Dan Drew

Dan Drew

Dan Drew was the 61st Mayor of Middletown.


Please see the information below to become a donor!

PLEASE SHARE: We are looking for Erika's Perfect Match. Erika is in liver failure and is in urgent need of a liver transplant. She is just 26 years old and has a lot of life left to live.

Erika is in stage 4 cirrhosis, commonly known as liver failure. In March of 2014, she was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune liver disease called Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC). Because of the disease in her liver, she is part of a distinct group of people to have what is called "overlap syndrome," meaning she has Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Autoimmune Hepatitis as a result of the PSC. While over 75% of patients with PSC have Ulcerative Colitis, she is one of the very few to have Crohn's Disease making her illnesses generally more complicated and difficult to treat.

In the past almost 10 years, Erika has been hospitalized 46 times, has had over 35 procedures to help clear the blockages in her bile ducts and manage her PSC; she has had sepsis 12 times and gone into septic shock 5 of those times, has had 5 PICC lines, tried and failed countless medications, and has been poked for bloodwork and IVs more times than we could have ever kept track of.

Living liver donation is the quickest way Erika can undergo transplant and will provide her the best outcome. We do not take how big of an ask this is lightly, but whether you are interested in getting tested to be her potential donor or you want to simply help share our story, you are becoming part of the battle to help save Erika’s life. Please help us find her hero.

For more information on her diagnoses and HOW TO BECOME A DONOR click: https://www.thedonorapp.com/erikafarrell/dr/p/o or call the Yale New Haven Transplantation Center at 866-925-3897

Please like our "Erika Needs A Liver" page for updates on her journey and share this message with friends and family for us.

Thank you, we are so very grateful for your support. With so much love, Erika & The Farrell Family 💚


Please see if you are a match!

PLEASE SHARE: We are looking for Erika's Perfect Match. Erika is in liver failure and is in urgent need of a liver transplant. She is just 26 years old and has a lot of life left to live.

Erika is in stage 4 cirrhosis, commonly known as liver failure. In March of 2014, she was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune liver disease called Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC). Because of the disease in her liver, she is part of a distinct group of people to have what is called "overlap syndrome," meaning she has Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Autoimmune Hepatitis as a result of the PSC. While over 75% of patients with PSC have Ulcerative Colitis, she is one of the very few to have Crohn's Disease making her illnesses generally more complicated and difficult to treat.

In the past almost 10 years, Erika has been hospitalized 46 times, has had over 35 procedures to help clear the blockages in her bile ducts and manage her PSC; she has had sepsis 12 times and gone into septic shock 5 of those times, has had 5 PICC lines, tried and failed countless medications, and has been poked for bloodwork and IVs more times than we could have ever kept track of.

Living liver donation is the quickest way Erika can undergo transplant and will provide her the best outcome. We do not take how big of an ask this is lightly, but whether you are interested in getting tested to be her potential donor or you want to simply help share our story, you are becoming part of the battle to help save Erika’s life. Please help us find her hero.

For more information on her diagnoses and HOW TO BECOME A DONOR click: https://www.thedonorapp.com/erikafarrell/dr/p/o or call the Yale New Haven Transplantation Center at 866-925-3897

Please like our "Erika Needs A Liver" page for updates on her journey and share this message with friends and family for us.

Thank you, we are so very grateful for your support. With so much love, Erika & The Farrell Family 💚

Anthony Mongillo Needs a Kidney | Can You Help? 28/01/2023


Anthony Mongillo Needs a Kidney | Can You Help? Anthony Mongillo Needs a Kidney | Can You Help?

Supreme Court overturns New York law on carrying concealed weapons 23/06/2022

The "originalist" justices on the Court are fond of citing the framers' original language to strike down laws as they did today. However, nowhere does the Constitution explicitly empower any court to strike down any law as un-Constitutional.

Doing so is a vestige of a power-grab by early Chief Justice John Marshall (who was Kate's 5th great-Uncle) in Madison v. Marbury and has been with us since.

So, any justice voting to strike down any law based on a notion of "originalism" is a hypocrite acting outside of the language of the Constitution and taking upon himself or herself a power only implied therein and which was never actually granted explicitly.

Of course, we all probably agree that the Court does and should have the right of judicial review, but doing so requires abandoning the idea that "originalism" should be the guiding philosophy for making decisions. Doing that would, in turn, limit their ability to achieve their real goal. What is that real goal?

From my perspective, the only reasonable conclusion is that they don't actually care about "originalism" and just use it as an excuse to force the rest of us to live in their view of what American should be: an armed, white, nationalistic theocracy.

Supreme Court overturns New York law on carrying concealed weapons ​The Supreme Court has struck down New York’s century-old law restricting the carrying of concealed fi****ms, its first major Second Amendment decision in more than a decade and a ruling that…

McConnell demands House pass SCOTUS security bill after Kavanaugh threat 09/06/2022

If only Mitch McConnell were as worried about the routine massacre of innocents in schools and grocery stores and hospitals.

McConnell demands House pass SCOTUS security bill after Kavanaugh threat McConnell said the House should move on security legislation “before the sun sets” on Wednesday.


Universal background checks are the bare minimum.

In addition, we should:

-Ban assault rifles
-Ban all semi-automatics
-Require minimum two week waiting periods
-Enable federal civil lawsuits against weapons manufacturers
-Enable federal civil lawsuits against retailers who sell guns to mass killers
-Limit the quantity of ammunition one person can purchase
-Block anyone on a no-fly list from purchasing fi****ms
-Enable seizure of weapons from any person against whom a restraining order has been issued
-Remove the federal blockade against gun violence research
-Invest major federal money into gun violence research


Go union-made, and support good jobs, this Memorial Day weekend with our summer cookout list. Find more products at https://labor411.org/product-spotlight/get-that-endless-summer-party-started-the-ethical-way/

Texas shooting victims killed were in same classroom 25/05/2022

Ban all semi-automatic weapons.
"When you have someone with this intent to just kill anybody — have no regard for human life and also with a rifle — he can kill numerous people in a matter of seconds," Olivarez said.

Texas shooting victims killed were in same classroom "Just goes to show you the complete evil from this shooter."


Americans love this fairy tale that were a free people. But we’re not.

It’s not the land of the free when you have to worry about your loved ones getting slaughtered every time they leave home.


The “good guy with a gun” myth propagated by the NRA/gun industry is one of the most fake stories ever told.

Today, police were on the scene in moments and engaged the killer but couldn’t easily stop him because he was wearing body armor and was carrying high powered rifles.

In Buffalo 10 days ago, an armed, retired police officer was working at the store as a security guard but was outgunned and killed by the shooter, who was using high powered rifles and wearing body armor.

The idea that a “good guy with a gun” is going to stop killings is a myth used to trick more people into buying more guns.


When did gun ownership become more sacrosanct than a child’s life?

Thoughts and prayers are worthless. Gun zealots own responsibility for this epidemic of killing we live with.

Opinion | Justice Alito’s Invisible Women 06/05/2022

They’re not going to stop at overturning Roe.

They’re going to attempt to ban abortions nationwide. They don’t care about putting power in the hands of the states or protecting the sanctity of the Consitution, anyway. Is this simple: they want to create an evangelical theocracy.

Next, they’ll come for same s*x marriage, LGBT rights, equal pay statutes, and birth control.

Also, why do the words and intent of the original framers matter so much more to conservatives than the impact their decisions have on living people now?

Much of what the framers did was brilliant and they had to compromise with one another in a very different world than ours, but they also wrote a document that explicitly and intentionally excluded anyone but property-owning white men and they actively subjugated slaves and codified that subjugation in our founding documents; that subjugation didn’t end. It evolved into the systems we live with today. They stole land from native people and gave it to moneyed plantation owners.

There is so much to love and admire about this country and about many (not all) of our founders but it doesn’t mean they were perfect or that we should look past their very human flaws and, in turn, consider the implications of those flaws in the system that they handed to us.

It is both naive and shortsighted to look only to them as fonts of wisdom as we consider a world vastly more advanced than theirs and one focused — however we may fall short — as more committed to human rights than at any other time in our nation’s history.


Opinion | Justice Alito’s Invisible Women He would erase the right to abortion without acknowledging the impact on women and on the constitutional understanding of s*x equality.

Photos from Pretty and Printed's post 22/10/2021

🌲It’s almost time!🌲

My 2021 custom ornaments will be available on Thursday, October 21st at 7:00 pm here on Facebook and on Instagram. This is the only time that ornaments are offered at a discount prior to being listed for full price in my Etsy shop. QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED so if you want ornaments then this is the best time to order them.

All ornaments will ship for free, all are customizable, and all are handmade and one of a kind. I will also have a few of last year’s Christmas signs available at a discount during the Ornament Preview—again, quantities are extremely limited.

🌲Hope to “see” you for the sale! 🌲

Photos from Dan Drew's post 03/04/2021



Yay—today’s the day!!!🌿

My Etsy shop is now reopened and I would love it if you would help me get the word out! Anyone who shares this post will receive a discount for your entire order in my shop (no expiration—can be used anytime)! Just make sure that you tag me when you share so that I see it and I will send you the code. 🌿

Thanks so much for your support of my little shop! The link for my shop is:



It is with great pleasure to announce a new Realtor to our company! Nick Drew has joined the Candlewood Realty family and I am very proud to have such a great Realtor on our team. Nick is an honest-hardworking individual that only has the best interest of his clients in mind. He will go the extra mile to make any and all transactions easy and enjoyable. He is hard working and dedicated to the industry. Join me in welcoming Nick to Candlewood Realty! Please check out Nick's profile and contact information at https://candlewoodrealty.com/ourteam.htm


Hey, Wayne Needs A Kidney Having chronic kidney disease makes it necessary for me to reach out to look for a live kidney donor.


Biden announces purchase of 200M vaccine doses 26/01/2021



Biden announces purchase of 200M vaccine doses President Joe Biden announced a series of measures on Tuesday aimed at ramping up coronavirus vaccine allocation and distribution, including the purchase of 200 million more vaccine doses and increased distribution to states by millions of doses next week.

Help Jessie Drew Fight Cancer, organized by Daniel Drew 21/01/2021

Thank you all so much for your incredible support for Jessie, Rob, and Adrian.

Please share this page if you can. On behalf of our family, thank you so much.

Help Jessie Drew Fight Cancer, organized by Daniel Drew On the 8th of January, Jessie Drew was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive stage 4 metastat… Daniel Drew needs your support for Help Jessie Drew Fight Cancer

Help Jessie Drew Fight Cancer, organized by Daniel Drew 17/01/2021

Hi everyone. My amazing sister-in-law, Jessie, was diagnosed this week with a very rare and aggressive form of cancer. She and my brother, Rob, just had their beautiful son Adrian one month ago.
This news is devastating but their strength and love for one another and their son is as strong as it can be. Please help them at the GoFundMe link below.

On the 8th of January, Jessie Drew was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive stage 4 metastatic angiosarcoma, only one month after the birth of hers and Rob’s first child, Adrian Michael.

Jessie and Rob Drew are both medical professionals. Jessie is a 33-year-old telemetry nurse who spent 2020 treating Covid patients and, like so many dedicated health care workers, she contracted Covid-19 in March. Her diagnosis came the same day she learned she was pregnant with Adrian.

During her pregnancy, she experienced deep vein thrombosis and was hospitalized in the ICU all while Rob continued to treat others in his emergency room.

Jessie’s doctors discovered her cancer while exploring follow up treatments for the DVT.

It’s now our time to be there for them as they have been for so many. Jessie is starting treatment at the Mayo Clinic with hope for acceptance into a clinical trial.

This is a very rare and aggressive cancer. We ask for your support to help them as they face the sudden, stark and life-changing reality that has turned their world upside down while caring for infant who has become their world.

We can’t express how much your support will mean in helping them. You can donate on and share this page with the hashtag


Help Jessie Drew Fight Cancer, organized by Daniel Drew On the 8th of January, Jessie Drew was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive stage 4 metastat… Daniel Drew needs your support for Help Jessie Drew Fight Cancer

Capitol Insurrectionists Said They Were Following Trump’s Orders 16/01/2021

The tired old N**i defense.


Capitol Insurrectionists Said They Were Following Trump’s Orders “We wait and take orders from our president,” one rioter said.

Impeach and Remove Trump Now 06/01/2021

Our republic depends on it.


Impeach and Remove Trump Now There is only one way to respond to what happened in Washington today.

Videos (show all)

#ReElectRosaPlease join me in voting for Rosa DeLauro on Nov. 3.
“Gimme Shelter”
“Farewell Ballad” by Zakk Wylde:
“Electric Gypsy” by Andy Timmons until the first chorus.
“Life By The Drop”
“Here Comes The Sun”
“The Wind Cries Mary” by Jimi.
