Strawberry Canyon Track Club
USATF Club #384 Strawberry Canyon Track Club (SCTC) is a co-ed running club that competes in road, cross country, track, and ultra events.
The club serves the competitive aspirations of a diverse membership, with male and female runners of all ages and running backgrounds. SCTC competes locally in the Pacific Association and at select meets around the world.

The Berries hit the trails on Mt. Tam this Sunday!

Ring ring! Hello! Spring track and road racing is calling!

3rd Place for SCTC’s Open Women at the Christmas Relays!

Tamalpa 2024 XC 💥

Wharf to Wharf 🦦
Hello everyone! We apologize for the lack of engagement on this page, but we love our colleagues who have generously followed our humble exploits. Though it would seem the effects of next gen social trends have set us adrift from Facebook, we surely appreciate each and every one of you!
Some of you have already deduced that we are much more active on Instagram at - and I am at . We would be beyond stoked if you came over to join us over there for the latest intel on the Strawberry Canyon Track Club.
Thank you, and please let me know if you have any questions or comments. This page will be taken down fairly soon.
Best regards,
Carl Rose
Coach - Strawberry Canyon Track Club