Videos by The Colorado Mommy. I am a wife and mother, an outdoor enthusiast, amateur foodie, green thumb, fitness aficionado, organic crusader, and herbal hopeful.
Today my colleague Dr. Vanessa Ewing and I presented at the Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference on the importance of play.
Teachers and parents are bombarded by the message that they are somehow failing our kids, that the Asian countries are outperforming us, and that our children will be doomed to a lackluster life at best if we do not force more academic time into our school days. This has meant a decrease in time for creative play, exploratory learning, and other “non-academic” activities even for our youngest learners.
Today my colleague Dr. Vanessa Ewing and I presented at the Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference on the importance of play. Teachers and parents are bombarded by the message that they are somehow failing our kids, that the Asian countries are outperforming us, and that our children will be doomed to a lackluster life at best if we do not force more academic time into our school days. This has meant a decrease in time for creative play, exploratory learning, and other “non-academic” activities even for our youngest learners.