Kiera Nolan Ultra Cycling

Kiera Nolan Ultra Cycling

One girl and her bike. A simple story to inspire and amuse. Follow Kiera as she takes on the 1100km Irish Ultra Challenge 2019


Hi all,

its been a few weeks since any updates and a lot has happened in those few weeks! I participated in the Audux 24 hour TT, that was an interesting event cycling a 44km loop over and over until your 24 hour timer was up!

Over the last few weeks I have been doing a lot of thinking and I have decided to withdraw from the Irish Ultra Challenge race. I just wanted to let everyone know. I am very grateful for all the support and kind words over the last few months, it really meant a lot to me.

Over the last few months I have got the opportunity to really push myself to new limits. I am very happy with what I have achieved so far this year and although I am sad not to participate in the Ultra Challenge this certainly isn't the end of my cycling adventure! I am already planning big things for next year!

I am very grateful for my support crew who were super supportive right up to this point. They gave up their time and expertise to help me get through this and I can't really express enough gratitude to those lads and ladies!

I received some support from local companies and I would like to thank Brian Geary Toyota and Derek Walsh Camper Center for coming on board. Also thanks to DMC sports for helping me. Big thanks to The BikeFit Physio for getting my bike set up and to Barry at Infinity2 for helping me also! Over the last few months I got a lot of advice and help from and would highly recommend them to anyone looking to take their adventure to the next level! It was very humbling to have so many great companies get involved and I want to say a huge thanks to them all

So for now for Kiera Nolan Ultra Cycling, I want to wish anyone cycling the race next week the very best of luck and I hope it goes well!

I will continue to cycle so I hope to see you on the road soon!


10% off Physio Bit Fits between now and the 25th August

Since finishing IRONMAN​ Cork I have spent a lot of hours really fine tuning my bike fit. It was great to get down to the The BikeFit Physio​ a few weeks ago, was really worth the drive and I found the whole session great value for money (Yes, I paid for the service, wasn't a freebie!). You can read my full report here

Using the GebioMized​ software, John provides a saddle pressure assessment where he can measure how your body applies pressure to a saddle. Using this he was able to recommend changes in saddle angle, position and height to both reduce pressure and also ensure that it was more evenly spread!

Johns recommendations worked so well that I have applied the adjustments to my second bike. This wasn't too easy as I was doing it without the saddle mapping software. But John was able to help me get sorted and even sent me up sample saddles to trial so that I could achieve the desired results!

So, great news, John is offering a 10% discount to anyone that books in a bike fit between now and the 25th August. Get your fit done before the Race Around Ireland​ Irish Ultra Challenge! All you have to do is mention Kiera Nolan Ultra Cycling when booking!

John is based in Cork so is easy to get to. The bike fit takes a few hours as it is very comprehensive. You also receive a full written record to the biomechanical assessment, the bike fitting adjustments and also as John is a chartered physiotherapist, any recommended physio exercises to increase your cycling effectiveness! You can get in touch with John The BikeFit Physio

***Make sure to Share and Tag so everyone can avail of this great offer***

Photos from Kiera Nolan Ultra Cycling's post 25/06/2019

So, Ironman Cork 2019. What a day, I wanted to tell my story but it is hard to do that and cover two conditions:

1: to keep it sort, it was a 15 hour day so I tried to keep the post as short as I could but it was a 15 hour day!

2: to get across the emotions that I experienced! I did my best but I'm a cyclist, not a writer!!

Hope you enjoy the story!

Alarm went off at 4:00am, breakfast, toast and tea then out the door by 5:15am. I hadn't slept well; I think I was checking the clock every hour! I had gone for a swim the previous day and it was tough. I was very anxious as to what lay ahead. We walked to 2km to the start line along the beach, looking out at the sea debating what would be the call. We got to the start line and went about the usual last minute preparations, water bottles on bike and checked the tires. Then it started to rain!

The transition area was huge, 4 rows of bikes with about 500 bikes in each row to give you an idea of the length. It was difficult for organisers to get the message out but after an hour the first message came out.... "Welcome to IRONMAN Ireland Cork" Joanne Murphy of Tri Talking Sport called out... "The organisers need more time to decide". So after another bit of time and about several mm of rain it was decided that the swim was cancelled. We would be sent off on the bike 2 at a time every few seconds. We had some extra time now so I made the call to return to my accommodation to get some extra bike clothes. Coast Guard to the rescue! I started the 2km walk when I came across several coast guard jeeps. I asked one lad for a lift and without hesitation he opened the van door and off we went. I chatted with him about the conditions on the way up and he explained that the wind was such that his branch of the coast guard would be unable to launch if anyone needed assistance! Windy day!!

I got back to transition and a sort of organised chaos followed as all 2000 people attempted to get into a tent to get changed into cycle gear, get the bike and queue to start the race.
I was sitting in transition and the lady beside me said, take your time, the race hadn't started yet so it was a sort of casual transition. Then she pointed out the American Pro Triathlete. It was after that that I noticed I was in transition 1 with several pros. Not many people can say that! I looked around to see Alistair Brown Lee and Bryan McCrystal and a few other pro's all getting changed. Happy out! All things considered it went fairly smoothly but by the time I started the race at 8:30 am I had been standing in the wind and rain for 3 hours! Freezing like everyone else but glad to get going!!

The bike course was 2 laps of 90km. The weather didn't let up for the whole time! I'm not sure if it eased off or got worse I just know it was wet. The first 20km I felt good, I was cold and pushing hard to try and warm up. I was glad to be on the road and have some space, waiting in the transition area was tense and it was very busy. The first aid station took everyone by somewhat surprise. The aid station was just after a fast run into a sharp left turn. I saw a man take a nasty fall up ahead, it was at the aid station so plenty of help around but I didn't see the outcome but at guess I think his race was over. This was just the first of many similar scenarios throughout the day! Roads were slippy and some were even flooded. I pushed on though and tried to keep my plan together. I had a pace time sheet that I was keeping a close eye on and I had a nutrition plan. Both were going well. The support along the bike route was amazing, people out with umbrellas, sitting in cars with radio blasting out music or just simple standing in the rain. Each small town or village we passed through was well represented! Murphys Hill was 70km in to the cycle, a 1km incline of about 8-10%. I passed a man sitting on a deck chair with an umbrella in hand simply smiling and cheering on everyone. I managed to get out a quick thanks to him and asked would he be still there on lap 2....

At the end of the first lap came Windmill Hill, this hill had been haunting most participants for the last few months. A short steep section of road that picks up to 22% gradient. It’s a sharp right turn onto the hill and the first thing I remember seeing was a river of water flowing down past the junction. It really freaked me out as I had to take the turn onto a steep hill through this river! I got around the turn and the next thing I remember was just people cheering, ringing cow bells and an almost deafening wall of sound. People were 3 and 4 deep on both sides of the road. It was straight out of the Tour de France! The hill only lasted about 3 minutes but it was a strange 3 minutes, felt like only 1 minute. Absolute torture in the legs but so much emotion and joy in the heart! I really enjoyed it!

I started lap two and like before had a tail wind for the first 30km. Lap one was done, legs felt good. Windmill Hill was done. Support on the route was great. All things were going well. I was in a good place in my head! As I continued around lap two the weather began to take its toll. I was 20 minutes slower on the second lap. The main climb on the route out of Middleton was somewhat sheltered for a large portion so it was a nice relief but getting to the top it became exposed again. As I was cycling on a really quite section of road a man came along side me, I think Italian. "Hello Kiera, how are you", in a really soft voice. I'm grand I replied, remembering my name was on my race number. "This is a grand hill" he says really softly, "it’s the next one, not windmill the next one". Murphy’s hill I said? "Yes, yes, that one! No one told me about that one. No one spoke about that one!". ”Windmill hill is grand, but that one!". We continued to cycle side by side for maybe 15 more seconds and he started to drift back. "Ah, that's me now Kiera" and a few moments later from a bit behind, "good bye Kiera". I don't know this man but it was a very funny encounter, helped break up the climb.

The decent from the top back to Youghal was rough. 30kph head winds with a sharp rain. I say sharp because as it fell and hit your face it felt like pins hitting me! I had to really try hard to keep the concentration and keep reminding myself to focus. Some of the roads were totally flooded with 1 or 2 cm of rain. It was really nerving as you didn't know if there was pot holes or would you slip on something! It did pass though my mind that maybe it would be nice to not make the cut off time. I was fighting in my head, I couldn't quit but if a referee told me you’re out of time well then that was it. I was fighting with myself, just slow down Kiera and miss the cut off's, then it’s all over! I kept the head down, I kept on going. But not just me, everyone did. It was a strange energy on the course, everyone in the same situation. On a different day in similar conditions on a solo spin I would have gone home long ago but these races are different.

I finally came around to Murphy’s Hill again and half way up who do I see, surrounded by homemade signs like "cycle like you left the immersion on" and "pain is temporary but your results are online forever" was the same man, still sitting in his chair smiling and cheering! He made me smile, I slowed right down and thanked him. Said I didn't think he would still be there. Of course he said, and I'll see you on the run in a few hours! It really lifted my spirits. I finished the cycle in about 7 and a half hours. I was happy with that. All things considered, I was really happy with that!

I dropped my bike off and grabbed my running gear. Transition 2 was a slow change, everyone was taking their time. I felt good, glad to be off the bike and wanted to set myself up for a good run! I was changing and who walks in, Daniel the soft spoken man from the Middleton climb. Well done Daniel, I said to him. "It's an Ironman" he replied, "it's supposed to be a long day out" still speaking in his soft gentle voice!

People around me were being wrapped in foil blankets, I overheard some others talking about participants being taking off the course with hypothermia, the number 500 was being bounced around. In a strange way I felt thankful I made it back! Finally I was running.

The first 2km of the run lap was along the beach and straight into a rough headwind and rain. It didn't help with trying to keep warm. I had changed my top and hat and had fresh sock and shoes on so was feeling ok. People everywhere were running with foil blankets wrapped around them, this was worrying me, its not a good sight.

The support on the run was even better then the cycle, people had really come out to cheer us on. I felt good, was running at my target pace maybe even a little faster so was delighted. I was drinking, eating at the aid stations and was focused on my form trying to stay strong. The run is a great place to see other competitors and was delighted to see Eoin. We stopped briefly and hugged, both delighted that we both got off the cycle course safely!

Lap two was similar to lap one, seen Eoin again and a good friend Patrick. No problems. Lap three is where my problems began! 23km in and the first thing I noticed was the blood on the inside of my leg and the red on my socks. No pain with lots of blood is not good! Shortly after I came across a loo, it was here I realised what must of happened. I think on the cycle grit and dirt from the road and other bikes had got into my tri shorts. When I started to run it cut my legs pretty bad. I had what looked like claw scratches on the top inside of each of my legs. It was strange, once I realised the scratches were there they started to sting, sting like hell. My tri shorts weren't new, done a few races in them. I don't know how this happened! I did my best to sort things and get going again but I couldn't really run again. I was about 24km in, 18km left. I was down and deflated. I walked on and every now and then tried to run but that only made the pain worse. I was trying to calculate the cut off times for the run. Could I walk to the end, did I have the time. I convinced myself that I didn't have enough time. I was done, I wanted to quit. The pain was at times unbearable, literally stopping me in my tracks. I had tears in my eyes. Something special happened then. I knew Eoin was most likely finished, I knew from the last time I past him. I thought if I could get to the 25km point I knew I would be beside the finish area and I could just walk off the course then. I could get help. Eoin would be in the finisher’s tent and we could just head back to the apartment.

I got to 25km and I came across Eoin, he had just finished and knew I was due to pass so came out to cheer me on, I still don't know why he didn't go into the finishers tent. I looked at Eoin and fell apart, I wanted to stop and wanted him to tell me I could. I told him I couldn't go on. His first reaction was to turn and say, let’s just walk to over there, a little bit up the road and chat. I told him my situation as best I could, it was difficult to fully explain what was causing the pain. I tried to run again but couldn't. Together we assessed the race and the situation. I didn't want to walk to the finish. Let’s just get the next band he said. At the end of each lap you get a colored arm band, I had two. Eoin said let’s just walk to the end of this lap, get the next band and we'll see how things are. We walked together and talked. He helped my clear my mind and I realised I had enough time left in the race to walk to the finish. 5km later I had 3 bands on my arm. 12km's left and plenty of time.

Once the red band went on my arm the talk turned to the next band. I looked up the road, at this point I knew the route in my head and just thought get to the end of the boardwalk. Then get to the aid station. We just chatted the whole way around the third lap. We chatted to people, most of whom were walking now, one lady told me she had pulled a muscle in her back, she was walking huddled over in pain. We encouraged her as best we could. Then got to the next aid station, we spoke about the bike course. Then the next aid station, I thanked the volunteers as best I could. Near the end of lap 4 there was a volunteer on the side of the road, he had been there all day. He walked over and took my hand, "well done, you must be so proud". I started to get emotional, it was the first moment I started to think I was going to do this!

I got the yellow band on my arm. 2.2km left. I was cold at this stage, Eoin had got us some foil blankets. I was wrapped up, in pain but still in this! The last walk up the boardwalk all I could think of was, your done. My legs were giving up, I hadn't trained to walk and my muscles were struggling. Next aid station, the last aid station! I felt sick here. I entered a porterloo not knowing what I needed, I was dizzy and nauseous. After some minutes it past so I knew it was time to get this done. 1.5km to go. A man walked past us, one more hill he said and smiled. That was all I needed to do. This was a 'flat' marathon but each lap had a small hill, every time you went over it is seemed to get a little bigger. I got to the top, I could see the finish line. This is where Eoin left me, I entered the finisher suit and walked along, the feeling of relief was overwhelming. My mind turned to Mike Reilly. All I wanted was Mike Reilly to call me an Ironman. I walked some more and heard Joanne Murphy say something. The noise of the crowd was deafening, two people ran past me so I stopped. I wanted this moment, not to share it. I walked some more and heard it... Mike Reilly said it... "KIREA NOLAN, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN"

Photos from Kiera Nolan Ultra Cycling's post 22/06/2019

Bike dropped off and bags racked and ready for tomorrow. Got a good look at the conditions on the walk back. Weather looks like it will be brutal so organisers have had to make the call to shorten the swim! A bit disappointed but I was swimming this morning and it was difficult and tomorrow is due to be worse! We'll all find out tomorrow at 5:30am what the revised swim course will be...

Weather won't make for an easy bike section. The roads will be wet and wind will be strong on the exposed sections so hopefully everyone gets around safely, me included!!

It's been amazing down here so far and the locals are nearly enjoying the atmosphere as much as the visitors...

Just one more sleep till show time!

Photos from Kiera Nolan Ultra Cycling's post 20/06/2019

Ok, time to wrap things things up for this stage of the journey! IRONMAN Ireland in 3 days, last turbo session today, more of a leg stretcher then anything too physical! Can't wait to get to Youghal. Already the atmosphere down there is building! Mike Reilly is calling the finishers shout outs and I can't wait to meet him!

But first things first, got to get this suit case packed!

Big thanks to all my family and friends near and far who have supported me this far! Minding kids, washing cycle gear, cooking dinner and even inspiring me to continue though tough times! Couldn't do it without you!

Big thanks to for all the advice on nutrition over the last few months!

There are plenty of others that have helped me get here, nearly too many to mention, thanks to them all! 😘

And big thanks to the local companies that got behind me this year!!

Derek Walsh Camper Centre
The Hub
Brian Geary Toyota
The BikeFit Physio
Dmcsports Ireland


Best of luck to Phil Cotter​ from Limerick Cycling Club as he takes on the Everest Climbing Challenge, 1500M climbed out of 8848M!! I'm taking it easy at the moment on the final run up to IRONMAN Ireland​ on Sunday so I could only stand on the side line and cheer him on and give Phil some encouragement! It's going to be a long night ahead!! Some Man!


Best of Luck to Team Joe Barr setting off this evening on the 3000 mile Race Across America. Joe hopes to complete the race in about 10 days and based on previous races will probably do the whole thing on about 3 naps and 3 hours sleep!! 😂

Best of luck guys and big shout out to Noel Cusack who is out there helping Joe as part of his crew. Can't wait to follow the race over the next few days!


For anyone racing IRONMAN Ireland. There has been plenty of reports and reviews done on the bike route. Thought I would add a bit to the discussion!!

So.... The route! I cycled a tough 160km on the day before I did the route so was tired. It took me 4 hours to do the loop. I attached a screen shot from my strava as it gives a good idea of the elevation! In my mind the route has 3 sections.

Youghal to Middleton. If it is windy on the day this section will be most exposed. Generally in the area the wind blows from the South West so head wind for this section. There are plenty of short drags. I have highlighted one on the map, just beside Garryvoe. The reason is this drag is just after a sharp left turn and the end of decent so you will hit it in the wrong gear! This is the view as you approach --------,-7.9814293,3a,75y,275.21h,94.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJGajPZcxdfSoRoKXgWsigw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 ------- if you look just above the farm gate on the right hand side you can see the hill.... You can actually see this as you cycle! I noticed this on Sunday and was able to get into the right gear further down the road so hit the hill ready to climb!!! There are two or three other short climbs before Middleton but no surprises. The road surface for this section is ok. Plenty of rough spots. Very few pot holes or dangerous sections but the bike will pick up a lot of road vibrations!

The next section is Middleton to Leahys Farm. This section is two long climbs with a short decent between. The decent is a little technical but road is nice. Road surface on this section is nice over all. I liked this section as it is consistent! You can just pick a gear a peddle away. The climbs are around 4-6% so not too testing but not a fast section either.

The last section is Leahys Farm to Middleton. There has been a lot of repairs done on this section of road. It is mainly a decent into Youghal but there are a few short climbs, most you can carry speed from the decent that will get you up most of the way. There is one climb along here I have highlighted on the image. Its about 1.5 km of about 6-8% average but does hit 10% along the way! You hit this climb after a nice stretch along a river valley. Into a small village called Park there is a right turn then bang, up you go!! This climb has a few false tops, you think you are there but then there is more!! But the good news is from the top of this it is a nice fast section into Youghal! Road surfaces along this section is ok, again some road vibration

The last bit I guess is Windmill Hill. Its been well discussed so not really much to add! I got to the top! When you turn onto it you start pushing. After a minute the legs will be burning but by then you are at the worst part. A little bit further and you can see the top, and a little bit further and it starts to level off..... Top tip for this.... Empty your water bottles as you go through Youghal, there is an add station just after Windmill Hill so you can refill here!!

Lastly, I took 4 hours to do this loop so based on that I was able to come up with a pacing table! Some of the route is faster then other bits so difficult to know where you should be to hit your target times!! Hope this helps

Start .........................................00:00
Garryvoe (Aid Station)..............00:53
Leahys Farm (Aid Station)........02:40
Greyhound Stadium (Aid).........03:55
Garryvoe (Aid Station)..............04:48
Leahys Farm (Aid Station)........06:35
Greyhound Stadium (Aid).........07:50

Hope this was helpful! Happy racing!


Sometimes things don't always go to plan! Gale force winds and punctures zapped the life out of me and had to cut my long spin short! After a 6am start I Pushed into the wind solo until 10 hours later I had had enough! On reflection I do think that after this spin the gusts helped my bike handling skills improved!

Got back on the bike this morning to take in a lap of the Ironman course loop. What a route! My legs were tired after yesterday but still managed to get to the top of Windmill Hill without any drama! Roll on race day!

On the different note I found a website that draws a heatmap of your cycling activities, pretty cool! This photo shows all the cycles I have done over the years in Ireland!


Been a while since I was able to update the page! But nothing has stopped in the background! Getting very close to race number 1 of the season, IRONMAN Ireland in Youghal. Had a bit of company this morning for a short spin so they stopped and took a short video!! On way home stopped off in the The Hub for a coffee, best bike cafe in Limerick! Seen they are now stocking 2pure Honey Stinger waffles and energy bars... If you haven't yet, give these a try! Yum Yum! Tasty and easy to eat!!! Would defintly recommend!

Big things coming later this week all going well!! Watch this space!

Timeline photos 13/05/2019

I'm not a big coffee drinker... I know I'll probably have a cup or two during the Race Around Ireland Irish Ultra Challenge in August cycling through the night but while out with The Hub Cycling Club at the weekend we stop off at The Old Barracks in Birdhill, Tipperary, Ireland. What a great place! I was blown away from the service and the choice and I really enjoyed the coffee! The no children policy might not suit everyone but it achieves a unique and calming atmosphere not usually associated with a coffee shop, but I think this is more then just a coffee shop! I think I'll be cycling through Birdhill more often! 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️☕☕😁😁

Out for a spin ? 🚲 🚲
Time for coffee and a treat 👍👍. How many km do you have to cycle before you get some cake ?

Photos from Kiera Nolan Ultra Cycling's post 12/05/2019

Had a long day yesterday, took a trip down to Cork to visit the The BikeFit Physio. Wasn't too sure what to expect as I thought I had my bike tuned in pretty well.

Overall I was delighted with the service and Johns relaxed but knowledgeable approach. He is the only fitter offering the GebioMized saddle pressure mapping service which is incredible. Leaving his studio I was more than sure that I had made the right choice coming down. I would highly recommend taking the time to visit John to avail of one of his bike fits. Eoin was with me and he had a TT bike fit after my fit and he was very pleased with the outcome.

I want to take this opportunity to thank John for his professionalism and support towards my race!

Below I have gone into a little more detail for anyone that would like to know a bit more...

It started with a one to one chat, with John who is a physiotherapist registered with Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists. John was trying to gauge what I wanted from the fit. He knew about my endurance ambitions and style of cycling but he wanted to know was I suffering from an niggles or problems. The whole fitting process would be led from this information.

Next there was a full movement, flexibility and muscle screening. The facilities are great with a full training and physiotherapy studio. John had me bending and squatting, stepping up on chairs. I was face down on a physio table and he checked my hip flexibility and my back for tightness. The whole time John kept giving me feed back on anything he found. For me one thing was he noticed as I did one foot heel raises, I slightly rolled my ankle outwards. He explained that this can be an indication that on a pedal stroke I possibly allow the outside of the foot to push down, which essentially wastes power. It was this attention to detail and expertise that I found set John aside from previous advise I had been given.

Next I was on the bike and John used his GebioMized software to record my cycling and check numerous angles, knee angles, hip angle and so on. He also used the GebioMized saddle pressure mapping system to check how I was set on my saddle. After about 20 minutes of various cycling intensities John had all the information he needed.

We both sat down together and he went through all the information and made some suggestions as to how we could improve the results. John identified that I had a lot of lateral movement of my "centre of pressure" on my saddle. I think this can be caused by a high saddle but my saddle height was fine. After a little more investigation John identified that my current saddle had a thick layer of padding and that this was probably causing me to sway very slightly as the padding compressed with each pedal stroke. John had a range of saddles in stock produced by GebioMized and I asked could I try one. So we swapped out the saddle and vola, the lateral movement reduced from double the recommended max to half.

We spent a little time testing saddle fore and aft position. Each time using the saddle mapping software until we found the perfect position that distributed my weight appropriately across the saddle.

After attending to other smaller details such as cleats and hood angles I was done. We finished the appointment with a recap over what John had identified and changes he had made. Also as John is a physiotherapist he was able to advise me on how to correct any issues he had identified earlier in the day.

Took my bike away and went for a cycle today and was delighted with the fit. I felt very comfortable for the few hours so I guess that means job done!

p.s. Ask John to tell you the story of how he missed out on 1st place at a recent adventure race, funny story!


Thinking about getting into cycling?? These programs are a great way to get started. Build fitness, confidence and meet new people.

Ladies - Women on Wheels (WOW) is coming to Newcastle West next week - starting Tuesday 7th May - make sure to register online TODAY:


Just watched the RTÉ News . A little coverage of the London Marathon . They showed the male winner Eliud Kipchoge, that guy is amazing! They covered Sinead Diver, a mayo female who finished 7th. A great achievement for her! But then they showed Mo Farah, not sure why! But where was the winner of the female race??? They chose to show Mo Farah instead of report the winner of the female race....

If she can't see it, she can't be it....

A big step into ultra cycling

This year I will be taking on the longest race I have ever attempted. The Irish Ultra Challenge is almost 1100 kilometers long. I will have a time limit of 73 hours to complete this distance, if I stop for rest or food the clock keeps going . 73 hours starts once I cross the start line! Earlier in the year in the lead up to the Irish Ultra Challenge I will race at Ironman Cork. This is the first Ironman race to come to Ireland so I had to sign up!

This page is all about my preparation and will follow the lead up and the races as well


Well, that’s simple. I’ve been cycling for a few years now and I have cycled with all sorts of groups, on all sorts of routes and in all sorts of weather. I keep coming across strong confident women that have very successful personal lives but when they cycle they become shy and apologetic. They come across as uncomfortable in particular groups and will often ask the group to go ahead so they don’t get held up.

Videos (show all)

Phil Cotter - Everest Climbing Challenge
Short Spin
