Margie's Hi-VIbe Life

Margie's Hi-VIbe Life

I help people free themselves from lives that no longer serve them so that they can live a life of p

Timeline photos 01/02/2019

5 reasons to consider a plant-based whole foods (PBWF) diet 🌱
1️⃣ Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of global death (and it’s on the rise) and studies show that a PBWF diet can not only prevent, but even reverse coronary artery heart disease. Dr Caldwell Esselstyn conducted a study in 2014 of 198 patients with established cardiovascular disease and who received counselling on adopt a PBWF diet. It showed that of those who adhered to the PBWF diet over a number year had 0.6% recurrence of a major cardiac event vs 62% of those who did not follow dietary interventions❤️
2️⃣ The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes is also rising worldwide, and countless studies show that PBWF diets are effective for preventing, managing and even reversing this condition 👍
3️⃣ Your energy will go off the charts! WFPB diets are high in fibre which improve energy, by slowing down digestion. When your digestion is slowed, your body receives more consistent energy⚡️Dietary fibre also has profound impacts on your mood, stress, mental health, weight and skin
4️⃣ You can reach a healthy weight by simply adopting a WFPB diet and there’s no calorie counting! ⚖️
5️⃣ The number of Australians reporting gut problems - has increased in recent years. This includes people with food allergies or inflammatory bowel disease, frequent abdominal pain, bloating and bowel disturbances. Your overall health is inextricably linked to the health of the gut microbiome which thrives on a WFPB diet
Have you been curious, or considering trying out a WFPB diet but don’t know where to start? Join my 21 day WFPB challenge kicking on Sunday 10 Feb. Go plant-based for 21 days and feel the difference! Stay tuned for more info in the next few days 🌱

Timeline photos 30/01/2019

Has your town gone mad for celery too? 😍 Like seriously, I now need to call my local grocer to put several bunches on hold for me because they keep selling out! So many people are onto the benefits of drinking celery juice.
I’ve been drinking 16oz (about 500ml) of pure celery juice every morning and again most afternoons for a couple months now and I honestly feel amazing on it! Calm, yet clear headed and energetic at the same time👌
Just some of the benefits of celery juice:
🌱 Helps to restore and balance the hydrochloride acid in your gut which is essential for your body to break down your foods and your cells to absorb the nutrients
🌱 Mineral salts in celery kill bad bacteria in the body and are also supportive for the central nervous system
🌱 Powerful anti-inflammatory
🌱 Enhances the immune system
🌱 Fights autoimmune disease
🌱 Flushes toxins from the liver
🌱 Helps stop the bloat and fight SIBO
🌱 Helps to address chronic acid reflux
🌱 Helps restore adrenals
🌱 Neutralises & flushes toxins out of the liver
➕➕ for more in-depth explanation and to learn about the healing powers of celery juice go to and
What to do:
✅ Try to buy organic if you can, celery tops the 'Dirty Dozen' list of conventional produce that is most contaminated with pesticide residues
✅ Wash a bunch of celery and put it through a juicer
✅ If you don’t have a juice, then you can blend the celery and squeeze it through a nut milk bag or other strainer
✅ Drink it on an empty stomach and wait at least 15 - 20 minutes before eating anything else
AND don’t forget to stock up on celery! 🛒 Once you start drinking it every morning you might just start craving it like I do, and you body will not be a happy chappy if it has to miss out!! 😱

Timeline photos 30/01/2019

Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come? - Rumi

Timeline photos 25/01/2019

It is so freaking 🔥🔥🔥 in Melbourne today. 45C, that’s 113F for you fahrenheiting friends! 🥵
Days like these are perfect to do a watermelon detox - a gentle way to cleanse the body. Have you ever tried one? Over the course of the day, I’m eating nothing but a whole refreshing watermelon.
Fun facts about Watermelon:
🍉 They are 92% water, making them the perfect for a hot summer day
🍉 Being a melon, they digest super quickly, so avoid eating them straight after a meal unless you want a party in your tummy
🍉 They are actually classified as a fruit AND a vegetable - you can eat the rind too
🍉 They have more lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant which can reduce inflammation and destroy free radicals
🍉They’re super high in Vitamin C
🍉 They’re a good source of fibre which we all need to eat more of to help to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, obesity, stroke and a plethora of other diseases
🍉 If you swallow the seeds, a watermelon will grow in your belly🤰🏻
Ok 🙄 maybe that last one is a fib my Dad told me when I was a kid.

Timeline photos 16/01/2019

You have your own unique path to follow in this lifetime. Be still, look within and you’ll find the map.
Those challenges you face along the way are a gift; the universe’s way of helping you expand. When you gain mastery over them, you’ll become THAT person who manifests their wildest dreams 💫

Timeline photos 15/01/2019

Meditation is a powerful tool to help transform the way you function in life 🧘‍♀️
When I finally committed to a daily practice, it changed my life. I slept better, stressed less and got clear on my goals and life purpose. This gave me the confidence to follow my path. Once this happened, life threw people, events and opportunities at me – a series of serendipities that led me to creating a life that I love ✨
A few ways that meditation can help:
• Clarify a major life decision
• Reduce daily stress
• Increase your mental clarity
• Build greater confidence in your own abilities
• Strengthen your communication skills
• Explore your creativity
• Improve your mental health
I’ve outlined the steps to starting a basic practice in my blog Meditation 101. Link in Bio.

Timeline photos 14/01/2019

Makes me so 😊 that more and more 💯plant-based cafes are popping up everywhere 😍 Like in Hawthorn! The big brekkie with beetroot latte…so unbelievably yum. Wish I had a second stomach for the triple cheeseburger 🔜😋

Timeline photos 13/01/2019

I was missing Bali til l woke up this morning. It’s Sunday, it’s summer, sun’s up!☀️💛😌

Timeline photos 11/01/2019

Happy happy Friday 😊 What good things do you have planned for the weekend? Mine is all about ☀️👙💃🏻🎵😂🧘‍♀️🌱🍽

Timeline photos 09/01/2019

New year, new you! January is often a time that we turn our attention to getting fit and healthy. Whether it’s repairing the excesses of the silly season or dealing with a longer term issues, I know the feeling of not feeling 100% - physically, mentally or emotionally.
If you’ve been struggling with some aspect of your health, you may be surprised to discover that the health of the gut is implicated in every single system in the body. Everything comes back to the food we consume, and our ability to digest and absorb its nutrients.
While everyone is different and, therefore, the way we each respond to different foods varies, here are some common signs that your gut is not operating well:
• Headaches
• Nausea
• Diarrhoea
• Constipation
• Bloating
• Indigestion
• Heartburn
• Skin rashes, or acne
• Poor sleep
• Feeling depressed, anxious or irritable
Optimal wellness is our natural state of being. But many of us go through life unaware of, or perhaps not fully respecting, the impact of what we put into our bodies on our energy and vitality, let alone how it leads to the creation of disease.
We take doctors’ word as gospel, trotting down to the local pharmacy, script in hand after they tell us that we’ll be on those medications for life. We rarely stop to question whether there’s another way, believing that doctor knows best. Unfortunately, most doctors have not be trained, and thus are not equipped, to help people prevent, heal or discover the root cause of diseases. The medical industry is in the business (and it is a BUSINESS) of treating the symptoms that they present with.
For years I absolved myself of the responsibility for my health outcomes, blindly followed the advice of doctors and relying on the pills that they prescribed. I was one sick puppy! It wasn’t until I finally started questioning ‘the truth’ and doing my own research into what truly constitutes optimal health that things turned around.
The road to wellness begins with your gut. Grab some tips from my recent blog 5 Simple Ways to Get a Healthier Gut. Link in Bio 💕

Timeline photos 08/01/2019

Many of us are in a state of chronic inflammation as a result of our food choices and lifestyles.
Don’t get me wrong, short term inflammation is a good thing 👍 It’s a sign that your immune system is doing it’s job of recognising invaders, fighting infection, injuries and toxins to protect your health. The problem is when the immune response is prolonged because this can cause DNA damage.
Most chronic diseases are thought to be rooted in low-grade inflammation that persists over time. Diseases that have been linked to ongoing inflammation include diabetes, heart disease, cancer, allergies and autoimmune disorders like asthma, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, Alzheimers, Hashimotos, Crohn’s and even depression - the list goes on…
⬇️ To help heal inflammation in your body avoid or minimise sugar, processed foods, gluten, vegetable oils, processed meats, caffeine and alcohol - all are highly inflammatory. Also manage your stress which elevates cortisol and wreaks havoc on the immune system!
⬆️ Include more plants 🌱🌱🌱 especially leafy greens, tomatoes, nuts (especially almonds and walnuts), legumes, fruit (especially berries and cherries) and turmeric!
Turmeric is one of nature’s most powerful natural anti-inflammatory substances and is great for reducing inflammation because of its active ingredient curcumin. Cook with it, add it to smoothies, juice it or treat yourself to a delicious turmeric latte each day - my fav replacement for coffee! Just make sure you add black pepper because this massively boosts the bioavailability of curcumin!
For more tips on creating healthy habits, grab a copy of my free e-book, 10 Tips for Optimal Wellbeing. Link in Bio 💛

Timeline photos 08/01/2019

Many of us are in a state of chronic inflammation as a result of our food choices and lifestyles.
Don’t get me wrong, short term inflammation is a good thing 👍 It’s a sign that your immune system is doing it’s job of recognising invaders, fighting infection, injuries and toxins to protect your health. The problem is when the immune response is prolonged because this can cause DNA damage.
Most chronic diseases are thought to be rooted in low-grade inflammation that persists over time. Diseases that have been linked to ongoing inflammation include diabetes, heart disease, cancer, allergies and autoimmune disorders like asthma, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, alzheimers, Hashimotos, Crohn’s and even depression - the list goes on…
⬇️ To help heal inflammation in your body avoid or minimise sugar, processed foods, gluten, vegetable oils, processed meats, caffeine and alcohol - all are highly inflammatory. Also manage your stress which elevates cortisol and wreaks havoc on the immune system!
⬆️ Include more plants 🌱🌱🌱 especially leafy greens, tomatoes, nuts (especially almonds and walnuts), legumes, fruit (especially berries and cherries) and turmeric!
Turmeric is one of nature’s most powerful natural anti-inflammatory substances and is great for reducing inflammation because of its active ingredient curcumin. Cook with it, add it to smoothies, juice it or treat yourself to a delicious turmeric latte each day - my fav replacement for coffee! Just make sure you add black pepper because this massively boosts the bioavailability of curcumin!

Timeline photos 02/01/2019

Website is live❣️ Link in Bio. Head on over to get the background story why I started this 🤷🏻‍♀️ checkout the blog 📝 and grab a freebie or two 🎁
Ok work ✅, I’m off to the beach! 👙 Have a magnificent day y’all 😙

Timeline photos 02/01/2019

Super excited that tomorrow, it’s finally happening!! I’ve been working on my website for a while now and after a couple false starts, we are going LIVE tomorrow morning. I’m really looking forward to sharing my story, my insights and learnings with you! 😃
For nearly two years I’ve been talking about doing this and I finally got off my butt to build it! I’m going to confess here and now that it’s been quite the journey for me. It feels kinda raw and vulnerable to be putting myself out there. I definitely had my doubts around whether I could do this but honestly I can no longer ignore the voice inside telling me that I need to share how I’ve created a life that I truly love living❤️
It’s now my mission to help other people who are in the same boat as I was. Sick, tired, stressed out and looking for another way to live a life where health, happiness and freedom are your natural state of being🐬✨
Since starting this, there’ve been a bunch of highs and lows, fears and high fives…but that’s what designing the life of your dreams is all about. I’ve learnt so much and for that I’m truly thankful. I’ll take that over slow death I was dying experiencing by living an unconscious life following the program 😱
Hats off to all of you who are also following your passion and purpose. You’re a beacon of light and such an inspiration to me and all others who are following their heart! 🙏
So this is it! Follow the link in the bio to join the tribe… tomorrow it’s game time! 💫

Timeline photos 31/12/2018

Feeling all the love and appreciation for the good stuff 🌻💃🌴✈️ 🍽🌱👙🍦☀️👯‍♀️ as well as the necessary life lessons 🙄🤯🤪 that went down in 2018.
The past 12 months have gifted me with so many experiences - seems the universe felt that I needed to learn: self love, personal boundaries, letting go of fear and self doubt and releasing energies that were no longer congruent with my path. I’m coming to the realisation that everything is exactly as it should be 🙌
Most of all I’m grateful for the wonderful people who’ve been in my life this year - some for a brief moment, and those of you who are always there. Thank you for your kindness, humour, good chats, and coming out to explore, dance and play! Big love to you! 🙏❤️🤗
I feel clear, on purpose and ready to embrace whatever 2019 brings! But first tonight we DANCE! 💃

Timeline photos 29/12/2018

There has to be a better way! These are the words that can transform your life.
If, like many of us, you’re doing a little end-of-year navel gazing and pondering how to make 2019 better than the last, then I challenge you to take it a step further this year. Rather than wishing for change, invest the time to take stock of where you are today and where you really want to be.
It’s amazing how things unfolds when you put pen to paper to start designing your life with conscious intent. Rather than letting life happen to you, creating a life you actually want, one makes you want to jump out of bed each morning… there’s no better feeling! 👊
Feeling stuck? I’m sharing my year-end ‘life-by-design’ exercise below that I’ve found to create powerful change 🦋 All you need to do is grab a journal and get honest with yourself:
1️⃣ Am I living the life I came here to live?
2️⃣ Who’s life am I really living?
3️⃣ If, at the end of 2019 my life looks very similar to how it does now, how will I feel?
4️⃣ What if there’s a better way? What would that look like?
5️⃣ What does my life ideally look like? How, and with who, am I spending my days?
6️⃣ What (or who) do I need to let go of?
7️⃣ What am I afraid of and what’s the underlying belief that stops me?
8️⃣ Who do I need to become to live the life I dream of?
9️⃣ What if I CAN do this? How will I feel when I’m living life on my own terms?
🔟 What are 3 actions that will start bringing about the change I desire?
Yes, this can make you uncomfortable! You may feel it’s too hard and scary. For me, every time I get to my edge, I get that uneasy ‘wtf am I doing’ feeling! I promise you though, that when you start the process, the path will reveal itself and the answers will come 🙌
Whatever it is that floats your boat (no matter how whacky 🤪), this is your life, and you’ve got one crack at it. So don’t let another year roll by. Start now. Commit to doing the things that your future you will thank you for 🙏
Want help? That’s what I’m here for. Signup via the link in bio to get first access to free resources that will help you become the happiest and healthiest version of you when the website launches veeeery soon😊

Timeline photos 22/12/2018

“Life is a reflection of what you think. If your thoughts are positive, the world you see will be the same.”
Leon Brown

Timeline photos 21/12/2018

People who believe in unicorns. Yep, they’re my tribe! 💕
Happy Friday!! Hope your weekend’s filled with☀️🌈✨🌸🤗🦄

Timeline photos 20/12/2018

Did you know? 🤷🏻‍♀️ The pH of your body affects every aspect of your health.
A pH of 7.0 is neutral. If you have a pH balance lower than 7 then you are said to be acidic whereas if your pH balance is over 7, you are alkaline. Your body is always striving to maintain a slightly alkaline blood pH of around 7.3 - 7.45 to be optimally healthy.
Maintaining an alkaline BLOOD pH shouldn’t be confused with the need for the STOMACH to be acidic in order to break down and digest foods.
Due to our lifestyles, most of us are consuming foods that are acid forming. We’re dealing with too much stress and exposed to toxins - all of which lower our blood pH. Over time, this leads to disease.
Examples of acid forming foods include: meat, dairy, coffee, alcohol, sugar, vegetable oils, some grains, soft drinks, processed foods…and many more. Some signs that your body may be too acidic include:
⛔️Feeling sluggish and tired in spite of sleeping well
⛔️Waking up feeling stiff and sore
⛔️Brain fog
⛔️Food cravings
⛔️Frequently getting sick
⛔️Acne or dry skin
⛔️Bad breath or mouth ulcers
⛔️Body odor
Measures you can take to bring your body back to an optimal pH:
⬇️ Remove or reduce white flour, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, meat, animal products and dairy from your diet. Find ways to reduce stress and limit exposure to environmental toxins (start by looking at your household products).
⬆️ Increase your consumption of water, vegetables (especially leafy greens) and fruit. Exercise more and get enough sleep!
While there is a the scale of acid to alkaline forming foods, plant-based whole foods tend (for the most part) to sit towards the alkaline end of that scale. One of the reasons I choose a whole foods plant-based way of eating (and I stress WHOLE foods here) is because it means I’m naturally eating more alkaline forming foods.
If that’s a step too far for you, simply eating more 🌱🌱🌱 is a still moving you in the right direction! ✅
Remember, your health is not everything but everything is nothing without your health!

Timeline photos 19/12/2018

It doesn’t matter what others are doing, it matters only what you are doing.
You’re on this earth to express yourself and share your gifts with the world in your own unique way. Comparing yourself to others will only result in you losing confidence in your path. It f*cks with your mind, making you shrink and stop doing the things you were put here to do. And what a shame that is to rob the world of your talents.
If you do feel the need to compare, just look at where you were 2 years ago, or even 12 months ago. And give yourself a high five and a big squeeze 🤗 to acknowledge just how far you’ve come!
True happiness is found when you stop the comparison game, accept yourself for being just the way you are and start spreading your light to those around you✨

Timeline photos 18/12/2018

Follow your soul🧚🏼‍♀️ It knows the way ✨


We're still a few days from launch but you can join the hi-vibe tribe now! Want tips on how to reclaim your spark and become the happiest, healthiest version of you? Sign up using the link:

Timeline photos 17/12/2018

Even the best laid plans can sometimes go awry.
Case in point. Last week I was so super excited to be finally launching my website. I even announced it’s impending arrival, only to hit with a bunch of technical issues as I rounded the home stretch 🤯
Frustrating? Yep! Lesson learned: learn to flow with what’s happening in your reality. Sometimes no matter how hard you push, for whatever reason, things are not meant to be so maybe you need to approach whatever you’re doing from a different angle or mindset.
If you’ve been hit with obstacles as you work towards your goals, rather than chewing over ‘why me’, say to yourself, it’s all good👌what is this learning opportunity?
Picked myself up and dusted off over the weekend. Monday reset! It’s a fresh start and this week I’m learning how to write embed codes for my website 🤓
Let’s go!! 💪

Timeline photos 16/12/2018

Sundays are for doing whatever is good for the soul. Have a blessed day🌻

Timeline photos 15/12/2018

Is it ever too late in the day for pancakes? It’s after 4pm and can’t stop thinking about these Lovers pancakes ❣️GF, plant-based, YUM 😍
Where do you go for vegan pancakes in Melbourne? Or anywhere in the world for that matter? 🙏

Timeline photos 12/12/2018

“One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating”🍦﹦😊
Luciano Pavarotti

Timeline photos 12/12/2018

Counting down the days!! Signup to join the tribe here and be the first to be notified of the launch!

Have you ever caught yourself dreaming up a big life, getting super excited and feeling like this time I’m going to make a change!? Only to turn your back on it and settle for what you know and feel comfortable with? I’ve definitely been caught in that cycle of motivation and apathy.
Honestly I’ve been THINKING about sharing my story about transforming my health, my mindset and my life for quite a while. I’ve wanted to expose the truths I’ve discovered about our food, lifestyle diseases along with what it takes to be healthy and well so you can live your best life.
I felt inspired and called to teach others to have the courage to free themselves from lives that no longer serve them, to live a life of purpose and do the things that bring them happiness. I even told my friends of my plans to do that.
And then I sat on my hands and did a big fat nothing! In spite of knowing that I’d found my purpose, the voice of fear and self doubt whispered sweet BS in my ear and stopped me in my tracks.
Despite doing a 180 degree turnaround in my health, creating a life where I’m blessed with the freedom to escape to Bali each winter, take a beach break on a sunny afternoon, or meet a friend for a long lunch on a Wed, I wondered if I had the creds to be teaching this to others. I’m done with all that!
We all doubt whether we’re good enough. Please don’t let those voices stomp all over your dreams. If you’ve an inkling that there’s something more to this life for you, know that if you can think it, you can have it! You are enough, right as you are now!
Here’s the good news. No-one is coming to do it for you or save you! IMO that’s the best thing ever, because once your take responsibility for your life outcomes, you’ve stepped on path to freedom.
So get cracking on creating the life you desire because each day you’re not moving towards your dreams you get a little more stuck. Trust me, I know! Get started now, learn the steps to create your own reality and you’ll thank yourself in 12 months time.
Want help? That’s what I’m here for and I’m so excited to share what I’ve learnt 😊

Join the tribe ahead of my website launch this week 💛

My Story

Hi, my name is Margie. A few years ago, I was a corporate slave, chronic insomniac, fibromyalgia sufferer and rat-race devotee. Then I hit rock bottom. Today I live a life of freedom and joy where true happiness and wellness is my natural ‘state of being’.

My ‘aha’ moment...the simple and beautiful realisation that true and lasting health and happiness comes from within.

Through loveable tips, practical tools, busting some myths and kick-ass resources I will help you ignite your change. Be open to new possibilities. Shed those bad habits. Create a positive mindset. Relish a happy gut. Heal yourself younger. Dream bigger. Feel fit. Boost your energy. Have vitality. Do what you love. Thrive every day.

Your journey, like mine, from simply surviving to thriving isn’t for the faint-hearted. It’s time to take responsibility for how you think and feel about your own health and wellbeing. I’ll help bring out your zip, zing and zest, to make the most of every day and create the life you’ve always dreamt of living with the freedom to be your happiest self.