Silvermist Equestrian Center
We are a stable yard aimed at giving our riders & horses only the best of care, & provide our riders with advice suited for each of their individual needs.
We offer:
- Horse riding lessons
- Livery/stabling
- Scenic trail rides
- Horse riding holiday camps
- Horse riding birthday parties with pony rides (beginner friendly!)
- Training shows and clinics for horses and riders of all levels and ages Our facilities are suitable for all horses & riders, for all levels of riders, competitive riders as well as happy hackers. We are based in Joostenber

Christmas 🎄 vibes & rides

Our next pony camps will be in December/January! All bookings to be made through the SEC office email, email [email protected] for bookings or more info, we hope to see you there!🏕️🏇🌳🌤️
December 10th - 13th
December 17th - 20th
January 7th - 10th
Special - If you bring a friend you will get a 30% discount and your friend will get 10% discount!
We have the same special going for horse riding lessons, If you ring a friend you will get a 30% discount off your next month of lessons and your friend will get 10% discount for their first month!
FUN AND GAMES - anything from mounted games to arts & crafts, learning the ins and outs of riding, and having fun while learning how to take care of your horse 🦄

So true
🦸♀️Why do thoroughbreds make us better people?🦸♂️
The sensitivity of a thoroughbred, is what I find, to be the ‘aspect/part’ that people struggle with. When it comes to; management, riding, care. We never seem to know why some days they need ALL the rugs and other days they’re too hot. One day, happily lead around by a 5 year old child, but the next can’t even keep one hoof on the floor as the floor is lava 🔥 One minute they’re round and fat, in the next second, we swear we can see ribs. 😩😩😩
Those moments of; them being jumpy, spooky, silly, appearing to ‘over react’ to the smallest of situations, to be scared by that leaf, but would walk past a tractor and a trailer with an inflatable dinosaur in it makes absolutely zero sense to us, but full sense to them
But what we don’t realise is that their sensitivity is their SUPERPOWER. 🦸♀️ 🦸♂️ 🦸♂️
They have the ability to read us, to pick upon our emotions, to be aware of situations and adjust themselves accordingly. They make us become a better version of ourselves. They teach us to become;
🦸♀️More level in our emotions
🦸♂️To understand and read them
🦸♀️ To not ‘sweat the small stuff’ but to take a breath, evaluate and find a way through
🦸♂️ They make us appreciate the smallest of wins and how to be humble and learn in the not so great times
🦸♀️ They make us more aware of how we, as people, address and approach a situation and how we could actually do this better and learn to read and take the time to understand others
🦸♂️ They do teach us to face hard stuff and find multiple ways through
🦸♀️ They teach us resilience, but also patience and empathy
🦸♂️ They teach us, that no matter how bad we think a situation is, there is always a way forward
🦸♀️ They teach us balance
I have learnt, and am learning a lot about myself through working with thoroughbreds, it’s their superpower that has helped me be better ❤️❤️❤️
Dengie Horse Feeds HorseQuest Equine Exceed Towcester Equine Vets Glaze & Gordon

Our next rehoming days are now 7th and 11th January.
If you are interested in rehoming a rescue pony please take a look at the website: and complete the rehoming application form. Thank you.

Our grooms enjoying a nice relaxing trail ride

There are still 2 more pony camps that will be in December/January!
All bookings to be made through the SEC office email, email [email protected] for bookings or more info, we hope to see you there!🏕️🏇🌳🌤️
December 17th - 20th
January 7th - 10th
Special - If you bring a friend you will get a 30% discount and your friend will get 10% discount!
We have the same special going for horse riding lessons, If you ring a friend you will get a 30% discount off your next month of lessons and your friend will get 10% discount for their first month!
FUN AND GAMES - anything from mounted games to arts & crafts, learning the ins and outs of riding, and having fun while learning how to take care of your horse 🦄
We offer horse riding lessons, livery/stabling, scenic trail rides, horse riding camps, horse riding birthday parties with pony rides (beginner friendly!), training shows and clinics for horses and riders of all levels and ages.
Based in Joostenbergvlakte, Western Cape 📌
Please WhatsApp +27 64 668 0601 or email us at [email protected] for more info, looking forward to hearing from you! 🐎✨️

We offer both indoor and outdoor livery, email [email protected] for more info! 🐎✨️

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Stardust our horse of the year as a foal .so precious

WhatsApp us at 064 668 0601 or Email us at [email protected] for more info 👀🐎📧
Based in Joostenbergvlakte, Western Cape 📌

Hunter is currently available for lease! Email [email protected] for more info!

Email your CV to [email protected] 🐎

Follow the 3 steps below on either this post on Facebook:
Or This post if you're on Instagram:
In the comments down below tag 3 friends, and tell us what you're most looking forward to doing at camp!
Share this post to your page if on Facebook or to your story if on Instagram!
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Goodluck Everyone!
This competition will run for all 3 upcoming camps:
December 10th - 13th
December 17th - 20th
January 7th - 10th
The winner for each camp will be announced Friday the week before each one, keep an eye out!
( NOTE: if you end up not being a lucky winner you can still make a normal booking to attend our pony camps! Whatsapp us at 064 668 0601 or email us [email protected] to book! )

Thank you again to everyone who attended our Barn Dance. Special Thank you to for the venue, to Laura and her team from La Line dancers , Craig catering and fantastic events committee and staff from Silvermist Equestrian Center and Hawksmoor House Jeff Rainsford for the sound .
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
Contact the business
R304 East Rural Matjieskuil Farm, Joostenberg Vlakte
Cape Town
Opening Hours
Monday | 07:30 - 18:00 |
Tuesday | 07:30 - 18:00 |
Wednesday | 07:30 - 18:00 |
Thursday | 07:30 - 18:00 |
Friday | 07:30 - 18:00 |
Saturday | 08:00 - 13:00 |
Sunday | 07:30 - 18:00 |