Exercício Físico e Saúde
Espaço destinado a promoção da saúde, divulgação e discussão de assuntos relacionados a Fisio
ENVELHECIMENTO CAUSA PERDA DE MASSA MUSCULAR ? O envelhecimento causa a perda natural de massa muscular - denominada de Sarcopenia. Mas você sabe por que e como isso acontece? Existem 3 principais fatores...
A Possible Remedy for Pandemic Stress: Exercise People who stayed physically active while sheltering were less depressed and more mentally resilient than those whose activity levels declined.
Exercise should be incorporated as part of a multifaceted approach to enhancing mental health and well-being. Although specific physical activity guidelines for mental health have not been established, following the current American College of Sports Medicine guidelines for enhancing physical fitness should provide ample opportunities for individuals to enhance mental well-being.
Research indicates that aerobic, resistance, and mind-body exercises are effective strategies for improving anxiety, mood disturbances, and cognitive function. Learn more in this timely feature article in ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal® by Stephanie L. Cooper, Ph.D., ACSM-CEP: http://ow.ly/ISNW50znLXT
Substantial health benefits are gained when adults achieve 150-300 minutes per week of moderate intensity exercise, or 75-150 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise per week. Several tools and methods are used to monitor exercise intensity. Utilizing these methods help adults achieve physical activity goals.
Download the infographic: http://ow.ly/p95d50zfVm6
Static stretching can reduce muscle stiffness regardless of age, although the stretching effect on muscle stiffness was limited for older people. This might be due to a lower stretching intensity for older than younger people.
Read the full article in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: http://ow.ly/pKhd50ypB5B
People of all ages and abilities who regularly participate in resistance exercise reduce risk of numerous diseases, improve quality of life and reduce mortality.
Learn about the benefits of resistance training and the key components of a resistance training program in this infographic.
Download: http://ow.ly/WQig50yyU85
O importante papel da Educação Física no Autismo O saber especializado é fundamental para o sucesso da inclusão
What is gold-standard advice for patients with intermittent claudication?
Pregnancy is a unique time and opportunity to optimize health behaviors. All women without contraindication should be physically active throughout their pregnancy, including previously inactive, those with gestational diabetes and those overweight and obese.
This infographic from Dr. Patti Bauer highlights recommendations for being physically active during pregnancy.
Download the infographic: http://ow.ly/r7uo50ysOwi
Learn more about physical activity during pregnancy in this handout: http://ow.ly/MaO850ysOwj
Envelhecimento saudável! 👏🏻💪🏻👨🏻🦳
91-year-old inspires his whole gym, works out in his 'comfortable' overalls Working out in overalls is a practical choice, Lloyd Black said.
Estudo da USP mostra a importância de manter massa muscular para longevidade Resultado aponta risco de mortalidade foi quase 63 vezes maior entre as mulheres com pouca massa muscular
Exercício físico é fundamental contra o câncer, aponta estudo Segundo 25 especialistas australianos, o exercício físico é fundamental para tratar os pacientes que lutam contra o câncer
USP retira coágulo de artéria no cérebro e devolve movimentos a vítimas de AVC Pesquisadores da USP estão utilizando uma técnica capaz de reduzir quase que totalmente as sequelas do AVC, como a paralisia facial e a perda de movimentos.
Bumping up physical activity in pregnancy. Global guidelines. Dr Margie Davenport Episode #362 Did you know that fewer than 15% of women will actually achieve the minimum recommendation of 150 min per week of moderate-intensity physical activity throughout their pregnancy? Meeting the recommend
Excelente dica!! Marque seu amigo que não larga o telefone durante o treino!!!
Marque aqui aquele seu amigo que vai treinar mais não larga o vício do celular de lado! 📱 📱😁👊