. visit us:

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 07/06/2021

what is closure in javascript 👉

A closure is the combination of a function bundled together (enclosed) with references to its surrounding state (the lexical environment). ... In JavaScript, closures are created every time a function is created, at function creation time. visit us:

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 07/06/2021

what is promise in javascript 👉

A promise is an object that may produce a single value some time in the future : either a resolved value, or a reason that it's not resolved (e.g., a network error occurred). ... Promise users can attach callbacks to handle the fulfilled value or the reason for rejection.visit us: ..


⚛️Functional Vs class component.🖱️
First of all, the clear difference is the syntax. Just like in their names, a functional component is just a plain JavaScript function that returns JSX. A class component is a JavaScript class that extends React. ... The JSX to render will be returned inside the render method.visit us:

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 04/06/2021

What is WEBPACK🤹‍♂️
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webpack is a module bundler. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging​ visit us:

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 03/06/2021

The way to use CSS in REACT Components 🤹‍♀️
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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 03/06/2021


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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 02/06/2021

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JSX is not a requirement for using React. Using React without JSX is especially convenient when you don't want to set up compilation in your build environment. Each JSX element is just syntactic sugar for calling React. ... So, anything you can do with JSX can also be done with just plain JavaScript. Visit us:

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 01/06/2021

How to create react component with ES6 or without ES6?
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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 31/05/2021

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What is context in React? React's context allows you to share information to any component, by storing it in a central place and allowing access to any component that requests it (usually you are only able to pass data from parent to child via props). visit us:

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 31/05/2021

Here is the most demanding concept came HOC IN REACT....... 🥳
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A higher-order component (HOC) is an advanced technique in React for reusing component logic. ... They are a pattern that emerges from React's compositional nature. Concretely, a higher-order component is a function that takes a component and returns a new component.visit us:

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 28/05/2021

.........PORTALS in REACT.......
Swipe left to see the detailed explanation. What is Portal, why we use it how to use it etc..🤔
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A React portal provides a way to render an element outside of its component hierarchy, i.e., in a separate component. ... If we do this, it breaks the convention where a component needs to render as a new element and follow a parent-child hierarchy.visit us:

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 28/05/2021

⚡⚡⚡What is Ref in React🤔⚡⚡⚡
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Refs are a function provided by React to access the DOM element and the React element that you might have created on your own. They are used in cases where we want to change the value of a child component, without making use of props and all. visit us:

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 27/05/2021

What is React.memo? 🤔
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React. memo is a higher order component. If your component renders the same result given the same props, you can wrap it in a call to React. memo for a performance boost in some cases by memoizing the result. This means that React will skip rendering the component, and reuse the last rendered result. More info:-


Hire ReactJS Developers from Expert React and Node.js Developers. Our ReactJS developers quickly onboard projects of all scales. We have the resources and knowledge you need to start planning and executing your React project today.

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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 26/05/2021

What is FRAGMENTS in React🤨
If we donot want any extra node to the DOM then FRAGMENTS comes into picture. It let you group a list of children without adding extra nodes too the DOM.
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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 25/05/2021

UPDATE AND UNMOUNT Lifecycle methods..
👉Swipe left to see their defination.
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Hire React.JS Developer ............
React is a , , and library for building user interfaces. It is the most popular front-end framework used in developing web or mobile applications.
Vibrant developers have excelled in delivering complex and challenging projects with expertise in providing solutions to the existing business models. Hire our professional & experienced to develop powerful, innovative & progressive web apps.

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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 24/05/2021

⚛️We have explained about the Mounting LIFECYCLE methods. ⚛️ We'll post of other phase of LIFECYCLE methods in coming post.
So stay tuned! 💻
The Component Lifecycle. Mounting. These methods are called in the following order when an instance of a component is being created and inserted into the DOM: Updating. An update can be caused by changes to props or state. Unmounting. This method is called when a component is being removed from the DOM: Error Handling. More Info:

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 21/05/2021

In REACT, LIFECYCLE methods are very important topic to understand I will try to post each and every details about it.
In coming post we will share the details about each LIFECYCLE methods and their example.
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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 20/05/2021

******** STYLING IN REACT ********
⚛️Multiple ways to style react component.🔥🔥🔥

styled-components is a library for React and React Native that allows you to use component-level styles in your application that are written with a mixture of JavaScript and CSS using a technique called CSS-in-JS..

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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 19/05/2021

what is map? What is key in list rendering?🤔 To know all those answer swipe left 👈.

The map() function is used to iterate over an array and manipulate or change data items. In React, the map() function is most commonly used for rendering a list of data to the DOM. ... From the callback parameters, you can access the current element, the current index, and the array itself.

Render(, document. getElementById('app')); We will get the following result for the Key values of each element. If we add or remove some elements in the future or change the order of the dynamically created elements, React will use the key values to keep track of each element.

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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 17/05/2021

What is destructuring in react🤔.
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What is destructuring? Destructuring was introduced in ES6. It's a JavaScript feature that allows us to extract multiple pieces of data from an array or object and assign them to their own variables. More info:
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Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 13/05/2021

What is state in react ⚛️? To know the answer swipe left 👈..

What is State? The state is an instance of Class can be defined as an object of a set of observable properties that control the behavior of the component. In other words, the State of a component is an object that holds some information that may change over the lifetime of the component. more info:

Please DM if you have any question regarding it.

Photos from Node.js, React JS & Saas Development's post 11/05/2021

What are props???? 🤔..
“Props” is a special keyword in React, which stands for properties and is being used for passing data from one component to another. Furthermore, props data is read-only. more info:
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React allows developers to create large that can change data, without reloading the page. The main purpose of React is to be fast, scalable, and simple. It works only on user interfaces in the application. This corresponds to the view in the template. It can be used with a combination of other JavaScript libraries or frameworks, such as in MVC. Read More

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