

Traveling or visiting the Spartanburg SC area, welcome to my Airbnb! As you can see I am an avid gardener. Rooms can be rented for a weekend, a week, or a month.

My listing can also be found at


Cool news about helping veterans lower their anxiety and stop depression:
A new program at Myrtle Beach take vets in diving gear to "Swim with the Sting Rays." I want to try it!


Microplastics are in our food, our water, our blood, our oceans, our animal food sources. We need to start taking better care and passing legislation to stop the plastic waste in the billions of metric tons each year we produce. We can't ship it to China anymore, so we send to other 3rd world countries instead. It's OUR mess, we need to own up to it, and stop using plastics except for medical and dental needs. It is conservatively estimated that WE EAT about the equivalent of ONE PLASTIC CREDIT CARD EACH WEEK IN THE USA because of this pollution. And have any of the big plastic industries (Dow, DuPont, Polyester fabric manufacturing) paid for research on the effects of this in humans and wildlife, in our cattle/pigs/sheep, and even to the depths of the deepest trenches of our oceans? HECK NO! Big money talks in the US Congress. It is time we got smart and said, time to DOWNSIZE the plastics industries as individual citizens.

Letter To DOW - Earth Day 22/04/2024

Write to the CEO of Dow Chemicals, one of the largest manufacturers of "disposable" plastics that are poisoning our food, our fish, our water, our plants, our soil, and ourselves. The people who made plastics never considered the disposal or recyclability of these monstrous products. Look at all the broken plastic toys that were made for our kids, and now plastic in our environments are coming back to haunt us!

Send a letter to DOW by visiting this website from

Letter To DOW - Earth Day Send a letter to Dow Inc., the third largest plastics producer, and ask them to release any studies or information they have on the health impacts associated with the full life cycle of plastics.

All-Seasons Cookie Decorate and Donate - Airbnb 08/09/2021
Above are 2 fun activities at my in .
Also, I have updated my listing to reflect 2 suites of rooms each with small kitchenette and private baths. Breakfast is self serve and I supply your choice of bagel and cream cheese. Coffee, teas also available along with M/Wave and coffee pots.

All-Seasons Cookie Decorate and Donate - Airbnb Spartanburg - First, I welcome my guests and make sure they have brought their own cookie containers. I ask them to use warm water and soap to wash their hands and lower arms. I then give them each a pair of plastic gloves to put on. Then all guests get a choice of aprons and help with selecting sha...