Macworld Cargo Zimbabwe, Harare Videos

Videos by Macworld Cargo Zimbabwe in Harare. Freight Forwarding, logistics and customs clearing

Meet Our Freight Manager Natasha!

Other Macworld Cargo Zimbabwe videos

Meet Our Freight Manager Natasha!

February Is The Month Of Love! It’s Also A Leap Year!!Please Buy Your Loved Ones Their Presents And Use Mcnel Freight For Shipment. Our Last Air Shipment Before The Holiday Is One The 5th Of February. #Mcnelfreight #Valentinesday #Leapyear

We Are EXCITED To Let You Know That The Container Has Arrived! Please Come And Collect Your Packages At Our Offices! #Mcnelfreight

Loading Our Container Departing China On The 31st Of January 2024. #Mcnelfreight

Thank you for trusting Mcnel Freight.#mcnelfreight

Thank you for trusting Mcnel Freight. #mcnelfreight

Mcnel Freight:- Festive season deals…Order your goods from China and get them delivered to Zimbabwe using air✈️🛫or sea freight. 🚢🛥️ 📞Contact us on +263777772275