Maisha Health Fund, Harare Videos

Videos by Maisha Health Fund in Harare. Maisha Health Fund is a medical insurance services provider in Zimbabwe.

Voices For Groceries Challenge

Here is your chance to have fun and WIN BIG! Use our radio voice-over ad to create a hilarious, creative, or heartwarming video for a shot at amazing grocery vouchers and bonus prizes for the top 3 most creative videos.

How to Enter
1️⃣ Create: Use the voice-over in this post to make your video—whether you lip-sync, act it out, animate, or remix it with your unique twist!
2️⃣ Upload: Share your masterpiece on Facebook or TikTok.
3️⃣ Tag & Hashtag: Tag our official page and include #VoicesForGroceries in your post.

🎁 Entries close on 31 January 2025.
Let the fun begin

Other Maisha Health Fund videos

Voices For Groceries Challenge Here is your chance to have fun and WIN BIG! Use our radio voice-over ad to create a hilarious, creative, or heartwarming video for a shot at amazing grocery vouchers and bonus prizes for the top 3 most creative videos. How to Enter 1️⃣ Create: Use the voice-over in this post to make your video—whether you lip-sync, act it out, animate, or remix it with your unique twist! 2️⃣ Upload: Share your masterpiece on Facebook or TikTok. 3️⃣ Tag & Hashtag: Tag our official page and include #VoicesForGroceries in your post. 🎁 Entries close on 31 January 2025. Let the fun begin #VoicesForGroceries

🎄 WIN Big This Christmas! 🎄 Stand a chance to WIN grocery vouchers and home gym equipment this holiday season with Maisha Health Fund! How to Enter: 1. Register or add a dependent to any of our medical aid packages 2. Pay your first month’s premium #RegisterPayWin #MedicalAid

Andrey Moyo testimony
We are happy to hear when our members share their testimonies about how their medical aid has benefited them . This is Andrew Moyo's story. "Ndakamborwara neCovid, ndikabatsirwa ne Maisha Health Fund. Mishonga ndakapiwa yakakwana ndikapora. Ikozvino mwana waingu aida kuitwa operation. Kune mari zhinji yaidiwa, asi Maisha yakabhadhara zvese kupinda mu theater nemishonga. "tanga wagadzirira kuti urarame nguva refu hupenyu hwakanaka usati wagadzirira kuti ugovigwa zvakanaka. #testimonial #medicalaidzimbabwe #zas114

Maisha Health Fund medical aid packages for individuals
We have a medical aid package suitable for every pocket. You can get care at private, government, mission and council health facilities nationwide. Dial *147# to join. Call 149 for more information.

Today we took control of our health at the Cancerserve Zw page Cancer Awareness Zumba class .

You can now get Medical Aid Cover from as low as $5 per month. It covers doctor's consultation, prescription drugs, ambulance service + more Dial *147# to join MaishaCare #medicalaidbenefits

MaishaCare Medical Aid Cover
Good News!!! mavekukwanisa kutora medical aid cove yeUSD5 chete pamwedzi. Inobatsira kuonekwa nachiremba, kutora mapiritsi kuchipatara nezvimwe. Chayai *147# munyorese. #medicalaidcover #MaishaCare

Give your family the gift of good health. Dial *147#! Or Whatsapp "join" to 0777222800 now! - @Nigel Slick Maritinyu

Maisha Health Fund Packages
Our packages range from $5 - $95 and you get access to a USD medical benefits when you pay your premium using our EcoCash biller code 41016 . Simply dial *147# to get started.

Starter Package VS MaishaCare
Maisha Health Fund Starter medical aid cover allows you to have US$4000 in annual benefits, care at mission, council health & government centres. MaishaCare medical aid package has essential benefits such as 4 GP consultations per year, prescription drugs worth USD200 per year, health tips and ambulance. Which one are you choosing ? #MedicalAidCover #Zimbabwe