Gatvol Vir Skuld
Die doel van skuldberading is om ‘n terugbetalingsplan te ontwikkel wat eerstens bekostigbaar is vir jou, maar ook aanvaarbaar is vir al jou krediteure.

3 Cape Town cops arrested for allegedly robbing a house | News24 Three Cape Town law enforcement officers were arrested following an alleged house robbery, where the officers used their credentials to gain entry to the house.

In vandag se samelewing het roekelose besteding die norm geword.
Talle Suid-Afrikaners leef ver bo hulle finansiële vermoë. Is jy dalk een van hulle?
Voel dit of iemand jou in ‘n wurggreep beet kry elke keer as jou foon lui? Dis alweer daardie knaende skuldinvorderaar en jou verskonings is baie vinnig besig om op te droog.
Haal diep asem, antwoord jou foon. Wees realisties en moenie beloftes maak wat jy nie kan nakom nie.
En met daardie vreesanjaende gesprek agter die rug, kan jy maar nou aan jouself erken dat dit tyd geword het om te gaan hulp soek.
Jy het al gehoor van skuldberading, maar was tot dusver nog te skaam of te trots om daaroor te gaan navraag doen.
Is skuldberading die regte oplossing vir jou finansiële dilemma?
Marius Coetzee, skuldberader en bestuurder van ‘n Debt Restructuring Services-tak (DRS) in die Wes-Kaap, sê skuldberading is vir almal wat aan die einde van die maand nie genoeg geld het om al hulle skuldverpligtinge na te kom en basiese lewensuitgawes te dek nie.
Hoe kan skuldberading jou help?
Jou skuldberader sal namens jou met jou skuldeisers onderhandel.
Jy sal die voordeel geniet van ‘n permanente verlaging van jou paaiemente sowel as die onderhandelde verlaging van die rentekoers, wat in baie gevalle kan lei tot die totale staking van maandelikse administrasiegeld en ’n moontlike verslapping van rentekoerse tot selfs 0%, wat beteken dat jy net die geld wat jy geleen het, hoef terug te betaal.
As jy getrou elke maand jou nuwe verlaagde paaiement nié later as die bepaalde datum betaal nie, kan jy gerus wees dat jy nie jou motor of huis sal verloor nie.
Jy moet onmiddellik om skuldberading aansoek doen wanneer jy sien jou huis- of motorpaaiement gaan agter raak. “Moenie eers wag tot dit gebeur of die bank jou kontak nie”, sê Coetzee.
Wanneer ‘n skuldeiser reeds met regstappe begin het, sal hy daarop aandring dat daardie spesifieke rekening van die skuldherstruktureringsproses uitgesluit word.
Skuldberading nie vir jou nie?
Ja, daar is natuurlik ander opsies. Die nasionale kredietreguleerder (NCR) se raad is dat jy die kredietdepartement van jou skuldeiser moet bel – nie jou plaaslike tak nie – en verduidelik dat jy nie die paaiement kan bekostig nie. Onderhandel ‘n verlaagde paaiement eerder as om een oor te slaan. Hulle beveel ook aan dat jy ten alle koste moet vermy om nog skuld te maak. Verander eerder jou leefstyl en gee luukshede op waar jy kan.
Coetzee waarsku egter teen eie onderhandelinge omdat die skuldeiser die terugbetaling vir hoogstens ‘n paar maande sal verlaag. Die rente loop steeds op en die terugbetaling ná die verslapping is gewoonlik hoër as die oorspronklike paaiement. “Dit sit die kliënt verder onder druk en maak dat hy in werklikheid slegter daaraan toe is,” sê Coetzee.
Een van die min nadele van skuldberading is die feit dat jy nie sal toegelaat word om skuld te maak terwyl jy nog in jou terugbetalingstydperk is nie, maar Coetzee sê dis nie werklik ‘n nadeel nie. Met die nuwe begroting wat jou skuldberader vir jou sal opstel en verlaagde skuldpaaiement, sal jy nie nodig hê om nog skuld te maak nie.
En die tydelike opskorting van krediet sal jou natuurlik leer om binne jou vermoë te leef.
Nadat jy al jou skulde vereffen het en jou skuldberadingsproses voltooi is, sal jy weer toegelaat word om skuld aan te gaan.
Bronne en hulpmiddele: -------------------------------
Debt Restructuring Services:
Nasionale Kredietreguleerder:
Trish Goosen

Can I Have My Criminal Record Sealed or Erased? ________________________________________
Yes, you can !!
In South Africa the Criminal Procedure Act provides for criminal records to be expunged and to have previous criminal charges erased from one’s record.
This must usually occur several years after the person’s sentence are completed, depending on the seriousness of the charges).
The person must formally apply for and request for their record to be sealed or erased.
After the erasing or expungement process is completed, the person’s criminal records may no longer be accessed by the public.
Having a criminal record can present many obstacles for anyone who wants to progress in life.
Further a criminal record can often have various negative effects on the person.
Some of these include:
• Employment: Criminal convictions can often make it more difficult for a person to find employment. Most employers require criminal background checks.
• Driving and other privileges: Having criminal records can result in a person losing driving privileges, rights to owning a firearm, and other rights.
• Immigration: If you wish to study or travel or emigrate abroad you may find that your criminal record restricts your entry to most countries.
If you need help getting your record cleared, our Office will help you with this process.

Let us assist you to keep your Credit Record & Criminal Record clear.
We assist clients in improving their credit scoring by removing negative listings (such as judgments, defaults and Negative listings) as well as debt review.
We will also assist you if your credit report reflects outdated or incorrect information by disputing it with the relevant authorities and restoring your good name.
If you are having difficulties obtaining a loan or credit, it might mean that you have a low credit score due to past financial history or you are blacklisted on a credit bureau.
Let us assist you to keep your Credit Record clean.
We assist clients in improving their credit scoring by removing negative listings (such as judgments, defaults and Negative listings) as well as debt review.
We will also assist you if your credit report reflects outdated or incorrect information by disputing it with the relevant authorities and restoring your good name.
If you are having difficulties obtaining a loan or credit, it might mean that you have a low credit score due to past financial history or you are blacklisted on a credit bureau.
"Blacklisting" is normally classified under the following:
Defaults, Judgements or Negative listings.
There are various credit bureaus in South Africa, but the bureaus listed below are mainly used by Credit Providers when assessing your credit worthiness:
TransUnion, Experian, Compuscan, XDS
Contact Us:
Our Office is in the André Fourie Centre, 62 York Street (opposite Pick & Pay YORK & next to Shenanigans) GEORGE.......................................................................................................... Tel: 044-414 0015 __ Cell: 074 9757 133.
We are debt consultants and not debt counselors. Our Office facillitate your process and if necessary we will consult a Debt Counseling Firm in order to finalize and formally deal with your situation.

We do Pre-Employment Fingerprint Clearances with results within 24 hours.
You can visit or call our Office at 62 YORK street in George in the Andre Fourie Building, Suite no: 25 A, opposite Pick n Pay (York str) and next to Shenanigans.
Call us on Cell: 074 9757 133 & Cell: 084 64 39039.
We also do applications for the Expungement/ Removal of Criminal Records. •
*You do qualify for the Removal of your Criminal Record if:
1. Ten years have lapsed after the date of the conviction of your offence.
2. You didn’t receive a direct prison sentence for your conviction except a sentence of periodical imprisonment or correctional supervision.
3. You have not been convicted and imprisoned for any other offence during those 10 years, without the option of a fine.
4. You were sentenced to the following sentences:
4.1. Conviction of lesser serious crimes (for example minor charges of theft, assault, fraud etc.)
4.2. Politically motivated crimes. For most crimes where a direct sentence was not laid upon except politically motivated crimes and crimes in respect of which the punishment is now unconstitutional under our new legislation.
5. You’re convicted of an offence based on race.
6. You were convicted of an offence which would not be regarded as an offence in an open and democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom under the democratic constitutional dispensation.
*You will not qualify if:
1. If a period of 10 years has not lapsed since the conviction of the crime, EXCEPT for crimes that were based on race and/or politically motivated, of which punishment is now unconstitutional.
2. If you were convicted of a s*xual offence against a child or a mentally disabled person.
3. If your name is included in the National Register for s*x offenders or the National Child Protection Register. You may however qualify if your name has been removed from the National Register.
4. If you were imprisoned for an offence, which was not a political offence and or based on race.
5. Serious cases where the sentence is one of imprisonment without the option of a fine for example robbery, r**e, murder and assault with the intention to do grievous bodily harm
*How do we do it.
This is an administrative procedure that can be done by yourself free of charge.
This may be however a frustrating process for a lay person who must deal with least two different state entities and therefore we’re rendering this service for your convenience.
The process is as follows:
1-A clearance certificate (which give the details of your record and need to accompany your application) must be applied for by yourself or we can do it on your behalf. You can also apply for it to check if you’ve got a criminal record;
2-We’ll forward documents by e-mail to you which will enable us to complete your application to expunge;
3-Once in possession of all the necessary documents, we lodge your application at the department of justice and constitutional development;
4-Once your record(s) has been removed, it’s removed for ever and you’ve got no legal obligation to publish your past record to anybody.
Why instruct us:
1-We’ve got the necessary expertise, knowledge and experience to finalize your application to expunge within a reasonable time limit;
2-We'll take the responsibility of your application and you’re not exposed to the frustrations of an administrational process and bureaucracy;
3-We will regularly follow up on the progress of your application with the different state departments.
4-We specialize in removing client's records online since 2009 and spend a lot of time and effort to provide clients with the best professional service ever.
5-You'll have peace of mind dealing with us because you will be dealing with a qualified registered attorney in good standing with the Law Society of South-Africa.
*Costs of Application:
Our fee is an all inclusive fee with no hidden and additional costs whatsoever.
We have got two different fee packages and it will depend on the following:
Option 1
You’re already in possession of a clearance certificate or will apply personally for one and furnish us with it to enable us to proceed with your application.
Option 2
You’re not in possession of a clearance certificate and want us to apply for it on your behalf to enable us to proceed with your application.(for the convenience thereof or if you live abroad)
The costs will be discussed with every client personally before we proceed with the application. Feel free to contact us and we’ll furnish you free of charge with a quote to remove your criminal record.
You can visit or call our Office at 62 YORK street in George in the André Fourie Building, Office no: 25 A, (opposite Pick n Pay and next to Shenanigans)
Contact Numbers Cell: 074 9757 133 & Cell: 084 64 39039.
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