Sue's Bakery & Delicatessen, Harare Videos

Videos by Sue's Bakery & Delicatessen in Harare. Sue’s Bakery is a family owned business, based in Harare (Zimbabwe). We specialise in baking deli

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Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Irvine Dekeya, Stella Blake, Meli Mate

30th September is our next pop up!

Delicious, quality food does not have to be expensive. Use simple but good quality ingredients and you have a beautiful dish. This is fresh pasta, our gorgeous tomato puree, olive oil, cherry tomatoes and parmesan.

Find us every Saturday Old Stables Market or at any of our shops UPMARKET or 68 Ridgeway North

We couldn’t be more proud to host you Téju Baba!