Motherland Birth Co.

Motherland Birth Co.

☼holistic nurse, doula + fertility coach
☼advocate for the realness of motherhood
☼really lik

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 23/04/2024

Progesterone is responsible for all the good things that come with happy, balanced hormones which is why she's our fav! 🤩​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Our body creates progesterone in response to ovulation to keep our uterine lining thick in preparation for a potential pregnancy. If you're starting to think about TTC, progesterone is key for boosting fertility and sustaining a healthy pregnancy. Even if you're not trying to get pregnant, healthy progesterone levels are so important for keeping your body in balance and for regular, pain-free and easy cycles with minimal PMS.

In a world that is heavily estrogen-dominant, we usually aren't getting enough progesterone after ovulation due to the balancing act between estrogen and progesterone from liver stagnation, stress + cortisol imbalances, caloric deficits, and much more. We have worked with thousands of women to address the root cause of their hormone imbalances, and low levels of progesterone are one of THE most common things we see.

What questions do you have about progesterone? Ask below!

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 22/03/2024

Last fall when I was brainstorming bringing Happy + Wholesome Hormones back, I was thinking of ways I could uplevel from past cohorts. Given, I've done six H+WH enrollments and all of them have fabulous reviews and women who get to the root of their hormone and wellness probs and end up feeling GOOOOD. I knew I wanted to do more, provide more support, wave a magic wand to give students more, I instantly thought of the women + practitioners in my life who have come alongside me and shaped me as a human on my own healing journey. I knew I had to involve them because even myself, a practitioner with a sh*t ton of knowledge, wouldn't be where I am today without them. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This cohort of H+WH is going to have SEVEN community sessions. This is a time for us to come together as a group, chat over the education you learned the previous two weeks, ask me questions and get to know others. Truly, it's my favorite time in H+WH and ends up being what everyone RAVVVVES about. Our community sessions will be every other tuesday starting April 2nd at 11am CST and recorded if you can't make it. Limited enrollment open now- link in bio!


Does it seem like you could eat the entire kitchen cabinet right before your period? Well, maybe not your entire kitchen cabinet... but it may seem like your appetite sure does increase. What if I told you it was supposed to be that way instead of the shame you might feel around needing or wanting to eat more?​​​​​​​​​⁠​​​​​​​​​There’s an evolutionary reason for this! During your luteal phase (the time frame between ovulation and menstruation), your metabolism speeds up and you need more food and calories. Actually, 5-10% more!⁠

During your luteal phase, your progesterone increases, and cortisol increases. To maintain stable blood sugar (which helps balance insulin), you’ll want to eat around 200 more calories, especially more complex carbohydrates like sweet potatoes.⁠

Plus, don’t forget that your body is soon going into your menstruation phase. You’re going to lose extra nutrients from bleeding, so you must be nourishing your body appropriately to build up its nutrient reserve.⁠

Give your body what it wants and needs. Don’t deprive your body, especially during this part of your cycle. If it wants a little bigger portion for lunch, go for it! This is a good thing.⁠

Our bodies aren’t supposed to eat the same thing, every day of the week. To optimize your superwoman, menstruating power, you need to support your body in a way that makes biological and evolutionary sense...a way that the majority of us women are so out of touch with.⁠

💫 If you want to be EMPOWERED by your cycle and know how to naturally support your hormones and body, use the link in our bio to get on our waitlist for our March cohort of Happy + Wholesome Hormones. You’ll learn tons about how to balance your menstrual cycle and hormones, increase your energy, optimize digestion, and simple practices to incorporate into your wellness routine.

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 15/12/2023

We hear it all the time!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​"I tried this supplement someone on Instagram recommended and it's done nothing to help me feel better."

"I googled my symptoms and it told me I have XYZ, so I self-diagnosed."

"I brought my concerns to my doctor and they dismissed me and told me those are normal or offered me birth control."

"I am so exhausted by trying to figure it all out myself and constantly guessing, grasping for straws, trying everything."

We've been there and a majority of patients have tried so many things to feel energized, have easy periods, have no digestion troubles, stabilized moods before coming to our practice and wish they would have had the support of our team way sooner in their journey.

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 12/12/2023

If you missed part one, scroll on back a bit on the feed! I give lots of good swaps for toddler snacks. When rylo was a baby I always heard parents talk about how difficult it can be to get your toddler to eat. I always thought "yeah, yeah. How hard is it ACTUALLY." Then, he started solids and loved beef liver, sardines, oysters, veggies, ALL the things *mom of the year*. Now, fast forward and I'm over here eating my words. This sh*t is tough and unpredictable.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Some days this kid lives solely on snacks. And I want him to listen to his body, so we remind him of that and don't force food, always just offer... but I can't help to think this kid is fueled by ketchup and cheese sticks.

These are some of our favorites we keep on hand at all times. Please share all your toddler snacks below because we know us mamas need a bible of healthier-ish snacks!


I hear all the time about how sweets and treats can feel so overwhelming during the holidays. You turn around and there are cookies on the counter, you want another warm and cozy hot cocoa, your grandma baked your favorite apple pie. Sometimes the stress can be more harmful than enjoying a few sweets. Enjoying treats this holiday season does not have to be as complicated as we make it. I know for many of you (myself included), indulging beyond my comfort level easily makes me feel pretty cruddy the next day. Here are some natural sweeteners you can use to swap out traditional pantry staples. These are all great baking options and can help make delicious and healthy treats.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Our top recommendation is maple syrup or raw honey due to the additional trace minerals and nutritional benefits.

Happy baking!

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 06/12/2023

Learning to balance your blood sugar is crucial for balancing your hormones. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​These are some of our favorite ways to help keep blood sugar balanced:
Eating breakfast within an hour of waking (this doesn't include just drinking your coffee, even if it has collagen!)
Balanced meals with a healthy fat, high protein, and carbohydrate

Aiming for 30-40g of protein with each meal
Making easy, prep-ahead recipes so meals aren't as intimidating
Having nourishing protein packed snacks to help fill the gaps between meals

Trust us, your body (and hormones) will thank you! If you're looking for some easy, favorite recipes of mine, check the link in my bio for blood sugar-balancing meals.

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 21/11/2023

With Thanksgiving approaching and the holiday season beginning, our heart goes out to those who struggle with these times. We know that not only can it be emotionally taxing, but it can also be confusing and frustrating for those who have dietary restrictions and lifestyle factors different than your friends and family.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We get it. We’ve been there.

So we want to share some tips to help you navigate the holiday season.
Bring a dish (or two) that fits your dietary needs, that you know you can enjoy.

Respect your body’s cues and honor your boundaries
Utilize mocktails for upholding sobriety
Prioritize protein and eat it first
Give yourself grace

See the slides for more details on each tip!
I hope you found this helpful.
Happy Holidays from Motherland to you!

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 21/11/2023

Ovulation is vital to optimal health and well being! If you're struggling to pinpoint if you're ovulating or know by these signs that you just aren't, here are some ways to help support your body!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Ensure you are getting adequate nourishment and protein intake.

Support your adrenals through stress management, proper mineral intake, and quality sleep patterns.

Lower endocrine-disrupting toxins in your life.

Open up those detox pathways!

Work to balance out your hormones (any of our three providers would LOVE to assist you with this!)

Remember regardless if you're trying to get pregnant or not, ovulation is essential to your hormone health.

Photos from Fated Studio's post 10/11/2023

Fated Studio did the most amazing job on our website redesign. Not only is it just so beautiful, it’s so much more functional now for our patients! 🤍

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 19/09/2023

I am so excited for our much requested community wellness session all about basal body temping and your cycle! This is the number one tool that I equip my patients to understand their cycle and their hormone fluctuations. BBT is an amazing tool to also give reassurance and peace of mind, laser focus on your fertility window (you’d be surprised how many fertility patients come to work with us after years of trying only to realize they ovulate a bit later and have been having s*x at the wrong time!) and also insight into what your body is doing and trying to tell you. The symptoms that we experience are our bodies communication system, letting us know that we need to work to optimize. BBT is also a great tool to help us focus on blood sugar regulation and our overall metabolic state! So, if you don’t care too much about your periods (I think you should 😜) but you wanna feel your best, this is still important for you! I might even be reading a few attendees charts live and giving my thoughts. 🪩

this community wellness session is recorded so if you can’t attend live, you’ll get the recording. It is seven dollars for those that are not patients and free for current patients. Link in bio to register!

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 24/07/2023

Protein intake is essential for happy hormones, stable blood sugar and feeling our best but it can often be hard to navigate getting enough in daily. You likely need much more than you’re eating if you aren’t intentionally ensuring you’re getting enough. I just upped my protein intake from 100 grams to 135 grams daily and I’m feeling much less inflammed, have witnessed my blood sugar leveling out in real time (thanks glucose monitor!) and actually have energy to make it through the day. I can only imagine how much more fueled my adrenals are feeling, too.

Here are some ideas for high protein foods, meals and snacks. We’re working hard to revamp our Happy Hormone Recipe Guide for patients that already has over 30 recipes and now will include at least 30 more that are protein packed and nutrient dense!

Be sure to save this one for when you need it 💓

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 22/06/2023

When the overwhelm hits, it feels BIG. We’ve been talking about cortisol and our adrenals here quite a bit! I wanted to send this helpful tool I’ve been implementing to bring me back to my body when I feel the cortisol rushing in. 🤍

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 21/06/2023

When Motherland was first created over four years ago, it was founded on the principles of the Root Cause Approach. I had been failed by so many doctors who told me my labs were normal, my symptoms were all in my head and that if I just took medication the rest of my life I would be fine. I felt so dismissed by over 5 doctors until I found root cause healing- it changed everything for me. I was able to get diagnosed (with over FIVE chronic diseases), heal my hormones and feel at home in my body not being bedridden and in chronic pain. The journey wasn’t easy, but I know how disappointing it is to finally seek care and to just be dismissed by your healthcare team. We take a different approach here at Motherland, listening to each of our patient’s concerns and taking them seriously- because they are serious if they are impacting your daily living and ability to feel at home in your body. With pediatrics, it’s no different. We as parents KNOW when something isn’t optimal with our littles. And we don’t understand why it’s so hard to get our healthcare team to listen. We promise to do things differently here- to listen and care and seek out the answers alongside you.

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 01/06/2023

Very excited to announce… Motherland is EXPANDING! In just a few weeks, we’ll be expanding to pediatrics. We’ll be centered around functional and root cause care for your littles who might struggle with:
• sleep
• adhd, autism, PANS/PANDAS
• eczema
• food allergies and nutritional care
• autoimmune conditions

You can join our waitlist to be the first to know when this new service launches:

Photos from Three Suns Birth's post 12/04/2023

Send me an email to apply 🤍

Timeline photos 17/02/2022

Anyone else believe that painful periods were just part of it? 🙋‍♀️ For years, I didn't understand that periods weren't supposed to be heavy or stop me in my tracks for days. I honestly didn't even know periods could be easy, pain free and that's the way they were meant to be when our bodies are in balance. 85% of my clients also thought the exact same as me for years until they listened to that intuition telling them something was off.

Rebalancing our bodies takes time. When we want to get to the root cause of our hormone issues, there isn't a quick fix. Most bandaid solutions (cough cough birth control) don't address the real issues and only drive us deeper into hormone despair, even if the pain goes away. When I work with clients to address period probs, we work together from a multi dimensional approach focusing on their WHOLE body and not just one system. Believe it or not, healing requires that we address every system together.

If you are tired of struggling with painful, heavy periods that keep you from enjoying your body-- I have a solution for you. My 1:1 coaching intensive is enrolling now for kick off on March 1st. We are 60% full and we work together to kick ass at your period probs and bring that balance back to your body! These proven protocols have been used for over 600 clients to bring back support your body, create happier periods and amp of fertility-- nobandaids here.

Link in bio to apply!


Pregnant? Read on! You all asked for us to bring back our Pregnancy, Birth + Beyond childbirth education series as a live course, so we listened! But, this will likely only happen once.⁠

Join us for our virtual Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond childbirth course led by our certified birth doula, Lizzy. Our September cohort we will be keeping to 5-6 individuals or couples who are anywhere in their pregnancy to allow for a safe space.⁠

Motherland’s Pregnancy, Birth + Beyond is a full pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, breastfeeding and infant care course. I created this course after years of working as a postpartum, newborn and labor/delivery nurse. I saw what worked, what didn’t, how parents craved to be at the forefront of their experiences and learned lots of tips n tricks along the way. Pregnancy, Birth + Beyond will remind you of the deep power you hold inside and your innate ability to make the best decisions for you, your birthing and postpartum experience. We seek in-depth research backed by informed consent to help educate parents of ALL their choices and options when it comes to this important season. The course includes Motherland’s Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond Guide (80 pages of empowering info!), Labor Roadmap and Birth Positions guide.⁠

Classes will be live via zoom September 8th, 15th, 22nd and 28th from 6-8pm CST.⁠

Fetal and Maternal Changes, Nourishment throughout Pregnancy, Vital Nutrients and Mindful Moderation.⁠

Prepping Movements, Minor Discomforts + Management, Labor Progression + Hormones and Pregnancy + Labor Breathwork.⁠

Labor and Birth Options, Natural Induction Methods, Medical Induction Options, Empowered Cesarean Birth, and Labor Comfort Measures. ⁠

Postpartum Planning + Healing, Postpartum Emotions, Newborn Care + Appearance and Newborn Feeding: Breast + Formula Feeding.⁠

Limited seats available, click below to reserve your spot.

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 22/07/2021

Folate, ya heard of her?⁠⁠
The recommended daily value of methyl-folate is 400mcg, but sometimes you might need a little extra. This is why I always stress the importance of working with a practitioner who can gauge your specific bioindividual needs and create a custom protocol for you. If you're a student in Happy + Wholesome Hormones, your set to figure out your needs with me!⁠⁠
Hormonal birth control depletes a variety of vitamins and minerals, which we'll continue chatting about over the next few months! Folate is a very important one to replenish, especially if you're planning to become pregnant within the next few months.⁠⁠
I will never make specific supplement recommendations unless you are a client of mine + I know your individual health history (it's unethical and not helpful for you), but I can always recommend a high quality prenatal to most of my clients even if they are not trying to conceive. My favorite is the Basic Prenatal by Thorne and it's linked in my amazon storefront. If you're looking for a good place to start to replenish micronutrients, this is it!⁠ Remember that supplements should replace the gaps we see in our nourishment.⁠⁠
While I am a firm believer that bioindividual supplementation is necessary (but please don't take what your neighbor or cousin told you to take for PCOS, hormone imbalances, etc.) due to the way our food is sourced and processed, soon we'll touch on the nourishment options for maximizing and increasing folate levels through whole food sources.

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 14/07/2021

Pain free, easy, predictable periods?! HOW WHAT WHY TELL ME THE SECRETS! ⁠⁠
During this FREE masterclass, we'll be chatting allllll about hormones, periods and seed cycling: three of my favorite things!⁠⁠⁠
🍯 The essential hormones you need balanced for a happy cycle.⁠⁠
🍯 What a happy cycle looks like and why it's important.⁠⁠
🍯 The four phases of your cycle and how to decode period problems.⁠⁠⁠
🍯 Symptoms that are common but not normal and can indicate hormone imbalances.⁠⁠
This is my favorite masterclass to teach because it's bite size, juicy content, freebies like my happy hormone workbook and seed cycling guide and I'll even geek out and maybe answer a few of your questions, too. This is the last live session I'll do before I am on maternity leave until 2022 and there are limited free live seats, so be sure to register so you don't miss out! If you can't make it live, a replay will be available for purchase!⁠⁠
Link in bio to sign up!

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 12/07/2021

Any mamas get to the 37-38 week mark and your provider casually brings up setting an induction date? Maybe they don't even ask, they just tell you to look at your calendar and pick a date. And did you know you can decline, especially if your cervix isn't showing signs of impending labor? Hear me out: it is normal, likely and evidenced based that we carry babies to 41-42 weeks when no real factors present themselves such as gestational hypertension/uncontrolled gestational diabetes/cholestasis. Giving our babies that extra time to brew on the inside helps to prepare them to transition to the outside. ⁠

I recommend asking your provider what your bishop score is and what medical reasons warrant an induction. Keep in mind that "large for gestational age" based on a third trimester ultrasound, scheduling around holidays OR a provider who says baby won't fit through your pelvis are not reasons for an induction.⁠

Bishop score is a tool that is mighty helpful in scoring how likely your induction is to end in a vaginal birth or a cesarean. Your provider will perform a cervical check (also this can be declined but it is the only way to score your bishop scale) and then you can make an informed decision.⁠

The goal is to score as high possible with the max being 13 points. Any score over a 9 is highly favorable for an induction to end in a vaginal birth. Anything less than 6 means your cervix isn't as favorable yet (remember this is NORMAL even at full term) and a successful vaginal birth induction isn't likely.⁠

Swipe to calculate your score: ⁠

POSITION: What position is the cervix in? Is it pointing forwards or backwards? We want the cervix facing forwards. ⁠

CONSISTENCY: Is the cervix soft and squishy or firm like unripened fruit? We want a softened cervix for labor!⁠

EFFACEMENT: Has the cervix started to thin out? As we get closer to birth, our cervix thins. ⁠

STATION: Where is baby's head located in the pelvis?⁠

DILATION: Is the cervix starting to open from 0-10cm? Please do not be discouraged if you are not dilated. It doesn't tell us much at all about when you're go into labor. We have to put all these puzzle pieces together to get a full picture!

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 09/07/2021

Our culture has a really backwards approach to what can be really, truly, actually helpful for parents walking through postpartum. A few weeks ago, I put up a question box asking what is the one area you wish you had better boundaries and a plan for... you all responded again and again POSTPARTUM. It's also one of the biggest areas my clients ask for support in because they are afraid that everyone's well intended efforts will (and often do) overshadow their own needs, wants and boundaries during postpartum or they are too exhausted to set boundaries during postpartum. This really only leads to parents feeling more exhausted, disconnected and upset. We have been taught that it's "tradition" to come over immediately after birth, sn**ch the baby from mama's arms and sit for hours oodling over baby. If this is the support you want, that's great! But I find for so many parents, and myself as I prep for postpartum, we do NOT desire this kind of support. I'm wanting actual support that allows me, my husband and my baby to bond while other far less important tasks are taken care of. We've done a pretty good job at planning for this and I think it will pay off. ⁠⁠
Don't be afraid to ask for help or not accept help you don't desire. Don't be afraid to tell people what you truly need. Don't be scared to say "no" or to let others know you're enjoying this time without visitors, family or house guests until it feels right and ready. Do not be afraid to do what feels best for you, even if it upsets others. Everyone will get to meet the baby at some point, it doesn't have to be now.⁠⁠
My biggest tip: make sure your community knows how they can support you best during postpartum BEFORE postpartum. Have these conversations by 37 weeks so you can rest in knowing, without wondering, if your support will be what you need. Swipe through for a look at some of our personal expectations and valuable ones from others!⁠⁠
What is an expectation or support you wish you had during postpartum? Drop it below!


I decided early on in my pregnancy journey to not share a lot of our decisions. I wanted this experience to be led by our intuition and held sacred without the unsolicited advice and guilt + shame that I’ve seen so many clients and families for seven years experience. Then, I also am reminded of the mothers and parents who feel confused, isolated and really “out there” for the decisions they gravitate towards for their journeys or even just the lack of education and aware ness surrounding decisions and and choices that are often kept from us. Everything I decide to share is thought over to make sure it will be found helpful + allow even just one mama to feel less alone while still honoring my space.

I’m still be baffled by the amount of unsolicited unhelpful advice or the messages that question my motives, body or intuition. I know we all experience this, even those not on mother. We’re made to feel small, like we don’t know anything or like we haven’t stayed up til 3am googling the multiple outcomes of our decisions.

Comments on our bodies are not helpful. Don’t tell someone their bump is too big or too small.

Comments on how we show up for our children isn’t helpful. Just support and ask what we need.

Advice on how you parented 20+ years ago, even 3 years ago isn’t needed unless asked for. You do not know what is best for others just because you raised a human.

If a parent sets a boundary with you, accept it or move along. No need to argue/disagree, no matter what your role or title is. They know what they need in those moments and the decision isn’t up for discussion.

Quit shaming or writing seemingly thoughtful messages that truly just question a mother’s decision. There are one million ways to birth + parent and the beauty is what we all get to figure out what is most supportive for us.

Quit the fear mongering. Co-sleeping versus crib. Formula versus breastmilk. Visitors versus no visitors. Cry it out versus secure attachment. Unbiased education is helpful when asked.

Mamas just need you to show up with food, do the dishes, throw in a load of laundry and ask how they’re really doing + be ready for an answer other than “I’m good.”

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 21/04/2021

If you are a pregnant person going to birth in a hospital, you are probably wondering about if you want an epidural or not. First before I get into some pros and cons, I want to share this disclaimer, this is NOT medical advice rather this information is presented to help guide you into your own research. Please talk with your medical provider about further questions you may have.⁠⁠
✨ Provides optimal pain relief, chesssst bump!⁠⁠
✨ Allows the birthing person to stay awake and alert. ⁠⁠
✨ If the birthing person needs a cesarean later, the catheter is already in place.⁠⁠
✨ Allows for rest which is very important during labor. This isn’t to say you can’t sleep during an unmedicated labor, but it is easier to sleep when medicated.⁠⁠
✨ There is an increased risk of cesarean birth due to the epidural increasing risk factors.⁠⁠
✨ It can decrease blood supply to baby and may drop in blood pressure for the birthing person.⁠⁠
✨ Some may have a reaction to the medication resulting in nausea and vomiting.⁠⁠
✨ Very few result in a spinal headache but it is a small possibility.⁠⁠
✨ Potential long term backache.⁠⁠
These are just a few of the pros and cons on our list that we go over with our virtual + in person doula or childbirth education clients. Regardless of what you choose and how you birth, your birth is still natural! Period. Let’s just stop saying an unmedicated vaginal birth is natural and other births aren’t, deal?

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 15/04/2021

Happy + Wholesome Hormones LAST CALL!⁠⁠
If you've felt the nudge to join us for these 8 weeks as we unpack what you've been told about your hormones and dive deep into bringing harmony and balance back to your body, this is your last chance!⁠⁠
At the end of H+WH, you will feel nourished, balanced, and deeply in tune with your body and her power.⁠⁠
On top of that, the work we do together to intuitively balance your hormones will also lead to an improvement in energy levels and s*x drive, stabilizing your moods, clearer skin, decreased gas and bloating with regular bowel movements, amped up fertility (if you’re into that!) and to finally decode your hormonal phases to understand what your body + period is speaking to you. ⁠⁠
Most of all, a more comfortable, regular, pain free monthly cycle without pesky PMS symptoms that will allow you to show up for yourself + your life in all the magical ways (aka: reclaiming power over your period!).⁠⁠
The doors are closing until 2022 tomorrow night. Link in bio with payment plan options, HSA and all the goodness just waiting for you. Swipe for more info. 🤘🏼

Photos from Motherland Birth Co.'s post 14/04/2021

Have you heard of vitamin b12?! Growing up, I was taught vitamins were important, but I didn't know what was what or what they actually did for me. It was confusing and it wasn't until I was years later after nursing school that I started to see the important role they play in our hormones and wellness.⁠ 🤸🏽‍♀️⁠⁠
Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin. This means whatever our body doesn't need or can't use, we'll excrete it through our urine. I often see B12 deficiencies linked to mood changes, mental health, post birth control syndrome and anemia.⁠⠀⁠⁠
There are two main types of B12: cyanocobalamin and methylcobalamin. Do you remember when we chatted about folate a few weeks back or so ago and I broke down the difference between methylated and non methylated? If not, you might go check out that post!⁠⁠
We want methylcobalamin in our nourishment and supplementation. If you're plant based or vegan, it's important to make sure you're getting enough B12 since it's mainly found in animal sources. I steer clear of fortified B12 products since this is cyanocobalamin, which is the form that over 50% of bodies cannot break down and use effectively (thanks, MTHFR mutation!). Big fan of getting my B12 through nourishment, supplementation and dessicated beef liver. ⁠⠀⁠⁠
Swipe through to see all the goodness about B12 and how to make sure you're getting enough in your nourishment + supplementation. As always, check with your provider!

Motherland Birth Co.

I am a registered nurse, doula, wife, girl who goes crazy for matcha, chicken mom, cat mom and dog mom. My husband and I are midwest homesteaders and into natural holistic living. I haven’t always been all those things, though. The one thing I have always been is wildly passionate about women, particularly those walking into motherhood.


So I guess it was fitting I ended up here.

I remember walking onto my postpartum floor as a new graduate nurse knowing I had made an amazing decision for my future. Little did I know, I would fall in love with pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Even more so, I was unaware of how many women wanted and deserved more from their birth and postpartum period. They craved freedom, knowledge, support, love, a helping hand, a confident “you can do this.” and to know they had C H O I C E S.
