Town Famous Ribs, Harare Videos

Videos by Town Famous Ribs in Harare. Freshly prepared BBQ Ribs, BBQ Wings & Drumsticks! Rib platters for all types of celebrations!

Our Mouth watering Smooked barbecue Ribs with Chef JJ still taste the Best

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Our Mouth watering Smooked barbecue Ribs with Chef JJ still taste the Best

Try our best Ribs in Town and follow our page Town Famous Ribs we located in Harare and We do home deliveries as well

Always together

Place An order for Our 800g Smooked BBQ Ribs with chef JJ # Unozodei Nhai Nhai

Luxury Private Chef Service Ongoing # 800g Smoked BBQ Ribs , Grilled T Bone Hurry UP Book a Chef JJ now