Mind Moves with Celesté - Garden Route, Mossel Bay Videos

Videos by Mind Moves with Celesté - Garden Route in Mossel Bay. Mind Moves mimic primitive reflexive movements that babies naturally do between conception and the f

What a fun group! I especially enjoyed their creativity and performance during our role play activity. Training continues on 22 & 23 April.
ZJ Hulpsentrum
Ethan Project

Other Mind Moves with Celesté - Garden Route videos

What a fun group! I especially enjoyed their creativity and performance during our role play activity. Training continues on 22 & 23 April. ZJ Hulpsentrum Ethan Project

WEIRD WORD WEDNESDAY #4 Muscle Tone Another video in our home activity series. Lea is demonstrating how you can improve muscle tone by carrying heavy laundry. Sorting the socks helps with Visual Discrimination. Incorporate the following Mind Moves to improve Muscle Tone (find the videos on Youtube): Mind Moves® NECK FLEXOR | Mind Moves® NEKVERSTERKER #leaisapro

WEIRD WORD WEDNESDAY #4 Muscle Tone Afrikaans: Spiertonus

Weird WORD Wednesday #3 Bilateral integration Laterality is the inner knowing that the body has two sides and that the two sides are divided by a midline. Bilateral coordination/integration is using both sides of the body, together, in a coordinated manner whether it is your hands and feet (and eyes). Thus, both sides of the brain are integrated and communicating effectively. A child needs good bilateral integration to have good Gross- and fine motor skills, midline crossing (see our Weird Word Wednesday #2 post), left-right discrimination, eye hand coordination. A child with bilateral integration difficulties often struggles with hopping, skipping, jumping, galloping, writing, cutting, drawing, tying shoelaces, getting dressed and even eating. In our video, Lea is demonstrating how to do bilateral integration with activities at home. Also incorporate the following: Mind Moves® BILATERAL WALK Mind Moves® HOMOLATERAL WALK Mind Moves® BILATERAL INTEGRATOR #leaisapro

#2 Midline Crossing: In this video, Lea demonstrates how you can develop Midline Crossing through an everyday activity such as washing the dishes. Let your child stand in front of the basin. Let them wash the dishes and rinse off in the next basin. Make sure your child's body keep still and facing forward, and the hands (and eyes) crosses the midline to the other basin. Swop hands but this time 'crossing the midline' will happen when placing the dishes on the drying rack. Follow us for more activities like this. #leaisapro (Lea is the official assistant / demonstrator par excellence at Mind Moves with Celeste)

#1 Spatial Orientation: In this video, Lea demonstrates how you can develop Spatial Orientation through an everyday activity such as setting a table. You can stand nearby and give the child instructions like, put the knife next to the plate, put the napkin on top of the plate, stand behind the chair etc. Watch my video on Weird WORD Wednesday, available on Facebook, for the explanation of Spatial Orientation. (Lea is the official assistant / demonstrator par excellence at Mind Moves with Celeste)

Weird WORD Wednesday: #1 Spatial Orientation