YUNA Tanzania

YUNA Tanzania

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from YUNA Tanzania, Nonprofit Organization, .

Photos from YUNA Tanzania's post 02/07/2024

Mapema Leo vijana tuliweza kushiriki siku ya kwanza ya mkutano mkuu wa kuangazia mustakabali wa ulimwengu of the future.

Mkutano huu ulifunguliwa na balozi Noel kaganda ambae alisisitiza umuhimu wa vijana kushiriki kikamilifu katika agenda hii.

Aidha mkutano huu uliambatana na mahojiano kutoka Kwa viongozi mbalimbali ambayo yalilenga masuala mazima ya ushiriki wa vijana katika Nyanja ya afya,haki na kulinda amani.


Vijana tuna jambo letu kuelekea mkutano mkuu wa kuangazia mustakabali wa Ulimwengu utakaofanyika mwezi wa Tisa jijini New York.

Kuanzia siku ya kesho tutakutana Kwa ajili ya kujadiliana na kukusanya mawazo na sauti za vijana wa Tanzania ili kukuza uelewa na ushiriki wa vijana katika agenda hii ya Ulimwengu.
Siku ya kesho tarehe 2 Julai tutaangazia maudhui mbalimbali ya Agenda ya Mustakabali wa Ulimwengu; na tarehe 3 Julai tutajadiliana kuhusu Dira ya Maendeleo ya mwaka 2050 ya Tanzania.

Hii ni fursa ya kipekee kwa vijana wa Kitanzania kushiriki katika majadiliano ya michakato miwili, mmoja katika ngazi ya kimataifa, na mwingine katika ngazi ya kitaifa...yote ikiangazia uwekaji wa mipango na mikakati kwa ajili ya Mustakabali bora wa Tanzania na ulimwengu.


Photos from YUNA Tanzania's post 27/06/2024

Yesterday, we had a chance to host and train students from different schools who are participating in NATOKAJE KIDIGITALI program on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how they can become the agents of change in their communities.

The training was facilitated by Mr. Ebenezer Mathew, former YUNA-UNC chairperson from University of Dar Es Salaam and UN youth delegate 2023.

YUNA Tanzania commits to keep equipping young people with the knowledge and skills for them to bring changes in their societies


May your sacrifices be accepted and your heart be filled with peace and gratitude.

Eid Al-Adha Mubarak!

Photos from YUNA Tanzania's post 15/06/2024

It’s a wrap!

Thank you to all who devoted their time and joined us to our session.

Special thanks to for facilitating the session and equipping YUNA members with appropriate knowledge on sexual reproductive health and broader work done by UMATI Tanzania

Stay tuned for many sessions to comeđź’Ş


We are excited to introduce our amazing speaker, Ms. Radhia Mamboleo-National Youth Coordinator from UMATI.She will be diving deep into the topic of Youth as Advocates for Change in SRH (Sexual and Reproductive Health).

Get ready to learn how you can be a powerful voice and champion for a future where everyone has access to vital SRH information and resources.

This is your chance to be inspired and equipped to make a real difference!


Are you a young person passionate about Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH)?

Join us and UMATI Tanzania for the youth session exploring how youth can be powerful advocates for change

Photos from YUNA Tanzania's post 10/06/2024

YUNA Tanzania together with some of its chapters and clubs commemorated the International day of remembrance of the victims of slavery and transatlantic slave trade that was organized and supported by UNIC and UNESCO.

Commemoration included a visit to Kilwa Island, where the participants were able to explore the history of the island in connection to slavery trade and provided a stirring backdrop to honor the enduring spirit of those affected by the slave trade.

Photos from YUNA Tanzania's post 06/06/2024

Earlier today, we had a chance to meet with newly elected YUNA-UNC leaders from University of Dar Es Salaam.

We have discussed potential synergies on how we can work with them and giving the entire briefing of YUNA Tanzania. We also handed over the chapter guide and curriculum for their day to day activities at the chapter.


There is no planet B!

In this day, let’s restore and save our lands for our future generations.

Happy World Environment Day!

Photos from YUNA Tanzania's post 28/05/2024

Earlier today, the coordinator of UNCTN, Mr. Abdul Shaban, had a meeting with Mr. Ebenezer Reuben, a student and chairperson of the UN club from Kibaha Secondary School, to discuss potential areas on how to conduct YUNA activities at their school and nearby schools, particularly essay and debate competitions.

The meeting was accompanied by the handover of useful documents, including the curriculum and club guide.

Photos from YUNA Tanzania's post 26/05/2024

Yesterday was an excellent day for one of our active chapters in Dar es Salaam, the UNC-UDSM, to hold the chapter's annual general meeting attended by Mr Tony Mgimba YUNA-UNC Coordinator. The AGM focused on two agenda items: one is the election of new leaders of the chapter, and the other is receiving and reviewing the report for 2023–2024.

Before AGM started, they had a session of environment cleaning activities surrounding the university area done by members together with the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG).

Also, peacebuilding initiatives in collaboration with HWPL include the handprint painting of a Tanzanian flag to show the importance of everyone in protecting peace in our country. 

YUNA Tanzania congratulates all leaders who completed their terms for their devotion and commitment, and we wish all elected leaders the best of luck in their future leadership adventures.
" Volunteerism is our spirit"


We thank our out-going Chairperson Miss. Suzan Sylvester, for her leadership at YUNA TANZANIA and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors.


Only 3 days left until the Extraordinary General Meeting on 10/04/2024! Have you registered yet?

Click below link or on our bio for registration


Register Now for the Youth of United Nations Association of Tanzania’s Extraordinary General Meeting on 10/05/2024!

Your participation is very important as we gather to discuss critical matters that will shape our organization’s future. Click below link to register or on our bio


Today, we honor the dedication and hard work of workers around the world. Let’s celebrate their contributions to society and strive for a future where every worker is valued, respected, and empowered.

Happy International Labor Day!


“📢 Urgent Announcement: The Youth of United Nations Association calls for an Extraordinary General Meeting to chart the Organization’s future amidst unfortunate leadership circumstances.

All members are urged to remain calm during this uncertain time. Your participation is crucial. Join us on May 10th, 2024 starting from 10:00 am EAT


We wish all Tanzanians a happy Union Day.

As we celebrate and remember the unification of Tanganyika and Zanzibar in 1964, let us embrace and cherish every milestone as part of the union we have made.


World malaria day !

This day serves as a reminder that by working together we have the ability to eradicate malaria by removing mosquito breeding areas and sleep in a mosquito n

Photos from YUNA Tanzania's post 24/04/2024

On Thursday 18th April 2024 , the United Nations Population Fund Agency ( UNFPA) , in collaboration with the Embassy of
Switzerland, launched the second phase of the SYP programme in Tanzania.

The SYP programme brought together participants from
government ministries, at national level and representatives from local government authorities selected from the five regions where the programme is implemented as well as youth serving and youth led organizations, youth in the communities, YUNA Tanzania being inclusive.

The goal of the SYP programme is to improve the health and wellbeing of adolescents and youth (10-24 years).

In Tanzania, the SYP programme’s objectives are aligned to the Government’s National Accelerated Action and Investment Agenda for Adolescent Health and Wellbeing (NAIAAHW) and contribute to the priorities of the country.

The Phase II program launch focused on
communicating Phase I (2021-2023) results and showcase the Phase II programme (2024-2026).

The platform was also used to launch the new Song for young people recently produced at the end of Phase I


Due to unforeseen circumstances, we regret to inform you that the first Episode of 'An Evening with' UN Women Tanzania is postponed until further notice.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding. Stay tuned for updates on the new schedule.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in our initiative.

Photos from YUNA Tanzania's post 19/04/2024

We are excited to announce the official opening of  at Efatha Seminary
 Secondary School Bagamoyo.

We are daring to change the world!!


We’re very excited to announce that UN WOMEN TANZANIA will join us in our very first episode of “An Evening With” for engaging and inspiring discussions.

Click on our Instagram Story to Vote 🗳️ for the best Topic in our premiere episode of “An Evening With”.

Photos from YUNA Tanzania's post 17/04/2024

The head of the UNRCO, Hon.Shabnam Mallick,gave the opening remarks for the "Ecosoc Youth Forum Watch Party" held yesterday at the UN headquarters.


Photos from YUNA Tanzania's post 16/04/2024

Today, Yuna Tanzania members and other stakeholders had the opportunity to attend an "Ecosoc Youth Forum Watch party "organised by the UN office together with Yuna Tanzania at the UN conference Hall.

The event is held in person at the United Nations Headquarter in New York for three days with the last day dedicated to the preparation of the 2024 summit of the future

Photos from YUNA Tanzania's post 15/04/2024

We are pleased to officially introduce you to our new programme,"An Evening with."🎉

We anticipate your positive engagement and eagerness to learn a lot from this programme.đź“Ś


🚀 We’re launching something epic for young people! our next post is going to be a game-changer.

Stay tuned for the big reveal!


Eid Mubarak! May Allah grant all of your wishes this Eid.


Happy World Health Day!

This year's theme is "My Health, My Right” with an emphasis on the fundamental human right to access quality health care, education, and information.

As we celebrate World Health Day 2024, please share these greetings and wishes with your loved ones. Tag your friends and family members in the comments’ section
