Potchefstroom Herald

Potchefstroom Herald


Potchefstroom's leading weekly newspaper Die eerste Herald het op 1 Mei 1908 die lig gesien. Die koerant is deur ‘n mnr. C.V. Bate begin.

Ander koerante wat deur die loop van jare in Potchefstroom ontstaan het, is deur hom oorgeneem en by die Herald ingelyf. Lees meer hieroor in ‘n ander berig. Bate het die koerant in 1957 aan ‘n mnr. Ralph Fallows verkoop en in 1959 is die Herald deur ‘n maatskappy, die Potchefstroom Press, oorgeneem. In 1972 is die maatskappy se naam verander na Potchefstroom Pers Publikasies met mnr. Schalk Hooge

Duurder brandstof wag dalk vir Februarie | Potchefstroom Herald 15/01/2025

Die amptelike pryse sal aan die einde van die maand aangekondig word.

Duurder brandstof wag dalk vir Februarie | Potchefstroom Herald Die nuutste data van die Sentrale Energiefonds dui aan dat petrol en diesel moontlik in Februarie gaan styg.

BUSINESS | Potchefstroom Herald 15/01/2025

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BUSINESS | Potchefstroom Herald


⏳ 5 Days Left to Nominate! ⏳

✨ The clock is ticking! Don’t miss your chance to nominate your favorite local businesses for the Best of Potch Readers' Choice Awards 2025.

📣 Show your support and let your voice be heard!

Let’s make sure the businesses that make Potchefstroom amazing get the recognition they deserve!

🕒 Nominations close in just 5 days—act now!




🌟 Beat the January Blues with Standard Bank! 🌟

💼 Bag R10,000!
Start the year on a high note. Open a MyMo Account today, and you could stand a chance to win R10,000 cash!

🎯 Don’t miss out!
The January blues won’t stand a chance. Sign up now and make this your winning year!

Open your MyMo account today!

Slegs 6 dae oor, om uitstaande besighede te nomineer | Potchefstroom Herald 14/01/2025

Verlede jaar se kompetisie was so groot sukses, dat die Herald besluit het om dit 'n jaarlikse instelling te maak.

Slegs 6 dae oor, om uitstaande besighede te nomineer | Potchefstroom Herald

Nooddienste red man van kerk se dak | Potchefstroom Herald 14/01/2025

Hy is gelukkig ongedeerd en stabiel

Nooddienste red man van kerk se dak | Potchefstroom Herald Hy is gelukkig ongedeerd en stabiel,"

Kyk: Reddingspoging by kerk onderweg | Potchefstroom Herald 14/01/2025

"Ons sal 'n ambulans ontbied net om sy toestand te monitor sodra hy afgekom het,"

Kyk: Reddingspoging by kerk onderweg | Potchefstroom Herald "Ons sal 'n ambulans ontbied net om sy toestand te monitor sodra hy afgekom het," het Haefele gesê.

Kyk: Volkies stel nuwe hoof aan gemeenskap voor | Potchefstroom Herald 14/01/2025

“Ek weet vanjaar ons tyd is nou. Volkies se tyd is vanjaar. Ons is baie opgewonde oor 2025,” sê PW van Aswegen, die nuwe hoof van Volkies.

Kyk: Volkies stel nuwe hoof aan gemeenskap voor | Potchefstroom Herald "Ek weet ons tyd is nou. Volkies se tyd is vanjaar. Ons is baie opgewonde oor 2025," sê PW van Aswegen, die nuwe hoof van Volkies.


⏳ 6 Days Left to Nominate! ⏳

✨ The clock is ticking! Don’t miss your chance to nominate your favorite local businesses for the Best of Potch Readers' Choice Awards 2025.

📣 Show your support and let your voice be heard!

Let’s make sure the businesses that make Potchefstroom amazing get the recognition they deserve!

🕒 Nominations close in just 6 days—act now!


KYK: Ouers ruk op by Promosa laerskool | Potchefstroom Herald 14/01/2025

Laasjaar het ouers ook op 11 Desember by die skool oor die aanstelling van die nuwe hoof, betoog.

KYK: Ouers ruk op by Promosa laerskool | Potchefstroom Herald Ouers van leerders in Promosa laerskool het Maandag, 13 Januarie voor die skool opgeruk en geweier dat enigiemand die skool se perseel

Making Ade-line’s grade R dreams come true | Potchefstroom Herald 14/01/2025

Unfortunately, on December 16th 2023, the family noticed something is not quite right with their little girl.

Making Ade-line’s grade R dreams come true | Potchefstroom Herald Ade-line du Preez, a very loving five-year-old, has a dream in her heart of attending grade R this year. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed

More than 390 000 applications at NWU | Potchefstroom Herald 14/01/2025

The NWU announced on Monday January 13 it has reached full capacity for its 2025 intake,

More than 390 000 applications at NWU | Potchefstroom Herald “We had more than 390 000 applications of whom more than 276 000 submitted their final applications. Of these, only 11 754 can be accommodated in terms of our approved enrollment targets by the Department of Higher Education and Training.

Gimmies lê klem op ontwikkeling in 2025 | Potchefstroom Herald 13/01/2025

Volgens Kleingeld wil Gimmies elke speler met sterk tegniese vaardighede, fisieke fiksheid en geestelike veerkragtigheid bemagtig.

Gimmies lê klem op ontwikkeling in 2025 | Potchefstroom Herald

Vermiste hond uit meerkatgat gered | Potchefstroom Herald 13/01/2025

Dusty is met haar mense herenig.

Vermiste hond uit meerkatgat gered | Potchefstroom Herald Dusty, die Wire Haired Terrier, wat 8 Januarie omstreeks 16:00 naby Vencedor Trailers, op die Vereeniging-pad naby Atlantic Oil

Jong ma veg vir lewe na gru-ongeluk | Potchefstroom Herald 13/01/2025

Maar dit was die oomblik wat sy voor haar gekyk het, wat haar hart in haar skoene gesak het.

Jong ma veg vir lewe na gru-ongeluk | Potchefstroom Herald Wat as ‘n naweek wegbreek see-toe moes wees, het in die oggendure op 10 Januarie vir ‘n familie van Potchefstroom in ‘n tragedie verander.

Pedestrian robbed at knife point | Potchefstroom Herald 13/01/2025

The victim was robbed of R600 cash and the suspect fled into the bush along the spruit.

Pedestrian robbed at knife point | Potchefstroom Herald On Saturday, 11 January, a pedestrian was robbed at knife point around 21:50 in the spruit area, Potchefstroom.


Onthou om ‘n foto van jou graad eentjie se eerste skooldag na [email protected] te stuur.

Nog reën die week verwag | Potchefstroom Herald 13/01/2025

Meer reën word hierdie week vir Potchefstroom verwag.

Nog reën die week verwag | Potchefstroom Herald Meer reën word hierdie week vir Potchefstroom verwag. Die Noordwes sal hierdie week gedeeltelik bewolk en warm wees met geïsoleerde

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ADVERTISEMENT : 🌟 Beat the January Blues with Standard Bank! 🌟💼 Bag R10,000! Start the year on a high note. Open a MyMo ...
ADVERTISEMENT : BLACK FRIDAY @ JUMBO CLOTHING POTCHEFSTROOMDon’t Miss Outhttps://potchefstroomherald.co.za/facebook-fren...
Have you watched Eskom's latest video on how to re-program your electricity meter? What steps do you find most helpful i...
ADVERTISEMENT : 🌼 Hartelus Mark 🌼Kom geniet 'n heerlike dag by die Hartelus Mark op 2 November in Parys!📅 Datum: 2 Novem...
ADVERTISEMENT : Legendary Status: COMPLETED! ✅🤩#MontanaSpur is NOW OPEN! 🙌Our grills are fired up and our team is ready ...
Kyk hoe Verpleegstudente van NWU probeer om vir Eagi tydens vandag se Amazing Race leer om KPR te doen.
ADVERTISEMENT : Wohnen Verwe PotchefstroomNuwe voorkoms!Nogsteeds die beste diens met die beste pryse in Potch!Gaan loer...



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