Mimie beauty Centre

Mimie beauty Centre

Fo all ur lightening. Brightening. Whitening lotions .creams .scrubs .soaps and glowing skin products

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 05/04/2024

Prices on pic
App 0773881126
Corner leopard an kwame at shasha mall shop c1
Corner rezende an Nelson at big baboon mall shop 5
Corner Wayne an Robert at eastgate market shop D16


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Nyasha Bondai, Annie Zimunya Kakuruwo, Mellisa Jirimwe, Terrybee Chaps, Tafadzwa Tafuma, Kimberly Kimposs Nyambiya, Sandra Tayero, Selly Mathe, Pamela Muzvuwe, Chaline Mpamhanga, Dorothy Dempers, Paidamoyo Sakhile Gapara, Chantelle Fanitah, Caly Vie, Faith T Ganyani

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 16/03/2024

Prices on pic

Corner Wayne an Robert at eastgate market shop D16

Corner leopard an kwame at shasha mall shop c1

Corner rezende and Nelson at big baboon mall shop 5

App or call 0773881126

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 23/02/2024

Corner leopard an kwame at shasha mall shop c1

Corner rezende and Nelson at big baboon mall shop 5

Corner Wayne an Robert at eastgate market shop D16


Prices on caption

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 17/02/2024

Fo all wholesale an retail app 0773 881126
Prices on picture

We are located at
Corner leopard an kwame at shasha mall shop c1

Corner rezende and Nelson at big baboon mall shop 5

Corner Wayne an Robert at eastgate market shop D16

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 08/02/2024

Prices on pic


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Mancue Kay, Tashness Johnson, Lovely Noma Selz, Nyarai Mushonga, Thembinkosi Mahwite, Julia Mucheri Veremu, Ruth Nicole Chijaka Makokoro, Candice Lee Chirikure, Panashe Mupfururi, Christine Chipuriro, Blessing Mutsago, Lillian Lilly Munodawafa, Veronica Chizano

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 04/02/2024

Valentine Valentine Valentine❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️chiii chinokutadzisa kutengera mudiwa wako something....from $3unowana set


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Vimbai Sophie Mashingaidze, Josie Nyakudya, Charity Makamba, Tinah Jay Nyati, Florida Mazhambe, Moreblessing Msindo, Racheal Matipano, Skholisile Ncube, Carol Kapesa, Hazel Shantel Mniki, Purity Kondo, Sharleen Moyo, Ruth Chingwe Murwira, Rachel Magasu, Kelly Chikoti, Sibusisiwe Dube, Nadia Mpofu, Point Sebakwe, Libie Nadia, Mai Chichi

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 31/01/2024
Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 27/01/2024

Valentine is around the corner varungu. Buy something fo ur loved ones nhaika

Prices on the pic.

We are located
Corner leopard an kwame at shasha mall shop c1

Corner rezende and Nelson at big baboon mall shop 5

Corner Wayne an Robert at eastgate market shop D16

App or call 0773881126

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 26/01/2024

Wig installation kit
Wholesale price in bracats

Luodais shine styling each {$2} $3
Olive oil moose {$2.5}$3
Luodais hair care oil{$2.5}$3
Olive oil edge control $2
Brazilian power care {$2}$3
Wax stick {$2.5}$3
Ghost bond {$2.5}$3
Glamour spray 150ml $5
Lace melting spray $4
High heat hot comb $7

App 0773881126

Corner leopard an kwame at shasha mall shop c1

Corner rezende and Nelson at big baboon mall shop 5

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 26/01/2024

Mini portable handheld fans
$4 each
Wholesale $3 from 6pc of ur choice

We are located at
Corner leopard an kwame at shasha mall shop c1

Corner rezende and Nelson at big baboon mall shop 5

Corner Wayne an Robert at eastgate market shop D16
App 0773881126 fo more info

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 18/01/2024

The ordinary products Wholesale price in bracats.
Glycolic acid toner 7% {$8} $10
Hyaluronic acid 2%{$5}$6
Niacinamide 10%+zinc1%{$5}$6
Aha peeling solution {$8}$10
Buffet ${5}$6
Azelalc acid ${8}$10
App 0773881126

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 18/12/2023


Dr davey papaya whitening lotion $3($2.5) 480ml

Kojik plus pure collagen oil $3 ($2.5) 118ml

Licorice root body glow oil $$4($3) 200ml

Dr davey kojik acid lightening soap $2{$1.5}

Dr davey vitamin E oil whitening lotion $3($2.5) 300ml

Dr davey kojik body lotion$3($2.5) 300ml

Papaya pure body oil $4($3)

Cocoa butter glow body oil$4($3) 200ml

Dr davey vitamin c body lotion $3($2.5) 300ml

Dr davey collagen beauty lotion $4($3) 500ml

Dr davey snail white lotion
$4($3) 500ml

Dr davey kojik acid body lotion $4($3) 500ml

Dr davey Arbutin body lotion $4($3) 500ml

Dr Davey glutathione body lotion $4(3) 500ml

Kojik lotion skin lightening lotion $4($3) 500ml

Pretty brightening exfoliating body wash $6($5

Egyptian half cast lotion $17($15) 400ml

Egyptian half cast serum $12 ($10) 100ml

Egyptian body oil $12 ($10) 100ml

Pure glutathione injection lotion $17 ($15) 400ml

Egyptian purec gold lotion $17 300ml

Rose water $3 450ml

Vaseline b3 lightening lotion $8($7) 400ml from 6pc wholesale

Laverly half cast or tumeric oil $13 .1ltr

Clear all knuckles oil $5 ($4)

Vaseline oil $15 200ml

Pure egyptian gold face cream $10

Dr meneir extra peeling oil $7 118ml

Dr meneir coffee scrub $6 350g

Dissar arabica coffee lotion $6 300ml

App 0773881126

Corner leopard an kwame at shasha mall shop c1

Corner rezende and Nelson paside peebony saloon pne yakanz big baboon mall shop5

Corner Wayne an Robert at eastgate market shop D16


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Jessicah Mbiwa, Wadzanai Mungate

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 18/11/2023

BLACK FRIDAY SALE !!!!!!!!!!!!

Corner leopard an kwame at shasha mall shop c1
Corner rezende and Nelson at big baboon mall shop 5
Corner Wayne an Robert at eastgate market shop D16

App 0773881126

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 05/11/2023

App or call 0773881126
Prices on e pic

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 26/10/2023

Wholesale an retail prices on product app 0773881126

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 19/10/2023

Gift bags instock app 0773881126
Wholesale an retail


Gift bags instock app 0773881126 wholesale an retail available

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 19/10/2023



The ordinary products instock app 0773881126

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 23/09/2023

App 0773881126 fo wholesale an retail
Wholesale prices in brackets { }
The ordinary peeling solution $10 {8}
The ordinary Niacinamide 10 $6{5}
The ordinary hyaluronic acid 2%$6{5}
The ordinary glycolic acid $10{8}
The ordinary buffet $6{5}
Wax stick $3{2}
3 powerful formulas serums $5
Body mist $5{3.5}
Dr rashel sun protection kit $8
Love jojo oils $2 {1.5}
Snail repairing lotion $4{3}
Dr rashel body gel $6 {5}
Kojik acid soap $2{1.5}

Corner leopard an kwame at shasha mall shop c1
Corner Wayne an Robert at eastgate market shop D16
Corner rezende and Nelson at big baboon mall shop 5

Photos from Mimie beauty Centre's post 07/08/2023

All available at wholesale an retail app 0773881126

Pejaune lotion $12 {10}
Morrocan argan oil $10 {7}
Pure glutathione injection lotion $20{15}
Nivea natural glow$20{15}
Nivea body gel $20{15}
Cocoa butter cream 500ml $10{8}
Cocoa butter lotion big $10 medium $7 small$5
Vaseline gluta hya $20{15}
Asante scrub $10{7}
Veet gold oil 1litr $25{20}
Vaseline brightening lotion $20{15}
Vaseline b3 400ml $10 {42 fo 6pc}
Shalom knuckle $3{24 fo 12pc}
Shalom stretchmarks $3 {24 for 24pc}
Knuckle wash $10{7}
Floris duo $8{6}
Piment concentrate $10{6}

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All instock app 0773881126 we ae doing deliveries




Corner Leopold Takawira And Kwame Nkruma