Huis & Hartsgoed
Beleef n virtuele bederfplek van unieke produkte wat n storie vertel. Leer om mooi te maak met min. MAAK DIT JOU EIE
Ons wys jou hoe om mooi te maak met min.
Die nuwe jaar bring vars inspirasie vir Huis & Hartsgoed. Kom beleef hierdie virtuele bederfplek saam met ons soos ons deur die Tuinroete reis om iets nuuts en kreatiefs te ontdek. Ons aanlyn kalender beloof om aan ons mede koop -entoesiaste unieke produkte te bring wat op klein skaal vervaardig word en 'n storie het om te vertel. Vir die kreatiewe enterpreneurs wat skep vir
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Our Story
Blaze Invent is a diverse product design consultancy. We are passionate about the creative industry and the community who forms part of this tribe! Our purpose is to create bespoke handcrafted items that tell a story and testify to the richness of one of our most precious African resources; our gifted people. Every product we design is a labour of love and the result of the collaboration with this talented community.
The creative team at Blaze Invent brings ideas to life and adds an unique personal touch to the design of our hand-selected apparel, jewellery, gifts, home-ware and furniture ranges. Every item purchased will contribute to breaking the cycle of extreme poverty by empowering local artisans in South Africa to earn a stable income.
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