Stress less, Live life to the fullest
Everything you need to know to become live a healthy life and become a Network Marketing Professiona

*What are fibroids?*
These are firm ,compact tumors that are made up of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue that develop in the uterus. Also known as uterine myomas leiomyomas or fibromas.
*1*. *Cervical Fibroids*
Occurs in the cervix
*2*. *Submucosal Fibroids*
Occurs at womb cavity
*3* *Subserocal*
Occurs on the outer uterine tissue layer
*4* *Intramural*
Occurs on the muscular wall of the womb
♨ Lower backache or leg pain
♨ Fertility problems
♨ Miscarriages
♨ Pregnancy complications
♨ Anemia due to heavy periods
😈lower abdominal pains
♨ Pelvic pain that doesn't go away
♨Overly heavy or painful periods
♨Spotting or bleeding between periods
♨Pain consistently with in*******se
♨Enlarged uterus and abdomen
♨Difficulty emptying your bladder
♨ Dysoareunia that is pain during s*xual In*******se
♨ Constipation
♨ Labour complications
For consultation and help contact:App/call/sms on

Take one capsule once per week with plenty water to prevent and cure prostate cancer etc app for more information

Premature Ej*******on (PE)
Premature ej*******on (PE; also known as rapid ej*******on) is the most common type of
s*xual dysfunction in men younger than 40 years. An estimated 30% of males
experience this problem. Most professionals who treat premature ej*******on define this
condition as the occurence of ej*******on prior to the wishes of both s*xual partners.
This broad definition thus avoids specifying a precise duration for s*xual relations and
reaching a climax, which is variable and depends on many factors specific to the
individuals engaging in intimate relations. An occasional instance of premature
ej*******on might not be cause for concen, but, if the problem occurs with more than
50% of attempted s*xual relations, a dysfunctional pattern usually exists for which
treatment may be appropriate. Today, most s*x therapists understand premature
ej*******on as occurring when a lack of ejaculatory control interferes with s*xual or
emotional well-being in one or both partners.
In most cases premature ej*******on does matter, because it makes people unhappy and
frustrated. And in severe cases PE can threaten or even ruin a marriage - simply because
it spoils the s*x lives of both partners. Sometimes, the condition is so bad the man can't
have s*x because he ej******es before he can get into the va**na. This can be
devastating for a man's self-confidence. And it can be hugely frustrating and annoying for
his partner especially if she wants to get pregnant.
Ifa male has always experienced premature ej*******on from the time he began coitus,
then he has primary premature ej*******on. If he had successful co**al relationships in the
past, yet began experiencing premature ej*******on with the current relationship., then he
has secondary premature ej*******on. In most cases, secondary premature ej*******on is
easier to treat and has a better prognosis.
What causes premature ej*******on?
The cause of premature ej*******on is considered as psychological
factor, although this has not been definitively confirmed.
Primary premature ej*******on
The male has never experienced s*xual relations without also experi
encing premature ej*******on, a deep-seated emotional disturbance may
be present.
Sometimes, the behavior is a conditioned response resulting from teen
ma********on practices, but, sometimes, the patient has deep anxiety
about s*x that relates to one or more traumatic experiences encountered
during development.

Many health problems that are shared by men and women, such as cardiovascular disease and some
cancers, tend to affect men earlier in life. There are also certain conditions including prostate disorders
impotence and other s*xual dysfunctions that are specific to men. Men are also at higher risk of injuries
death on the roads and su***de. Overall there are more premature deaths in men than in women.
Despite these challenges to their health, men tend to ignore their symptoms, are less likely to visit their
doctors for advice. and may be especially reluctant to ask for help when they notice abnormalities of their
health. Here we have listed certain disorders that men may come across at different ages
Call /app Loveness on 0777162288

*All female health challenges can be prevented, cured or reversed permanently by use natural & organic products*
Ladies & girls experience unique health issues & conditions including: *menstrual irregularities/period pains, ovarian cysts, UTIs, STIs, vaginitis, pelvic inflammation disease, uterine fibroids, hysterectomy, va**nal discharges and disorders related to fertility*
Our FEMALE Care products works wonders in eradicating these problems. The package consists of:
*SOYPOWER*- which balances female hormones, STOPS menstrual irregularities & prevents osteoporosis during or after menopause. Prevents the decline of ovary's function, prevents breast cancer and also its good for females with infertility caused by low estrogen level and those who intend to improve their s*xuality.
*ROYAL JELLY* - Cures cervical cancers, breast cancers, retards aging, removes spots, nourishes skin, activates the hair, nails and skin, reduces wrinkles, prevents fibroids and cysts
*ZINC*- Supports reproductive system of women, accelerate the growth process of the egg for best ovulation, it guarantees fertility, prevents miscarriages & still births, promotes growth & development for the fetus.
Regulates ovaries to balance female hormones, improves s*xual desire, removes the toxins accumulated in the kidneys, helps in the cleansing process of the uterus & improves the function of filtration.
For more information:
Call/whatsapp/sms on :
Health supplements and tea
My name is Loveness Chitiyo, I am a *Multilevel Marketing Professional* i help people create income or extra income from scratch through advocating for consumption creating wealth using *Network Marketing* way so that they can become financially stable and also have a chance to help others around the world to fight poverty
*Multi Level Marketing / Network Marketing Business* is a partnership business that involve two people. A manufacturing company and an independent distributor, the partnership has roles for each partner,
1. The manufacturer is responsible for making products, shipping products close to the distbutor users, and the payment of rent at the operating area.
2. The independent distributor is responsible for, using products, recommending other to use products and creating consumption networks in their distributorship by recommending the business revenue is generated by the purchase of products the sharing is done whereby the manufacturer gets 38% of the revenue and the distributor with the team they create get 62%...
The distributors are entitled to a monthly bonus each month depending with the team consumption volume
So the question is how do you become part of this business?
Registration once-off life membership USD$10/R150
So what will be the task?
We are into network marketing business our organisation we distribute health food supplement products and health appliance products so after coming in or on coming in you simply need to create consumption network(s) of people who will be coming in to start business like what you have done as part of your team
Do you see an opportunity for you and your family in this? Call/app Loveness on 0777162288
Many health problems that are shared by men and women, such as cardiovascular disease and some
cancers, tend to affect men earlier in life. There are also certain conditions including prostate disorders
impotence and other s*xual dysfunctions that are specific to men. Men are also at higher risk of injuries
death on the roads and su***de. Overall there are more premature deaths in men than in women.
Despite these challenges to their health, men tend to ignore their symptoms, are less likely to visit their
doctors for advice. and may be especially reluctant to ask for help when they notice abnormalities of their
health. Here we have listed certain disorders that men may come across at different ages
Call /app Loveness on 0777162288
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Sexual dysfunction erectile dysfunction, sometimes called "impotence" is the repeated inability to get or keep an
er****on firm enough for s*xual in*******se. The word "impotence" may also be used to describe other problems that
interfere with s*xual in*******se and reproduction, such as lack of s*xual desire and problems with ej*******on or
or**sm. Using the term erectile dysfunction makes it clear that those other problems are not involved.
Erectile dysfunction, or ED, can be a total inability to achieve er****on, an inconsistent ability to do so, or a tendency
to sustain only brief er****ons. In older men, ED usually has a physical cause, such as disease, injury, or side effects
of drugs. Any disorder that causes injury to the nerves or impairs blood flow in the p***s has the potential to cause
ED. Incidence increases with age: About 5 percent of 40-year-old men and between 15 and 25 percent of 65-year-old
men experience ED. But it is not an inevitable part of aging.
What causes erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Damage to nerves, arteries, smooth muscles, and fibrous tissues, often as a result of disease, is the most common
cause of ED. Diseases-such as diabetes, kidney disease, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclero
You can live your life the way you want by doing what needs to be done
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An International Chinese company majoring in health ,in
Africa is looking for individuals aged between
20-70,with these personal qualities:
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Contact: 0777162288
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Contact the practice
9199 Marley Road Cleverhills
Opening Hours
Monday | 08:00 - 17:00 |
Tuesday | 08:00 - 17:00 |
Wednesday | 08:00 - 17:00 |
Thursday | 08:00 - 17:00 |
Friday | 08:00 - 17:00 |
Saturday | 09:00 - 15:00 |